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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 299 KB, 1200x1571, Muerte del conde de Villamediana por Manuel Castellano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15111998 No.15111998 [Reply] [Original]

/SpGT/ #12 - Extra saucy edition

>Welcome to the official thread for Spanish /lit/erature. Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, own works (so we can criticize them :), new editions or publications, and the like...

>previous threads:

>======VOTACIÓN TOP 15 OBRAS EN ESPAÑOL (2020)=======
ENLACE: https://www.strawpoll.me/19743493/r

>Currently reading
Lazarillo de Tormes

>Galizian, Catalonian, Basque... speakers welcome.

>> No.15112014

I only know about Cervantes and ROSALÍA. Advise me something.

>> No.15112025
File: 561 KB, 613x601, escritores esp y botellitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Instagram meme true?

>> No.15112035

what are your interests? Rosalía has a strong costumbrist/realist vibe. You into that?

>> No.15112093

Spain seems to me like an eclectic baroque and dancehall beach parties.

>> No.15112155

Teño que ler máis literatura en Galego. Cando remate cos libros que estou a ler comprarei algunhas antoloxías e A Esmorga, que levo tempo querendo lela.

>> No.15112163
File: 519 KB, 1028x1300, 13576097-el-don-ataca-al-rebaño-de-ovejas-esta-foto-es-de-don-quijote-edoardo-perino-la-edición-italiana-publicada-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading Don Quijote and I laughed so much with the part where he attacks the sheeps thinking that it was two armies, then he gets stoned by the shepherds and loses 3 or 4 teeth

>> No.15112196

Where to purchase cheap Spanish lit? I can imagine due to the fact Latin America isn't exactly swimming in money that there is a need for cheaply produced paperbacks. Is there an equivalent to Wordsworth/Dover Thrift, except Hispanic?

>> No.15112227

Mondoñedo é moi bonito en verán. Teño una fotiña coa estatua de Álvaro Cunquiero, sentado ao lado. Tambén eu leí "Maxina ou a filla espúrea". Non estaba mal. Mais bem entretenido.

I know jannies hates us suing other languages that isn't English, but i gotta show off a little bit, after so many years spending the summer in Galicia.

Of. Idk. Try Miguel Delibes and Javier Marías, maybe?

>> No.15113073
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>> No.15113138

Yesterday the great Rubem Fonseca died too.
I don't know ir COVID-19 related or not.

Let's kill some niggas and fuck some hookers in his honor.

>> No.15113153

Wikipedia says he died of a heart attack (Fonseca)

>Let's kill some niggas and fuck some hookers in his honor.
As soon as the quarantine is over.

>> No.15113678

Para mi lo mejor es "os arquivos do trasno" y en poesia luis pimentel y luz pozo garza tiene alguna cosa. Lois pereiro te gustara si eres un nacionalista pijo, manuel antonio es para mi de lo mejor.

>> No.15113914
File: 212 KB, 524x542, 1493918898743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's what I call a good /SpGt/ OP-picture

>> No.15113932

post more if u want

>> No.15114817


>> No.15114864

Favourite Catalan authors? I like Espriu, Pla and Villalonga. Also finally a nice pic for OP, only took you 12 threads

>> No.15114910

feel free to share more. I've got 550 files in my Memes folder. I gotta use what I got, my friendo.

>> No.15115365

Universos paralelos y tomboys andróginas
Por allá por la guerra fría (que a veces de ponía tibia), un sujeto llamado Hugh Everett III no tenía nada mejor que hacer que usar fórmulas matemáticas kilométricas para demostrar que existen –como en algún tebeo olvidado de los 30- universos paralelos; la idea fue sentenciada al papelero de la historia, aunque fue revivida en la grandiosa era de la internet. Muchos, todos, me arriesgo a decir, consideran esta idea como un hecho más de la creación conocida, pero solo una selecta minoría considera las implicaciones prácticas del asunto; hay universo donde eres millonario, un universo donde eres el presidente de Rusia y te bañas en vodka frió, y, si, un universo donde tu novia es una tomboy andrógina (y ,para mas señas, que tiene los cuadraditos marcados). Ahora bien; también hay millones de universos donde te cae un meteorito en la nuca o simplemente sufras combustión espontánea. ¿Cómo navegar por este sinfín de universos, entonces? Propongo un método; el sueño lucido ¿Hay diferencia entre el sueño y la vigilia? Muy poca, apenas unos párpados. Solo es cuestión de transmitir la conciencia ,esa corriente eléctrica que no alumbraría no una bombilla, a otro universo, uno mejor, uno donde las cosas sean como uno quiere. Así de fácil, esto es la Justicia ¿Por qué algunos nacen con mejor suerte que otros?. No lo hacen ;todos nacemos igual de poderosos. Tanto, que podemos decidir donde nacemos.

random rant I wrote

>> No.15115522

Es una mierda anon, lo siento.

Sigue escribiendo, lo mismo mejoras

>> No.15115631

How are the Siglo de Oro and the other charts doing?
Are they made alredy?

>> No.15115644

Not very good, sorry anon

>> No.15115674

Juan de Gil Bediema. No contest.

>> No.15115958
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A punto de leer esto.
Que me espera, bros?

>> No.15115969

Go-to spanish to english dictionary? I know street spanish and want to get into reading spanish lit, but many uncommon words are lost on me

>> No.15116007

Just buy an ereader

>> No.15116010
File: 25 KB, 313x445, La Gabbianella e il gatto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Your cartoon adaptation made me cry like a bitch

>> No.15116130

Tomo, Porrua, EMU, Mestas. Debolsillo and Alianza are a bit more expensive but better quality

>> No.15116147

their paper is absolute shit quality and they're absurdly overpriced now, almost double what they used to cost 5 years ago

>> No.15116619

the plot doesn't seem interesting at all, tbqh

You can start them if you feel like it. So far, chart-anón (the local hero) has made:
>counter-reformation religious authors
>3 best books per Hispanish country
>working on Borges' introducton

>En los primeros capítulos, Puig nos hace ver las personalidades de ambos personajes: Valentín Arregui y Molina.

>El primero, con sus 26 años, es un preso por subversión, es decir, que este hombre piensa que puede cambiar el país con las armas y es un idealista en el campo de lo social, pues piensa que el país tiene esperanza si todos se unen a luchar por el pueblo. Además, menciona varias veces que para él la revolución está antes que los sentimientos. Estudia muchos libros de sociología, sospecha de todo lo que pasa en la penitenciaría, y, obviamente, esto nos lleva a pensar que ha sospechado de Molina.

