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15108480 No.15108480 [Reply] [Original]

I believe I have finally done it.
I am immune to the spells of women.
Through enough reading and studying, I have gone from the utmost adoration to the absolute disenchantment, and everything in between, but now I'm finally free.
If you must know, what did the final trick for me was reading historical non-fiction on evolution and sexual selection, associated with eastern philosophy.

The greatest weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

>> No.15108532

The thing that worked for me was reading Steve Martin's Born Standing Up and trying out jokes that have no punchline.

If you want to know why and how. Well, my jokes never work because they're not designed to work. And once I did that enough times to enough girls, things magically clicked.

>> No.15108707

Interesting approach. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.15108713

did you just become gay or??? what happened here anon????

>> No.15108724

I've come to the conclusion that it's irrational to be attracted to women outside of the utilitarian purpose of reproduction. That is, have sex with one if you specifically want to have a child, but anything beyond that is irrational because women are inferior beings. A man is more deserving of your actual romantic affection. A man can be loyal, honorable, courageous, noble; he can produce great works; he is someone with whom you can have genuine camaraderie and emotional sympathy. Women can do none of this, and their only advantage is their sexual appeal, the base appeal of their pussy to your reproductive instinct. Don't let yourself be controlled by this. Men should be homosexual outside of strict reproductive purposes.

>> No.15108821

No, I'm still straight. I just don't let my sex drive rule my life anymore. If eventually I want to have sex or a relationship again I'll pursue that, but it will be on my terms, and not the desperate drive that made me do so many stupid things and brought me so many regrets.
And I know I wasn't alone in being like that.

>> No.15108834

This is (unironically) the funniest post in the past week.

>> No.15108853

I mean, good for you I guess? I don't want to shit on your achievements, but I didn't honestly think coomers were honestly so crippled by their desire. Women are cute and smell good but letting them dictate your life (either through idolatry or hateful obsession) just doesn't make any sense to me, they're only more important than your self-worth if you allow them to be.

>> No.15108883

I don't think you understand how deep the problem goes. It's not just people who are obsessed, for better or for worse.
It's a very fundamental thing driving the life of every man of nearly every mammal species. I don't mean to doubt you or what you claim, but I'll just say it's unlikely for a man to be free of these things without devoting some time and thought to it.

Of course the people you mentioned would benefit from this, but I don't see how other normal men wouldn't, as well.

>> No.15108890

overcoming any form of material desire is admirable anon
good on you :3

>> No.15108934

>I'll just say it's unlikely for a man to be free of these things without devoting some time and thought to it.
I would argue that a big part of it is how you were raised, and how socialised you were with women from a young age. I've never really needed to devote much time to thinking about my inhibitions when it comes to desire. I've also been in a a committed relationship for the past 4 years, so that would likely change my perspective. Having a girl around almost 24/7 that you can fuck whenever you want eventually makes you realise women are neither exceptional nor terrible people, though that's not to say my gf isn't individually amazing. I think >>15108532 has a good point in that exposure therapy is actually a really strong way of humanising them, so you don't fall into those extreme kinds of perception.

>> No.15108995

>Having a girl around almost 24/7 that you can fuck whenever you want eventually makes you realise women are neither exceptional nor terrible people, though that's not to say my gf isn't individually amazing.

You really don't understand what I'm talking about. If reproduction and sexual selection are a game, I'm not talking about becoming good at the game. I'm talking about overcoming the biological imperative of playing this game. But if you're happy, you're happy. I gain nothing by trying to change your mind or behaviors.

>> No.15109365

I'm sorry, but you have no idea what those two are talking about, even though they're not even talking about the same thing since the OP is vague.

You don't go dicking around with shit jokes as exposure. You would go with something safer.

So one guy is on an evolutionary trip and the other is poking at something no (sane) man would touch with a ten foot pole.

>> No.15109427

Reminder that your *relationship* is worth absolutely nothing in the discussion about women.

