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15108635 No.15108635 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any proof psychology is real? Why do we believe it?

>> No.15108646

Who the fuck is we

>> No.15108648

>Is it real when my barely sentient whore of a therapist hears I'm sad for five seconds and puts five different chemicals in my brain to "see what happens" because a book she half-read in college told her "it just works"?

I mean, it's real in the sense that random chemicals apparently do something to your brain, and this retarded whore somehow has a license to dispense them?

>> No.15108651

Because milf/step-sibling porn is one of the most popular categories

>> No.15108735

Being right about wanting to fuck family members (which may be explainable by biological kin altruism to favour the spread of genes similar to our own), does not make an entire field of bullshit suddenly worthwhile

>> No.15109390

I'm no expert but a great deal of psychology is positivism, pure data slurping. While psychologists have no shortage of theories, when you really get down to it they won't confidently assert anything that a man with a good head on his shoulders couldn't intuit.

>> No.15109458
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Where did /lit/ acquire such an unreasonable hateboner for psychology? 99% of what comes out of the social sciences has always been bullshit. Philosophy is literally just setting nonexistent goal posts and bullshitting around with abstractions but it often seems like there's more discussion about philosophy texts here than talk of fiction. Why does psychology of all things get so much scrutiny?

>> No.15109553

>Is there any proof psychology is real?
No. Empirical psychology, on the other hand, yes.

>> No.15109594

Psychology as in psychological theories? Biology (brain and gut activity)? Psychosocial development?
It's self evident that it's real

>> No.15109604

Proof of a psyche

>> No.15109611

>another one that takes "fuck" literally
What's next? Making original jokes about penis envy?

>> No.15109623

They think psychology = female field of interest but philosophy = robust virile ideas

>> No.15109624

> He still believes humans are real!

>> No.15109638

This is true lol. My brother is a psych major and when he tells me stuff it's just common sense shit. I can't believe he's actually paying money for that shit.

>> No.15109652

It's not metaphysics, no psychologist argues about psyche. Freud was a hardcore materialist doctor that wanted to help people where contemporary medicine lacked (and get rich and famous too).

>> No.15109657

>Freud was a hardcore materialist
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA no he wasnt, he was an idealist

>> No.15109666

I get that same feeling about most philosophical enquiries

>> No.15109674

Psychology is the state religion.
You can tell because they can lock you up if you do things they don't like, without trial, and it has everything Catholicism does: Sin (illness), Sacrament (pills), and Confession (Counseling)

>> No.15109692

r factor or consilience. Pretty low in Psy desu

>> No.15109694

That's wrong

>> No.15109707

I guess his theories that came out of thin air never happened

>> No.15109743

It's bullshit. It tries and fails to make a mechanical structure out of the mind, like what science and mathematics already do for the world

>> No.15109763

Who is Kakyoin's favorite philosopher?

>> No.15109826

There's plenty of problems to have with psychology, but those are such false equivalencies that it's honestly funny.

>> No.15109910

>a therapist

why you're so mad with them?
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15109921

Hi, Catholic

>> No.15109922

The method of psychoanalysis is unironically one of the best tools to cope with being a discontented outcast. The way they view psychosocial development and affect regulation is really ingenious (basically it's your mom)