>Este último, por su parte, es un hombre de 37 años de edad que fue acusado de corrupción de menores. El crimen que ha cometido es completamente pasional: se encariñó con un muchachito;
Sounds like trash, anon-desu

>> No.15117513
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works that are biased towards in favor of catholicism/works that which content are implicitly or explicitly contrarreforma while also having beautiful prose?

>> No.15117589

obviously in spanish only

>> No.15117805

Gómez Dávila, evidently. But you're not ready to read him yet.

>> No.15118171
File: 1.15 MB, 2133x2667, Juan_Donoso_Cortés,_por_Federico_Madrazo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from Gómez Dávila; José Donoso Cortés is great. Ramiro de Maeztu is brilliant, albeit in his quasi-reactionary manner. His Hispanidad concept is universally praised.

>> No.15118239

Best latinamerican philosopher?

>> No.15118255

el taco burrito el beuno

>> No.15118285

el goblino

>> No.15118315 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 719x1080, mainlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alguno tiene el .epub de este libro?

>> No.15118369
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Alguno lo leyó?

>> No.15118421
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learn galician-portuguese

>> No.15118432

>Sounds like trash, anon-desu
It's kino, you stupid gayllego.

>> No.15118435

it's the same quality as Alianza in my experience. maybe it depends on the country.

>> No.15118540

I wonder why they seldom publish the whole thing. Only one unabridged edition has been published by an independent publisher in Spain.

>> No.15118566

OuPi hasn't read El beso de la mujer araña and is killing it trash without having read it?

Doesn't sound like the OuPi I know : /

>> No.15118841

so pessimistic you kill yourself if you read the whole thing

>> No.15119045

A fragment, a shard if you will, of a tale i wrote.
Comments, you'd be very much appreciated.

Lo que me hubiera gustado mostrarle todos los perros callejeros que tenía apodados… por suerte llegué a señalarle unos cuantos en la ruta que mi compañero comandaba. Estaba “Alambre”, estaba “Tripartito”; tres patas tenía nomás el pobre. Pero viera usted cómo se las arreglaba, y cuando nadie le jugaba un boleto. ¿Quién más estaba? ¡Ah sí! “Motoneta” se acercó a saludarnos viejito y chiquito de ladrido que se asemeja a una. También nos cruzamos con el “ya te vimos”, que como acostumbraba me miró de soslayo y con desdén. Perro aristócrata renegado y escapado, pero que no podía renunciar por completo a sus modos y gestos adquiridos en un Country y en compañía de “La familia modelo”. Figúrese, una familia de modelos de profesión toda: siempre he escuchado hablar de ellas, pero nunca he visto una. Hallo que ha de ser muy bonita y agradable a la vista. Al último nos cruzamos con el “policía vestido de civil”.

>> No.15119051

*Would be.

>> No.15119569

Sounds like you are already biased. So go read whatever.

>> No.15120014

It does sound like trash, though

>> No.15120025

t. Angry tranny

>> No.15120026

They make it sound like trash in that synopsis but it's actually good. It's like they were reviewing Don Quijote as "Some old delusional man tries to find his way in a small town lost in mediocre Spain and his fat boyfriend comes to his help." Doesn't really make it justice, does it?

>> No.15120040

>Inserting *nglo words in your spanish works
Not gunna make it

>> No.15120060

>Doesn't sound like the OuPi I know
But he's been doing that since the start of these threads

>> No.15120231

Just ordered:

>On heroes and tombs
>Like water for chocolate
>The obscene bird of night
>Dom Casmurro

What am I in for, compadres?

>> No.15120241

I really liked this book despite an unnatural hatred towards faggots and communists.

>> No.15120377

t. fag enabler

>> No.15120388
File: 683 KB, 1920x2571, 1558321888560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get what they deserve in the end, so you could view it as a cautionary tale.

>> No.15120397

you're a falseflagging homo trying to get others to let the globohomo propaganda penetrate into their skulls if only in disdain cause that's how much attention your kind begs for
kys like mishima or whatever the sushi homo's name was thx

>> No.15120424

Yeah go suck your mother's cock

>> No.15120858
File: 153 KB, 911x1500, soledades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this
easy read i swear and very enjoyable
you'll love the ending

>> No.15120937

doing what?

>> No.15121081

not being part of the 8ch fagmafia hivemind, that's what

>> No.15121160
File: 214 KB, 786x611, 1533219546940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books in spanish to expand my vocabulary?
I realized that, as I try to write, I end up spending too much time on which words to write to describe a concept I already know I want to write.
>Inb4 the dictionary
and yes I already use synonyms to supplant this need but i'd like more reference material

>> No.15121171

which books in spanish are hard to read and rich with language?

>> No.15121192

Any Spanish-language books like 2666?

>> No.15121255


>> No.15121354

Are there better sites for Spanish lit with global delivery than Amazon and bookdepository ?

>> No.15121424

well by global delivery i mean basically EU not Mongolia or Siberia lol

>> No.15121627
File: 30 KB, 1024x576, paco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Qué pasa en este hilo que está lleno de maricones?
Vamos a hablar de mis libros.

>> No.15121677

Anything by Unamuno, Pío Baroja, Delibes... The latter is great, bc he used so many old, traditional words

>> No.15121715

i forgot to mention that they need to be biased in favor of carlists, catholics, anti-protshits/anticommies/antifags/etc.

>> No.15121755

Does anybody know any Spanish /lit/ forum that isn't shit?

>> No.15121776

skimming through wikipedia unamuno and delibes seem exactly like what I was looking for
especially delibes, if what I read is true his fondness for nature is probably like or better than turgenev's
which work is his central work?

>> No.15121787

Being a clueless retard

>> No.15121809

>noooo he doesn't know <read post-freudian influenced hispanic literature full of onions> work this cannot stand!

>> No.15121945

>Like water to chocolate
R u a girl or what?

>Dom Casmurro

>El Obsceno Pájaro de la Noche
Based, really good book.

From where you bought them? in amazon dot mx I was looking foward to buy El Obsceno Pájaro de la Noche but it was sold out.

>> No.15122332


>> No.15122655

Ooff. That's hard to answer. You could try "Los santos inocentes", which has a nice social touch.

ssshhhh. Don't trigger the maricón.

would love to hear about that. This is ok, so far.. Forocoches is full of retards that would browse /b/ if they spoke English. InfoBurbuja is kinda the same. Hispachan is low af. Fb is too personal.

