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15102106 No.15102106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you approach girls at the bookstore/library?

>> No.15102119

you don't????

>> No.15102126

I'm there for books not thots

>> No.15102128

This. It's not fruitful to hit on girls when they're at work or out running errands.

>> No.15102130

Where do you go to meet girls?

>> No.15102134

I just walk up to them ask them politely to stop staring at me

>> No.15102137


Offer to "plumb her depths."

>> No.15102142
File: 297 KB, 800x1200, C1CB69C2-7052-4DE5-8FBC-405FC58BF9DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye contact and a polite smile shows her you’re interested in her opening up to you. But chances are she’s there to get a book.

>> No.15102159
File: 38 KB, 480x720, darryl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS UGLY SON OF A BITCH is fucking SUPER HOT CHICKS and basically, you are fucking stupid.

How? ..Just Drive Him To The Bookstore >

>> No.15102161

it just happens? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure no one likes to be distracted from what they are doing.

>> No.15102164

I would never do that. Why would you want to?

>> No.15102171

Personally? No where. Generally? Bars, other social venues. You know, places where people are looking to connect with people. Admittedly, this doesn't work everywhere. I've heard horror stories about Seattle, for instance. Work, maybe.

>> No.15102180

I'm with this anon >>15102171 but women mean very little to me. Stop trying so hard.

>> No.15102191

>Eye contact and a polite smile shows her you’re interested in her opening up to you
Funny you should say this, I was doing this to random woman I see in random places and they seem encouraged to talk to me, and I got my first girlfriend in January before I broke up with her in February.

>> No.15102192

>you talk to a girl and they're interested
nothing wrong
>you talk to a girl and they're not interested
you're being toxic and assuming

You just live what that knowledge.

>> No.15102193


Social places seem like the best place but they aren't really the best places for just talking to somebody, especially if you're looking for more than just a casual thing. Idk maybe I'll try concerts or something.

I mean I'm kind of a shut-in so I'm just looking for somewhere to start. Can't really try less hard than me, my social life is mostly hanging out with other dudes and the gym.

>> No.15102194

i kill them with a single strike

>> No.15102200

Hoooly based

>> No.15102203

Approach her. Make fun of what she is reading and tell her free will is a lie. Laugh and call her a child when she disagrees. I tell her God and every "value" she has been inculcated with are spooks.
Slap the book out of her hands and kiss her; she wets herself. I leave, her womb aching for my seed. She meekly follows me out of the bookstore and asks what I'm doing. I smile, fuck her in the mall parking lot, call her a used up cunt, and never see her again. She masturbates to me daily and compares every man against me.

>> No.15102217

I don't, unless I've seen them more than once. I've played DnD with a few to gauge how much I like them. Often, I only like them as friends and we stay friends. I've yet to crush on anyone I've met in the library, but I met many good friends to play DnD with.
>t. CollegeFag

>> No.15102221

What should I do if I have a creepy smile?

>> No.15102222

what if I finally made it with a woman but her vagina was too hot to use?

>> No.15102223

>First I apply for a Woman Approacher licence from the state government
>Agree to extensive background check including medical history
>Issued temporary provisional licence that allows me be inside a building at the same time as a woman in the meantime
>Browsing books
>See her
>Move to the philosophy section to browse so I seem smart
>Make eye contact as she passes
>She hits the panic button on her ManSafe bracelet all women now carry
>Entire building goes in to lock down
>Steel shutters over the doors and windows
>Alarms flashing red light
>Sirens blaring so loud I think I will go deaf
>See Counter Male Taskforce officer pouring in to the book store
>Know there is no way out of this, and that this is the last chance I will ever have to touch a woman
>Run and touch her hair
>She screams
>A gunshot is heard over the din of the alarms
>Look down to see a red pool of blood expanding across my chest
>Look back up at her and with my last breath whisper "YOU, made me"

>> No.15102247

If you're just meeting someone, you're going to start casual. If you want to get into deeper conversation ask them out for coffee, lunch, dinner, a walk around the park, crap like that. You're not going to talk to someone at a concert, or they're not going to talk to you.

>> No.15102255

Okay, so just gauge general interest, and then get a number or something, and then try to go from there?

>> No.15102270

>/lit/ - PUA

>> No.15102275

>breaking the close psychic distance with a passive construction
Disgusting. You deserve every defilement the Male Counter Taskforce has in store for your corpse.

