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15107863 No.15107863[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what books explain the mind of the trump supporter?

>> No.15107929

That picture holds true for most people regardless of their politics. Beliefs today are cheap products for the masses. Passed is the time when you had to pay the price of constructing your own.

>> No.15107942


>> No.15107971

Progress and its Critics - Lasch
The Radical Center: Middle Americans and the Politics of Alienation - Donald Warren
Leviathan and its Enemies - Sam Francis

>> No.15107994


>> No.15108007

toliet water is just tap water though...

>> No.15108036

Well said. Whoever made that image was just reinforcing their own action of lapping up of shit water.

>> No.15108053

A believer is more a commodity than a belief, though it goes both ways. Modern political campaigns are the market’s response to the demand for the political enthusiasm necessary to obtain public office.

>> No.15108081

>my media good your media bad
It's all so tiresome
What do you think would have to happen for people to truly be uncomfortable in the spectacle?

>> No.15108091
File: 500 KB, 1686x2560, the_new_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New Right by Michael Malice

>> No.15108112

>Passed is the time when you had to pay the price of constructing your own.

when was that time, exactly?

>> No.15108185

Before the rise of the masses.

>> No.15108196

ah yes, that well defined time

>> No.15108205

Imagine being such a loser no biological woman would ever willingly sleep with you so you have to settle for a fatass eunuch.

>> No.15108209
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>> No.15108211

Ugly piece of shit. You'll never be as good as me. Look at this attention I get from beautiful women. You'll never experience this.

>> No.15108265

in the abscence of mass working class socialisation mechanisms, much of left liberal identity in America came to center around blind trust in experts, journalists media, the democratic party, psychiatry ''science'', academia, celebrities and other credentialed authorities. Of course these authorities are corrupt and lie all the time, peddle dumbed down condescending agitprop of the worst sort, and would sooner loose to 'the right' than allow a significant change in the status quo. Their prime interest is in shepherding and gatekeeping and making sure the little people don't under any circumstances get the wrong ideas(weren't leftist establishment journalists caught stockpilling facemasks and medication while denying to the public there was a pandemic?)

The 'far left' sects are like the DNC in miniature, they care more about clinging to their little isles of power and moral authority over making any significant advances. Look at your local leftists, how you wish they'd actually hold themselves up to a higher moral standard, but no, even their moralizing is a means to avoid responsibility, these people have susbstituted virtue for superficial virtue signalling, they are insecure, petulant, hedonistic, petty, conformist, proud in their ignorance, get their politics from memes lack any solidarity or fellow feeling, just waiting for the opportunity to sexually assault and/or ''cancel'' each other. Leftist academics actively hate their areas of study, they resort to moralizing because they can't compete in the terrain of learning, as soon as they get tenure they will become establishment loyalists. If there are still well intentioned leftists, they tend to be naive and easily manipulated consooming propaganda 'diverse and progressive' media, hammers and sickles and rainbow flags as just another commodity.

>> No.15108275

You're not looking for a book on the "disaffected white working class," which largely voted for trump because hillary was directly offensive to them as a transparently elitist, uncaring, cold bitch of a woman who didn't bother to campaign to them. They tipped trump over the line for that narrow win, but they are not his base.
Trump's base is economically comfortable yet somehow insecure baby boomers. I don't like bashing boomers as a generation because that's a huge group of people with a lot of varying views and effects.
But there exists a sizable portion of them who have a decent chunk of cash from the boom years they lived through and a massive amount of insecurity about their position in society. They tend to be undereducated or minimally educated. No idea what to read to understand them.