>> No.15122735

Daily reminder that OP is the same guy that proposed we read Ficciones by Cortázar

>> No.15122804

yeah. Not checking every title I was sent individually was such a mistake. My bad...

>> No.15123145

I forgive you OuPi <3 no homo.

>> No.15123171

Not even the best Bolaño book. Try his other works,

>> No.15123184

>buys a Brazilian book
>calls us compadres

>> No.15123222

Mexican here. I was also following the release of Obsceno pájaro at Amazon but it was never even released as far as I know, so I dont think it was sold out.

>> No.15123234

kek I remember that. Simply embarrassing and it outed OPuto as a fraud.

>> No.15123475


>Spanish Medieval Canon (#3)
Any ideas?
-Cantar de Mio Cid -Francisco de Osuna's "The Third Spiritual Alphabet" -Romancero Viejo -La Celestina -El Amadís -Cárcel de Amor -El libro del buen amor -El conde Lucanor -Cántigas de Santa María (Alfonso X) -Sth by Berceo -Sth by Marqués de Santillana -Laberinto de Fortuna
-Las coplas de Jorge Manrique -El libro de Aleixandre

>Siglo de Oro chart (#4)
-Cervantes: Don Quixote -Quevedo: Sueños y discursos; Marco Bruto -Góngora: -Lope de Vega: some anthology -Calderón: La vida es sueño -Bocángel: selected poems -Sor Juana: selected poems (What Sor Juana?) -Garcilaso de la Vega: sonetos, églogas -Moreto: -Santa Teresa: castillo interior -Gracián: -Fray Luis de León -San Juan de la Cruz: noche oscura del alma -Lazarillo de Tormes (Anonymous) -Lope de Vega: Fuenteovejuna -Moreto: El desdén con el desdén -Gracián: el criticón -Fray Luis: Selected poems -El Lazarillo (Anonymous) -Tirso de Molina: el burlador de Sevilla

>Entry level novels for Spanish learners (#5)
-"Finis Mundi" by Laura Gallego -"Memorias de Idún" by ídem. -"Las batallas en el desierto" by Pacheco

>This is how *I* personally would do a Borges chart:
Poetry or Short stories?
>Short stories -> Start with El Aleph
>Want more beautiful prose? -> Ficciones
>Want more latin references? -> El libro de Arena
>Want more metaphysic? -> La memoria de Shakespeare
>Poetry -> Start with El hacedor
>More argentinian-style? -> Fervor de Buenos Aires
You'll guys have to fill in here since I don't like poetry much.
>I want to understand Borges -> Start with Inquisiciones.
>I want more -> Otras inquisiciones
>I want more argentinism -> El idioma de los Argentinos
>I want to feel -> El tamaño de mi Esperanza
>I want to know what was Borges' standard -> Antología de la literatura fantástica
>>Short stories -> Start with El Aleph
>Want more mind-blowing stories? -> Ficciones
>Want fictional accounts of historic figures? -> Historia universal de la infamia
>Want more stories like those in Ficciones? -> El libro de Arena
>Want Borges' swan song? -> La memoria de Shakespeare

We got nothing so far. Any suggestions?

We got nothing so far.


>> No.15123481

No jodas, Ficciones es uno de los libros mas famosos escritos en nuestra lengua. Hasta los putos anglos de /lit/ saben que es de Borges.

>> No.15123482

Poesía en Español

Una chart para 4chan (inicial draft, suggestions pls)

“Bradley dijo que uno de los efectos de la poesía debe ser darnos la impresión, no de descubrir algo nuevo, sino de recordar algo olvidado. Cuando leemos un buen poema pensamos que también nosotros hubiéramos podido escribirlo; que ese poema preexistía en nosotros.”
Jorge Luis Borges

Teoría de la poesía en español
1. Métrica Española Por Antonio Quilis
2. Arte del verso Por Tomás Navarro
3. Elementos de métrica español Por José Domínguez Caparrós
4. Figuras retóricas por José Antonio Mayoral
5. ¿Cómo leer y escribir poesía? Por Hugo Hiriart

Introducción a la poesía en español
1. Poesía Lírica del Siglo de Oro Por Elías L. Rivers
2. Poesía Completa Por Jorge Luis Borges
3. Residencia en la Tierra Por Pablo Neruda
4. Antología por Rubén Darío
5. Poesía por Quevedo

Poetas destacados en español

1. El aprendizaje del escritor Por Jorge Luis Borges
2. Diccionario de Métrica Española
3. Manual de Versificación Española
4. Cante hondo: cantares, canciones y coplas, compuestas al estilo popular de Andalucía Por Manuel Machado
5. Ómnibus de poesía mexicana


I can't fucking believe this thread is still active. Maybe it's worth making these.

>======VOTACIÓN TOP 15 OBRAS EN ESPAÑOL (2020)=======

ENLACE: https://www.strawpoll.me/19743493/r
You can vote more than once

>> No.15123492
File: 226 KB, 560x577, eva interersting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that Chart-anón can start soon the Top-15. What do you think, my friend?

>> No.15123869

"Retos, consejos y cursos para terminar ese libro o relato que tienes en borradores", por Javier Miró


>> No.15124211
File: 634 KB, 1024x689, Arrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mediocre pompous text.
Ministro de educación tier.
Feel bad about it and quit.

>> No.15124442

it's bad but atleast it's not written in *nglish

>> No.15124766

You saved my shit <3 love you OuPi.

Also, I need suggestions for at least 20 authors (easy, I know, but I want the best).

>> No.15124793

I don't speak Spanish, and even I can tell that you watch too much anime.

>> No.15124814

Why waste your time with religion? Reading the bible and Gómez Dávila made me an atheist.

Maeztu was shit after WWI, properly killed by Republicanos.

Religion is for the weak.

>> No.15124846

Who would've thought. I was right!

>> No.15124861

t. tranny

>> No.15124869

Anything by José Ingenieros. Maybe "El hombre mediocre". He has a ton of vocabulary in his texts. Also, would suggest to read XIX century literature if you find youself wanting to expand your vocabulary.

>> No.15124900

t. Pendejo.