>> No.15102285

lmao based

>> No.15102292

>Be Counter Male Taskforce officer
>Never have felt the urge to even talk to a woman thanks to the castration all members of my guild undergo before puberty
>Spend days with my guildmates training to combat the threat of toxic masculinity
>When not training we are given free soma
>Start what I think is going to be a normal day doing morning drills and playing BOTW
>Before I even have my armour one we get report of a Code-3 at The Page Turner, a local cafe/bookshop
>Deploy immediately in the Hover-APC
>Arrive at the seen, it looks like a Hollywood disaster movie
>Women are sitting on the streets, tears down their eyes, receiving trauma therapy over Zoom
>Breach the entrance to the book shop, and that is when I see him
>A hideous 5ft5 gobling with a patchy beard attempting to dress fashionably reaching out to touch a woman's hair
>Immediately fire a round through the chest
>I am a hero
>Get an upgrade to my orgasmatron wirehead implant, and double soma rations for a month AND reddit gold
>Life is good

>> No.15102303

If by "gauge general interest" you mean have a fucking conversation, then yes. Look, not every conversation you have needs to contemplate the spark of human creation against the stars, the vast emptiness of the cosmos. Talk about banal shit, books (not sorry /lit/), movies, favorite local haunts, the bric-a-brac you fill your life with. If you enjoy your time, try to set up another meetup, and see what develops.

>> No.15102307

Alright man, no problem. Just looking for some advice here.

>> No.15102316

It’s really unfair the way the way people size each other up, but you have to respect it. You can’t make the pretty but stuck up see your worth. They may learn to like you, but never see themselves under you.
You have to find the girls in your “league”. The ones that don’t see your smile as creepy. Unless you are kinda creepy. But you know what, there’s creepy girls out there too.
Besides all that, confidence is key. Be approachable, confident and kind.
Doesn’t hurt to have lots of friends and network so’s you can meet more nice girls

>> No.15102321

Going to the bookstore is a solitary experience and someone else's presence ruins it for me. A girl tried talking to me about religious studies when I was browsing the theology section and it ruined my entire trip to the store. Now that I think of it every time someone talks to me in a bookstore it's uncomfortable, you can tell that they realllyyy hope you like the same things as them, they smell of loneliness, stalking sections of the bookstore waiting to trap somebody. They oughta be locked up

>> No.15102327

Can't give you advice bro. I'm not an autist who plans for a hypothetical social interaction lmfao

>> No.15102339

Don't pick-up artists trade in underhanded tactics aimed at getting women to devalue themselves or otherwise see the artist as someone with having sex with? Don't they trade all potentially meaningful interactions for base fuck numbers? The common-sense advice here seems a bit tepid by comparison.

>> No.15102352

I doubt your smile is always and only creepy. I can certainly put on a creepy smile, but my normal smile is just an expression of happiness, good cheer, something, and it's not creepy. I'm sure your smile is the same.

>> No.15102359
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>> No.15102374

I dunno about that shit bro, but lemme tell you about my two most successful, uh, close encounters.
The first happened at a graduation party, I met some chick that was really into astrology, I was drunk, told her she believed in bullshit and somehow made out with her that same night. I could have fucked her, but the grad party took place at her brother's house, and despite knowing 3 of the people living in that house, none would have lent me their room so I could fuck.
The second one just happened. I didn't do anything, this girl was drunk but into me, later on I found out she was married, saw her again, sober this time, she got drunk, and then begged me to "fuck her as hard as I could in [my] car."
Take from that what you will.

>> No.15102377

rock up
put both feet on the table
crack open a brew

works every time

>> No.15102387

>Don't pick-up artists trade in underhanded tactics aimed at getting women to devalue themselves
Negging is just bants. Friends playfully tease each other all the time. If you can pull it off with a stranger it creates a feeling of equality and closeness because you drop your everyday facades a little bit. If you find the concept repulsive it is likely because you can't pull it off because you are a self-serious autist who would call someone something explosive a niggerbitch instead of being playful. Your distaste of the concept is likely a survival mechanism because you know you would only ever fuck it up.

>> No.15102414

This sounds fucking reptillian.

>> No.15102431

No racism off /b/ please.

>> No.15102432

I've taken nothing important from it (or, I suspect, nothing you'd find important). Speak your point plain or don't speak it. Or do, I don't care. Your goal has gone unnoticed.

