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/lit/ - Literature

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15104255 No.15104255 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this?

I'm very intrigued but it seems pretty hard to get hands on...

>> No.15104407


based analysis

>> No.15105236
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i have.

pretty good overall. the first part is utterly useless, though--basically he argues for some 90-100+ pages just that he is trying to develop a vision of morality that exists outside the traditional restraints of god, etc. while taylor has religious affiliations, he is clearly also trying to carve out the space of a fully informed, "thick" secular ethics. this is part of the history of that project--and i would suggest his equally insightful/meandering "a secular age" as a follow up

his chapter on plato is masterful-- a great intro to the socratic theory of conversion. he skips over aristotle and the christians for no reason, however; his reading of descartes is important, as with kant. his reading of locke is idiosyncratic and a little odd, at points inaccurate.

his movement toward the 20th century is interesting, but gets very convoluted; he ends up grouping whole strands of literature and music together--quickly, without much analysis--to prove the various ways people have tried to make meaning post-god.

i'd recommend other overarching works, like arthur lovejoy's "great chain of being" or eric auerbach's "mimesis," as providing better reads in themselves and necessary supplements. to get a better sense of the movement toward the 20th century that i think taylor messes up, i'd recommend udo thiel's "early modern subject" and jerrold seigel's "idea of the self"

tl;dr ultimately some interesting readings of key figures, but not a truly original argument in itself. covers a lot of ground, but i think other works achieve a deeper and more lasting status.

>> No.15105278
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truly wasn't expecting a reply. thanks v much, very insightful

>> No.15105285

where autism and same gagging converge

>> No.15105318

kys mm :)