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15119609 No.15119609 [Reply] [Original]

You guys didn't tell me that the greatest writer of the 19th century was a black man.

>> No.15119614

He had a heavy stutter tho.
Also he was a weird admixture of amerindian, black and white. But yeah, he had dark skin.
There are photos where he looks any of the three ethnicities, it's really weird.

>> No.15119619

He was pardo, not black. And he wasn't the best writer of the 19th century.

>> No.15119630

Pardo is black.

>> No.15119634

We were hiding it from you, OP. God damn it, hopefully no one else catches wind of this.

>> No.15119635

This board is not ready for Brazilian literature. Especially Americans. Their childlike minds wouldn't be able to handle the wealth of new stuff not present on their "top 100 lists" and pre-approved pseudo intellectual shit.

>> No.15119640

any recs?

>> No.15119642

Pardo is mixed. Unless you're a gringo and can only see the world in black and white without any nuance.

>> No.15119646 [DELETED] 

Where do i start with him?

>> No.15119652

Memórias Póstumas or Dom Casmurro

>> No.15119654

Is The Alienist any good? I can get that one for cheap.

>> No.15119665

He was blacker than Barack Obama. That's black enough to call him a magical negro.

>> No.15119667

I like it. I'm not a specialist on Machado, but I don't think he has a bad work.

>> No.15119671

If you can read Portuguese, Guimarães Rosa.
If you can't, Clarice Lispector.

>> No.15119672

Maybe in America, but he wasn't American, he was Brazilian and subject to Brazilian labels. You can't force your faggot racial views on the rest of the world.

>> No.15119680

The only black thing here is you, you are mentally and spiritually a double niger.

>> No.15119696

You sound upset.

>> No.15119699


>> No.15119704

>Let us suppose that the reader is not given to such daydreams and bouts of melancholy; let us, then, imagine a totally different Miss Dollar. This one will be a robust American girl, with rosy cheeks, a curvaceous figure, bright, sparkling eyes, in short, a round, ripe, real woman. Fond of good food and good wine, this Miss Dollar—as is only natural when the stomach calls—would prefer a decent lamb chop to a page of Longfellow, and she will never understand why people find sunsets so poetic. She will be a good mother according to the doctrine laid down by certain religious scholars, namely: fertile and ignorant.


>> No.15119716
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>> No.15119718

Obrigado fren

>> No.15119719

How difficult is he to read in Portuguese? I'm having a hard time finding his work in Spanish and might as well just read him in the original.

>> No.15119723

Are you suggesting Rosa on a Machado's thread? This is funny because Guimarães Rosa hated Machado, lmao.

>> No.15119730

Well, Nabokov hated Dostoyevsky. Doesn't mean you can't read the both and see what they're like. Suck it and see, as the English say.

>> No.15119733

Probably will be somewhat difficulty, but manageable.
Try the short stories first, he was a master of the style.

>> No.15119735

No need to bring racism into it, anon. You just happen to be a fan of a Black writer. Nothing to get worked up about.

>> No.15119739

I didn't imply you can't read both.
I said it is funny that in a Machado's thread you suggested to a foreigner a writer (or book) that not only wasn't Machado (or by) but was also a writer that was not fond of him.
Just an amusing observation

>> No.15119743

Oh, alright then, yes it's ironic.

>> No.15119750

he was pardo, though, not black. gringos wouldn't understand.

>> No.15120843


>> No.15120885

I read his shrt story collection recently and quite liked it

>> No.15121523


I’m Brazilian and I really admire Machado de Assis. Like the Anon mentioned above, he was a mulato, not entirely black, however there is nothing forbidding a black person (a person of full sub-saharian genetic heritage) to become a great artist (the low IQ records of those countries has a lot of things to consider, like bad health and nutrition affecting the brain development).

