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15112752 No.15112752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Enlightenment by tantric sex
How can christcucks and ascetic incels even cope?

>> No.15112760

They can’t but you shouldn’t ask this on 4chan, as it is filled with angry virgins

>> No.15112794
File: 272 KB, 1000x1300, krishna3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visitor: "How can I get rid of sexual passion?"

Ramakrishna: "Why get rid of it? Turn its powerful energy in another direction. Lust is blind, but the Great Delight conferred by the Goddess is ever-pure and resplendent."

>> No.15112874

Ramakrishna: "You are male, so I will speak to you about women. To women, I give the same teachings about the spiritual danger and the spiritual potential of men. A women who has awakened in her body and mind the energy of transcendent wisdom, which is the brilliant healing and enlightening presence of the Goddess, can be a tremendous blessing for a male practitioner - as a tantric consort, as consecrated wife, or simply as the inspiring friend of his soul. But a woman who has developed exclusively her biological and social drives is filled with a subtle energy that can be detrimental to the progress of a male aspirant. Eventually - without either person recognizing any danger-she can stifle his aspiration by drowning him in the forces of the limited ego world. Precisely the same facts must be explained to women concerning men...The brilliant feminine energy of wisdom, which incarnates through the bodies and minds of both men and women, cultivates the refined taste for sweet spiritual companionship, for knowledge of oneness, for tears of pure love, for ecstatic union with various revealed forms of Divinity, and for refreshing renunciation of all deceptive, habitual expectations. By contrast, the energy of limitation consists of the random, compulsive play of the mind and senses with their objects - an instinctual drive for experience that lacks both subtlety and harmony and causes the heart to forget the delight of Divine Reality, the communion that is natural to the human soul. But, both currents - the energy of wisdom and the energy of limitation - are simply Mother’s Energy. When only God exists, who is there to praise and whom to blame?

>> No.15113020

This LOL. By definition anyone here is LARPing when it comes to sex. People who actually have sex lives generally dont talk much about it.

>> No.15113147

But what if I'm male and the only person who will sleep with me is a fat eunuch?

>> No.15113217


>> No.15113298
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>> No.15113368

Many of the great Tantric saints were abstinent and basically went volcel mode. Using sexual meditations as symbolism and meditation tools while not actually having intercourse. Tantra also is against the common and vulgar uses of sexuality such as depicted in the kama sutra. The idea that tantra=sexual liberation is a false idea senpai.

>> No.15113386

>h-how can christians c-cope
Cope with what? Your sins? They are your own.
The mere existence of Christians casts doubt on your sexual deviancies, and makes you this insecure? lmao

>> No.15113417

>Visitor: "How can I get rid of sexual passion?"
>Ramakrishna: Go fuck Temple Prostitutes and eat cow shit with the ascetics so you can get high for 5minutes

>> No.15113461
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I'm claiming Lakshmi as my tantrafu

>> No.15113529
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>Cope with what? Your sins? They are your own.
The mere existence of Christians casts doubt on your sexual deviancies, and makes you this insecure? lmao

>> No.15113532
File: 105 KB, 709x536, 1569252150886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be pleasured by exotic Hindu goddesses in your current lifetime
why even live in this samsaric world bhai...

>> No.15113593

karma yoga, participate in the world ,active spiritual life

>> No.15113655

you'd have to be literal vishnu tier person to waifu the goddesses otherwise you'll just suffer the wrath of your own inflated ego
that's why most just address them as mothers

>> No.15113675

I call Kali

>> No.15113748
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How noble of you to forego the common vulgarities of sex.

>> No.15113769

I dont believe you can get enlightened like this. Might be a great pleasure though. The thing is. To infinite bliss, all fades in comparison. So its not even a big deal.
>day 4 of nofap
I admit though, I would love to have regular sex. But it seems I'm out of luck for that.

>> No.15113832


I’m married and have 3 kids

>> No.15113842
File: 165 KB, 500x801, ron-perlman-perlmutations-follow-hey-there-lil-donnie-i-betcha-43630182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey little Christians I'm gonna watch pornhub and eat cow shit and there's nothing you can do about it!!

>> No.15113905

stfu tripfag