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15111452 No.15111452 [Reply] [Original]

I am paralyzed by the thought of burning forever and ever in hell. But at the same time, the bible makes it seem like only people who have a good relationship with God go to heaven, and that would mean 90% of the population will go to hell, because 90% of the population either: watches porn, have sex before marriage, smokes and drinks, talk shit behind people's backs, hurt and humiliate the weaker ones, and yet they say the belive in God, so that makes me think of that Marcus Aurelius quote about living a good life and God will judge you accordingly even if you didn't pray 10 hours a day. Create mankind and make 99% of it burn alive for eternity, because they didn't give you all their love, how does that work? I would literally kneel before God and do literally whatever He tells me but he is going to throw my close ones into the lake of fire after they die, so how do I go about loving Him to death more than anything?

>> No.15111482

there's no fucking god dude. get over it

>> No.15111499
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Go read advaita you retarded goy slave liberate yourself otherwise u deserve nothing more then to be a farm animal

>> No.15111505
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>YOU WILL NOT GO TO HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15111517

So how the fuck does everything fit in place so well, brain let?

>> No.15111528
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>> No.15111531

Anon, the afterlife is a total man-made ruse to entice low IQ cattle to be obedient to their masters. The thought that a divine entity should care about our everyday lives is downright idiotic and the afterlife is just a sad cope for people who are afraid of death.

>> No.15111545

So you belive billions of people will burn forever?

>> No.15111547

Why do life exist then if you are so clever Mr Smartypants?

>> No.15111556

Hell is real but you won't go there. You are already in it. Eternal return guarantees that your consciousness will be reborn over and over endlessly. Unthinkable stretches of time will pass, the Universe will cone into being and plunge into abyss trillions of times, but eventually, molecules will recombine into the same exact composition which makes you up. Perhaps some alien race of far future in a different dimension would simply generate every possible human on their quantum computers for fun. To you, no time will have passed at all. But suffering you shall, on and forever till the end which won't come. Have fun.

>> No.15111561

Another midwit that thinks suffering is a bad thing.

>> No.15111563

No I think OP's conception of God is unsophisticated and Hell described in the Bible is metaphorical (if you go against God and do evil you will experience hellish emotional and mental states).

>> No.15111581

why are you incapable of writing a sentence without an insult at the end?

>> No.15111585
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>why are you incapable of writing a sentence without an insult at the end?

>> No.15111597

>why yes, this part of the Jewble is metaphorical you see, but the rest is literally word of God
>what about this retarded part
>this too is a metaphor you brainlet, but the rest is totally real and not a kike fairy tale!

>> No.15111609

You are literally retarded.

>> No.15111615

>He thinks he knows everything
"your retarded"

>> No.15111618

This image reads like the soi-infused "creative writing prompts" that reddit would come up with.

>> No.15111622
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Daily reminder that you can believe in God without subscribing to some kike cult

1) To allow nature and the world to thrive and survive and give back to nature the bodies we borrowed when we die through decomposition.
2) Nobody knows because our minds will never be on par with the divine entity which created us.
Quit coping man, the bible God is ridiculously anthropocentric, we don't even know if animals go to heaven or hell. Would a supreme God forget about the other forms of life he took a whole week to create? I think not, and the fact that YAWEH doesn't care one bit about anyone except men just goes to show it's a fallible man-made deity.

>> No.15111623

>everything fits together so well
>no this global pandemic we got because some chinese guy ate a bat is perfectly normal

>> No.15111630

>He doesn't belive in God because something bad happened to him, or because something bad happened
You have to not be retarded to post on this board.

>> No.15111640

>he has the attention span of a goldfish
do fuck off religitard

>> No.15111642

God's existence is not contingent on the Bible being infallible or the literal word of God.
Allegory can express wisdom, religious truth and spiritual value, but it doesnt mean the authors of the biblical books were not inspired or never had real religious experiences.

>> No.15111654

>1) To allow nature and the world to thrive and survive and give back to nature the bodies we borrowed when we die through decomposition.
You are explaining the process, not the reason or goal of it. Try again.

>2) Nobody knows because our minds will never be on par with the divine entity which created us.
Quit coping man, the bible God is ridiculously anthropocentric, we don't even know if animals go to heaven or hell. Would a supreme God forget about the other forms of life he took a whole week to create? I think not, and the fact that YAWEH doesn't care one bit about anyone except men just goes to show it's a fallible man-made deity.
My question was not about God. Try to read and try again.