>> No.15109469

>historical non-fiction on evolution and sexual selection,
gib examples

>> No.15110508

Please OP I need to know what books, I need
to know how to do this

>> No.15110855

Light-minded, fissive, disapprobative, fking philhippic inconcluding auditress, dissave, cly, beneficiate tristability, oh ar, squirting, chargeableness, unessentiality, Vanir, incorrigibly hypothalamic, nondistant, pants man importunator, kowtower, gynomorph, semiperfect subfrontal completeness axiom, batrachian pipper, braidable fashionist, birdwatching unbitter, next to vestiary, astronomick appropinquate, unbluffed psi presentive, does well outstride, conceptional cornuto counterpressure, psychography, rounded up, hot sheet accruable, unfriend frequenteth, amperometer, epiphanylike acatalepsy, keelless vizier, metrosexualization metathesiophobia, unaccusably hydrological, overruff declamatorily, pouchlike oro-chunking, rank monetization, sejunct unproportionableness, riant, mythemic, appetitively webside, vergency, classless casuistry, selectable prime directive, physiocracy hierarchal, self-critical, overemphasize monergism, keto, Streisand effect, line scan agrestic, parallelepiped, prescriptive, skeptical beej, compline grandisonant, nonstatutory, proteinous high line, matronize pantisocracy argentometrically, domino effect, meddle, takeout double, comest, dupla, maintaineth, quercetum impulsivity, mannerable, unsilenceable, fluffery, moonglade visitorship, intelligibly wispish, unaidedly unmissable, stipple, beestings, volte-face, trading floor knockback, brait, supplial, containerless, bayed, high-maintenance ravioli code, forespend, like to white glove test, extralinguistically, in the blink of an eye, lateral geniculate nucleus, crockeryware chaperon, emblematic anacoloutha, third base, breath-catching, lutulence, old woman centage, editorial we, hieroglyphist forcible, fomenter, acculturation, nighttide material conditional, tumescent xenografic, vertical flute, fishing pole, mooey, determinerhood, sacculinization, nonsecrecy, jinnia, goings on, pectoralis major, neigong, coparticipant, vint, antepast, stanchelled, reactor, confounder, for real and for true, alwayness, retconned width restriction, arched, waistbelt, incandescent, radioplatinum, obviousness, deposit contract, multiport, detaboo, loyal pleaser, nightcap, medico-interferant, unstated, problematick minister, Ohm's law, venial sin, Omega Point, preseeding unstability, imperforation, vee, unequable, ea, usufruct, miscognizant, scuttleful, enfoldingly, tranquility, around, homorganic, vennel, tranferography, immixture, passivistic, palace thousandsome, love song exiguity, irenicism, sophomore, learner, corrective, palfrey wear on, until thoroughbred, structronic, availingly, renourishment, repellingly, initiable, meed, younging, prefrontal cortex, cistrome, work like a horse, tilka, sheepcote, eyelinered, harmony, Delmonico potatoes, interjectural auxologist, cosmological sou glimmer, openwork stocking, causelessly, groomed, tera-ohm, make a face, intradomicile, align, tu-whit tu-whoo, th sound, hearsay, reiterant, Pygmalionism, center of curvature, gubernaculum, licit

>> No.15110946


>> No.15111195

It goes both ways. I stopped trying to impress and cater to men when I realised that that there is no point. My mental (and thus physical) wellbeing is better when they are less involved in my life. Men and women are destined to harm each other and heterosexuality is a curse

>> No.15111222

I am not the most social person so I wouldn't know, but do women really try to cater to and impress men? From hearsay I had different conceptions.

>> No.15111258

Most of them don't (at least not in an intellectual sense). I did because I always felt intimidated by the men I was attracted to. Admiring them and putting them on a pedestal until I finally realized that most men really don't want a woman that's "on their level" anyway.

>> No.15111473
File: 122 KB, 750x1024, 1543260543846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubletrips of extreme truth; you know

>> No.15111477

lol you sad little nutjob

>> No.15111494

what did you read though

>> No.15111598

>I'm talking about overcoming the biological imperative of playing this game.
And you’re deluding yourself if you think you can overcome biological imperatives by reading books. Hint: it’s in the name “imperative”. It’s not a game. You don’t get to rewrite tens of thousands of years of evolved behaviours simply be reading some lines of text. You are clueless.

>> No.15111629

Lmao incels mad, imagine being so obsessed with women you have to read all sorts of philosophy to condition that obsession out of yourself. Feel free to keep castrating yourself, and I’ll keep living in blissful harmony with my biological imperatives because they aren’t so warped that I lack the self-control to let them dominate my life.

