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File: 131 KB, 640x853, booksstacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15115792 No.15115792 [Reply] [Original]

>Got a job at the library when I was 15
>Started stealing books every day I worked
>Could just load up my backpack and walk right out the staff exit with them
>Stole almost 10,000 books over the course of 4 years
>Library was wondering why so many books were disappearing and never caught on
>There was even an article in the paper about the missing books
>Piled all the books up in my closet, and then in my bedroom when the closet was full
>Parents never went in my room so they didn't notice
>Away at college
>Dad calls me up going ballistic
>He'd been in my room and saw all the books
>We decided not to return them because we were worried I'd get charged with felony theft

It's almost 10 years later and all the books are still there. What's the best way to get rid of them?

>> No.15115812

Slowly put them back on the shelves

>> No.15115828
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Burn them. Nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.15115833

why the fuck did you do that?

>> No.15115856

You can donate books to libraries. You could think of a way to donate them back. You'd have to make many many trips to offload that many, increasing the likelihood they would identify you, so it's tricky. If you can afford a somewhat large financial hit, you could probably mail them, if the library accepts mail. They probably do. That way you could drop packets of probably dozens of books off at random mailboxes.

You could contact the library and ask them what to do, without revealing your identity. It's likely that they replaced the vast majority of them, which is the standard MO with stolen books, though this depends what you stole. If you stole mostly new and frequently used books, they undoubtedly replaced them. Or just counted them as lost if it was one among ten copies they had. If you stole old moldering classics and rare books, then shame on you.

You might ask them about amnesty and be open that you clearly have some kind of kleptomania and you want to give back. Say you're an old dying man and you have recently gotten well, or something.

>> No.15115869
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>yes, yes i concur

>> No.15115890

Send them to me

>> No.15115896

Open your own competing library across the street. Continue to steal books from them to add to your new, better library.

>> No.15115929

>woah haha you guys this is crazy but guess what I just found behind this couch in some visited public area not far from the library... those tens of hundreds of missing books. People must have just been loosing them in the cushions this whole time haha crazy right?

>> No.15115934

>guy who worked at library when books went missing mysteriously finds all of the books

>> No.15115943

Any pics of the collection?
Also when this kung-flu stuff is over it would be fun to leave those books all around the town they came from.

>> No.15115953


>> No.15115976

That is the pic

>> No.15115984

>Clearly a stock photo with watermark and everything

>> No.15115994

Fuck off

>> No.15116005


>> No.15116012

have you ever read any of them?

>> No.15116027

...am I wrong?

>> No.15116038

not cool dude

>> No.15116043

Its not the pic, I was being facetious you moron

>> No.15116052

mhm alright

>> No.15116059

Just return them?

>> No.15116070

Did you actually read any of them? If you didn't you should just kill yourself.

>> No.15116082

yeah sure

>> No.15116090
File: 53 KB, 346x500, BaileySchoolKids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a weird rush doing it. When I started off I'd just grab random books off the shelves and load my backpack up. I got bolder over the years and did some stuff like stealing every Bailey School Kids book and every Artemis Fowl book.

No pics, sorry. I'd take some if I were at my parents' house, but they're in another state. The reason I need to find a way to get rid of them is because my dad has been asking if I can please get rid of the books because they're going to sell the house in a year or two.

No it's not.

>> No.15116105

Joanne Rowling books stealing cunt

>> No.15116126

damn kleptomania is a hell of a drug
go get help anon.
make a website for us to buy the books off of you

>> No.15116177

>stealing books
It's a library, why can't you just borrow them like a non-nigger

>> No.15116196

Just go there at night and dumped them in front of the library. Full circle and redemption

>> No.15116198

I probably read about 150 of them. I'd steal books I wanted to read, but most of it was just wanton theft for the sheer thrill of it.

The Bailey School Kids books were just about the only theft with any real intent behind it. When I was in second grade my teacher read us a number of Bailey School Kids books and I despised them. I stole those books because I didn't want anyone to read them.

>> No.15116205

JK Rowling stealing Books .. NO .. its all her imagine ... she would Never steal all the Bary Botter Books , kids wizard .. waait theres a 1930 Books .. oh she brought them .. an got rid !
But everyone Knows she stole it all by hanging at the Libibrary , But all staff there are Wealthy by 3 million each ... Retired .. an ANYONE TRIES TO SAY THIs GETs THe JIDF /Hate , On them ..
But Bring it on Cunts , I know where you at ok .. ? .. try it ?

>> No.15116212
File: 99 KB, 999x999, 878519ff4901df80856065f2e71e52feab6c7d0a_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Return home for summer from university
>Find pic related from the university library.
>I never remembered picking it up and reading it
How the fuck did I even steal it. I must have put it in the backpack by accident but I wonder why it wasn't set off.

>> No.15116227

Send 'em to me. What do you have?

>> No.15116244

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15116311

This. Like why the fuck don't you just stuff them in the return box? They're not going press charges or anything if it happened ten years ago. Just do it at like 2AM or something and wear a hoodie

>> No.15116374

JK ROWLING THe ALL HARRY POTTEr FROM ALL BOOKS SHE SAW ! was a 1930s triilogy Books she THEN Bought dead rights ,£100 , then she wants No wants NO Peaople to see this she stole stole .. stole stole stole stole .. when this posted it will be banned ! an this chan > they watching you who post

>> No.15116391

>Not stealing all the LGBT books and throwing them away in a dumpster

>> No.15116425

Let's say the return box can hold 20 books. OP would have to make 500 trips to return them all. Even if he went every day, that might not be fast enough to get rid of them before the house is sold.