>> No.15111688

>You are explaining the process, not the reason
How in hell is helping nature out not a valid reason you midwit?
>My question was not about God.
Your question is directly related to God since you refuse to believe that the origin of the universe isn't going to coddle you like a fucking baby, also imagine failing even at greentexting.

>> No.15111947

I love how calling people midwits has made them call other midwits in return. It is like how people call others cuck just because someone called them a cuck.


>> No.15112166

Stardust Ape is a good band name

>> No.15112188

>Daily reminder that you can believe in God without subscribing to some kike cult
Based. One can only hope that the day will come when Neoplatonism or Pantheism are the most widespread religions.
>inb4 christlarpers pretending that their kike cult has anything to do with Neoplatonism
Neoplatonism is contingent on God as impersonal and deterministic, both of which preclude the Christian God

>> No.15112261

>I would literally kneel before God and do literally whatever He tells me but he is going to throw my close ones into the lake of fire after they die, so how do I go about loving Him to death more than anything?

This very question is answered here, take a look


>> No.15112284

I've done much meditation on this and much philosophizing and studying of theology and mathematics and philosophy and this is what I've come to.

When we die, those of us who are evil, or material, have "sold our souls", if you will, into this material coil, which is not the only reality (this has been proven empirically, ontological materialism is a false ontology, we can not explain this universe without invoking non-material causes) and so those of us who have done this will perish eternally along with the deconstruction of our material body. Those of use who have reached understanding will NOT perish with our material body, but will pass on to the next stage of reality, a less-material one than this, and go on from there, where we have to pass that realities' challenges in order to go up the chain to the next one, and on and on it goes until we are reunited with the eternal infinite lord GOD. You can almost think of reality as being this structure where we are near the outside, in a realm that is VERY material and not very ideal, and as you go towards the center you become more and more purely informational/ideal/platonic/Godlike until you hit God's domain.

Think about what evilness in this universe is - it's attachment to the material to such a large extent that you hurt other people. Pretty much every evil action in this world is this. A warlord who terrorizes people for land is attempting to gain material, and is overly attached to material. A rapist who tortures and rapes people for sensual pleasure is extremely attached to material sensations. Excessive hedonism and denial of the mental faculties and pure thought and true understanding is denial of the non-material and is thus material, and evil.

When you "sell yourself" to the material part of reality, then when YOUR material self perishes, so does your non-material self. "Hell" is the moment in your death when this truth is revealed to you and you understand that you are about to perish without being able to transcend to the next stage, this is an abhorrent mental anguish that seems, to you, to last for eternity and then you are thrown into the void, never to come out again.

The highest level of transcendence in this universe, then, is to meditate yourself into "death"; That is, you literally sit there and meditate until your material body dies and your spirit is able to directly ascend to the next level. This is an EXTREMELY difficult thing to do and requires years of practice and a pure spirit that has truly become non material. Most people will not be able to do this and need to wait to die before seeing if they "pass" and are able to go to the next realm. And the truth is, the vast majority of people do not go to the next realm, they perish, forever, with their material body.

>> No.15112337

If you accept Jesus as the lord and savior you go to heaven

Reply to this post with "I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior" and you'll go to heaven

*Puts a shot of whiskey in my morning coffee*

>> No.15112364


>> No.15112366

Your concept of God is very kiked. There's more than the Abrahamic god. It's entirely possible there are multiple gods; this desire to find a perfect, singular apex form is really just human narcissism, which is why deities are often portrayed as human beings and not as the cosmic entities they would have to be to be considered gods.

God does not send people to hell for not worshiping him. The Christian God, I mean, since I assume that's who you're talking about. The Jewish god sends all non-jews to hell or the grave after they are used as chattel by jews. The Christian God does not need worship, but for you to believe that Christ sacrificed himself so that non-jews can go to heaven, so that you, a non-jew, can go to heaven. You can see how neither of those requires you to actively worship God. The Muslim God, too, does not demand worship. I think the Muslim God is most sane and merciful, because he allows all good, excellent people to enter paradise, regardless of whether they have chosen the correct beliefs or not.

