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15109496 No.15109496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd like for someone to explain it to me what are the problems of "postcolonialism", and postcolonialist theory in general. I currently haven't gathered enough information to make a personal judgment on the topic, but since I imagine most of you have smaller or larger issues with it, this is the best place to ask for the opposite opinion to that of Reddit's and the mainstream discourse. Thank you in advance.

>> No.15109542

It's just more White Man Bad stuff.
Basically, whenever non-whites did slavery or imperialism it didn't count, only European Colonialism counts.
Mongols? No.
Chinese? No.
Japanese? No.
Aztecs, Mayans? No.
White man, white man only, is very bad

>> No.15109548

This of course means using "critical theory" to paint Everything You Don't Like as a product of or continuation of European Colonialism.

>> No.15109620

let me explain it with an example
>what we know as Congo, was once an heterogenous land with different tribes, cultures and peoples, much like Europe has different type of cultures and ethnicities within one country. North Italians and Southern Italians are very much different
>An external country (Belgium) comes and claims your land as their territory, colonizes your people, slaves another bunch and starts treating you as their workforce, let's not talk about the atrocities they commited
>Since your land is rich in natural resources, they start taking everything and exporting it for the use of Belgian industries and their infrastructure
>They are nice enough to build railroads and ports since they are needed to move resources into Europe
>They only allow Europeans to work the higher levels of maintanance of said infrastructure and make zero investments in the local population, thus holding them ignorant about how to sustain railroads, locomotives and ports
>Let's also take into account that Congo is full of jungles and thus making maintenance key
>After centuries of this, they decide to leave and take every single person that could work said infrastructure with them, but they believe that building all this stuff was nice enough to redeem them
>Since the land was an amalgamation of different tribes, many of which were at odds with eachother, everyone wants to take power and eliminate the enemy, said process took centuries in Europe, with countries being Balkanized for around a thousand years (Germany and Italy) until the notion of Nation-State became popular, but Congo doesn't have this luxury
>Now big civil wars break the country and corporations swoop in to make agreements with warlords to allow them to take resources cheaply while protecting their workers
>After all of this war and destruction, all infrastructure is destroyed, but hold on a sec, China wants to take a piece of the cake
>China invest heavily into your country, but also makes your country owe a debt that will make you subservient of their interests for the rest of the time

No matter what Congo does, their situation of poverty will always remain the same and their condition of a colony hasn't changed, only now it's a different country conditioning what they do and this won't allow them to get out of being a shithole.
Thing is, it's not their fault, you could say that their nigger brain doesn't allow them to make greek sculptures, but at the same time they weren't allowed to go through their development process.

>> No.15109888

Dumb 70IQ nigger cope

>> No.15109953

>white man bad stuff
White people aren’t the only colonizers tho

>> No.15109968

based. Fuck white people

>> No.15110010

So you'd have rather the Europeans leave you in the stone age?

>> No.15110019

Unironically yes. Life was probably better for most in the third world before European contact.

>> No.15110078
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>> No.15110086

I guess we can agree on that, then. Trying to uplift Africa and the third world in general was a colossal mistake to begin with, the consequences of which we suffer even to this day. Every euro spent on Africa today, every last bit of energy spent on it, every life lost trying to keep order there is 100% a waste.

Why is conquest okay when the Bantu do it, though? It's almost as if you only feel the need to chastise conquerors when there's recompenses to be paid and pity/sympathy to be accrued from the chastising.

>> No.15110091

No Shit, hence the list of non-white empires

>> No.15110154

Yeah I'm sure any one of the 5.5 million killed and the countless raped in the Second Congo War, the 500,000 to 1 million slaughtered in the Rwandan genocide of European designated Tutsis, those that died in the Ikiza, are dying in Darfur, and those dead in every other post-colonial African war, as well as the countless who have starved or died of exposure, are really grateful Europeans ever set down on the continent.
>inb4 hurrr blaming white people for this
I'm not saying war and violence and suffering were foreign concepts to Africans before colonialism, I'm just pointing out the staggering body counts present in what otherwise would've been small tribal conflicts, as well as the utter destabilization you see in African polities now compelled to become "nations" within arbitrary borders. Modernity has been great for the Third World.

>> No.15110170

>Trying to uplift Africa was a colossal mistake to begin with
It made some very rich, what greater incentive is there for a modern western man.
>Why is conquest okay when the Bantu do it, though?
Who said it was?

>> No.15110204

Answer me straight. Why is the Bantu conquest and non-white colonization swept under the rug? Why is the field 100% laser-guided to chastise whites?

>> No.15110218

If you’re talking about what’s been happening in South Africa, framing the muggings and killings of white land lords, oh excuse me, farmers, as a “conquest” is laughable.

They’re merely reclaiming African soil for Africans anon, surely that is just in and of itself. Just as it is just to support a Europe for Europeans, even if it means by force. Is this not the case?