>> No.15102436

I walk up right behind them and put my face next to theirs, I pretend I’m trying to read what theyre reading. Then if they don’t run away I slide one hand on their throat and slide one hand from their hip to the inside of their thigh. Then I kiss their neck. 99% of the time I make it this far their knees will buckle from excitement. Then you smack their ass and walk away, they look down to their book to see a paper with your phone number on it. Trust me incels

>> No.15102448

Wow. You've assumed quite a lot. I doubt negging is the only underhanded tactic PUAs use. Regarding negging, I don't see a problem with teasing friends or even new acquaintances, depending on their reaction. However, I've heard this argument about equality and closeness before, and you're putting the cart before the horse. Negging doesn't produce these feelings; indeed, without them, they work the opposite magic. Equality and closeness are required before you can engage in such banter. Doing otherwise is something other than good rapport.

>> No.15102462

essentially this. If someone is attracted to you they'll be happy that you took an interest in them, as long as you don't come off as a total boor

>> No.15102463

Chuck an ice cube in there before you get to business and checked.

>> No.15102465

Ouch. Tough dilemma anon.

>> No.15102469

>Negging doesn't produce these feelings; indeed, without them, they work the opposite magic.
Only if you suck. You suck at it and are projecting your own failure on to everyone else and pretending it is some universal rule of the world.

There are people who are better at socialising than you and they can pull of things that you can't.

>> No.15102491

Coping cowardly pussy pedestal virgins ashamed of their sexuality

>> No.15102495

>There are people who are better at socialising than you and they can pull of things that you can't.
Undoubtedly, but you're framing your argument as a failure of mine, and in doing so you're failing to understand that my position is based on others who constantly neg despite never earning rapport. I'm sure you're just trolling, but in the instance that I'm wrong, I suspect you still know people who do this. They neg and neg and neg, and instead of gaining trust and equality, they come off as boorish and annoying. Being able to tease a friend is something you have to earn. If you legitimately think you can just be a dick right off, well, I doubt your friends are very good ones.

>> No.15102497

Regale us with your chad ways, chad.

>> No.15102500

How dare you butters? How dare you to post Alexandra Daddario in a place where we come to entertain sophistcated thoughtery NOT THOTERY!

>> No.15102501

That bitch is 12

>> No.15102502
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Yes, as someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of PUA, it it designed to maximize odds of gaining consent for sex. Notches on the bedpost. "Nothing personal". I used to think I could "dip in" to PUA and get a girlfriend. Perhaps possible but it's explicitly not designed for that.

Negging is not "just" anything. You're either doing it by the book or you're "just" playing around with it.

Negging isn't to get her to feel good. It works, but for the same reason making a woman call herself a fat pig during sex might make her cum. Women are unique from men.
>Equality and closeness are required before you can engage in such banter. Doing otherwise is something other than good rapport.
Not even close, sadly. Women respond to it precisely because it's "catty". Like something a fag would say. See pic related.

>> No.15102510

The thing about "negging" is in order for it to work she has to already be somewhat interested. It's the same illusion that leads women to believe they like funny guys, in truth they just think all the guys they like are funny.

>> No.15102514


>> No.15102515

So your argument no longer that negging never works but is basically there are people who abuse the technique? Obviously. That goes for most things. Being sent flowers is nice. Being sent flowers everyday would be annoying. No one here is arguing that you should base all your social interactions around negging, only that people who get upset about tend to be extremely rules oriented, largely because they suck at socialising. My brother is an aspie and is like this, he has a linear checklist he goes through when meeting people because it is the only way he can function and fucks up when he goes off script. The other people who hate are white knights who abhor the concept of ever saying anything that could be deemed as negative about a woman, even if it is in the lightest of jests.

>> No.15102519
File: 99 KB, 300x292, 1586729344461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it youre nearly fifty and still cant write one coherent sentence? You read like a literal retard

>> No.15102520

>Not even close, sadly.
Well, I made that into something of an absolute statement, but what I meant was, you need equality and closeness before such banter works in a friendly, jovial, communal sort of way. You can certainly engage in negging whenever you'd like, but you probably won't be making any friends that way, which—I suspect—isn't typically the aim. I know guys who think they need to neg every other guy in the room to make friends, but it doesn't work. It certainly works for other things, however.

>> No.15102525
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely correct. She only has to be potentially interested. The PUA process converts that potential interest into kinetic interest.

It works, but "be careful what you wish for".