>> No.15124914

it's how offended you reacted, like I'm just asking for a thing right, and you get so very offended but you can't even blow up on me cause it would out you as the pathetlic little fragile cuck you are, so instead you decide to take a jab at me in the only way you think has any effect
how can I know that this is what happened?
cause in my post, not once did I ever ask for those works with any specific purpose. All I did was ask for a certain type of work.
When you read my post, you built up this scenario up in your head where I'm some sort of researcher trying to change my opinion or get a gist of things when in reality I just wanna enjoy good literature without having to take in onions-fueled ideology all plastered in good prose
a sureway for me to guarantee that it's gonna be good without having globohomo poison in it is having that characteristics

see how far your asumptions were against my desire for reading these works?
you're insane, literally and don't take that as a complement, you're a golem cumbrain pulled by the nose by kikes

>> No.15125213

What are the Spanish (not Latin-american) works of literature that should be read, absolutely? Who are as good as Bolaño, Cortazar, Borges, Marquez...
Why are they so few Spanish literature in general outside ... Cervantes?

>> No.15125429
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I think we won't get many more votes than that, so I'll probably start with it soon.

I've been fiddling with the Borges chart but I'm lacking the knowledge of his poetry to finish it. Any poet fan that gets around Borges' poetry and can give me a hand?

>> No.15125437

You can put all the blame on the siesta tradition.

>> No.15125439


>> No.15125453

The amount of projection in this post astounds me.

>> No.15125615
File: 59 KB, 400x635, FG10435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a review on this edition of Pessoa's poetry, I'll be posting it in the next few posts as images. If you've got time, I hope you can read it and give me some comments.

>> No.15125620
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>> No.15125630
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>> No.15125638
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>> No.15125642

Spaniard lit went to shit thanks to realism. Most of the 19th and 20th century Spaniard writers fell for the realism meme. They wanted to be Tolstoy but they ended up writing dull snoozfests. Some exceptions: Baroja, Unamuno and Pérez Galdós.

>> No.15125646
File: 796 KB, 2550x3300, Pessoa 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15125662
File: 797 KB, 2550x3300, Pessoa 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to get it published, but I have yet to find an online journal/magazine that could fit the text

>> No.15125664

I was about to buy this one but realized that the translator was doing his own transvestite versions of Pessoas poems in many instances, essentially mimicking the rhymes and all that even when it wasn't faithful to the original text. What a joke. I ended up getting the two-book set instead, which just translates clearly and doesn't feel forced.

>> No.15125704

I disagree. It's a valid way to translate poetry, and almost always the translations are faithful to the original and don't feel forced in this case. Plus, it's bilingual. In any case, it's better to have more versions available tomake comparisons between them and with the original.

>> No.15125778

Worth it.
>I plan to get it published, but I have yet to find an online journal/magazine that could fit the text
How do you into publish, my amigo? Me no sabe.

>> No.15125961


I studied Spanish for like 6 years (including at university) and used to live in Spain, but it's been fucking years and my grammar and vocab is so fucking rusty. I understand pretty much all spoken/written spanish as well as English (apart from highly specialized/slang vernacular) and I've read Borges, Unamuno, Sender etc.

Would it be reasonable for me to try to read Don Quixote, or will the language be too hard?

thank you

>> No.15125982


I find that shit about Spanish society in the past century, especially stuff about politics and religion, to be so dry. Requiem por un campesino español and Manuel Bueno are such a slog to get through. Am I just not getting it? Could someone explain to me why I'm wrong? Borges is based tho

>> No.15126005

>«En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor. Una olla de algo más vaca que carnero, salpicón las más noches, duelos y quebrantos los sábados, lentejas los viernes, algún palomino de añadidura los domingos, consumían las tres partes de su hacienda. El resto della concluían sayo de velarte, calzas de velludo para las fiestas con sus pantuflos de lo mismo, los días de entre semana se honraba con su vellori de lo más fino. Tenía en su casa una ama que pasaba de los cuarenta, y una sobrina que no llegaba a los veinte, y un mozo de campo y plaza, que así ensillaba el rocín como tomaba la podadera. Frisaba la edad de nuestro hidalgo con los cincuenta años, era de complexión recia, seco de carnes, enjuto de rostro; gran madrugador y amigo de la caza. Quieren decir que tenía el sobrenombre de Quijada o Quesada (que en esto hay alguna diferencia en los autores que deste caso escriben), aunque por conjeturas verosímiles se deja entender que se llama Quijana; pero esto importa poco a nuestro cuento; basta que en la narración dél no se salga un punto de la verdad».

good texts whose fame has probably been magnified bc of politics. Don't forget that Spanish society is still polarized. And retards like Vox are polarizing it even more.

>> No.15126055


When I studied translation at university, I quickly came to realize that the academic and professional aspect of the industry is dominated strongly by identitarian and partisan stances of people who employ "subtle" changes to the original. It's pure eisegesis of the text. One of our lecturers was an Italian woman in her late 20s who often talked abot highjacking and how to change things to highlight and empower women, imigrants and other disempowered groups.

It's also a shame that the industry is dying since 1 - Everyone speaks English and 2 : translation technology is already excellent. Both of these things will only become truer with time and the only things that will involve translation from humans will be highly specialized texts which are emotionally and culturally charged, but I digress.


Maybe I'm just biased and I roll my eyes are criticisms of christianity and politics because it's such a tired stance. It's everywhere in Spanish culture nowadays. Spanish film tends to explore themes of social cohesion and fitting in, as well as political and societal oppresion, in a much more effective and captivating way.

>> No.15126076

Lol. Spanish people tend to see Spanish cinema the other way around. A lot of politics and Guerra Civil from a left-wing perspective. Right-wingers tend not to see Spanish movies (and everybody in general)

>> No.15126107


I felt both the more... I guess "academic" literature and film that I read/watched had strong left wing/anti authoritarian/ anti religious themes.

>> No.15126117

Leopoldo Alas aka Clarín is pretty good too

>> No.15126128

> Who are as good as Bolaño, Cortazar, Borges, Marquez...
Javier Marías.

>> No.15126131


couple of words here and there like rocín that I didn't know, but I understand the core structure. Maybe I'll just read it and constantly check words I don't know and it'll just help me improve anyways.

>> No.15126144

Good for you. A teacher of mine gave us a tp in class: when you come across a word you don't understand, put it down and keep reading until you finish the chapter, and look it up later

>> No.15126147

It might seem that way but the Spanish cultural elite are just as capitalistic pigs as the people they criticize.

>> No.15126161


Almodovar seems like he attends weird cultist sex parties lmao.


