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15113087 No.15113087 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that talk about the benefits of No Fap, and methods of abstaining?

I want the benefits to energy levels, concentration and productivity but I'm struggling over here.

>> No.15113156

It's reddit-tier broscience. You're better off just masturbating less than stopping completely. As conventional wisdom goes, all things in moderation.

>> No.15113166

witchcraft novels?

>> No.15113168
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It's not really the fapping so much as the porn. Just stop watching that shit.

>> No.15113236
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You can't just cut it off because you have an addiction to porn and fapping.
Try fapping 3 times a week. Then go less and less.
Fap with vanilla porn, I won't be judging on what on earth you have watched, but step down a few steps of the ladder of degeneracy.
Unfollow every "model" in Instagram and in others social media sites

>> No.15113249

I can't be the only one who's masturbated much less since the corona virus stuff has happened. I don't understand it myself, but it's a fact.

>> No.15113293


Are you off work? Maybe because of all the free time you're finally relaxing in natural ways, spending time with your hobbies, and simply don't need a quick coom to release stress anymore.

>> No.15113311

the worst really is porn, rots your brain into a coomer and encourages degenerate behavior

>> No.15113463

I always thought most no-fap effects were placebo or bullshit. However I tried it out for a while last year, went out with a girl and she told me I had the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen (can't remember anyone complementing them before). Supposedly this is one of the effects of not jerking off. Purely anecdotal and probably a coincidence but still it had me thinking. Still went back to fapping though.

>> No.15113688

just go to confession
The shame of sitting in front of an 80 year old man and telling him to his face that you touch yourself will most likely help you more than any literature.

>> No.15113710

What if I exclusively jo to furry? Can I be rehabilitated?

>> No.15114103

I got extensive experience with it. I'm actually busy writing and I think I could write a book about this. I got plenty of time atm.
What kind of topics, subjects and stuff would you like?

If you are struggling, simply go less first. Cold turkey is often a foolish way to approach things. Your body cant cope with that. And you end up distracted and unable to concentrate.

>> No.15114294

I can't figure out if you are serious or if this post is satire

>> No.15114317

I am off work, but I wasn't really on work in the first. I had just started a job in a pub before it all kicked off. It's not like I masturbated more than once a day before this all kicked off, and I wouldn't say I'm finally relaxing or anything like that. I feel more trapped than I've felt in a while, but I thought that would make me masturbate like a monkey. Still I can work out and write, so I guess I'm not that trapped. I'm not even a wannabe nofap guy, I'm just confused.

>> No.15114338

OP, you want to read "Practice of Brahmacharya", its got everything you need


>> No.15114363

The Coiled Serpent: A Philosophy of Conservation and Transmutation of Reproductive Energy

>> No.15114387
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>> No.15114679

if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off

>> No.15114858

t.Jew porn producer.

>> No.15114915


>> No.15115115

Your body is in your possesion, you should be able to do whatever you want with it, Nofap shouldnt be a concern

>> No.15115138

Not literature.

Mods please ban everyone who bumped.

>> No.15115140

This is the reddit advice.

>> No.15115159

Literature, philosophy, everything is just a cope unless you rise above your flesh.

>> No.15115179

Im serious desu

>> No.15115384
File: 88 KB, 600x900, pythagoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know is this man never masturbated in his life. He only procreated if the moon was in the right spot so he could regain all lost energy.

>> No.15115486


>> No.15115747

"Your brain on porn" by Gary Wilson

>> No.15115770

Regress to catgirls, then regular hentai, then ethots/cosplay, then real girls.
Do this while also cutting down your amount and you'll be fine.
I reccommend starting by abstaining from weekends, then cutting down to 3 days a week, and then only on weekends. I don't really think it's necessary to go further than that, and I haven't personally, but it wouldn't be difficult.

>> No.15115796

the porn circuit by sam black

>> No.15115809

Not really because porn is the reason you fap so much, as it’s what is arousing, cutting out porn reduced me from fapping daily to like once a week and only if I haven’t had sex recently
Not cumming at all seems
This seems like moderately dangerous advice fapping to real girls is better if you stick to still images but western porn is like crack for cooming.
Doujins had me cooming less often than western porn did

>> No.15115834

Sorry yes I should've clarified.
Do not coom to video. Western video pornography is pure coom heroin.
Honestly just go to reddit NSFW subs and you'll be fine.

>> No.15116321

literally just dont think about jacking off so much
US soldiers in veitnam on heroin mostly came back without any signs of lingering addiction, bc their lives got way better.
just get so busy you don't think about it.
it's literally all in your head lol if you cold turkey or cut to 3 times a week you'll still think about it too much bc thats way too methodical

>> No.15116337

You dumb motherfucker just want an excuse to not do anything. If you really wanted to excel in anything you would do it, not search for methods of how to want to do it. I lost all my desire to be an intellectual and it sucks, I have no reason to live anymore, and there you are saying you want to "improve your concentration and productivity" while doing nothing, fucking pathetic retard.

>> No.15116346

>He doesn't know that excessive fapping can cause bulgy eyes like steve buscemi and high test from nofap causes hunter eyes