As for him being the greatest writer of the 19th century, I have to strongly disagree. The greatest writers of that century, and some of the greatest of all time, where Tolstoy and Checkhov. If you count poetry than Emily Dickinson was also a force of nature. I also think that Moby Dick, as a single novel, is superior to Machado greatest achievements, although I think that Machado was more subtle and had a better understanding of human beings than Melville (but certainly not the same poetic power and metaphoric capacity).

Anyway, Tolstoy was number 1 of the 19th century, and Checkhov number 2. Funny to think that such great minds would have belong to the same country and era and even met each other.

>> No.15122939 [DELETED] 

he's based

>> No.15123105

Oh, shit, is that Mark Twain?

>> No.15123200

Obama is mixed

>> No.15123219 [DELETED] 

Who would win between him and Borges

>> No.15123282

Brazilians are more prone to violence, so de Assis probably mashes Borges' head with a rock

>> No.15123298

Borges, by far.

>> No.15123360

Pretty easy, he would be a good first writer if you are learning Portuguese.

>> No.15123395

Not even the best Brazillian writer of the 19th century.
>Brazilians are more prone to violence
Why do you think that? Argentina has been to more wars and had worse dictatorships.

>> No.15123415 [DELETED] 

>Brazilians are more prone to violence
Because they're black

>> No.15123421

Why are you gringos shooting up schools? LMFAO

>> No.15123431


>> No.15123434

Gringos are also serial killers lmao

>> No.15123458 [DELETED] 

He looks like a black Emile Durkheim

>> No.15123470


>> No.15123489 [DELETED] 

Brazil is the third best country for beheading videos after Syria and Mexico, them guys are crazy where did it all go so wrong? Were they beheading people in de Assis' time?

>> No.15123511


cope Kyle, you lot have your own wiki article kek


>The U.S.A. is unmatched among the world's countries with 2,743 serial killers, amounting to 67.41% of the entire world's serial killers on record.

>> No.15123515 [DELETED] 


>> No.15123519


>> No.15123529

Beheadings are kino you fucking sissy pleb. Let the criminals kill each other in any way they like. Who cares.

>> No.15123545

Why are gringos so mad and angry all the time?

>> No.15123574

why do you think about us so much? You have your own countries, your own culture, media, etc. in fact why are you on an English website right now

>> No.15123596

You're the ones in here bad mouthing us and you can't handle a bit of banter? pussy gringos lmfao

>> No.15123607 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15123632
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Tell your sister its my turn next week

>> No.15123728

t. alberto barbosa

>> No.15124437

>he was Brazilian and subject to Brazilian labels
Brazil is a backwater, anon. The terms it comes up with ceases to matter within discussions that take place outside of it's reach, which is everywhere that isn't Brazil. The US is a global power, it's terms takes precedence over Brazil and every other country.

>> No.15124446 [DELETED] 

I think we know where the next Coronavirus is coming from

>> No.15124478

Nah, nobody gives a shit about burger racial labels outside Burgerland and burger terms don't take precedence when discussing foreign topics.

>> No.15125030


all nations of the earth belong to the united states

>> No.15125091


>> No.15125107 [DELETED] 

to the jew maybe, but that includes the united states as first amongst equals of the goyim, just because golem

>> No.15125126


>> No.15125950 [DELETED] 


>> No.15126447 [DELETED] 


>> No.15126527


>> No.15126537 [DELETED] 

sopa de macaco

>> No.15126588

>Is The Alienist any good? I can get that one for cheap.
The Alienist is pretty shit, my man. I've read it in the carnival. Machado is better when he's being ironic/dark.

>> No.15126650

Is saddens me that the only way of starting a talking about Machado around here is baiting the pol/tards. He's legitimately one of the GOATs, black or not. Don't talk about Machado here anymore, these gringos don't deserve him.

>> No.15126725

>Not even the best Brazillian writer of the 19th century.
If not him, then who?

>> No.15126960

>Not even the best Brazilian writer of the 19th century
Oh don't tell me you're thinking on Álvares de Azevedo?