Ngl it's a pretty complex read, so many weird grammar rules in old spanish, plus I had to look up a lot of those types of food and shit. Is there a particular version you recommend? Perhaps something with annotations that explains historical context? Either way, anything I could read to maybe understand the historical/cultural context better regardless? I don't think i'd be able to appreciate it without understanding it.

>> No.15126183

>basta que en la narración dél no se salga un punto de la verdad

wait, what does this bit mean?

>> No.15126190

No. Sorry about that.
But try lurking a bit more on this general. There's a guy reading it, and he tells us about it from time to time.

>> No.15126216

sth like "it's enough that this narration is all true about it"

>> No.15126248


" no se salga un punto de la verdad" sounds odd. I understand all the words and got the context but idk, something about it just... Sometimes when I'm reading spanish I'm like "I know all these words, I understand the grammar, why can't I make sense of what they're trying to say?"

>> No.15126262

welp. It literally says:
"that [the narration] doesn't miss a point of the truth. Not that abstract.

>> No.15126288

>basta [con] que la narración no se salga un punto de la verdad

It's enough that this narration doesn't deviate a single period from the truth.

>> No.15126309

It's not old Spanish.

>> No.15126327


isn't there old Spanish later on? Using della and shit, for example? I just thought this particular paragraph wasn't in old Spanish.


Idk mb I'm just rusty. I got what it means but it sounded kinda odd to my "ear". I didn't know what it means to "salir un punto" but i kinda figured it out contextually

>> No.15126373

Cervantes falls into Early Modern Spanish.
Old Spanish would be something like El Cid.

>> No.15126374

Estoy leyendo la edición de la RAE y tiene un montón de notas al pie. Hay varias palabras que uno no conoce por el vocabulario antiguo pero también aclara las sintaxis extrañas y frases hechas que ya no se utilizan.

>> No.15126407

>Idk mb I'm just rusty. I got what it means but it sounded kinda odd to my "ear". I didn't know what it means to "salir un punto" but i kinda figured it out contextually
Think of coloring a drawing. In Spanish we would say to a child "No te salgas de la raya." (Don't get out of the line). It's not so much about "salir un punto" but rather about "salir" as in deviate from anything. No salirse de la raya, no salirse un punto de la verdad (in this case they're referring to text rather than to coloring).

>> No.15126427


https://www.rae.es/publicaciones/obras-academicas/bcrae/don-quijote-de-la-mancha-de-miguel-de-cervantes esta el la versión de que hablas, no? por cierto, las notas me ayudarian mucho; explican el significado de las palabras y el contexto? visto que hace mucho tiempo que no leo ni escribo en español y seguro de que me he olvidado de muchisimos terminos y idiomas, creo que si no incluyera las notas que no podria leer el libro.

>> No.15126434


Yeah that's what I mean by getting it contextually and being rusty. It's been such a long time since I practice or was exposed to Spanish culture.When I lived in Spain I was scared to practice cuz I look Spanish and I have a good Spanish accent, so if I made a mistake I wouldn't just come across as a foreigner, I'd come across as Spanish but retarded

>> No.15126504
File: 57 KB, 960x741, Jaime Saenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alguien sabe donde encuentro los libros de este autor (Jaime Saenz)? No los encuentro en ningun lado

>> No.15126506
File: 23 KB, 288x500, 9788420467283-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related es la edición que estoy leyendo. Puedes encontrar un .epub bien fácil online.

Igual uno se da cuenta de que el idioma de Cervantes es mayormente comprensible, la mayoría de notas al pie se pueden obviar. Parece que tienes un español muy bueno, creo que puedes leer el texto original.
>seguro de que me he olvidado de muchisimos terminos y idiomas
"Idiomas" significa lenguas en español, no "idioms", es un false friend. Además, en todo caso sería "E idiomas".

>> No.15126536

Lo único que he encontrado es una edición bilingüe de su poesía que se llama "Inmanent visitors".

>> No.15126547


I thought idiomas meant languages and I checked just to make sure and the internet said it meant idioms in the english context too! And yeah, "e" idiomas, my bad. My spanish ain't bad but like I said I haven't spoken it in fucking years.

Gracias anon, lo averiguare

>> No.15126548
File: 129 KB, 600x1035, ff3b7404-82b1-11df-acc7-002185ce6064_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original is still full of old spellings. The versions we've read have been edited/"translated" into an even more modern version of Spanish, without affecting much of the grammar.
Wasn't there an annotated copy of the Quixote with footnotes and stuff but in HTML? The PDF sucks.
I tried to find it in cervantesvirtual.com but I can only find one without any notes.

>> No.15126581

That's still Early Modern Spanish.

>> No.15126619

Didn't mean to diss you anon, I'm a teacher so it just comes naturally I guess. Like I said I find your Spanish very good, but one can always polish the edges.

The closest literal translation would be "expresión idiomática" but not "idiomas", or at least not in Spain. Anyways when in doubt always check the RAE and the Fundeu.

>> No.15126629


Are you Spanish? I didnt take any offense anyways, I'm happy you corrected me bro.

>> No.15126647

>Are you Spanish?
Sí, aunque me duele España como a Unamuno.

>> No.15126678

>How do you into publish, my amigo? Me no sabe.
Just find some literary magazines on Facebook that publish often and have a solid readership. Even if they're amateur, some of them have good standards and editorial quality.

>> No.15126687

I've read Shakespeare, Milton and Mallory in the original if I were to refer to their language, I'd refer to them as "old English" in the sense it's old and hard as fuck to parse.

Similarly, I doubt the guy was referring specifically to español medio o medieval by "old". Quixote was indeed written in an earlier (older) form of Spanish.
When was the last time you used "della" in writing? That's why I mentioned the old spellings.

>> No.15126732


Yo onions Portugués, pero llevo casi toda mi vida en Inglaterra y ni siquiera hablo mi propio idioma muy bien, sin hablar del español. me encantaria poder hablar mejor los dos idiomas pero no es facil encontrar a alguien que hable pt/es en partes remotas del pais, por lo tanto me parecio que fuese buena idea leer Don Quixote en español, que es algo que hace tiempo que me daba ganas de hacer de todos modos, y matar dos pajaros de un tiro

sorry I can't be bothered with typing out ´~ etc on a keyboard

>> No.15126784

Hazlo anon. Yo apenas llevo 200 páginas pero el libro vale la pena y está dividido en capítulos bastante pequeños que lo hacen muy fácil de leer.

