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File: 122 KB, 1136x814, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15101375 No.15101375 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15101433
File: 288 KB, 1021x1600, 435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's orthodox, they are pretty strong


my best was 425lbs for 3reps, a few years ago.

>> No.15101436

>25 lb plates first
>45 lb plates next
>then 10 lbs
>5 lbs?
>2.5 lbs?
Wtf are those plates?

>> No.15101439

Pretty sure the inner ones are bumper plates and the outer ones (the smaller ones) aren't. Guessing the biggest one on the outside is another 25.

>> No.15101465
File: 145 KB, 459x600, F5F3719B-9BB0-4E90-BE80-D9F22E8728F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up there with slavoj as one of my favorite post ideological marxists



>> No.15101469

why do only retards post that image

>> No.15101473

>lifts on a rug

>> No.15101488

Didn’t mean to steal your pic

>> No.15101505

First of all if something is fake, they make weight plates out of foam. Second when doing deadlifts I warm up with 315

>> No.15101523

>fat old Arab pulls lmao2pl8 for 1 rep

>> No.15101528

>and yet he still looks like a smug lumpy heap of shit

>> No.15101669


>> No.15101692

>wearing a belt and a tucked in shirt while you workout
Just Boomer Things

>> No.15101707

Who cares how much you lift when you look like a fat piece of shit who has never been to the gym? Imagine falling for the powerlifting meme, that’s some reddit shit. xD

>> No.15101710
File: 705 KB, 810x2160, 20200415_091342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he have body image issues? Not very antifragile of him

>> No.15101718

Who cares how much you read when you look like a skanky whore who has never know the meaning of self respect? Imagine falling for the feminist meme, that’s some normie shit. xD

>> No.15101740


>> No.15101815

>He's orthodox, they are pretty strong
lmfao at this

>> No.15101830

what's funny?

>> No.15102062

its retarded

>> No.15102260

christian orthodoxy, not jewish

>> No.15102688

If he spent a little more reading and writing instead of taking vanity shots for Twitter, he might write better books.

>> No.15102748
File: 29 KB, 420x252, foolish_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. How "lindy" is being an internet whore little Arab man? How "localist" is it too shitpost on Twitter about Leb politics after sucking off Epstein's dog in NY? How does a self described "probalist" not even understand the information gained from a correlation between IQ and crime rate?

I grant that you're the smartest Arab on earth, but that isn't worth much, is it?

>> No.15102906

He reads more in a year than you in your lifetime

>> No.15102931

Is he not deadlifting like two plate?

>> No.15102961


>> No.15103083
File: 1.11 MB, 815x2168, 1586945140830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes /lit/ so angry, and it's great.
He reads for 5 hours a day.
>IQ and crime rate
Even criminologists deny a link between IQ and crime.
Worthless personal attacks from imbeciles who were BTFO my Taleb.

>> No.15103140
File: 169 KB, 1080x1516, I_should_not_have_saved_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if we account for all indirect measures of intelligence, such as schooling, smoking, stable marriage, we STILL find a significant correlation between IQ and crime
>all these statistical indicators we used to weaken the IQ-crime correlation are weaker indicators than IQ

LMAO EVEN WHEN CHERRY PICKING YOU CAN'T BUILD A CASE AGAINST INTELLIGENCE BEING KING. Also, next time you're trying to build an authoritative argument, try picking somebody smarter than
>muh criminologist
with a track history of 20 years of failure. The funniest thing to me is that Taleb lost half of his fan base by defending the establishment viewpoint of IQ to support his
thesis. Face it; the Mediterranean and arab world is a shitshow because they're low IQ, thus low time preference, morons. Next time you're gargling cum try pronouncing "imbeciles" correctly, it will help when you finally meet your hero Taleb "The Smartest Leb to Ever Be". Fuck Taleb's empty rhetoric and entry level insights.

>> No.15103148

Can't waigt to see the correlation between IQ and corona death per capita. Those Spanish and Italian retards kept French kissing their brothers while the virus was in full swing. American Orthodox, hillbilly and nig communities will als be demolished. Meanwhile East-Asians and Nordics remain stable.

>> No.15103209
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1552335950282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose this nigga, and why is he worth of a thread on our sacred board??

>> No.15103218

the most well known Phoenician Author. Taleb Nicolas Nassim.

>> No.15103517
File: 31 KB, 640x480, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hop in, dude

>> No.15103537
File: 277 KB, 1067x600, 7cc2ecb2-4f28-11e9-b401-8d9ef1626294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans or Arabs or whatever the fuck get floors like that in their houses? it looks like a hotel reception or a bathroom. Wooden floors are much nicer.

>> No.15103548

he is an Arab in denial

>> No.15103557
File: 680 KB, 548x548, jorogoona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, he's barely lifting his own bodyweight.