>> No.15110233

Jesus Christ he means this, you uneducated hump

>> No.15110254

I don't care about South Africa. You didn't answer my question.

>They’re merely reclaiming African soil for Africans anon, surely that is just in and of itself. Just as it is just to support a Europe for Europeans, even if it means by force. Is this not the case?

I take it you support this policy, yes? If so, you're ought to have no ethical problems, maybe only personal ones, with the hypothetical situation of whites hunting negroes like rabbits and deer in Europe.

>> No.15110277

Swept under the rug by who? If you're talking about your generic blend of white-guilt liberals it's because they're idiots who'd feel discussing such a thing is racially insensitive.

But that's the thing - globally speaking the Bantu expansion, pre-colonial wars and conquests in Africa in general, are of very little relative consequence in the modern world. European colonialism was not that long ago, and brought a great extent of the world under conditions not dissimilar to this >>15109620

>> No.15110280

This >>15110218 wasn't me

>> No.15110284

Don't let that bitch go like that.
He's trying to handwave a total ignorance of the Bantu Expansion ffs
Reminds me of people saying that Japan was never expansionist

>> No.15110292

>Not that long ago
Why does time suddenly make bad shit into okay shit?
That's the biggest bullshit ever. Non-white imperialism doesn't count because White imperialism is the most recent (except you know, fucking Japan in wwii among other stuff)

>> No.15110296

Nice attempt at sidestepping the question.

Who cares about the Bantu expansion's global importance? We're talking about Africa here.

The Bantu expansion had a huge influence on the development of Africa. Why won't anybody talk about it?

>> No.15110320

Because White Man Bad, didn't you go to school?
Even if Brown Man was Bad Too, White Man Worse, A L W A Y S

>> No.15110334

It is what it is, we're living in a world largely shaped and molded by recent European imperialism. Obviously it's a more relevant point of discussion and analysis for people, the temporality of European colonialism aside it was unprecedented in its global scale. Moreover you're continuously strawmanning me and acting as if I somehow condone non-European acts of conquest and colonialism and at no point have I insinuated such.

Okay here's the answer retard, I hate white people and I am a cultural marxist. I know, you may have been able to deduce them from the fact I posted something relevant in a thread about western colonialism instead of bringing up the Bantu conquest and how unfair it is black people can say nigger but I can't

>> No.15110337

Because blacks are poor and amoral, so there is nothing to gain from employing anticolonial rhetoric. Anticoloblnialism is just a trick to get money from White people.

>> No.15110340

>instead of bringing up the Bantu conquest and how unfair it is black people can say nigger but I can't

>> No.15110347

This is bullshit the impact Islam has on the world is far larger. Just compare how Islam is recking indonesia compared to the Dutch. Western colonialism is fairly minor compared to islamic colonialism.

>> No.15110360

Look at this nigger, chimping out when he can't retort with anything. Have fun being the useful idiot of your future overlords. The colonizers were right to enslave you; how else could you have contributed anything to mankind?

Want to know the best thing about all this? I come from a non-colonizing European country. This whypipo bad rhetoric does not work on me.

I'll enjoy watching your hellhole of a continent tear itself apart and hopefully destroy itself 100% so no niggers will try to escape to actually civilized parts of the world.

>> No.15110365

>"No that thing isn't important because this other thing is more important"
You're fucking retarded. Stop trying to sidetrack and just accept that European imperialism is and was a big deal.

>> No.15110366

Also you hate White people because the West and all its strenght, influence, culture, science, proves without a doubt your total and complete inferiority.

>> No.15110371

Work on your reading comprehension

>> No.15110372

Now turn it around and accept Islamic imperialism is an even bigger deal. Can you do that?

>> No.15110383

What cultures imperialism wasn't? What are you trying to say...

>> No.15110384

All of the nonwhite colonizers colonized areas near to them. Whites colonized the world. If you force yourself on everyone you should expect to be hated by everyone. Don't like it? Cool, go back to Europe and stop interfering in other people's affairs, until then you and your race can get fucked.

>> No.15110388

Fuck you got me anon, you singled out the only nigger in Africa on 4chan's literature board.
Anon I'll accept Islam is a big deal if it'll make you feel ok that the girl you like is taking Tunisian cock in the discotheque bathroom stall.

>> No.15110394

Islamic imperialism is arguably worse because it destroyed much more developed cultures than Islam itself; while in the overall state of things, sub-saharan blacks are to Islam as Islam was to the cultures which they destroyed.

>> No.15110400

Muslims are based. Are you European? Do you not feel awe whenever you hear the call to prayer at 6 in the morning? If not, do not fear, there will be a mosque on your street soon enough

>> No.15110401

Not him, but how cute of you to come up with the tunisian dick thing when white colonizers have cucked you much, much harder with your own women.