Mi familia vive a 5 minutos de la frontera con Portugal y la gente del pueblo habla un portunhol bastante interesante. Yo me crié en las Baleares pero igual me gustaría aprender portugués. El cabrón de mi padre habla gallego (y euskera y catalán) pero no me enseñó de pequeño.

>> No.15126826


> El cabrón de mi padre habla gallego (y euskera y catalán) pero no me enseñó de pequeño.

Joder, y porque habla todos esos idiomas?

>> No.15126864

Mis abuelos son gallegos y emigraron a Vizcaya a trabajar en Altos Hornos. En casa hablaban gallego y él aprendió vasco en la universidad, de hecho llegó a dar clase de euskera después del franquismo. Después se mudó a Baleares y como era profesor tuvo que aprender la lengua lectiva que es el catalán. Eso sí, no habla ni papa de inglés kek.

Yo aprendí castellano y catalán, que es lo que se hablaba en mi casa y en la escuela. Luego aprendí inglés y alemán porque he vivido en UK y Alemania. Creo que aprenderé portugués o italiano próximamente, me encanta la musicalidad de ambos idiomas y siendo lenguas latinas no deberían ser tan difíciles.


>> No.15127493


>> No.15127806

I'll read it tomorrow, if you'd excuse me anon. I'm watching films with my SO right now.

>> No.15128116
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Ya suban los malditos charts.

>> No.15128159
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No hay nada de Marito

>> No.15129367

Buenos días, bump matutino

Recomienda vos, joto

>> No.15130877

any names?

>> No.15131312
File: 3.03 MB, 1080x2630, 1581124240812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first version of the chart. Suggestions?

>> No.15131323

Borges is an anglo pretending to be a castizo spanish writer, never include him in such a list or future lists again

>> No.15131344

>t. ass-blasted peronist

>> No.15131368

lol faggots that think Borges should belong to the heritage of hispanic literature are likely midwits engaging in low brow hispanic literature themselves
Reminder to read Borges in english as that is how he's supposed to be read
reminder that *nglish is ugly as fuck and not worth reading

>> No.15131417

La de pelotudeces que hay que leer en este foro de peladuras de zanahorais cantonés

>> No.15131824


I know Borges was anglospeaker, but if your read his poems (translated to english are awful), his mastery of Spanish is outstandig.

He tried to translate Finnegans Wake, but he couldn't made it.

>> No.15131838

A-anon, I...
It's beautiful.

>> No.15131856


Borges spoke a bunch of different languages tho. Why wouldnt he be a native spanish speaker, considering he was Argentinian?

>> No.15131865


>> No.15131880

Why not made the two Borges entries a sigle entry and use that spot for another great work?

>> No.15131889


>> No.15131919

En teoría está sacado de la poll que hicimos, pero estoy de acuerdo que habría sido mejor limitarla a 1 obra por autor.

>> No.15131960

Ok, I'm making a move on this.


El hacedor

1.- Want a young Borges? Cuaderno San Martín
1.1 Want a younger Borges? Luna de enfrente y Fervor de Buenos Aires

2.- Want more of this (el hacedor)? El otro, el mismo

3.- Merge between his prose and poetry? El oro de los tigres
3.1- Expand your branch of this? Elogio de la sombra
3.2.- La rosa profunda
3.3.- La moneda de hierro
3.4.- Historia de la noche

4.- Borges in the bringe of blindness and death? La crifa; los conjurados

That's the logic way of reading Borges poetry: chronologically. Complete poems by Emecé is the best anthology.

4.- Last

>> No.15131987

Down Otras Inquisiciones you can write?


1.- Miscelánea
1.1- Miscelánea I
1.2 Miscelánea II
1.3 Miscelánea III

2.- Textos recobrados

And that's It, you have finished Borges.

Saludos desde Argentina pelotudos arriba Boca (Borges estaría decepcionado de mi por ser hincha del fútbol).

>> No.15132009

What about his anthologies made with Bioy Casares? Both Cuentos breves y extraordinarios and Antología de la literatura fantástica are worth reading IMO.

>> No.15132029

fr*nco killed spanish lit for most of the 20th century

>> No.15132146

change the Aleph cover, bc of muh aesthetics. The rest is pretty neat.

>> No.15132413
File: 11 KB, 195x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made a thread about the writer Alberto Laiseca If you want to help translate any of his works please visit this thread

>> No.15132436

Y luego del Boca...

>> No.15132449

And those Bustos Domecq books I couldn't be able to get. Isidro Parodi was the character.

>> No.15132499

I have no doubt about that, actually, I agree with you, but those aren't works made by Borges. The chart-anon can put them like in a corner.

El club más grande del puto país.

>> No.15132546

Evaristo Carriego.

>> No.15132921

>Reminder to read Borges in english as that is how he's supposed to be read
AFAIK, the main supporting argument for this semi-retarded statement is the high praise he gave di Giovanni's translations, as superior versions of his own stories. If you've ever heard Borges talk, you'd know he was extremely humble and had a self deprecating sense of humor. He mentioned several times that his best output had been a couple poems and maybe a short story. I doubt he was referring to his only 2 English poems, which are, frankly speaking, kinda meh and basic. The argument, therefore is a half-truth at most.

Some people find his prose slightly awkward, as if he was mentally transcribing his thoughts from English to Spanish. Yeah, he thought English was better in several ways, but just listen to him talk about the differences between “azulado”, “azulino”, “azulenco”, “azulillo". That's exactly the kind of nuances a person who loved Spanish would come with. There's also his most embarrassing phase (his words), the """nationalist""" phase, "Fervor de Buenos Aires" and all that.
Borges grew up bilingual, learning English from his nanny (which is how he learned how to translate Wilde at a young age). He was obviously fascinated by the language and a bunch of his favorite writers were anglophones.
The immense majority of his oeuvre was written in Spanish though, for the exception of 2 poems, some articles and a few lectures at an American university. He loved the Spanish language probably just as much as English, and he clearly had such a mastery of it he cared more about perfecting his stories rather than developing a better English prose.

>> No.15132975

>learning English from his nanny
Just a small note, he claimed that his nanny was not important, his english granmother was.

>> No.15133148

>Cortázar - Cuentos Completos
>Two Borges short stories books instead of cuentos completos too
Pretty dumb, anon.

>> No.15133536

Hate the poll, not the chart.