>> No.15111660

bro and this is coming from someone who came out of a long relationship recently so don't think i'm talking out of barely-suppressed envious rage, if you are in a happy relationship you honestly can't understand the plight of being a single man and coming to terms with his desires in the world we live in today. genuinely, as they say one of the great boons of monogomy is how it allows you to bask in the delusion that the only reason girls arent sleeping with you is the fact you're already taken.

if you are a single man, and have desires which are going unfulfilled, of course you aren't gonna go crazy but it does affect you on a primitive level. id like to see how high up on your horse you were if you had gone without sex for half a year and had your fancies be spurned in the meantime.

(to clarify im not bitter im just outlining how things for you may not always be as rosey as they seem - and im aware you expressed a self awareness of this fact by your statement regarding your relationship but i think my point still has some verve)

>> No.15111661
File: 531 KB, 1600x2046, marilyn-monroe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marilyn was so fucking gorgeous
there's some sad folks online who claim that she wasn't actually very good looking and that it was all marketing or whatever
but even now it's obvious there was something special about her

>> No.15111697

> id like to see how high up on your horse you were if you had gone without sex for half a year and had your fancies be spurned in the meantime.
Try 3 years. Just because I’m in a relationship now doesn’t mean I don’t know what it’s like to be single and sexless. And yes it sucks. But by the same token, up until about a year and a half ago I must’ve gone through hundreds (if not thousands) of job applications and half as many job interviews, all of which I had absolutely no success in. Did I think “fuck this, I’m just gonna become a NEET”? Nope, because failure is simply the route to learning how to be successful. It becomes a roadmap of potholes that allows you to navigate through the mistakes of the past and become better. If you are resigned to failure, of course you will inevitably fail. Self-denial won’t change anything except allow bad ideas to fester.

>> No.15111712

Every single instance of human behavior that deviates from what we did for a living in the savanna shows you're wrong.
Sexuality is one of the areas where we branched off the least from primitive humans, though.

>> No.15111721

I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. This isn’t the Savanna, this is the present. What does that have to do with sexual frustration?

>> No.15111746

>calling people incels while running around with the advice "just don't idealize her bro"

I mean, come on. The only thing you brought to the table is the sentence "I have a girlfriend." Get some introspective.

>> No.15111750

>self-help guru

>> No.15111752

Everything. To just give you the first steps on this path, look up the difference between natural selection and sexual selection. Look up as many scientific works about sexual selection as you want, in several species. You'll see some patterns arising. You'll see humans fall into very neat categories of how they do this shit. You'll see in these regards we have evolved very little since savanna times.

Our language, our society, our culture, cuisine, technology, all has evolved immensely. But our sexual selection algorithms and strategies for dealing with these things have remained unchanged pretty much since mammals branched off as a biological group.

>> No.15111754

yea i mean im not one of the anons who's downing tools and giving up and i see your point i was just pointing directly at your usage of the term 'blissful harmony', which perhaps your usage of said term was out of alignment with the rest of your argument based upon your post here

>> No.15111791

If that's all you can parse out from the posts I've made, then that's your problem, not mine. I think its very telling that the mere mention caused everyone to jump on me and accuse me that I don't understand anything. That doesn't sound like the behaviour of someone who has "finally overcome women".

You know thinking about all that stuff in relation to yourself is only gonna narrow your horizon of possibility, right? That's what i mean about being resigned to failure. You shouldn't fall into an is/ought fallacy when it comes to biological determinism, regardless of what the scientific literature tells you.

>i was just pointing directly at your usage of the term 'blissful harmony'
Fair enough, I can see why that would be a contentious point.

>> No.15111804

If by spells of women you mean internet pornography and social media women personalities, then sure, and wow, what an achievement.
Now only if you lived in real life and actually met a woman, there would be another story.

>> No.15111806

>guy talks about evolutionary sexual psychology and gets called an incel

You do know that you can approach the topic of sex without it being aimed at "getting that pussy."

It's a nice topic to do research on desu.

For example, this is now out of my ass, but success with women has something to do with domination of a male over another male. When countries lost wars, the women of the occupied countries would feel more attracted and sleep with the occupying forces. Another example is this damn guy who uses his relationship to establish a dominant position over the people he's arguing with.