>> No.15110409

Muslims are primitive, inbred crypto-niggers incapable of creating anything. Their invasion into Europe will not be met without resistance in the foreseeable future.

>> No.15110419

While Europeans were busy eating psychedelic mushrooms and wallowing in doo doo Muslims conquered the great empires of antiquity and built the greatest buildings. Now they are browning Europe in revenge for European imperialism - just deserts.
If you are white, there can be little doubt that at least one of your female relatives or close friends has had a black cock in her mouth. White women love black men.

>> No.15110423

>destroyed much more developed cultures than Islam itself
you mean the barbarians that cristianized, or those around the arabic peninsula that were at the same development stage, or maybe the cultures in persia that subsist and didn't die, like Zoroastrians, maybe those in India that also still exist?
Sure Islam was worse than when the Spanish literally destroyed and burned cultures in a whole continent.

>> No.15110432

lmao, non-white subhumans will always suffer from an inferiority complex

>> No.15110434

>muh dick

Every time. Thanks for proving yourself to be an honest-to-God nigger.

Good riddance.

>> No.15110440
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>> No.15110443

>He has absolutely no response
get rekt white boy

>> No.15110455

nigger you wouldn't even have the technology to browse your coomer websites if it wasn't for Europeans giving it to you, enjoy lmao

>> No.15110464
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>unironically still believing white washed history
I pity you

>> No.15110471

It's essentially a cope to explain why, after being freed from the oh so oppressive White people, that Black people have barely progressed beyond what they started with.
It's also used as a psychological battering ram to justify mass migration and foreign, since hey, we have to make up for for our crimes.

>> No.15110474

Do you honestly believe you're not talking to a white person.

>> No.15110475


>> No.15110480

No, he probably thinks you're a shitlib wormtongue, when it's far more likely you're just fucking with him.

>> No.15110482

>but at the same time they weren't allowed to go through their development process.
Why do shitskins always see the development process as having whitey hold their hand? Darkies are the OLDER race, not the younger.

>> No.15110484

Actually most postcolonial theory states that the same forces of colonialism are what promote mass migration. It's all phrased in Marxist terminology wherein the metropolitan capitalists export political violence and instability to the third world (invasions, funding civil wars, etc.) and import the resultant waves of fleeing migrants for cheap labor. Either that or they outsource to these countries to begin with.

>> No.15110488

Then why the fuck do they all advocate for open borders?

>> No.15110499

So that the general intelligence of the population can increase by a diverse pool of thinkers

>> No.15110509

For the exact same reason. They know this creates nativism and infighting among the lower-classes, and this allows them to further insulate themselves in protected communities while still filling the factories with what are effectively slaves willing to work for a pittance and without the risk of unionizing.
>Factories running at mass efficiency
>Nativists too busy directing their energy towards shitskins to affect meaningful change against the forces in power
It's an old trick. You really think it's a coincidence that the US started opening up immigration to Slavs, Italians, the Irish, and Chinks immediately after the labor movement sprouted up?

>> No.15110512

Or do you mean the postcolonialists?

>> No.15110528

>So that the general intelligence of the population can increase
>By importing Africans who will regress the population to intermediate of their population and whatever host country
Fucking what? Oh right, they don't have any belief in essentialism, everything's environmental.

No, I'm talking about the 'Marxists' and 'Socialists' that supposedly support both of those concepts (i.e, immigration bad), yet advocate for fucking open borders.
How the fuck does that work?

Yes, I'm fully aware that the '1%' (closer to 0.1%) advocate for both open borders and free trade.
What I don't understand is why the fuck Socialists would then advocate for open borders of all things.

>> No.15110545

The answers differ depend on who exactly you're talking about here. Many of them don't support open borders, but this depends whether or not you're talking about Europe or America or both.

A lot of democratic-socialist granola types support open borders because they're still dumb liberals, further left of that and you get people who don't believe in the concept of a nation-state to begin with - not so much "open borders" as it is "no borders". I'd wager many postcolonialists would fit in that latter category.

>> No.15110577

>Many of them don't support open borders, but this depends whether or not you're talking about Europe or America or both.
As far as I can tell, there aren't any 'major' (earn at least 5% of the vote) parties within either that don't support both Marxoid economics and open borders.

>A lot of democratic-socialist granola types support open borders because they're still dumb liberals
Yes yes, people like the Bernouts.

>further left of that and you get people who don't believe in the concept of a nation-state to begin with - not so much "open borders" as it is "no borders"
Which is fucking retarded.
How the fuck did you/those cunts go from 'We want improved worker conditions' to 'Please Jamal, I'd like to offer my homeland and partner male (female) to you)'.
Is Moldbug right, and this is just a symptom of the ever ratcheting to the left?
Is it an intentional perversion by the Capitalists?
What the fuck are they thinking? Why are they thinking it?