>> No.15133621
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It's great anon, however I'd say merge both of Borges' books as to add a new entry. Maybe Vargas Llosa or whatever was left out.
Also we could lose the digits; there is no further need to present them as somehow greater than each other.

and if you can add canto general instead of residencia en la tierra i will be forever in your debt

>> No.15133646

El futbol es popular porque la estupidez es popular.

>> No.15133667
File: 1.12 MB, 1832x3784, spanish lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make the same mistake I did all those years ago.
Rename it to "Hispanic" or some random ñ-tard will sperg out when he sees Latin Americans in the list.

>> No.15133718

I'll take these suggestions and fix it. Thanks!

I'll expand on it and add the missing stuff, thanks!

>> No.15134315


>> No.15135688
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>> No.15135696
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>mi cara cuando canto general no está en el top quince

>> No.15135709

Your biggest mistake was putting 3 (!) Bolaño books, not the chart title.

>> No.15136593

They are great books.
At any rate, the list was put together by commitee, same as the ones being discussed ITT.

>> No.15136606

Great is a big word. Two are good, one is decent.

>> No.15136696

what is the hispanic meme trilogy? 2666 and what else

>> No.15136714
File: 289 KB, 2028x1004, 1534545711111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2666 is for plebs. Pic rel is the Ñ meme trilogy.

>> No.15136726
File: 23 KB, 306x500, 41UfZV4MqfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2666, Rayuela and...

>> No.15136754

Terra Nostra

>> No.15136761

It's obviously Los detectives salvajes, Rayuela, and Cien años de soledad.

Terra Nostra is too niche.

>> No.15136773

In the original meme trilogy Gravity's Rainbow is niche as well. The Savage Detectives is YA fiction for normies.

>> No.15136872

GR is still read and treated as a proper meme. Terra Nostro is not. Plus, the three books I mentioned are actual memes and fit as a trilogy.
>The Savage Detectives is YA fiction for normies.
Doesn't matter. Also, shit tier, nonsense opinion.

>> No.15136886

This is a very good meme trilogy; however I insist that something from either Bolaño or Cortázar or some such is here instead of Laiseca or Lezama

>> No.15136899

>Terra Nostro
Sorry, shitcano, let real Hispanics deal with this, okay? You can go read Mango Street or whatever.
>Plus, the three books I mentioned are actual memes and fit as a trilogy.
100 Years is too respected to be a meme and there isn't anything memeworthy in it, unlike Ulysses. Rayuela could work but it's too meh to be a proper meme.
>Doesn't matter. Also, shit tier, nonsense opinion.
It does matter when we're talking about a meme trilogy. Bolaño is too normie for a meme trilogy, especially that book.

>> No.15136936

You're right, I changed my mind, I could see 2666 working as meme.

>> No.15137004

>pantoja and city of dogs
Omegayikes, at least replace one of them with Vallejo or kys

>> No.15137021

>b-but my sacred poll!

>> No.15137095

>over a chart made 10 years ago
Are you autistic or something?

>> No.15137231

Que tal?


>> No.15137269
File: 28 KB, 232x333, alfredo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alguna vez escucharon la Guitarra Negra de Zitarrosa? Son nueve poemas recitados, una de las obras maestras de la música uruguaya.


Mi primera vez, lloré. Favorito, "hago falta."

>> No.15137328
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both quite good; since we're on the wagon of video-sharing: A fondo was a a spanish interview program chiefly focused on high cultural exchanges. It enjoyed the presence of many great figures from the entire hispanosphere. My favourite is Carlos Fuentes, however every single one of them (even with the more minor guests) is worth watching.
Carpentir, Octavio Paz, Cortázar, Borges and Guayasamín have easily some of the finest interviews I have ever witnessed.
It really is something our culture sorely needs.


>> No.15137338

>It really is something our culture sorely needs.
What is?

>> No.15137366

Furthermore here is one of the greatest literary channels I have come across, of any language: ADEH TV is a small endeavour of a pair of argentinean professors passionate for educated discertations. Despite its shoddier æsthetic (relative to the previously-mentioned A fondo), it is a genuinely wonderful series of content that, I'd venture to say, has broadened my soul.
Their take on Carpentier and his baroque is astoundingly good.


>> No.15137378

You already shared that one, too. It feels like a deja vu.

>> No.15137401

This type of tv shows, but nowdays

>> No.15137412

Looks Interesting, I know the channel but not that video

>> No.15137417
File: 885 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20200418-230332_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A program of this kind, however I meant to refer simultaneously to A fondo and ADEH TV (or some such current of textual-analytical critique) as to illustrate what is lacking from our modern literary panorama. By our I mean the Spanish speaking world, and by need I refer to a hyperbolic requirement, not a genuine starvation for said thing.
That being said, the Hispanic identity has to be renewed and its greatest vector ought to be our greatest jewel: our language. A language isn't just a tongue; it is a tradition, a culture, a worldvision and a shared imaginary. We must look inside that tradition, comprehend it, truly love it, and resuscitate it - or, in some cases, give it life. For our sake.
Lest our culture further degrade into an adoration of capital, of vapid americanised consumerism, of lowbrow thought, of superficial beauty (nay, lookism), and such undignified practices. Lest we become cultural colonies, we must establish our cultural sovereignty.

>> No.15137475

Os veo muy adelantados yo apenas llegué a conocer el siglo de oro y el romanticismo por encima porqué no creo que pueda introducirme bien a la literatura hispánica empezando a leer autores del siglo XX, que empezaron a crear ya a hombros de gigantes como se suele decir. Creo que he hecho bien porqué conociendo el siglo de oro y anteriormente un poco la literatura medieval los autores posteriores me resultan mucho más accesibles e interesantes

>> No.15137483

2/2 Pero hay que hacerlo conociendo su contexto histórico, se me olvidaba

>> No.15137500

What are some writers from latin america who write surreal and trippy stories? I can only read spanish very slowly.

>> No.15137507

I've seen quite a lot of them in Mexican cultural television, from Canal Once and Canal 22, particularly. Where are you from?

>> No.15137517
File: 637 KB, 1920x1279, Madrazo_Viriatus_HighRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La neta no habíamos tomado ésto en cuenta. ¿Será que en el Castellano también precisamos un memazo como «empiecen con los griegos, plebe»?
¿Que opinan si nos empeñamos en charts variopintos con la finalidad de componer uno muy grande; uno regido por cronología. Verbigracia: el chart ese Medieval, el chart del Siglo de Oro, a un chart de la Ilustración, a uno del Romanticismo, etcétera ad nauseaum. Nuestra propia epopeya metaliteraria.
Pudiesemos hacer como los francesitos e ir también a la época clásica: les recuerdo, caballeros, que Séneca era ibero. Igual que Marco Aurelio, Lucano (quién autorío la Farsalia), Quintiliano, Marcial, San Isidoro, et al.