But yes, that is evil, that you can be a serial killer of supermodels and go to heaven if you believe in Christ's sacrifice, but if you struggle to believe it simply because you've educated yourself and by virtue of the impossibility of doxastic voluntarism, you are sent to hell forever. In this scenario, the faulty morality of this is obvious: some of the aforementioned supermodels will go to hell forever after having their earthly lives cut short, and the grotesque serial killer will be awarded with a beautiful paradise. This type of moral thinking is what happens when you judge people's morality on a singular attribute, like whether or not they observe rabbinic law.

>> No.15112374

Neoplatonism isn't a religion though. It doesn't really impose dogmas on anyone and can't be used to control the ignorant populace. We can't even compare the christian prayer to the neoplatonic meditation because the goal of the latter is not seeking to accomplish something in the material world by praying to a humanized deity, but to attain a brief vision of the trascendential unmoved mover by stripping temporarily our souls of the material desires. In short, Plotinus tells you to shut yourself in your room and empty your mind. This process is too exhausting for the average religious midwit who must continually imagine a huge bearded guy in the sky throwing thunderbolts and plagues from his throne to justify his belief in God.

>> No.15112437

The enormous number of solar systems that exist and are incapable of supporting biological life fits in better with random chance than precise customization for human needs. Not to mention billions of years of evolution during which time countless species lived and died before humans even existed.

>> No.15112480

>kids who died before having a chance to "transcend" are shit out of luck
>some entity makes sure you know you fucked up and tortures you with that knowledge before you die
that's pretty metal, but maybe you should meditate some more and realize there's no one there to transcend

>> No.15112584

Kids and infants are almost entirely non-material so they have a far greater chance of transcending when they die.
>no one there to transcend
monism is false, substance dualism is true.

>> No.15112641

Latin lack of Greek understanding and corrupt vulgate
Imperial powers desire to control people and how better than with the hell story.

In the sense sanctified by the EO mystical tradition you can read into Ghenna fire a metaphor for a “flame” of exterior chastisement rather than a “light” of transfiguring grace.

just as the first sin brought condemnation and death to absolutely everyone, so Christ’s act of righteousness brings righteousness and life to absolutely everyone.

Take some rest from the universalist Paul :^)

Romans 5:18-19:
So, then, just as by one transgression unto condemnation for all human beings, so also by one act of righteousness unto rectification of life for all human beings; For, just as by the heedlessness of the one man the many were rendered sinners, so also by the obedience of the one the many will be rendered righteous.

Romans 11:32:
For God shut up everyone in obstinacy so that he might show mercy to everyone.

1 Corinthians 3:15:
If anyone’s work should be burned away, he will suffer loss, yet he shall be saved, though so as by fire.

1 Corinthians 15:22:
For just as in Adam all die, so also in the Anointed all will be given life.

1 Corinthians 15:28:
And, when all things have been subordinated to him, then will the Son himself also be subordinated to the one who has subordinated all things to him, so that God may be all in all.

1 Timothy 2:3-4:
This is a good and acceptable thing before our savior God, Who intends all human beings to be saved and to come to a full knowledge of truth.

1 Timothy 4:10:
For we labor and struggle to this end, because we have hoped in a living God who is the savior of all human beings, especially those who have faith.

>> No.15112662

>taking Jew mythology seriously

Mistake #1

>> No.15112680

Stoicism is a moralizing trash-philosophy, next.

>He tells me he is going to throw my close ones into the lake of fire after they die
Yes, your loved ones will die, accept it, God ordained it. If you care more about them then God you will neither have a happy life nor a happy afterlife. When it comes to loving perishable people and things, follow the Delphic maxim and observe the limit. Or as Jesus said, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26). Failing to accept the truth that there is a limit to how much you can love people doesn't make you any more moral, it just makes you clingy and insufferable. No-one is going to take pity on you because everyone has lost people they love. They'll just cringe.

>People do bad things, so how can God love them?
God loves everyone equally, he does this because he loves all his works. Also it triggers hypocritical normies who think that they are special. Sin is not so important to God as repentance is to God. A man who can admit his guilt before God is a greater soul than a man who never sinned. A man who has never sinned is practically subhuman, even Jesus committed premeditated assault at the Temple (John 2:15).