>> No.15110599

>As far as I can tell, there aren't any 'major' (earn at least 5% of the vote) parties within either that don't support both Marxoid economics and open borders.
There are no more Marxist political parties, at least not effectual and committed parties who are actually promoting an alternative to communism. Even avowed "anti-capitalists" predicate their platforms on slapping band-aids on the ugly aspects of capitalism, supporting healthcare and welfare and prison reform and whatever else. This isn't really anti-capitalism in the sense of actually trying to supplant the global economic model with something else.

>What the fuck are they thinking? Why are they thinking it?
A lot of these people see the modern nation-state as nothing more than a bouncer for international capitalism. Flexing muscle and ensuring compliance through the threat of force. They regard nationalism, at least the kind you saw in the past, as a relic.

Humor their far-fetched bullshit though and think, what incentive would Jamal have to migrate to a place without a state's welfare net and public amenities? Despite what people might think brown and black people are definitely aware that people like them are often treated like shit and looked down upon by some in the west, but they immigrate anyways because the benefits far outweight the cost of some boomer calling them "boy". Take those benefits away and what is there?

>> No.15111384

>you wouldn't even have the technology to browse your coomer websites
Sounds good to me, technophile.

>> No.15112403
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I think you just need to accept that modern leftism is itself a synthesis between Marxian thought and radical liberalism. The mainstay of leftism will always support mass migration into the West for the simple reason that minority groups can be easily mobilized as a political bludgeon against the white ethno-cultural majority, which they wish to depose.

>> No.15112648

Spain is near Arabia?
Poland is near Mongolia?
Papua New Guinea is near Japan?

>> No.15112675

Shitskins really cannot let go of their shame and slave morality.

>> No.15112687

He's also ignoring the technological differences.
The Roman Empire would have been worldwide except they had horses instead of automobiles

>> No.15112716

Post-colonialism is interesting, not in the perspective of having resentment towards white, but to develop a post-colonial identity and discover how we can be once again be rooted in our own culture. What the liberal whites in this thread don't understand is that colonialism was negative because it obliterated the native's original connection to the sacred, now they lead an unfulfilling capitalistic life. We must return to tradition.

>> No.15112754

Here is a problem:

Feminists argue that women should have the right to free themselves from religion and wear whatever wherever. Muslim women, men and feminists all around the world have expressed their discontent with burkas's being worn because they work as an oppressive 'object' for the females wearing them. They are indications of a oppressive patriarchy etc... The muslim women have to be freed from their burkas's. To such an extent that many European countries, have banned burka's in the public space.

Now we have post-colonial theorists who believe that these actions and policies are dehumanising towards the muslim women. The speak of a 'white saviour complex' - white western people (mainly men) who have to save muslim women from their oppressive patriarchal regimes where certain clothes are worn and others are not.

>> No.15112765

you're unironically a subhuman nigger who should've been exterminated rather than technologically uplifted

>> No.15112826

My only criticism towards post-colonialism is that like the majority of politics in this sphere it is America-centric, or atleast this is the feeling I get living in a country that is qualified as white that was also colonised by white people.
It gets difficult navigating my personal views in this sphere without falling into the dichotomy of american politics.

>> No.15112848

>don't believe in the concept of a nation-state
is it desire for endless small-scale tribal warfare or the prospect of being a mid-level apparatchik in a one world government which drives this belief? do they believe some other outcome would result? is it common to hand wave away their own flesh and blood family members as glibly as they do their nation?

>> No.15114218

>heterogenous land with different tribes
All killing and eating each other.

>let's not talk about the atrocities they commited
Atrocities were commited by local n-words that Belgians hired to oversee the mining.

>> No.15114228

Were that the case, I woudnt exist, hence life would objectively be worse.

>> No.15114271

Answer to this has further variation. You often hear them talk about “organic” communities sprouting up - neighborhoods, regions, communes, etc. that are run with mutual cooperation and without the coercion of a modern state. Further variation in beliefs exist in regards to the limits of organic communities, with guys like Chomsky saying such could extend to the national or even international level.

No system of monetary exchange, no alienation from the nature of work and production.

>> No.15114704
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It's just kikeshit for brown subhumans, not worth going into at all.

>> No.15114724
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Oy vey, stop being an anti-semitic nazi, goyim. We big beaked merchants are the chosen master race.

>> No.15114761

sources or that pic is worthless

>> No.15114804

Either you put your money where you mouth is and go to the jungle like Ted, or else you're just another leftie imbecile.

Colonialism was great. Should have continued.

Now the Chinese have started doing it again. Better than nothing, I guess...

>> No.15114816


Does anyone actually watch that shit?

>> No.15114823
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>> No.15114956

>Either you put your money where you mouth is and go to the jungle like Ted, or else you're just another leftie imbecile.
why do people think this is ever a valid argument