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15119802 No.15119802 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want him to be in hell christianbros...

>> No.15119886

I miss him so much.

>> No.15119905

Who is this guy that is appealing to my suppressed homoerotic nature?

>> No.15119915
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I feel like most if not all of my heros have left this place behind.

>> No.15119926

The true god would not punish such a good man

>> No.15120011

I heard he repented

>> No.15120015

I believe you.

>> No.15120058

Why not? Sodomy is infinitely wicked and hence deserves infinite punishment.

>> No.15120059

>Sodomy is infinitely wicked
It generally only lasts 7 to 10 minutes.

>> No.15120062

Can't gays achieve redemption through the fires of purgatory? What's the canon opinion?

>> No.15120093

God is beyond time exists at once in all moments so your argument is irrelevant. Anyways, the grievousness of a crime depends not on its duration but the enormity of its malice and the malice of sodomy is infinite on account of the infinite goodness of God that has been offended. The fact that they would renounce God for the sake of a disgusting beastly pleasure that last but a moment makes it even worse and makes eternal punishment all the more fitting.

>> No.15120105

>being afraid of a jewish revenge fantasy

Imagine being this pathetic

>> No.15120131

Wrong, Plato first conceptualized the existence of Hell.

>> No.15120136


>> No.15120165

You're a jackass because you don't realize that penis in vagina sex is only a tiny bitty Step Above homosexual sex. The sexual act to fulfill your simple desire is far beneath the sexuality that God and our own spirit wishes to give birth to in ourselves. At best god tolerates the sexual act because that is how souls are born into this world. but it's actually quite an embarrassment for such a spiritual being to be reduced to an animal. but don't worry, most of us are so blind and crude that we don't realize our own shame but we will always be willing to condemn someone else who we frame as a sinner.

Humans in general are always going to have sexual sins. Unfortunately for the evil spirits God tolerates a lot more of our Folly than we would hope.

The most striking thing of all is how some humans go through very many spiritual trials and may suffer from great evils and how another person will hardly be going through any troubles at all and yet he will appear as if he is a good person when he has not even earned his goodness in the least amount.

but don't worry lazy ass Christians always have the excuse of confessing Jesus and magically being saved even though they're whitewashed tombs and hypocrites. they want to push other people's into hell while they themselves are already there and so in reality they're simply trying to drag other people deeper into hell.

oh Christians why don't you take notice how much the world absolutely loves penis in vagina sex?

>> No.15120176

God isn't a human being, he doesn't give a fuck about us. Stop believing kike fantasies.

>> No.15120191

>You're a jackass because you don't realize that penis in vagina sex is only a tiny bitty Step Above homosexual sex.
It fulfills its purpose and successful reproduction results in reproduction. It is only perverse when used as a means for entertainment and becomes divorced from such a function through the use of contraceptives. In marital union, it is good as it leads to a lawful use of this passion. It is correct, as the council of trent has declared, to consider it inferior to the calling of priestly celibacy-continence.

To say you are not guilty because all around you would likewise be guilty is no defense.

>> No.15120199

I would say that sodomy is when you forcibly rape another man like what happens in prisons - your beloved justice system. if you can't see how it is far more evil to rape someone in the butt than it is for people who have natural animal desires to have a loving relationship with someone then you can't tell very well the gradients of Good and Evil. Even to Simply have, like most modern people, shallow sexual Flings... is still above outright sodomization.

Sodomy has malice in it but confused sexual love for others is not malice.

>> No.15120211

>god is beyond time
>god is in everymoment

Pick one.

> Anyways, the grievousness of a crime depends not on its duration but the enormity of its malice

Which depends on many facts, time being one of them.

> malice of sodomy is infinite
If humans could perform infinite actions they too would be god, by your own account
> on account of the infinite goodness of God that has been offended
you speak for god now? how could just be mildly offended.

>> No.15120261

Most Christians do not go by those rules. And if a religious organization wants to prevent people from protecting themselves from having babies of which they will not love and that they cannot take care of then maybe they are the ones that should be blamed for all the abortions happening.

the sexual act is simply something nearly impossible for normal humans to overcome. Knowing the great weakness of humans should make one consider The God Who is called Mercy and how he would judge the situation. But what you have are letters in a book that you don't understand enough. you would think that religious people would devote their lives to trying to know God and to be near him put instead everyone's caught up in the mundane. So stop jerking off then.