What is religion about then? It's about trust in, and acceptance of God, as God manifests Himself in Scripture and in our earthly circumstances. As if I have to pray 10 hours a day! Those who have sex before marriage and smoke pot enter the kingdom before you and your bad attitude.

>> No.15112808

substance dualism is false, monism is true.

>> No.15112824

When one goes to Heaven, it's given to him a new name, and if I remember correctly, it will not have a lot of families there, it will be all only one family. So here in Earth it's only a momentary family that you have. Everybody will be loved in Heaven. What you can do it's pray for them and help them to be closer to God, and being a example it's part of that. I wish the best for you and God bless you and everyone.

>> No.15112884

God's capacity to punish is far outstripped by his capacity to forgive. The truth is, even if you read the scripture and all the dogma and writings out there, there is still a lot we don't know about the nature of God, Heaven, and Hell. God is inherently unknowable in his full extent. Ultimately, God is the sole judge of what is to come for us. I don't believe someone will be cast aside because they didn't pray for hours and hours every day or because they made mistakes so long as they have repented for the latter.

All we can do is strive to live well and bring ourselves closer to God, do not live within the World. His justness is supreme, and we must trust that he knows what he's doing.

>> No.15113055

Except monism is provably false, so that doesn't work.

>> No.15113269

Except substance dualism is provably false, so that doesn't work.

>> No.15113313

This is the most fascinating response from the Christtard, because the Christtard himself claims not only knowledge of the origin of the universe, but also knowledge of the objective moral laws and knowledge of the final destiny of the universe.

>> No.15113344

Hell doesn't exist! Theologians have known this for hundreds of years, read "the Decline of Hell" for more by Dp walker

>> No.15113411

Bro eternal torment is a Catholic meme.

>> No.15113426
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>> No.15113428

it's always what protties are shouting. remember purgatory?

>> No.15113437

wow didnt realise this was a hat tipping atheist board. There is nothing wrong with believing in God, you cannot know whether he does or does not.

>> No.15114037

Hell is willful separation from God, not some place under the ground where you get tortured with hot rods by grinning demons for all eternity

>> No.15114168

literal lake of fire hell was the position of practically all christian churches for ~1500 years. the current fluffy interpretation where hell is just a place where you sit and have a long hard think about what you've done is a very recent concept. simply the church desperately trying to cling to its last vestiges of influence and trying to show that it moves with the times.
certainly /lit/'s go-to god botherer aquinas believed in a literal hell, in fact he wrote that the souls in heaven could look down on the hellbound like some kind of celestial cock fighting pit

>> No.15114584 [DELETED] 


>> No.15114639

>How could a system that has existed for around 13,800,000,000 years ever have anything happen in it?
Why does muddy water settle?

>> No.15114818

This sounds like Alex Jones describing Twin Peaks.

>> No.15114930

>Plotinus tells you to shut yourself in your room and empty your mind.
so does Jesus.

>> No.15115050

I found it very nice
Good post!

>> No.15115083

Stop placing your loved ones above God. There's no mom, dad, uncle, wife, child, etc. in Heaven. You're being familial-centric.

>> No.15115122

> stop being human
what a sick joke man

>> No.15115223

Jebus was a kike whereas plotinus wasn't

>> No.15115393

Everyone in this thread is gay, retarded, and probably part nigger

>> No.15115584

>> stop being human

>> No.15115701

Heaven and hell is there for kids and the dim witted, its too keep you from doing something stupid before youre ready to take your place in society.

>> No.15116161

I'll answer from the standpoint of an aspiring Catholic raised protestant. First off, hell isn't a literal lake of fire. It's separation from God. When you die, your soul can no longer change its orientation. If you're oriented away from God--that's where it is for good. And what can God do but respect your decision? If there is no punishment, there is no justice. God cannot be said to be good if he lets everyone into heaven... then there's no incentive to try and be good. It would be like running a nation with no prisons, judges, or sentences. Is that a place where you'd like to live?

Secondly, God doesn't punish anyone for ignorance. Meaning, if you didn't know you sinned or were not aware of Christianity in your entire life--you don't instantly go to hell. Such is Catholic teaching. So I say, if your family and friends commit crimes knowingly and do not repent, do you really think that's evil that they get punished?
And the infinite number of universes that could have existed that had laws of physics that could have made life utterly impossible--and yet we got one which works for life at all. A miracle in itself. So that argument isn't very good.