>> No.15137526

3/3 También he leido los clásicos antiguos porqué muchos autores sobretodo del renacimiento y los culteranistas tienen referencias cultas a la cultura grecoromana e influencia de sus autores

>> No.15137533
File: 1.17 MB, 800x1242, eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpbSI6WyJcL2FydHdvcmtcL2ltYWdlRmlsZVwvc29yb2xsYWNocmlzdGlhbmZyYW56ZW4uanBnIiwicmVzaXplLDgwMCJdfQ.EDtG_mFgiqCLoeQ9u7jTPWWtGM6rzVjbkUcCWdl6RD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you niggas are sleeping Sorolla, the best painter of his generation

>> No.15137547

Muchos autores románticos y algunos del siglo XX, no precisan para nada de conocer los clásicos pero yo prefiero hacerlo. Así me es más interesante entender el contexto hitorico-literario

>> No.15137555 [DELETED] 

>¿Que opinan si nos empeñamos en charts variopintos con la finalidad de componer uno muy grande; uno regido por cronología. Verbigracia: el chart ese Medieval, el chart del Siglo de Oro, a un chart de la Ilustración, a uno del Romanticismo, etcétera ad nauseaum. Nuestra propia epopeya metaliteraria.
Era lo que estábamos intentando hacer desde el hilo #1 jaja
>que Séneca era ibero
También Virgilio y Marcial, que yo recuerde.

>> No.15137569 [DELETED] 

Me corrijo: Solo Marcial era ibero (de Hispania), Virgilio contaría como italiano.

>> No.15137579

Juan José Arreola, Julio Cortázar, Mario Levrero.

>> No.15137589

A bit ironic you're writing this in English but I get what you're saying.

>> No.15137688

what do you mean with sleeping?

>> No.15137712

>We must look inside that tradition, comprehend it, truly love it, and resuscitate it - or, in some cases, give it life.
Eso ya lo hicieron los de la generación del 27 pero no se limitaron en eso. Eran a la vez innovadores, en su juventud pasaron por las vanguardias.

>> No.15137735

I think he means "sleeping on", as in we're ignoring that good artist, as if we were asleep and cool things were happening.

>> No.15137761

Really?Is this part of his popular 'romance' like not culteranist works?

>> No.15137799

>Ese video
Ahora veo por qué la literatura latinoamericana está estancada.

>> No.15137832

Por qué?

>> No.15137854

Donde esta Diarios de motocicleta?

>> No.15137872
File: 1.32 MB, 1871x1500, Cuadro_por_españa_y_por_el_rey,_Galvez_en_America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lo siento, che, pero no gano en la encuesta.

plvs vltra :/

>> No.15137931

>Como agua para el chocolate
Shit taste. No pun intended

>> No.15138360

>XIX century literature
suggested XIX century spanish literature for
preferably with good prose for expanding one's vocabulary?
no socialist treatises or treatises against the catholic church or monarchism, please

>> No.15138629


>> No.15138659
File: 7 KB, 240x232, 1552916349247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to read "Patria"
>612 pages
>just finished another book of 750 pages
>pick sth else

>> No.15138748


>> No.15138761

Me estoy leyendo Los griegos de Kitto por recomendación de estos dos pendejos y la verdad que me está gustando mucho. Dan un poco de cringe a veces pero tienen buen contenido.

Eso sí, no entiendo por qué no alargan el formato, en la mayoría de vídeos se quejan de la falta de tiempo desde el minuto uno, como si la duración no fuese auto impuesta.

>> No.15138770

>Patria es una novela de 2016 escrita por Fernando Aramburu. Está ambientada en una localidad rural del País Vasco en Guipúzcoa, considerada la "Euskadi profunda" donde el entorno de ETA y la izquierda abertzale imponen un régimen totalitario de represión

Sounds shitty, why are you reading best seller, mall-tier crap?

>> No.15138782

it has good reviews, and I wanna read something normie-leaning.

>> No.15138788

Yo asumo que todos los que hablan español acá saben inglés también.

Dicho eso: no lean traducciones de mierda. Especialmente de españoles, y de editoriales como anagrama. Es todo.

>> No.15139065

this, again: >>15130877

>> No.15139165

>Yo asumo que todos los que hablan español acá saben inglés también.
Yo no entiendo extranjero :/

>> No.15139288
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>> No.15139970


>> No.15140411


>> No.15140821

la ciudad y los perros es lo mejor que ha escrito el vargas llosa de lejos

>> No.15140856

But still Bad, nigga.

>> No.15140878


>> No.15140882

mejor que garcia marquez, cortazar o bolaño y de esos no te quejas

>> No.15141084

Hello my friends. My girlfriend speaks Spanish, and I would like to ask, are any valuable books to learning Spanish properly? I want to be able to read Spanish lit, but I don't really think duo lingo is that deep outside of basic conversational talking.

>> No.15141316

Me resulta muy dificil leer libros en ingles. Como aprendo?

>> No.15141362
File: 40 KB, 709x520, 423424234243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15141379

No confío en las traducciones al inglés

>> No.15141632

If you don't have any basic reading skills, it'll be almost as reading Mandarin.

>> No.15141841

Buy a spanish grammar, preferably if it has exercises to go with it

>> No.15142195


>> No.15142412
File: 300 KB, 750x536, Majuri_Lintukallio_2014_72dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hace dos años (mas o menos) puse aqui en /lit/ estos escritos... los tenia totalmente empolvados, no los he movido practicamente... ahora que vi estos hilos en español pense en ponerlos por si alguien quiere leerlos o robarlos o quemarlos como puedan... (no hay mucho que decir de todas formas... los amigos también tienen puños...)



>> No.15142677
File: 23 KB, 633x758, 1572473991061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-thanks, anon

>> No.15143664
File: 82 KB, 790x528, The_Sortie_Made_by_the_Garrison_of_Gibraltar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Como podemos, señores, en plan de una cultural hispanoparlante, rechazar la influencia anglosajona que tanto ha permeado el imaginario de nuestras gentes? (O tan si quiera mitigar su hilvanación dentro de nuestra identidad).