>> No.15108385

there is one side that is for racism, homophobia, transphobia, fake news and religious superstition there is another side that is for basic human decency, journalism and science. If you don't see the difference maybe you are the problem. . woah you are just as oppressed as women, queers and people of color because you have to get up to work every monday(nevermind that you get paid more for doing the same job) and because you are smug about not watching TV(Funny how you started being uncomfortable with 'the spectacle' as soon as the media dared to start representing people who aren't you)

>> No.15108400

I voted for Trump due to the meme power and because the thought of the pussy left holding more power terrified me. I have little to no entertainment outlets left with all of this political garbage. Comics: ruined. Television: close to ruined. Sports: gayer by the day. Movies: two to three good releases per year. Music: few tolerable artists. Can everyone just leave art alone? I don't mind politics, but everyone (and I do mean everyone) should be able to participate without fear of their career being threatened for identity politics. Jamming blacks into movies when they aren't suppose to be there is fucking stupid. I will watch any type of person if they belong in the artist's vision. Forcing "progress" is tyranny.

>> No.15108419

5/10 bait

>> No.15108426

>The Radical Center: Middle Americans and the Politics of Alienation - Donald Warren
>Leviathan and its Enemies - Sam Francis
anyone got a copy of these? only lasch is on libgen

>> No.15108438

you are the embodiment of white fragility.

This reads as a perfect satire of the deluded, internet wormhole poisoned mind of an easily led idiot.

Please don't be real

>> No.15108440

Rebellion of the Masses. By José Ortega y Gasset.

>> No.15108473

its me when i ohp ur squat u little twink

>> No.15108479

The people who tipped him over the edge are the important ones because unless they are awful then 80% of people are pretty partisan in their views. Everyone knows it’s swing voters that matter.

>> No.15108494
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>> No.15108506

>white fragility

Hardly. Tell me sincerely that art hasn't been pushed towards the "left". Hardly. Try arguing and not throwing a conniption fit.

>> No.15108509

le fragile nigger faec

>> No.15108546

you seem like you mean well, but When reality hits you and you’re ruled by third worlders much more perverse than your false narratives it’ll be sad to see.

>> No.15108562

This is how I felt, but now it’s controversial. At some point good people like you and I will be sick of being told were bad

>> No.15108576

Meant for >>15108385

>> No.15108588

That was meant for >>15108385
my phone is glitching

>> No.15108589

arts is, was and always will be politics and the fact you think otherwise just proves you are a fragile shithead

>> No.15108628
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>> No.15108643

>left are pussies

>triggered by the most trivial changes to society which have nothing to do with the actual systemic problems that hurt everyone

talk about irony and lack of awareness

>> No.15108656

You don't know anything about art and never could because all you are about is power and ugliness

>> No.15108666

you're not good lol, youre a fucking coward, so cowardly that you are literally incapable of questioning the dogma you've been taught

>> No.15108681
File: 1.59 MB, 4163x2734, Regarding-Susan-Sontag-031-09-1_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is not content, but style.

>> No.15108704

I never claimed it wasn't. I'm tired of it being ruined in the name of it. I use to enjoy things, you know? Now I do not. It was bad enough when the Christian right was doing it. There were a brief few years where it seemed untouched until around 2014 when the left went full force. I'm sure you'll find a way to not really address my points and, instead, insult me.
Not really. More depressed at everyone trying to find "representation" for causes that never amount to anything except mandates about inclusion. You appear really angry at my comment for some reason. I think that is evident of my reasoning for my prior comment.

>> No.15108714

Yea dude cause racial humiliation is trivial

>> No.15108718

The Democrats aren't leftists, though. There was no threat of the left holding any power.

>> No.15108721
File: 366 KB, 1518x2326, 81WrUo25QLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" The extreme spiritualization of the despotic State, and the extreme internalization of the capitalist field, define bad conscience. The latter is not cynicism's contrary; it is, in private persons, the correlate of the cynicism of social persons. All the cynical tactics of bad conscience, just as Nietzsche and then Lawrence and Miller analyzed them to arrive at a definition of civilized European man: the hypnosis and the reign of images, the torpor they spread; the hatred of life and of all that is free, of all that passes and flows; the universal effusion of the death instinct; depression and guilt used as a means of contagion, the kiss of the Vampire: aren't you ashamed to be happy? Follow my example, I won't let go before you say, "It's my fault," O ignoble contagion of the depressives, neurosis as the only illness consisting in making others ill; the permissive structure: let me deceive, rob, slaughter, kill! but in the name of the social order, and so daddy-mommy will be proud of me; the double direction given to ressentiment, the turning back against oneself, and the projection against the Other: the father is dead, it's my fault, who killed him? it's your fault, it's the Jews, the Arabs, the Chinese, all the resources of racism and segregation; the abject desire to be loved, the whimpering at not being loved enough, at not being "understood," concurrent with the reduction of sexuality to the "dirty little secret," this whole priest's psychology—there is not a single one of these tactics that does not find in Oedipus its land of milk and honey, its good provider. "

