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/lit/ - Literature

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15106402 No.15106402 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone says you should start with philosophy by reading Plato first, but to what extent?
I’ve read the trial and death of Socrates and the Republic, and I think I get the gist really.
Socrates basically exposes the limits of human knowledge through his questioning. There are little nuggets here and there but I think the big idea is the mostly abstract aim of Socratic questioning, right?
Am I ready to move on to Aristotle yet?

>> No.15106419
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you do not get the gist. Read everything and then commentary. Jesus Christ are you guys too busy to read?

>> No.15106430

No, you should start with the pre-socratics.

>> No.15106435

NO PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE. Read the later dialogues (Theaetetus, Cratylus, Phaedrus, Philebus, Sophist, Statesman, Laws, Parmenides, Timaeus). They are the heart of Platonic metaphysics, the philosophy which comes to dominate the West and shape the Church. Also read Proclus, Damascius, Ficino, Syrianus, Simplicius and Porphyry's commentaries on the dialogues since you almost certainly do not understand them fully. The Socratic method is literally the tip of the iceberg, its hardly even Platonic.

>> No.15106440
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I did that already

>> No.15106509
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Thanks anon I genuinely appreciate your post