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/lit/ - Literature

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15108968 No.15108968 [Reply] [Original]

Or should I just read a translation?

>> No.15108978

Do yourself a favor and learn it. Everyone should learn at least one Classical language in his life. Greek, Latin, Sanskrit/Pali are all good choices depending on your interests.

>> No.15109003

I'm already learning the first two for religious purposes

>> No.15109037

That can also be a valid reason, but really the intention is irrelevant. These languages will nevertheless nourish your mind ways you couldn't have conceived.

>> No.15109038

>OP's pic related

Why would you post that if you were seeking a genuine response? I wish people would take Indian culture and history more seriously. Even in African culture/literature threads on this board, there are more serious posts with substance as opposed to racism or meme-ing an entire race. I don't believe in any racial hierarchy of course, if anything I would rather people hate us like they do with blacks or Jews. Instead of that, they just treat us as a joke and don't take us seriously. Thousands of years of history reduced to poo jokes. No wonder so many of my Indian friends are self-hating.

>> No.15109044


>> No.15109053

i studied personally under Bhikkhu Bodhi (his monastery is in my town) so i learned Pali from him
it's a good language, you should learn it

>> No.15109059

No one takes anything really seriously. Also, Indian isn't one race.
Thousands of years of Chinese history reduced to bat soup jokes, Greek to gay jokes, Persian to tranny jokes. Why should they get a pass?

>> No.15109064

Sanskrit is a hell of a commitment. Pali is too, but it's known for being a fair bit easier. I would really only consider learning them if you already know the answer to this question yourself, if you get what I mean. If you don't know enough about the literary corpora of Sanskrit and Pali to instantly know whether or not they're worth spending years on learning the languages, you probably don't know enough to justify learning the languages.

>> No.15109069
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>> No.15109073

Learn to laugh at yourself.

>> No.15109079

To be frank, it is your own fault. Most people don't know enough about ancient Indians to know they are much more closer to and just as worthy as the Greeks and proto-Indo-Europeans. They instead associate them with you, the moderns, who are just a cruel joke compared to them.

>> No.15109088

> if you already know the answer to this question yourself, if you get what I mean
not interested in koans
> you probably don't know enough to justify learning the languages.
well maybe ill change after learning just a little bit. whats your experience?

go to reddit

>> No.15109152

It's not a koan. It's the simple point that you shouldn't learn certain things until you know enough about them to be able to make the determination yourself. No one can tell you whether you want to spend 3-5+ years learning to read Sanskrit so you can spend additional years learning to read some specific subset of a specific subset of Sanskrit literature that is only of interest to a tiny minority of scholars who mostly use it to write boring books about how India always had genderqueer people or some retarded nonsense like that. Not even the Indians study most of this shit.

>whats your experience?
My experience is that the more I learned of it the less I was interested in learning the language itself. The only people I can imagine learning Sanskrit are people who already take for granted the value of some literary or religious corpus and desperately want to access it in the original.

If someone asks me if they should learn Latin, I always tell them yes because it's useful, easy, and there's a ton to read, most of it relatively easy. If they ask me if they should learn Greek I am a little less sanguine because Greek has a much more restricted corpus, almost all of it translated a hundred times over, and even Greek specialists these days are pretty shitty at actually reading Greek. You have to really love Greek to want to learn it. Sanskrit is to Greek as Greek is to Latin.

>> No.15109183

I still see more discussion of Chinese philosophy on /lit/ and more discussion of its history on /lit/. Likewise with your other examples, everyone respects the Greeks - "start with the greeks" is this board's mantra.

At this point I don't have much of a choice, but when you can't even have a serious discussion without bringing up the poo meme right away, it's hard to ignore. When my favorite author (V.S. Naipul) died the thread about him was filled with poo jokes. Maybe I take myself too seriously but that one triggered a nerve.

Yes, I know. All the time I've spent studying ancient Indian culture just becomes more depressing when I realize 99% of people don't care and will only judge us by the modern state of India, which is sad but understandable.

>> No.15109191

If you are learning them, then you should for now only focus on them. Should you decide to learn Sanskrit after that, it will be much easier since it shares roots with ancient Greek.

>> No.15109194

>I still see more discussion of Chinese philosophy on /lit/ and more discussion of its history on /lit/

Meant to say discussion of its history on /his/* (/His/ is just as bad when it comes to trashing India)

>> No.15109310

>boring books about how India always had genderqueer people

>> No.15109330
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Learn Avestan

>> No.15109351

why? the corpus is almost nonexistent

>> No.15109447

Quality over quantity, dude.
Plus it's nearly mutually intelligible with Vedic Sanskrit

>> No.15109555

then why not learn sanskrit and go back and read avestan texts

>> No.15110543

It's useless to ask for pity from goras. Why are you doing it? They really don't respect you, your country and history. Do you think by being servile one day they'll immediately start to accept us? And that's worth it? Do you think people are inherently good and will empathize with you because you cried? Call them whatever you want, but chinese have the right idea on how to respond to west. For all their faults they gave us a model on how to respond to the west. Goras will never accept that you are just as good as them in many aspects. We are just someone who they colonised and humiliated. It's not a relationship of equals or self respect with them. Just learn what you want from west, but don't bother sharing anything of yours with them. It's useless.

>> No.15110564

There is literally only one (1) thing that Pali is good for, and that is reading the Pali Canon. So unless you want to be a scholar of Buddhism it's pretty useless.