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15094448 No.15094448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Going full in on your ideal beliefs is the most practical thing to ever lift you off of shitty situations. If you dedicate your entire time to only following the set of rules you impose in a way that goes against your dysfunctional original shitty beliefs it literally changes the way you behave after some time. And when I mean go in fully I mean really go blindly like a stone wall and accept 0 other opinions since your original opinions are fucking shit and out of touch with reality. What ends up happening is after you disprove your shitty original beliefs with experimentation you finally realize that human beings need to be regulated all the fucking time in order not to fall into obsessive pits of self pity.

All of you virgin spergs could use this advice and stop reading 100000 Philosophy books in order to cope on why you're not taking action on things you want to improve

>> No.15094464

Extremely based

>> No.15094471

> taking action


>> No.15094486

>changing your behavior will change the way you behave


>> No.15094497

It is pretty basic advice my 90% of this board are just people circle jerking their coping mechanisms and its pretty sad

>> No.15094505


>> No.15094515

Chasing good fee fees as you advice is a coping mechanism.

>> No.15094522

its not chasing good fee fees, its changing behaviours in order to take action on improving your life. This can be rage aswell as envy, etc.

>> No.15094540

You can manage rage/envy (bad fee fees) without taking any action. The belief one needs to take action to eliminate suffering is one of the biggest western delusions.


>> No.15094571

>You can manage rage/envy (bad fee fees) without taking any action

Yes I also do believe that, but why not instead convert those "bad fee fees" into something productive? Its literally free energy. It doesn't mean you HAVE to take action in order to manage rage or envy, Im just saying its a better way to manage them.

>> No.15094616


>> No.15094644

This is a much clearer way to say what what op was attempting to get at I think.

>> No.15094652

What if i don't want to improve my life? I enjoy wallowing in my misery more than the work it requires for a few moments of happiness.

>> No.15094655

Are you arguing that philosophy is useless because of this or that this is not the proper use of philosophy?

>> No.15094656

Everything is a coping mechanism that stems from an insecurity, you're retarded if you think otherwise. So in that logic why not choose coping mechanisms that actually improve your life instead of putting you in self-deprecating behaviours?

>> No.15094660

Then you should ignore this advice and either suffer quietly without making it other people’s problem or just kill yourself. I hope that it becomes less of a struggle for you to be happy.

>> No.15094664

OP here

Well if wallowing in misery makes you enjoy life more than it would make sense to do it, I'm only saying this to the people that deep down want to improve but are coping not to do so

Of course not, I love philosophy. I'm only saying that to the people that learn philosophy as escapism

>> No.15094740

You only say that because you have no conceptualization of what happyness is. If you had you would know its worth fighting for

>> No.15094774

It's not like i was born and have only ever experience misery. I have been happy before

>> No.15094816

What is holding you from being happy then? Is it because you think it doesnt last?

>> No.15094855

All this led me to do was tell my dad he was a "big nothing of a creature" and then I got a DUI a week later

>> No.15094878

Well of course it doesn't. I don't know how you could maintain happiness on a day to day level or at the very least envision myself how i could do that. It's a secondary pursuit at best. Emotions other than happiness are pleasurable themselves, hence i just try to enjoy being unhappy as it requires a lot less work and is more sustainable. It has it's limits, the pursuit of happiness is endless and arduous.

>> No.15094879

Not them, but sometimes the happiness of others outweighs the worth of your own.
I was happiest when I worked two dead end part time jobs 4 days a week for a little over minimum wage and lived in a run-down apartment, but my parent's believed me to be a lost cause, so I worked myself up the ladder and got a full time position. I make 4x as much money, have a decent house, and I've been miserable ever since. But my parents are so proud and happy that I've made a career. I want nothing more than to go back, but it would break their hearts, and so I just keep going through the motions to keep them happy.

>> No.15094886

>Letting your parents pathologically abuse you
You don't know what a lack of happiness is.

>> No.15094897

>You don't know what a lack of happiness is.
Yeah you know more about the subjective states of an anonymous poster who you have only seen write a few lines than the actual poster themselves.

>> No.15094906


You're an adult right? Then tell your parenta to fuck off lmao, they have no financial leverage over you

>> No.15094908
File: 142 KB, 359x363, 1551961830146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I have no beliefs or rules.

>> No.15094928

Not having beliefs is a belief in itself

>> No.15094936

I've been struggling with the situation for the past couple of years. I'm thinking I should move across the country and cut all contact, but my conscious won't allow me to. This quarantine has been good for my mind, it's given me an excuse not to see them every week. They're good people, they just want the best for their children, but they have a very specific ideal in regards to what a good life is.

>> No.15094939

I'm not terribly committed to it though, always on the lookout for something to believe in but never succeeding.

>> No.15094944

In fact I do. You would be amazed what people don't/can't realize about themselves and the world. Sux2bU

>> No.15094954

Thats great man! When I'm saying "tell them to fuck off" Im not assuming they are bad people, Im just saying that its their fault to have a dysfunctional view about you and not your fault, and that logic should ease up your consciousness

You only adopt beliefs when you see practical value in day to day instances

>> No.15094998

I think a lot of us completely agree OP. Our problem is identifying our ideal and believing it’s at all achievable. I don’t really know what I’m supposed be doing with my life and I often worry that I’m already too old to ever do it really well.

>> No.15095063

Thats true, but I would argue that only through experimentation towards your interests will you find your "ideal", and even an ideal doesnt last forever.

But helplessness is the main cause of depression, and the thought of being unacheivable (unless it literally is) is a recipe for disaster. To counter this you have to reject all your assumptions and rely only on logic and courage to actually take action

>> No.15095229

Edgy xDDD

>> No.15095298

I have come to a very similar realization recently. Basically, never take anyone's advice, especially people don't know. Learn only from observing others fuck up and experimenting yourself.
You have no coherent thoughts contradicting what OP says, so no wonder you resort to memes to try to discredit his point

>> No.15095324
File: 19 KB, 200x144, thumb_pepe-jesus-images-will-now-flood-market-sell-now-20008843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have come to a very similar realization recently. Basically, never take anyone's advice, especially people don't know. Learn only from observing others fuck up and experimenting yourself.

You have become enlightened my son. Experimentation is the one true way. Never pity yourself for trying. Pity yourself for not trying

>> No.15095385

Imagine being such a loser to the point that you genuinely believe improving is bad kek

>> No.15095463
