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15116741 No.15116741 [Reply] [Original]

Recently looked into Langan's work. Very interesting stuff if you have a background in logic/ philo. What do you guys think?

Apparently the guy has an IQ between 190 and 210.


>> No.15116751

So smart he needs to beg for money on patreon

>> No.15116786

give me a quick rundown for a sub 80 IQ

>> No.15116805
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No one ever managed to refute a single thing he said without using ad hominems, appeals to authority and buzzwords.

>> No.15116841

Poopoopeepee gud

>> No.15116879

I looked into it. I wouldn't quite call it sophistry but there are obscurantist and suspicious elements. His wonky neologisms that could be better explained with established terminology ("perfect autotransductive reflexivity"), his lack of references to existing work, the bogus idea that he has "proved the existence of God", his claims to be able to boil it all down to a few pages of mathematics but never showing it, the tendency to mask a lack of profundity in spurious tautologies ("In essence, it states that reality is self-contained, and there is nothing external to reality. "), loose inconsistencies (mind equals reality, and yet reality is constantly described as something super-mental). All of this is suspicious. But I enjoy digging together these curious sorts of quacky "timecube" theories as a pastime. And I'm not saying it's all necessarily nonsense but it has serious executional flaws.

>> No.15116923

>I wouldn't quite call it sophistry but there are obscurantist and suspicious elements.
It's because you're a midwit. Retardchads don't have any problem admitting Langan is smarter than us.

>> No.15116932


>> No.15116938

Because he's a sophist, your picture is retarded and I don't even like atheists. Atheism doesn't refer to material reality from above, it refers to material reality from within material reality just like literally every philosophical claim. It's slight of hand, unless he's going to claim that all metaphysical claims are themselves proof of metaphysics, in which case it's a tautology.

>> No.15116964

An IQ of 210 is meaningless. It would be calculated as 1 in a number greater than the total number of humans alive now and would make it an inherently stupid score to give.
We can't score accurately at all above about 160, above 170 it's terrible and anything about 180 is hopeless.

>> No.15116976


>> No.15117251

This is literally why people don't respect philosophers anymore. Any "model of the universe" that isn't expounded mathematically is utterly worthless.

>> No.15117267

He looks so sad

>> No.15117466

this guy's whole being is so fixated on his intelligence that he goes and creates a model of the universe centered on cognition so that forever on prove he is the greatest being in the universe. bravo, nerd!

>> No.15117542

Not an argument. Defeat my points, pseudo

>> No.15117678

his face is of the pedigree of an ugly pug

>> No.15117690

Burden of big brain

>> No.15117839

This guy could've been another Kripke if he had a better childhood

>> No.15118136

A work of sophistry. Lagan is a great example of why we should judge intelligence on achievements not a standardised test.

>> No.15118152

What does this physics crackpot have to do with philosophy?

>> No.15118162

Stephen Wolfram tier

>> No.15118169

This is no different than spinoza's tautological bending of definitions whereby "god" comes to mean "substance". All he's done is made it impossible to differentiate the "metaphysical identity" from "god", when he cannot give any reason at all as to why we should even call that identity by the name of God.

>> No.15118182

But when it is, like the wolfram project, people just accuse him of mistaking the map for the territory. I don't think there is anything that would satisfy you

>> No.15118224

>God is just a substitute for a coherent metaphysical identity
I'm not even an atheist but that's ridiculously dishonest, that's not even close to the common atheist position and he's refuting an argument no one is making.

>> No.15118332

Existence is an idempotent quasi-mutative self-generating syntactic structure. It auto-potentiates its self-catalysis through infocognitive constructional semantical elastic-spastic transduction.

>> No.15118343

This is a semantic game.

>> No.15118344

>Very interesting stuff if you have a background in logic/ philo. What do you guys think?
As someone with a background in logic/philo, his theory's trash. Dude should have bothered to read some philosophy first, instead of acting like making up words does anything to make your theory original.
I heard he flips his lid at anyone who tries to question or debate him on his theory

>> No.15118351

>No one ever managed to defend a single thing he said without using ad hominems, appeals to authority and buzzwords.

>> No.15118357

Damn I wish i thought of that

>> No.15118364

Because nobody can speak his glossolalia.

>> No.15118471

This, I’m not even sure what he was attempting to prove.

>> No.15119398

he's a christcuck so there's something wrong with his brain

>> No.15119414
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Same energy.

>> No.15119418

He's a genuine genius who had a bad start in life and now has a complex about his own intelligence (he was rejected from Harvard for coming from a poor background IIRC)

>> No.15119440

I think he's shit.

>> No.15119651

Lmao. You actually believe that horseshit?

>> No.15119673

>uses "paradox" instead of "contradiction"
was i supposed to be impressed by this?

>> No.15119689

this. am a student in philosophy

>> No.15119697

if he's so smart why does he cut his hair like that

>> No.15119774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15119787
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This is the most reddit post that I ever seen

>> No.15119893

It's obviously a troll post, moron.

God you people are stupid as fuck. I bet you felt cool pointing your finger and saying "Ha ha plebbit!"

>> No.15120109

this, I have 3 PHDs in phil, can confirm he is uncultured plebian