>> No.15127039

I liked it. The scenario becomes kind of absurdist in order to illustrate Machado's point, but it's good (I'm not implying an absurdist scenario is supposed to be bad, it's just that compared with other works of his I've read, the circunstances escalated to proportions that, let's say, aren't so feet-to-the-ground)

>> No.15127056

latino/black women>white women
prove me wrong

>> No.15127063

I don't need to. Nobody wants them and that is self-evident.
I'm not saying wh*te women are good, however.

>> No.15127072

Black women are shit tier. Latinas = Whites > Asians > Blacks = Australoids

>> No.15127327

Yeah that's my opinion of it too. Pretty funny though

>> No.15127771

I'm from Brasil and I have read so little literature from my country it is shameful, the vast majority of books that i read are from other cultures.
I've bought Memorias Póstumas de Brás Cubas some weeks ago, but since the country is in slowmode because of corona it will be a while for the book to arive.

>> No.15127794


>> No.15128016

eReader man

>> No.15128084

I don't like reading a book on screens, I prefer it physical since I spend almost my whole day in front of a computer. And there is a great BR site that sell used books in all languages in great condition for cheap, so I never really got into ebooks.
I'm in no hurry to begin reading the brazillian classics though, I still have a backlog of books to finish, so i'll just wait for it to arrive.
Thanks for the tips anyways.

>> No.15128109 [DELETED] 

anyway, do both of us agree on the fact that Brazilians are the niggers of South America?
how did you apes manage to be a bigger scum than Bolivians?

>> No.15128149

Generalizing a country with a population of 200 million, an area that could encompass a whole continent and as diverse as one is a very ignorant statement to make

>> No.15128168

2/3 of Brazil is nigger-blooded so you might be into something. But even then, some people over there are not that bad.

>> No.15128200

They're megalomaniacs who put an unbreakable cultural wall between themselves and their neighbors

>> No.15128212

Brazilians aren't even close to the niggerdom of Honduras or El Salvador

>> No.15128385

There is a language and cultural barrier between Brasil and the rest of south america that goes back to the XVI colonization of the americas, which separated the colonies of Portugal and Spain strictly, it's impossible to compare our continent to most of Europe or Asia that had thousands of years of geographic, cultural and societal exchanges
Our country had its independence from Portugal in the early 1800s, aside from the size of it, Brasil and the rest of south america are more than a thousand years behind the rest of the world in the sense of cultural integration
Not that it is a big deal since every sudaca that i've met or talked with has no ill feelings toward our country, and neither us to them, it is just a language and culture barrier

>> No.15128446


Is he actually worth reading? I know ur country is considered a meme on this website but I actually like the brazilbros quite a lot and want an in on their high culture. If so, any reccs?

>> No.15128469
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Oh so nothing

>> No.15128745

>no qual se encontra uma das maiores obras-primas da literatura universal, o conto (ou novela) O Alienista, que discute a loucura
Lol, "A Cartomante" é muito melhor que"O Alienista". Se a gente quer discutir riqueza temática -Ó mais afinal o que é a loucura? Blá, blá, blá, tudo bem. Mas "A Cartomante" é quintessencial Machado. A maneira como ele te faz pender pra um lado e depois te joga pro outro, brincando com as sua expectativas, a "metafísica machadiana" que nesse caso seria algo como: "As coisas são o que são, não importa o que você acha delas." Refletem muito melhor a visão de mundo do autor penso eu. Acrescente a isso o fato de que depois de ler esse conto eu passei a pensar que existe um eco entre ele e "A Hora da Estrela" de Clarisse. Não acham, não? Assim, digo, o germe da ideia. Quem leu sabe do que eu tô falando, não quero dar spoiler. Kkk

>> No.15128768

Read "The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas" recently, not really my thing, but I could see other people enjoying it. For me it felt forced, but I'll pick up another book of his to see if I just chose a bad work to start off with.

>> No.15128874

It is just an wikipedia article, it is not written by any Machado de Assis's critic.

>> No.15128922

How is he blacker than Obama? Apparently he was descended from a Portuguese and a mulatto, making him 1/4 black.

>> No.15129576
