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/lit/ - Literature

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15117997 No.15117997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im undereducated and have no notable accomplishments in my life thus far at age 27. Im not even mediocre i'm below average and unable to survive within any form of social institution. What books should I read to reconcile this?

>> No.15118011

Mentally ill

>> No.15118015

damn that is a big bulge

>> No.15118019

Wow what a sexy woman

>> No.15118031
File: 37 KB, 280x450, DB63F20F-4C51-47A0-8A07-BEDDAEB38940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by this guy. Trannies here use him like a pacifier to explain how it’s actually capitalism’s fault that they’re failures 30K in debt from retuning a meme degree working at McDonald’s in their 30s

>> No.15118063

>Buy a poetry anthology
>Skim through it and figure out what you like
>Read the greats
>Study the art and devote your solitude to it
Make sure you can write a good sonnet before you attempt free verse.

>> No.15118078


>> No.15118082

All books. You’re a total loser and so are a lot of people. I’m a retarded greenkeeper but I’ve managed to find an incredible amount of happiness in my own little world. One bedroom place, work outdoors, read as much as I can, writing prose that no one will ever read or publish. Life is good my man.

>> No.15118103

Being an exceptional loser

>> No.15118359


>> No.15118410

This is it. This is the real “literary lifestyle”. It’s not about trying to be bukowski. It’s about doing it for the love.

>> No.15118468
File: 98 KB, 675x675, CHUNGUS_Trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op . . . easy on the hormones

>> No.15118599

This post is what scares me from transitioning. Is it all just an elaborate cope for rejection from women? Does it change anything at all about you essentially? Like holy fuck those shoulders and those hands.
Even Marx said the boogie will lead the revolution
“A small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in it’s hands...so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat”

>> No.15118603

“...who have raised themselves to the level of comprehending theoretically the movement as a whole.”

>> No.15118620

Also has there ever been a gay boi who later transitioned?

>> No.15118642

Transgirls are straight

>> No.15118675

That doesn’t answer my question

>> No.15118695


Thirty Eight Special, by Smith A. Wesson.

>> No.15118746

Trannies and other degeneracy aside, I’m 27 and also feeling this OP. I feel like there’s nothing really worth doing with my life and anything that I suspect might be worth it I’m either not sure if I’m smart enough and seem to have missed the boat on.

>> No.15118749

They’re faggot degenerates and will never pass.
You will never be a girl. Never ever.

>> No.15118751
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the answer to your question is yes

>> No.15118765


Trans grill lesbians are a trope now

>> No.15118778

Well fuck me in the ass

Nick lands still a retarded hack

>> No.15118804

based, glad you've found the good life fren

>> No.15118987

Im a marxist but i pretty much agree with this post lol

>> No.15119299

why are you giving up? you aren't even 30 yet

>> No.15119327
File: 31 KB, 381x499, 51XwoyG7MrL._SX379_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15119382

I earned my JD and pass my State's bar exam. I quit my job immediately before quarantine because I hate the law. I feel like a failure. However, I'm not -- I am just in a rut. You're likely just black-pilled at the moment. I certainly am. There's a calmness in the world as a result of Corona-Chan. Do yourself a favor and think of what changes you can make and then implement the same once the country returns of normalcy. I will be making major changes myself.

>> No.15119425

Respectable attitude. Wishing you the best.

>> No.15119427

What are you going for? Do you have a safety cushion? t. law school dropout

>> No.15119500

Thanks, lad.
I'm not too sure. But considering I have an education and several years of experience in the law, I'm sure I can find something. I don't have a safety cushion or anything. I mean, at the moment. I'm just sitting on savings. There isn't much I can do since Ching-Chong Flu shutdown the world.

>> No.15119511

highly based and literary. Please show us some of your prose anon.

>> No.15119515

very based

>> No.15120169

>Does it change anything at all about you essentially? Like holy fuck those shoulders and those hands.
the bones don't but the muscles go soft

>> No.15120427