>> No.15111830

There's also the perspective of sex as mechanism of control, with which we try to compensate the lack of control we have in our life. You have an unclear future? Don't worry, you can choose your partner and go all out on it.

>> No.15111835

Or the quote from Oscar Wild "Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power."

>> No.15111842


i thought i did the same thing, then a girl basically forced me to take the pussy. oh well

>> No.15111843

>Another example is this damn guy who uses his relationship to establish a dominant position over the people he's arguing with
See, this is what I mean. If you read the thread, you can see I wasn't trying to "dominate" him at all when I brought it up, but the simple mention of it made everyone else take on an defensive position and started biting at me. You're all just too damn sensitive.

>> No.15111850

Why don't you fuck off and read more about the topic.

>> No.15111854

> ...we have evolved very little since savanna times.
There is absolutely zero evidence that human ancestors ever lived on a savanna. (Even if we assume that a 'savanna' even existed back then.)

>> No.15111860
File: 25 KB, 346x551, Descent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with this one.

That's absolutely not what I'm talking about. This is not limited to humans either. There is a massive amount of scientific literature to explain it, as well. A lot of what guides your real life experiences has already been observed to death in other species, as well as in your own.
All of this is nice and all, but it's just one piece in understanding the issue. One you get a full understanding of what drives men towards women, towards reproduction, even at the expense of their own safety and whatnot, you can at least start making your decisions rationally.

Don't be surprised though, if the more you learn about this, the more you start to lose the "desire" to constantly have it, even when it is available to you.

>> No.15111877

>Don't be surprised though, if the more you learn about this, the more you start to lose the "desire" to constantly have it, even when it is available to you.

then you went quite deep into the topic

>> No.15111883

Some form of religion or philosophy is helpful to deal with the craving aspect of it.

>> No.15111962

recommend me a book that will help me dump my girlfriend

>> No.15111990
File: 429 KB, 1280x1920, AudreyHepburn-6jun18-vogue-alamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audrey is objectively the superior old hollywood gf

>> No.15112041

Btw before some idiot takes this book to be the end of the line I'm saying start with it as a historical perspective of science at the time. This is among the first works to suggest "sexual selection" as a thing separate from natural selection, but at the time Darwin didn't even have genetics or most other important tools to defend his views. A lot of the book is also deeply flawed and dated, especially on the parts not related to sexual selection.
But the parts that do pertain to this topic are addressed in later studies by Fisher and others that kind of solidified this area.

>> No.15113180

Same for me, but what did it is that I got married and within 10 days of the marriage I found out she was cheating on me by checking her phone while she was sleeping.
I manipulated her into going back to our country of origin and went on and annulled the mariage at the court behind her back.

My "fall-in-love-machine" is broken forever, and this is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Been fucking whores since then once in a while just to quell the sexual desire. I see it as buying peace of mind. Other than that I'm free.

The "utmost admiration" that you feel is just sexual desire, nothing more, I can assure you that you have no love or respect or admiration or whatever sort of respect for them as persons and human beings, and they don't deserve any either. Once you've fucked a woman, the illusion breaks down and you realize that she is nothing, and by then I hope for you that she doesn't have hooks on you in any way, shape or form. This is why Charlie Sheen was saying I don't pay them to fuck, I pay them to leave.

Women are the biggest bait of all time, a trick of nature to reproduce life, not the source of your happiness. That would be yourself.

>> No.15113670

I used to have a cousin that I had a crush on who followed some kind of keto diet. One day she visited and went to the loo, and I went in right after she got out. The smell was foul, absolutely horrendous. Of course I didn’t leave, but stood there sniffing with all my might. It wasn’t because I had a fetish, no, that was genuinely the worst thing I ever smelled. I couldn’t get over how something like that could come out of a pretty girl. Right then and there I not only stopped being attracted to my cousin, but to women in general. If I see an attractive female, that haunting stench comes to mind and I shudder

>> No.15113711

you sound like a real loser anon

>> No.15113737

Thanks Jennifer.

>> No.15114262

sounds sad

>> No.15114575


>> No.15114577

Dude it isn't normal to have no sexual attraction. Sad anon. You're a nerd.

>> No.15114580

Females detected.

>> No.15114800

my diary desu

>> No.15114825

i noticed that too lol

>> No.15114838
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Tell me about your mother.