>> No.15102529

Mmmmmmm yummu yummu mmmmmmmm slpslpslps tastyyy mmmmmm yumm yummmmmmm let me see those feet yummmmmm mmmmm let me smell those feet mmmmm yummu yummu mmmmm let me see those panties slpslpslpslpslpslp mmmm let me smell those panties mmmmm yummu yummu

>> No.15102537

Uh...you introduced negging as a way to build rapport with friends, and I argued that prior rapport was needed before negging worked in this way. Otherwise, it just makes the negger look like an asshat. That's all I've been saying. Also, none of this has anything to do with how PUAs use negging.

>> No.15102546

You only neg the target. In what little I've read on how to properly AMOG dudes, it doesn't seem that direct negs are used on men.

I'm only here to correct misconceptions. PUA is not to make friends, as stated before: it is to get a girl into the sack, as efficiently as possible, without resorting to roofies. There is no other goal. It's not about having a good time: it is work in the truest sense, for the pettiest outcome imaginable. Don't do "a little" PUA. Don't do any PUA.

Here I just found this today: https://sigmaframe.wordpress.com/courtship-models/

>> No.15102558

I go up to her and ask if she knows where the non-fiction section is. The nonfiction section in my local library is in this like secluded area where i can talk to them alone

>> No.15102560
File: 75 KB, 1200x500, 6145462B-CCB7-4586-ABE0-7BE43125833C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no. Seriously suggesting being polite about your flirtations with girls in public. It was a proactive maneuver


Why I gotta worry about a damn tweet?

>> No.15102563

>Uh...you introduced negging as a way to build rapport with friends
I said that friends did it, and when friends do it we call it bants. I said this to get you to realize that you most likely engage in the behaviour too.

The PUA uses it to game the system by having people they just met to accept behaviour from them that is usually only reserved for close friends or relatives. You described this as putting the cart before the horse, and I agree- more so that is the entire point, to skip through all the usual bullshit and to have people treat you like you have already been vetted for despite knowing them for a couple of minutes.

If you are incapable of doing this its fine, there are things I suck at too.

>> No.15102572

Book clubs, writing clubs, game nights, parties, leather bars, meetups, anything with dancing and drinks, fetlife events

>> No.15102588

This. I'm not handsome or confident or rich so I just ignore people when I go somewhere.

>> No.15102595

This. Remember, they're all whores.

>> No.15102598

Apologies, as that link hasn't been vetted.

This is what I wished I'd found at 19 instead of Roosh V

>> No.15102609

Oh btw... This article contains the FINAL answer to OP's question. At the very end Yes, the Loius CK vid

>> No.15102612

Bros how do I get a /lit/ gf that isn't a pretentious cunt?

>> No.15102616

Stop being a pretentious cunt

>> No.15102619

But I'm not

>> No.15102634

This shit is unfakeably schizophrenic, great find

>> No.15102637


>> No.15102691

What a cringy creep

>> No.15102709

No man without a ball gag in is getting within the range you're able to spit in his face. We get it *yawn*

>> No.15102731
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>> No.15102788

You guys might call him a cuck but you don't realize this scene is intentionally putting the cuck mentality common in modern men on display to be cringed at and to force self reflection. Thanks Louie for your quest to reform betas. Louis isn't bluepilled and you would know that if you watched this episode https://youtu.be/AfMbN_MzCpw
Video leaves out the ending when she says she lost attraction to him even though she acknowledged he did the safe, smart mature thing in the situation

>> No.15102812 [DELETED] 

She was making eyes at them before they started the chanting, and was holding back a smile when jocko held his hand in her face for a handshake. Therefore she did not lose attraction.

More importantly, you missed the point of why that library vid was posted. It was not to indicate him as a cuck, but to demonstrate the way that THE KIND OF GUY THAT LOUIS CK IS properly asks a woman out. Read the article linked

>> No.15102816

She was making eyes at them before they started the chanting, and was holding back a smile when jocko held his hand in her face for a handshake. Therefore she did not lose attraction. Here's another take on the episode, not mine personally:

More importantly, you missed the point of why that library vid was posted. It was not to indicate him as a cuck, but to demonstrate the way that THE KIND OF GUY THAT LOUIS CK IS properly asks a woman out. Read the article linked

>> No.15102831


>> No.15102843

No way any woman below the age of 25 would respond positively to that.

>> No.15102859


With a handkerchief soaked in chloroform.

>> No.15102864

I failed to give context. The post does not suggest to imitate Louis CK, UNLESS you are archetypically close to
...which excludes all men under 35

>> No.15102867