Not even a Deleuze fanboi, i'm a brainlet in philosophy and didn"t understand much of it, though, when I read this passage I thought " oh shit that's /pol/ ".

>> No.15108752

in the 60s the powers that be ensured the restlessness and revolutionary impulses of the youth were channeled to the expression of individual identity through music and culture and away from demands for political and economic change and criticism of industrial society. But at least the culture could be genuinely interesting back then. We have now reached a paradoxical phase were consumer culture has all but substituted for politics, there is no room for subtlety,the culture industry is looked up to as an arbiter of social norms and thus saved from left wing criticism. DIY culture is just bottom up propaganda, marked by

>> No.15108767

You know what I am referring to. That is just what people have been using to categorize them. "Libtards", "tumblerinas", "snowflakes". It isn't like these people care about social change. They want some internet based community that accepts them like the world does not. These people seem so bored despite this. A good majority just have emotional trauma , but that is probably broad brushing at this point. I can admit they all don't. "Alt-right" can be just as annoying. Everyone's minds are going a mile a minute. I wish the world could calm down for a second. We face no real battle, yet the public imagines apocalypse and war.

>> No.15108773

liberals and communists are both leftists

>> No.15108788

That all applies to radlibs, not leftists. Leftists don't really exist as an organized force in America.

>> No.15108816
File: 34 KB, 600x329, 8C47A681-7972-4294-9C73-F9C77E7B694A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15108835

So triggered that he created a strawman to argue against?

>> No.15108841

As a radical rightist and reader of Deleuze I feel this describes leftists perfectly.on the right ideally there is an unabashed pagan celebration of Power as a creative force, what you see on the left is oedipalism and slave morality, even the politically correct victim groups have lost all touch with organic culture and can only see themselves in relation to an emptied spectre of 'the west' their estranged father from which they slavishly seek recognition and their psychiatrist. i call the aryan peoples of the world to unite once again under the barred cross and the bloodstained banner of a new Hitlerism in a joyful transvaluation of values and a joyful renewal of the vedic sacrificial order, if liberalism is all about the endless postponement of sacrifice, the denial of the natural order, then why not unleash the ultimate obscenity and the ultimate atrocity? As true satanists and libertines we celebrate sodomy, transgression and crime, which in this Kali Yuga are transfigured into Familie Travail Patrie, the opposites coincide! rebellion is obedience! let the victim's throat be slit, let the sick the maimed the weak be driven as DH Lawrence would have it to a gas chamber on the crystal palace, let them mutter a weary thanks as the cinematograph plays and a brass band performs a heartfelt rendition of beethoven's 9th!

>> No.15108855

Do you realize, yet, how retarded it is to vote based on 'cultural issues'? Has the culture in Hollywood become more to your liking since Trump got elected? Has there been less identity politics, less forced diversity, etc? Of course not. Because the government doesn't control the culture. If you vote on any other basis than economic, you're a moron. Vote for Trump if you think the top 0.01% deserves more wealth and the middle class deserves less. It's that simple.

>> No.15108868

No one is going to read Based Deleuze, Justin.

>> No.15108876

>voting for economic growth

What a hopeless endeavor. Neither side of the aisle wants to help me out. They'll just put it in a fund to give to themselves.

>> No.15108879

>left liberal
Choose one.

>goddamn leftist college liberals

>> No.15108912

just stop beating around the bush and call yourself a communist or socialist

>> No.15108913

The Confusion of Tongues: A Review of Modern "isms" by Charles W. Ferguson.

