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15116702 No.15116702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>If it wasn't for religion we would literally be colonizing the galaxy, have flying cars and do massive unprotected butt sex orgies because of the cure of AIDS

wtf I now hate religion

>> No.15116718

how are they measuring "scientific advance"
also what were china and the middle east doing during all this, is it entirely on western europe to carry humanity into the future? Whatever happened to "inventing calculus" and "gunpowder" and shit?

>> No.15116734
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>> No.15116736

Ah, yes. The Romans and Greeks, famed for being atheists...

>> No.15116740
File: 49 KB, 454x463, 1567881582436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you deny the validity of this graph? I bet you're a climate skeptic too you fucking science denying NAZI

>> No.15116774


>> No.15116793
File: 150 KB, 780x433, 1568722507585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a one big flow of energy man.
the useful energy getting converted into heat. if your logic is then we would have been living in a post-civilization at best.
everything is fated to be doomed.

>> No.15116801

In a few thousand years, the pyramids will still be standing but the whole of modern scientific society will have disappeared without even so much as a trace

>> No.15117117

>implying christianity caused this and not run away inflation and g*rm rapefugees that collapsed rome

this is honestly a huge blackpill, the only trace left of modern civilization once it burns itself out will be our trash

>> No.15117133

islamists will get into power and destory them before then don't worry

>> No.15117165

It wasn't christianity per se but rather the fall of Rome. Once ancient philosophy was rediscovered in the West, like with Aristotle, there was philosophical discussions in Christianity. People like Aquinas, Duns Scotus, Ockham, etc.

>> No.15117171

If it makes you feel any better, our trash will last for way more than a couple thousand years. The reactors alone will leak radiation for millions

>> No.15117172

The Eastern Semitic cultures had a much more highly developed economic system than the Romans and Greeks.

>> No.15117185

>Once ancient philosophy was rediscovered
This isn't so much a simplification as an outright piece of propaganda and... just a lie really.

>> No.15117206

>no sources
>no defined variables
>doesn't account for the fact that the dark ages didn't stop China or the Middle East's development
>scale of the graph is completely off
>implying that people weren't religious before the dark ages
Weak bait

>> No.15117208

Not really. Yeah there was Plato but Aristotle texts were lost until they were translated from the Arabic copies. And Aristotle's rediscovery influenced the medieval scholastics.

>> No.15117209

Space is literally filled with fucking nothing so i really don't understand the romanticising of it getting "colonized". I really don't understand what people think they're going to find.

>> No.15117225

the "dark ages" is literally a propaganda term from Voltaire, the idea of the university came out of the "dark ages" and there were tons of discoveries being made during this time.

>> No.15117259

>Yeah there was Plato but Aristotle texts were lost until they were translated from the Arabic copies.
If anything you've got that slightly backwards.

>> No.15117268

radiation doesn’t really affect much once its buried under concrete/earth/water. maybe the only noticable trace will be bad groundwater but thats about it
only place worth colonizing is the moon because it’s basically in our backyard, but other than that even mars colonization is pure hopium and redditfaggotry

>> No.15117269


If you believe that the "glories" of some indeterminate past are not simply part of the same historical process that today gives us passenger jets and human rights conventions, you are still bluepilled. The eternal truths are just as accessible now, and just as esoteric, as they were when King Tut was entombed. In order to access them, however, you must focus your mind on the Ideal with enough clarity and vigor that you are able to imagine a time and a state of affairs in which all men and women are able to share in the bliss of truth. Few people have ever been able to do this.

>> No.15117344

unironically the middle east was kneecapped by religion too when some imam decided discovering how the universe works was haram

>> No.15117382

>mobile link

>> No.15117395

all that came out of the middle ages was the transmission and commentary of classical works. they achieved nothing on their own. compare the scientific and artistic achievements of antiquity and the renaissance and you'll know that to be true.

whether or not we would've been farther along is impossible to say but the middle ages were more or less worthless to literature apart from maybe 5 or 10 writers.

>> No.15117453

This is a pretty incoherent worldview. Is the past a part of the whole or is it the ideal, a time and state of affairs in which all men and women are able to share in the bliss of truth. What you say has a hint of truth in it but it’s painted over with coat of self assured ignorance. Our civilizations and our petty machinations and virtual sub-realities are inconsequential compared to civilizations of the past. All religions speak of a fall for a reason.

>> No.15117541

The past was certainly never ideal, that's my point. And you're right that the dichotomy of a golden and a fallen age is ubiquitous, but I think one will find that religions employ this concept first and foremost in the service of temporal control, not personal salvation. In Judaism, the Fall is first and foremost a punishment issued from the Sovereign to a man who will not keep his woman in check; only at a more philosophical stage of Man's development does this punishment become internalized as a conscience. Of course I'm only repeating Nietzsche here, because I think I pretty much got it right. And of course what I'm saying is that everyone who is invested in a blissful past existence is practicing a self-assured ignorance, so your using that phrase is equivocal.

>> No.15117563

I think he* pretty much got it right lol

>> No.15117604

Lmao lets just forget about the 200 year dark ages from 11th century BC.

>> No.15117643
File: 70 KB, 1200x534, DCbXhCOUQAAtcjE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the cropped version, here's the full pic

>> No.15117651

it makes huge tech advances possible conquering space should be first priority if you want any kind of tech golden age

>> No.15117660


>> No.15117671

Big chunks of rock made by primitives will still be standing, but current civilization will have "vanished" because the humans of the future will be colonizing the galaxy and will have left the planet to rot. Oh noes...

>> No.15117768

redpill me on Yakub

>> No.15118054


>> No.15118085

They were never called "Christian Dark Ages". Only the Dark Ages.