>> No.15116433

Sell them on ebay

>> No.15116456

make a list of the books and give them away to anons on lit, yep spend 5,000 man hours and a ton of money on shipping for our benefit, i like that idea

>> No.15116485

If this is not bait, please contact the library anonymously and tell them you have a change of heart and want to donate the books to them or other libraries and they might help you.

>> No.15116493

leave them in some public place nearby and after you leave call the library saying you found some books but dont say your name. Or make somebody else do it

>> No.15116627

Burn them

>> No.15116761

Not as bad as stealing but when i worked for Goodwill I was in charge of the books. We’re supposed to scan them all and price them according to the value or send them to be sold online if they were extra valuable. I would hoard any of the books I wanted, price them as cheap as I could and then have someone come buy them all for me.

>> No.15116878

Pretend you found them somewhere. You'll be the goddamn town hero.

>> No.15117150

Well maybe he shouldn't have been such a book stealing nigger. Libraries are already dying, why steal from your local library? He should just pack them all up and leave it in FRONT of the library. A library isn't just gonna not take the books that were clearly from there; he does't have to use the return box

>> No.15117164

This isn't nearly as bad. As long as you read them anon.

>> No.15117170

>OP would have to make 500 trips to return them all.
what a kek thought

>> No.15117184
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>10,000 books
definitely a LARP but ill play along and suggest to visit all the roadside libraries in the area and fill them up.

>> No.15117263

Turn yourself in desu

>> No.15117276

And you didnt read anyone of them stupid faggot

>> No.15117281

why don't you try calling up the head librarian and explaining the situation? i'm sure they'd just be happy to get the books back

>> No.15117309
File: 1.17 MB, 540x809, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have a room full of 10,000 books yet you never took a single picture? Also how could your parents never have even glanced in your room for 5-10 years? I'm not buying it.

This is what 10,000 books look like

>> No.15117310


>> No.15117326

What kind of librarian works with a backpack on?

>> No.15117384

Based Renaissance/Counter Reformation poster

>> No.15117442

Go to a charity shop or a library or something and just dump them around the back.

>> No.15117449

They're books, who cares? Keep them or don't, if you wish. Whatever method you use to do so is irrelevant, because this age does not value it either way.

>> No.15117462
File: 545 KB, 2000x1500, 1544896580552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, pic related is about 2000-2200~ books for reference. 10000 is a fucking lot.

>> No.15117476
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>You have reached based deparment

>> No.15117479

Auction them on eBay. Either individually, by batches, or the entire collection if you want.

>> No.15117492

This makes Bolaño look like an amateur.

>> No.15117500

Most libraries have around 100,000 books. There is no way you took 1/10 of a library without them noticing and checking security cam

>> No.15117507

>I was only pretending

>> No.15117509

Also that would be around 2,000 trips assuming you took 5 books each time.

>> No.15117511
File: 55 KB, 596x557, 1581709756145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit nigger

>> No.15117512

Which would also be 5 1/2 years assuming you worked every single day including weekends and holidays

>> No.15117522

>10000 books left in your room for 4 years without your parents noticing
how retarded do you have to be to think /lit/ is retarded enough to fall for this?

>> No.15117530

Yet most people here have been posting serious replies. In the old days we would say "pics or it didn't happen" but this generation seems a lot more gullible

>> No.15117597

>nothing ever happens
fuck off

>> No.15117645
File: 54 KB, 661x589, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op this could be you

>> No.15117717

>nothing ever happens
back __ ______

>> No.15117915

We like to entertain the thought

>> No.15118112


>> No.15118174

ay Tone all I'm sayin is the numbers don't add up, you know how many trips he would have to take to get all them books?

>> No.15118217

Do you have a friend who can take them? If not just have a bonfire or something

>> No.15118230

It's a sign from Allah, you must convert.

>> No.15118242

Put all the titles in a spread sheet, number them, make a giant ROLL thread every week where you mail off 100 at a time, we can all pitch in for the shipping costs through gofundme or some shit. You will boost the morale of this site a hundred fold.

>> No.15118492


>> No.15118612
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A library is a bad place to work if you like books, part of your job is gonna be ripping the covers off of books and trashing them so they can have more shelf space for whatever faggot shit some fat woman thinks is more appropriate for the current year

>> No.15118836

Just offload them near the back entrance of the library at 3:00 AM. Be sure to wear a face mask to protect yourself from coronavirus.

>> No.15119163


>> No.15119223

Do this or you're a bitch anon.

>> No.15119226

Wow you're dad is pretty based.
I once some crimes and my mom just immediately turned me in to the police.

>> No.15119257

Do you have The Master and Margarita? Heart of a Dog? The Third Policeman? Any Nabokov or Hemingway books? I would take those off your hands and gladly pay for media mail shipping.

>> No.15119357

Undoubtedly the best fucking post on here. This is your only option -- and it's the only interesting course of action in this scenario as well.

If you truly want to capture the attention of your community, drop them all off at the library at one time in the middle of the night.

>> No.15120381
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>> No.15120404

This is the only legitimate option for OP. Anything else involves too much trouble or getting in trouble.

>> No.15120631

let's do some maths. to even it out, let's say an average book would be A5 (210x150mm) and 250 pages (about 25mm thickness, rounding it up to 30mm to include hardcovers).
so one "average" book would have a volume of 945cubic cm.
10.000 books would take up 9.450.000cm3, or almost 10 cubic meters. 10 cubes with 1m sides. it would ENTIRELY fill a small 2x2.5x2m space with no gaps, and it's given they stack up perfectly and averaging was not underassuming the dimensions of actual books.

i doubt OP has some spare 10 cubic meters in his room.

conslusion: thread is fake and homosexual.

>> No.15120847

Just keep them, no point in risking your ass further by returning them. I also suggest you stop being a klepto and get help, one day you're going to get arrested if you continue.