>> No.15120472

I don't know who he is, but this is why we, as Christians, need to be sure we know why we believe what we profess—so we can help lead others to the truth.
You anons can copy this for a reference as for what you should look into or think about for evangelizing. What I have written below usually covers what some people I know commonly ask about or wonder.
Personally, I find that the best way to evangelize to people in the modern age is by just knowing them already and if the opportunity is right, explain to them why you believe:
>God as a concept is possible/probably = laws of thermodynamics show energy in the universe must've had a source. And one day will get used up
>make the case for probability of intelligent design = blood cells, immune system, blood vessels, eyes detecting electromagnetic disturbances in the visible light spectrum to see colors/light via optic nerve and have it interpreted in the brain, smell, taste (primarily constrained to the tongue?), pancreas, kidney, different parts of the brain, evolution this complex would almost imply that the body has level of self awareness to itself to be able to subconsciously program its genetic code to create things for purposes that the inanimate body is completely unaware of.
basically what is observable shows there's credibility to the idea wisdom is behind what is there and how it function. Whether you believe in a God or not, that is self-evident.
>Why the Christian God = Old testament of today has been verified as accurate/not tainted like we might think through Dead Sea scrolls, writings span 2,000 years, around 40 authors, allusions to the Cross/sacrifice of God's son in the the OT, description of how it would happen in OT, same hill Abraham was going to sacrifice Issac was where Jesus died on cross, Jesus is verified by 3rd party historians as a real person, the Apostles were schizos/their writings are evidence that their minds were able to form coherent&profound thoughts, they really died in terrible ways (would they basically ALL really die for a known lie?).
They must've believed what they wrote about because they died for their belief in Christ.

There's more nuance to a lot of these ideas, but I believe you get the point. We need to sharpen our minds and try conveying what we know effectively as per the situation calls for it. Whether or not people will respond to it, that depends on them acting on the tug of the Holy Spirit.

Check Chuck Missler's videos on YouTube, he's an engineer who gives great examples of proofs for the Bible/Christianity. And those same proofs are things we can use to share with other people.

full video below if any /lit/ frens want some encouragement in their faith:

>> No.15120500

>protashit "all dogs go to heaven" cope

>> No.15120568

Just remember that Yawheh is a false creator who seeks to usurp the one true god who is El, the supreme being who is the father of Ba'al Hadad (Zeus), Yam (Poseidon), and Mot (Hades). Yawheh is either another name for Hadad or the fourth kid who got jealous of his other siblings, beat them up, and took credit for all their work

>> No.15120590

Take meds

>> No.15120598

7-10 minutes? Most sex isnt that long why is sodomy so different?

>> No.15120603

At the end of The Republic with "The Myth of Er".

>> No.15120766

This. Makes me feel even better since I arrived at this conclusion myself, independently. Abrahamic (((God))) is a faggot.

>> No.15120782

>infinitely wicked
So aren't wvry other sins by this logic?

>> No.15120812

i agree, it's closer to 7-10 seconds with me.

>> No.15120823

> would say that sodomy is when you forcibly
cope harder sodomite.

Friendly reminder that those who burn with lust for their fellow man have been given over to a reprobate state of mind (blasphemed the holy spirit) and CAN NOT REPENT

>> No.15120957

t. Anderson

>> No.15120982

Incorrect, repentance is still available.

>> No.15121001

What about the egyptians?

>> No.15121010

he really was a handsome guy

>> No.15121019

For you

>> No.15121023

Been almost 4 years since i've left chrisitanity and listening to preachers sounds like nothing but schizo ramble

>> No.15121057


>> No.15121075

>a person is better because they've suffered more
Why? most of the people that i know who have suffered generally are more hedonist if anything.

>> No.15121148

Tough shit

>> No.15121156

Human ego's dissolve into the light eventually

>> No.15121165

>implying Hell wasn't an integral part of Germanic religion before Plato

>> No.15121191

So does murder. Doesn't make either acceptable.

>> No.15121195

I think aniki gave up the gay years prior to his death, idk if he formally repented or whatever though
>feels a strong need to demonstrate how big brained he is for being stupid about something that isn’t engineering
Why is this so common in engineers?

>> No.15121234

There are hells in lots of religious traditions that predate Plato and likely had no contact or influence either way like the Ainu, Finnish, Mongols and more

>> No.15121292
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miss this nigga like you won't believe.
to Billy, if he lurks from heavens: thank you, sir.