>"Cults share four key traits: they espouse an all-encompassing belief system; exhibit excessive devotion to the leader; avoid criticism of the group and its leader; and feel disdain for non-members"

>> No.15108919
File: 92 KB, 793x1360, badiou trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badiou's was probably the least terrible of the lot.

>> No.15108925

The post never mentioned "economic growth", spermburper.

>> No.15108980

Oh yes, it instead wants to take wealth from the wealthy. That will never happen. Only a delusional youth would believe our government would ever do such a thing when they are all buddies. Oh, I assume the anon would also suggest I receive none of it too because I am white and male.

>> No.15109045
File: 121 KB, 531x925, C189D3E8-1D77-4536-92FE-B84AACE89E20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic cope when Trump supporters have a higher average income, are less criminal, and more likely to be married than libcels.

If you’re so smart, why is your life so fucking shitty?

>> No.15109049


honest question:
why is it never brought up that rightoids arent stupider than other people but are pure idpol, maybe even more than the most progressive liberal??

I never see it brought up anywhere??

>> No.15109060

right wing whites are the same amount of idpol as every other race. It is left wing whites that are a complete anomaly and actually have a bias against their own race

>> No.15109063


>> No.15109071
File: 67 KB, 667x1000, 61D91CKW4BL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what books explain the mind of the trump supporter?
The Case for Trump

>> No.15109078

>for everyone who supports the President
>newt gingrich

>> No.15109084


>> No.15109102

Hillbilly Elegy

Almost anything by Christopher Lasch.

Donald Warren

>> No.15109111

hofstadter, adorno, lasch, coin harvey, robert welch

>> No.15109164

all politics are identity politics. 'anti idpol' leftists must be the most delusional faction out there and that is why they are rightfully hated by everyone. their ideology amounts to i'm not like the other trannies uwu.

>> No.15109165
File: 340 KB, 586x587, 4246426464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republicans and Democrats both seem to be very Impressionistic thinkers, without much of an orientation toward Lexical thought.

Democrats may exemplify more lateral Impressionistic thought, while Republicans are possessed of more linear Impressionistic thinking. The real question is how two parties of the Electronic Age managed to camouflage themselves for a voting block that belongs to a more lexical orientation.

>> No.15109169

Imagine not voting for Trump again in the 2020 election.

>> No.15109186

Ah yes, a response fitting for the internet age. Did you wear out based, cringe, or "simp"?

>> No.15109192

The strange thing is that politics in places like China doesn't appear to be neutered of Lexical thinkers... is it simply a result of the media saturation in the United States?

>> No.15109209

ok so taking healthcare away from poor white people so you can own the libs is pro white??

Digibro is retarted.
Lateral and lexical means you´re superior in every way.

>> No.15109218

Identity doesn’t have to be biological race though? Many of the Greek tribes were formed by elites paying to be considered Athenian and American identity is ‘white’ because they don’t have an identity. The commonality between a rural Romanian and a rich white guy in USA like Richard spencer is hardly compelling. Either what you said is completely untrue or you’re saying something so obvious it need not be said. I’m a race realist btw as I recognize people act in groups and different races have different interests and genetics, so don’t play those games with me, however I’d prefer a conservative black or Jew that does what’s best for the nation as opposed to a vulgar ‘American’ nationalist college student morbidly obese and alcholilc or a self-hating gullible normie goyim. So it doesn’t need to be a hard biological boundary which is honestly what deters most people from such movements. Nobody wants to be that vain.

>> No.15109249

>Lateral and lexical means you´re superior in every way.
Maybe, but Linear-Lexical people are probably the best essayists.

>> No.15109274


The Affordable Care Act sucks worse than Medicare and Medicaid. It will never be free. It's impossible to take power away from insurance and pharmaceutical companies without unemployment of masses of people. The overpriced healthcare system is keeping most of America employed. It will never go away.

