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/lit/ - Literature

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15115507 No.15115507 [Reply] [Original]

Worth a read? Or just a huehue meme?

>> No.15115556


>> No.15115567

HOT DAMN! Would you look at those sweater missiles! BINGBINGBINGBINGBING target locked.

>> No.15115568


>> No.15115574

Fucking hell no wonder women can't be taken seriously. I just look at her and all I want to do is fuck her senseless.

>> No.15115578

Why are they so pointy?

>> No.15115589

is the type of bra she is using

>> No.15115594

It's a type of old bra, I'm surprised you never saw it. It used to be very common, just like shoulder pads in female clothing

>> No.15115604

Lispector? More like Titspector.

>> No.15115606

Type of bra common in the 40's/50's. It's called a cone bra. It gave women really delicious tits.

>> No.15115608

The most famous books by her are small, read it and take your own conclusions. In a week you can know her works pretty well.

>> No.15115614
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t. coombrain
holy shit i'd fill her womb with so much of my seed

>> No.15115634

all that statement goes to show is that you can't take "men" (coomers) seriously

>> No.15115642

Passion According to GH and Agua Viva are amazing.

The Hour of the Star was rather mediocre. I have her collected short stories but the one or two I read weren't that great.

That's a actually not a real photo of her. It's a fake meme photo.

>> No.15115652

Kek. Stop grinding pillows and making Bezos richer by buying his dildos.

>> No.15115692

I could take her seriously after I fucked her. But first I have to have her. Don't give a shit about her until I've pumped her. Then she can tell me about this cool thing she wrote. You have to buy my opinion sweetie.

>> No.15115702
File: 392 KB, 1440x2012, SXO64FWGZEI6DGTZ6G4D2VSQW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the Passion According to GH very much. I've heard that it's even better in Portuguese (learning it right now, hoping to read some of her work in the original language later this year). Kinda like Márquez, it has an intoxicating, meandering quality to it. She's definitely worth getting into op.

The Hour of the Star and her collected stories are also very good.

>> No.15115785

>The logo on the lower right corner of the photo is a pretty good hint. She is actually Alice Denham, Playboy Playmate for July 1956.

sorry dumbass coomers

>> No.15115885

first you get rid of your crippling porn addiction and sort out your mommy issues
same goes for you

>> No.15115921
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Nice projection KEK

>> No.15116260

tfw no writer mommie gf

>> No.15116274

>dresses like a sex object
>"wow you treated me like a sex object you are the problem!"
oh no lad...

>> No.15116385

in German there is a saying: "captain niveau, we're sinking"

there is also a joke:
Captain: "S O S - We are sinking, we are sinking"
German cost-guard: "Sir, please, what are you sinking about"

>> No.15116402

halt die fresse (tschuldigung)

>> No.15116428

Overrated Jewess.

>> No.15116435

>a skirt and a shirt
>sex object

>> No.15116449

Funny, I rarely see her discussed here, and was just thinking of making a thread today after reading her.
I found Near To The Wild Heart amazing. Her prose is so rich, the comparisons she draws are mesmerising, and her questioning of life and reality really resonated with me. She also happens to be my shrink's favourite writer.

>> No.15116471

very tight skirt and her shirt is meant to showcase her tits

>> No.15116483

Na um ehrlich zu sein triffts den Punkt. Das Niveau ist in dem Thread zum Teil ja wirklich im Keller (vielleicht gemeinsam mit den Leuten die Posten).

Wobei als Österreicher kann ich die Sorgen um die Küstenwache nicht nachvollziehen. Ohne Triest haben wir ja kein Meer mehr *schnüff*.

(Naja, ich hab mir gerade die Posting-Zeitpunkte angeschaut. Sorry für die Thread-Nekrophilie. Der Boden ist da eh schon mit einigen aufgewaschen worden.)

>> No.15116484

I hate Brazil.

>> No.15116500

So do I
t. Brazilian monkey

>> No.15116508

I love your women

>> No.15116517

You don't love them. You just want to coom inside them.

>> No.15116522
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>> No.15116533

this is not even a pic of her

>> No.15116543
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Au contraire, I would marry one and love the sorrows of her changing face

>> No.15116566

Ich mochte /lit/ immer sehr, weil es in dieser ganzen irren (trotzdem unterhaltsamen und faszinierenden) Kloake die 4chan ist noch irgendwo postiv hervorgestochen ist. Aber hier geht's momentan leider echt bergab. Scheinen viele pol-Touristen zu sein, die all möglichen Dünnschiss posten und als "gebt mir Buchempfehlungen" tarnen

>> No.15116570

That kind of women can be found in Europe and the US as well. Unless the woman in your image is not Brazilian and I failed for bait. But I thought you meant hot mixed women.

>> No.15116582

She's british. Her mother is brazilian, but she never stepped on Brazil.

>> No.15116719

Cause of this shill, I just read "A Breath of Life". Holy based.

>To accept myself fully? that is a violation of my very life. Every change, every new project is frightening: my heart is frightened. And that is why each word of mine has a heart where blood flows

>I can't stand everyday life and this is why I write. My life is one single day. And that's how the past for me is present and future. All in a single dizziness. Living is magical and wholly inexplicable. I understand death better.

>> No.15116735

Shes only memed in Brazil for being one of the first popular female authors. Doesnt hold a candle to real writers.

>> No.15116769

Wasting your time, our literature isnt worth a damn. Why dont you learn languages that actually matter, like french, german, or russian?

>> No.15116791

if nothing else learning portuguese will make it easier for him to learn other romance languages. Plus the Portuguese did write some cool things

>> No.15116797

She's a Jew, not Portuguese, though.

>> No.15116803

True. Saramago alone shits on everything ever produced by brazilian writers.

>> No.15116808

She's also a huemonkey, that's even more subhuman than a jew

>> No.15116835

One of my favourite authors. Easily among the best Latin Americans of all time.

>> No.15116842

>Easily among the best Latin Americans of all time.
Not even top 30, mate. Why are Angloids so cringe? kek

>> No.15117108

cope, spic

>> No.15117130

>>a skirt and a shirt
>>sex object

>> No.15117155

found the muslim

>> No.15117198

nah, she's definitely not top 30, Angloid. Sounds more like your coping with your lack of LatAm reading.

>> No.15117523

shut up stray dog

>> No.15117538

No one said she was Clarice, you only assumed it.

>> No.15118144

She's Ukrainian lmao

>> No.15118437

She was raised in Brazil, had Brazilian citizenship, writes in Portuguese and is part of the Brazilian literary canon. I don't see a reason why she couldn't be categorised as a Latin American writer.

>> No.15118447

Because she's an Ukrainian Jew lmao

>> No.15118463

>a huehue meme

>> No.15118512

post tits

>> No.15118526


Helene Cixous seems to like her. I have no idea though.

>> No.15118536
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Baseado pra caramba

>> No.15118537

All the respectable Brazilian anons from here told me way back that she sucked and was terribly overrated.

>> No.15118539

Her work is SHIT! I was forced to read some of it in high school and it's pure, leftist bushit.

>> No.15119245

both men and women are reducible to be a sex object as long as they are very much conventionally attractive. stop seething nigga

>> No.15119262

I liked Hour of the Star