>> No.15121352

i hope so bros

>> No.15121389
File: 111 KB, 618x1000, 1586392286723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's in hell suffering eternal torments and you'll be joining him if you remain so obstinate in sin. There is no companionship among the damned. They blaspheme God and hate one another. Friends howl at one another for being the mutual cause of their damnations. They will never again enjoy a moment's repose. What will pain them more than anything is the fact they lost immense glory through their own fault, all for miserable trifles that lasted but a moment. Now they are condemned to burn in the furnace of hell for not a ten thousand years but all eternity. There is no hope of pardon.


>> No.15121392

Answer the question

>> No.15121408

Schizo-tier nonsense

>> No.15121415

It is insufficient for the scandalous man to repent. This is why Christ himself said such a one would be better off having a great big stone fashioned to his neck and drowned in the sea.

>> No.15121433
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I don't think you're supposed to say someone's in hell for certain, even Hitler or Stalin. This sounds like LARP

>> No.15121462

Keep coping, homo.

>> No.15121463

Was that really the first post in this thread deserving of that reply?

>> No.15121464

Fallacy of negation, a false one at that.

>> No.15121474

>the sexual act is simply something nearly impossible for normal humans to overcome
Holy cow!

This is your brain on porn, kids.

Don't be this guy.

>> No.15121480


>> No.15121483

Impurity is a worse offense against God than dictatorship because the latter is a perverse imitation of him. The former is a rejection of the will and intellect bestowed upon you to place yourself at a level lower than animals.

>> No.15121487

Protestants aren't Christian.

Professional tip: what they're protesting is Christianity itself.

>> No.15121488

You seem to have a point

>> No.15121518

You can chop your balls off, but you won't be very happy

>> No.15121530

>i can't control myself without castration

>> No.15121535

If you don't use your dick it stops working, and you become a very angry person in general

>> No.15121538

And I thought only atheists are psueds

>> No.15121545
File: 247 KB, 1200x1042, 1564868702994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't cry your ability to cry stops working and you become a very (non-sequitor emotion here) person

>> No.15121550

>proves the cumbrain meme true in a single post
the absolute state of porn addicts

>> No.15121558

>>if you don't cry your ability to cry stops working and you become a very (non-sequitor emotion here) person
That's actually true in a sense, human beings have a need for catharsis and to express their emotions

>> No.15121563

A Christian friend of mine told me his dick stopped working from being abstinent, I'm not making things up

>> No.15121634

OT came way before Plato

>> No.15121758

Well they still confess Nicene creed and their baptism is mostly still valid so even by church definition they are

>> No.15121769

Doesn't disprove my point. Also are you a sede or something this is getting cringe

>> No.15122554

St. Paul, I'm RCIA

>> No.15123143

>Romans 3:20-26 – “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. …He did it to demonstrate His justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.”
>1 John 1:7-2:2 – “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness…. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins…”

Of course it is sufficient for the scandalous man to repent. Why are there so many LARPers aggressively misrepresenting Christianity on this board?

>> No.15123230

What I dont get is the desire to remove lust, it's such a powerful source of energy and motivation

>> No.15123313

Aniki is currently living happily in Gensokyo, Anon, everyone knows this

>> No.15123314

>and why would I want them
>>they were trying to subvert your faith, they work for the lens-grinder, the autistic man

>> No.15123403
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"If you Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?" Psalm 130:3

Just because sodomy is gross doesn't mean you have to descend to the level of quoting the Catechism of the RCC, who long ago lost their right to talk shit about sodomy. You will be measured by the rod wherewith ye measure Matthew 7:2.

If he had no intention of repenting, then I guess he had no intention of going to heaven. Respect the wishes of the dead.

>> No.15123585

Why is the "self" even being viewed as something that must be overcome? Talk about a backwards viewpoint.

>> No.15123773

God could be in every moment of time while also spilling out beyond it. In this scenario, it would be entirely reasonable to say "God is beyond time [and] exists at once in all moments." It's like how if you have a foot over a line enclosing an area, you could be said to be in the area while still being beyond it.

>> No.15123862

i wish there was an archive of all the old /fit/ memes. i just did a google search for rich piana memes and all im getting is facebook tier garbage.
gone but not forgotten

>> No.15124651

Phew. What an amusing collection of imbeciles. Hopefully you've skipped most of it or have seen past it.

Salvation is not a state but a process, and it's result is a mystery born out of God's overflowing compassion and his exclusive vision of the heart. We know that sin makes this difficult, that it deadens the self by turning it further away from God. But it is certainly not unhealthy to hope for the salvation of all sentient things. To do so is (on a small level) to echo God's compassion for us. No harm in praying for someone's soul, and thinking about what you can do for the souls of the living as a result.