>> No.15109298
File: 17 KB, 300x233, the-authoritarians-cd-audio-small-300x233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Authoritarianism is something authoritarian followers and authoritarian
leaders cook up between themselves. It happens when the followers submit too
much to the leaders, trust them too much, and give them too much leeway to do
whatever they want--which often is something undemocratic, tyrannical and
brutal. In my day, authoritarian fascist and authoritarian communist dictatorships
posed the biggest threats to democracies, and eventually lost to them in wars
both hot and cold. But authoritarianism itself has not disappeared, and I'm going
to present the case in this book that the greatest threat to American democracy
today arises from a militant authoritarianism that has become a cancer upon the


>> No.15109347

>all politics are identity politics.
In your dreams, libshit tranny.

>> No.15109377

dude no one cares about transfolk more than right wingers.

There are litteral mountains of studies showing rightoids talk about 300% more about them than the most radical idpol prog in their news or forums.

>> No.15109397

>Hillbilly Elegy
Read it. Nothing in depth or too revealing. Stopped reading after it became an unsubtle campaign sales pitch.

Instead, read "White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America" by Nancy Isenberg

>Almost anything by Christopher Lasch
"True And Only Heaven" hit's the nail on the head. Also convinced me to read Ralph Waldo Emerson's Essays. "P/pol/tards might not like his favorable review Martin Luther King, Jr. Good read overall.

>Donald Warren
Never read 'im. I'll check out later.

>> No.15109402

>I'm going to reduce all of human experience to a two dimensional fucking quantitative graph.
Brainlets always love reducing everything complex into something absurdly oversimplified, it gives them the illusion of understanding.

>> No.15109408

tfw no bizarre autistic crossdresser gf with an anachronistic obsession with orthodox marxism who refuses 'identity politics' out of principle and can cite marx complete works from memory

>> No.15109421

Trumps done more in 4 years than democrats have in 20

>> No.15109430

hey maybe I am just against the leftist normalisation of pedophilia, please, anyone with half a brain can tell what they are really after. I mean, just connect the dots for goddsakes, i mean do you think we are fucking stupid?

>> No.15109431

So much for "drain the swamp" when its the swamp people who invite you in.

>> No.15109434

He's done more to turn the world into Clown World, that's for sure.

>> No.15109440

Rightwingers are the only ones normalizing pedophilia, dumbass.

>> No.15109441

And he's added more debt that democrats have in 1000.

>> No.15109446

the world is doomed anyways, with trump at least i can derive some marginal satisfaction from pissing leftists off

>> No.15109457

fuck jannies

>> No.15109460

I know what our problem is: the freaks have gone too far, it is about time for normal people like us to get their shit together and put those freaks in their place.

>> No.15109463

Establishment Democrats piss off leftists more than any rightwing assclown like Trump.

>> No.15109486

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.15109487

Vision of the Anointed by Sowell
Coming Apart and American Exceptionalism by Murray
Culture of Critique
Genealogy of Morals
On Women by Schopenhauer
Patriotism and Sun and Steel by Mishima
Nicomachean Ethics
Federalist Papers
On Liberty by Mill

>> No.15109501

The Heroic Heart by Tod Lindberg. He basically draws from Carlyle who referred to the “mass of domestics that yearns to be ruled by a pseudo-hero”. He claims that appreciation moved from the truly heroic to the celebrity in the modern era. He doesn’t reference Trump specifically but he quite obviously fits the bill.

On a simpler note, I think the mass of his voters and supporters are simply social “conservatives” who have watched everything they hold dear lose ground to scientific liberalism for their entire lives with those losses accelerating to the point of near psychosis in the post-WW2 era and were desperate for an alternative that matched said pseudo-hero to come along and save them while still believing their current political paradigm offers a solution. You have to realize the vast vast majority of Americans have quite literally never read a book on their own initiative. They’re groomed by what the TV tells them and decades of reinforced propaganda via the school systems, media, and social conditioning. Those who remain avid Trump supporters are simply in one of those two camps - those who are on the right and see no other option in light of the lost ground or those who aren’t smart enough to see that he doesn’t actually have the answers they might not want but need. The masses are asses as they say.