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/lit/ - Literature

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15096675 No.15096675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books do cute girls read?

>> No.15096683

why don't you ask one anon?

>> No.15096686

Recommended Literature

>> No.15096687


>> No.15096711
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That girl is definitely not cute.
This one is though

>> No.15096716

too scared

>> No.15096728
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Books reduce breasts...

>> No.15096731

i'm a cute girl and i only read books that make feel superior to the men i'm attracted to

>> No.15096751

depends on the girl

I doubt any are willing to out themselves on 4chan tho

>> No.15096753

My wife reads quite a bit, she just finished Macauley and is about to start on Clarendon...

>> No.15096754

99% of the time worthless young adult fiction.

>> No.15096765

YA fantasy romance

>> No.15096768

post pics

>> No.15096784

The Greeks, you should too, so you can talk about those books with them.

>> No.15097013


>> No.15097048

that's a below average

>> No.15097149

That’s a man

>> No.15097206
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she's 9/10 but that's not the point of the thread

>> No.15097232

She's looking old now.

That's what dick will do to you. She stops being a lesbian and immediately she hits the wall? What more proof do you need? Impure within, impure without. Only lesbians remain perfect forever.

>> No.15097754

insta comments

>> No.15098335

tinder replies

>> No.15098412

Most of them brag about not reading a book since high school

>> No.15098414

>cute girls
kek the only thing they read is tinder texts

>> No.15098467

why is there so many bitter sexists on /lit/?

>> No.15098475

to ward off hypersensitive broads who only see social exchanges through the prism of "is this person making me feel good y/n"

die whore!

>> No.15098476

They read
prose poems
You go girl

>> No.15098483

because it's not twitter you stupid fucking w*men

>> No.15098543

women are vapid cunts and anti intellectual, everything they inflitrate they completely ruin, hell i could see women even ruining literal reading or this board with their shallow bullshit

>> No.15098549

marxist feminist literature and theory

>> No.15098558

the latest article about white men bad, womyn stronk

>> No.15098567

The Alchemist is your safe bet with any female

>> No.15098622

Women will lick toilet sits if it will get them attention and social media likes
If feces and semen could be read, that's what women would read

>> No.15098625

This. Women degrade everything, everywhere they go, because everyone wants them to be there simply because they're a woman, so they take the path of least resistance and simply "be there, as a woman." A few might accidentally combine being a woman + following the usual norms of the community and trying to fit into its hierarchy of merit, as any man would have to, but those types are strongly selected against because they aren't rewarded for their efforts, like a man would be. There is virtually no incentive as a woman to do anything other than "be a woman." In fact there are usually strong disincentives.

The result is that any man in any situation is a blank slate until proven otherwise. Many men are weak, many men fail to prove themselves, but those men are naturally excluded and also naturally exclude themselves out of humility, because they instinctively know that this is how communities function and maintain their distinctness. But any woman is equally instinctively accustomed to just showing up, showing up to anything at all, and going "haha wots this" and being rewarded for it.

The more a woman does this, the more accustomed to it she becomes, so that if a man goes rogue from the standard protocol of sycophancy toward women and says "hey bitch, you gotta abide by the same hierarchy of merit and slow path to initiation that we all had to abide by!," it will be completely jarring to the woman. Despite the fact that this is exactly the kind of wake-up call she needs, that might actually save her, the path of least resistance is once again to go "ummm :S that's not very popular of you :S everybody has always showed immediate gratitude for my mere presence so i must be pretty great??? ummm everybody always seems to care about my judgements of men simply because i exist with this special hole, so i judge you as stupid and unpopular????," whereupon all the nearby men, whose sexual instincts cloud their minds and who are afraid of receiving the same ostracization for daring to rebuke a Sacred (for existing) Woman, will go "LOL YEAH FUCK THAT VIRGIN I'M NOT A VIRGIN BTW I'M ACTUALLY REALLY COOL ;)," reinforcing the cycle even more.

Women's greatest ally, women's only ally, is the misogynist. Only the misogynist can break the cycle, by disregarding it. When women finally achieve self-awareness, they will thank the misogynist for his hitherto thankless service of awakening them to their own agency. They will realize that the misogynist was the only one who was willing to treat them as equals and tell them, in all equality and honesty with no desire for sexpussy biasing their judgement, "hey your post fucking sucks don't be such a boring cunt"

>> No.15098643

>women can achieve self-awareness
Oh look we got an idealist here

>> No.15098648

based and truthpilled

>> No.15098650

pic unrelated

>> No.15098711

13 year old tiktok cunts aren't women

>> No.15098747

is there really a difference? women mind never mature past the age of 6

>> No.15098753

every time i see this post the age gets lower lol

>> No.15098783

so does every new generation of women

>> No.15098797

as in their mental age. it sadly seems to be devolving. at least 70 years ago they had some self respect and values even if it had to be forced by men

>> No.15098860

>sadly seems to be devolving
Wasn't feminism originally against the objectification of women? Now feminism is about "everything women do is right and you should accept it; also give us the highest paying jobs even thought we haven't earned them or aren't really interested in them, just so we can pretend we to work and have money to spend on shoes and partying; also like our shitty menstruation splash-gore 'art' and Instagram tier 'literature'"

>> No.15098873

>against the objectification of women
It seems that feminisms glorifies objectification and calls it "liberation" now. Dumb whores are mere tools for the oligarchs.

>> No.15098889

I'm not a feminist and even I can see that everything you've posited is a strawman. Are you perchance underage?

>> No.15098927

feminism is about turning women into lesser men and pretty much just a tool to destroy the nuclear family

>> No.15098936

Sexual objectification is bad; however, a woman should flaunt her body.

>> No.15098939

Are you perchance a dumb thot?

>> No.15098943

Get a load of this roastie
Your body is used goods and future cat food

>> No.15098984

>ad hominem
yep its roastie time

>> No.15099103
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Know the signs

>> No.15099130
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I love cute girls!

>> No.15099139

thats a man

>> No.15099143

wtf is this

>> No.15099178

Brilliant, TY

>> No.15099187

4 >3>2>1>5

>> No.15099192
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idc what cute girls read. horny girls read shit like this

>> No.15099263
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I want to read a book with a cute girl

>> No.15099280

Holy... The femoid tactic rule book is out

>> No.15099290
File: 458 KB, 1000x1000, fubuki family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can read together anon-kun! im a cute girl (male) if you dont mind that.

>> No.15099306


>> No.15099316

tbqhwyf i would if you passed

>> No.15099335

>tfw read the bible with qt evangelical girl with arm wrapped around her, then slowly start playing touchy with her breasts, suddenly heads are so close cheeks are touching, then lips, then unnoticeably transitions to kissing
>tfw she introduces me to her family, they like me, we talk for hours because I have a good bible education
>tfw too autistic to pretend to believe in god, tell her I think it's bs, but "historically significant"
>tfw she disses me and is now married to some low iq fat uggo because he believes in muh Jesus
Just fuck me up. Honesty will get you nowhere in life.

>> No.15100483