>> No.15103559
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 42365735775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone give me the run down on this guy and why everybody started liking him?

>> No.15103774
File: 244 KB, 1200x909, Taleb do you even library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post brought to you by /fitlit/ gang

>> No.15103789

He's also deadlifting btw, which the human body is very good at, and even fairly weak and elderly and out of shape people can lift a significant amount with.

>> No.15103792
File: 42 KB, 600x462, o44hchf54ix01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget

>> No.15103812

The point is it's less than 315lbs. Which any adult male should be able to do without training.

>> No.15103823


>> No.15103834


I wouldn't go that far, but yeah it's not even an impressive amount of weight to deadlift.

>> No.15104017
File: 329 KB, 1080x1686, 1586862742125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus forgave him, he is now boundless

>> No.15104027

By without training, I mean without weight training. Any kind of regular physical activity should enable the body of an adult male human being to deadlift three goddamn fucking plates. Anyone even marginally gifted in sports will be able to do it in high school.

>> No.15104075


Who the fuck are you quoting nigger?

Besides, the guy trained with Rippletits, ofcourse he can lift. Though that's not even that much. I can lift that bar too and I haven't been to the gym in a year.

>> No.15104086


bullshit. Untrained amateurs trying to lift that weight would send them straight to snap city and you know it

>> No.15104094

>25 lb plate first
>mixed grip

>> No.15104124

there's not that much even with double 25. I would say about 250

>> No.15104138

Depends on size and what they've done, but for sure wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.15104265

Any trainer worth a shit would not let a beginner start deadlifting more than 90-100 pounds.

>> No.15104271

Post body.

>> No.15104368

Complete opposite. 315 is about the weight for adult males with 6 months+ of training. Otherwise, it could injure any healthy adult male. This is bawd on most professional trainers' metrics.

>> No.15104549

I actually like Taleb, but that doesn’t change the fact that his physique is garbage (even if he is strong). He could really use a diet and some bodybuilding.

>> No.15104590

I'm fairly fit and when I see that someone is skinny, I don't really care.

Don't forget to work on your self-esteem while lifting gymbro.

>> No.15104605

Is that Rip?

>> No.15104661

This is absolutely true and only people who were unathletic growing up disagree. When I was 18 and completely untrained I could pull 315 and it only took 4 months to get to 500. If you were always good at sports than it should be easy

>> No.15104923

Post a video of you lifting 200 pounds.

>> No.15105864

Did you not read it? They say a minor correlation (read: statistically insignificant), and they find one when using school performance as a proxy for IQ (and if you can't see the circularity there, you're either an IQ worshipper or blind).

>> No.15105872

>second thread on /lit/ where people are LARPing as athletes

>> No.15105893

It should take you 6 months tops to reach 3 plates. That anon was trolling but come on now.

If you were good at sports you weren’t untrained, retard.

>> No.15106193

I cant get the file size small enough
I meant untrained in weightlifting

>> No.15107131

>I cant get the file size small enough
for youtube?

>> No.15107232

> Any kind of regular physical activity should enable the body of an adult male human being to deadlift three goddamn fucking plates. Anyone even marginally gifted in sports will be able to do it in high school.
which excludes quite a few from the "any adult male category".

>> No.15107344

Based retard
>25 lb bumper
>45 lb
>35 lb
>25 lb
>10 lb
>5 lb
>2.5 lb

Fairly weak and elderly people" can't do 405 for reps like he has. He's not pulling groundbreaking numbers, and I don't like whiny squid-ink man more than anyone else, but give credit where it's due.

It's 340, retard.

You're probably also a third of his age, yet equally fat.

Good luck putting your "layman strength" to use without knowing how to brace.

I doubt it, but this is realistic nonetheless.

>> No.15107866

>1.5x bodyweight deadlift
Literally 3 months in the gym will get you there.

>> No.15108901

For webm

>> No.15108960

My squat is higher than my deadlift. I haven't trained deadlift in years, but I squat every week (at least before corona). Y'all think I'm fucking myself?

>> No.15108987

Post it on Youtube you utter drooling retard.

>> No.15109097

Rudeness wont get you anywhere:^)

>> No.15109166

taleb and salmon rushdie co wrote a book called Black Swan?The corona virus is kind of a black swan so Salmon Rushdie asked Taleb to start posting on 4chan to promote book sales ???

>> No.15109269

Weight training of any kind is a meme. Calisthenics gang.

That said this is under 400 which is pretty common for high schoolers with weight training, let alone a grown man.

>> No.15109318

Calisthenics is a meme. 90% skill and balance. I can only now make any kind of progress using pistol squats because I ordered a 32kg kettlebell off Amazon.

>> No.15109543

Wtf are you talking about. He doesn't believe in IQ

>> No.15109547

>Calisthenics gang.
Based. How's your planche coming along anon?