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/lit/ - Literature

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1509441 No.1509441 [Reply] [Original]

this goddamn book man, this goddamn book.
im only halfway through and i keep on taking breaks from it. its just so horrifying.

what did you guys think about it?

>> No.1509457

no one read it?

>> No.1509461

pssssssssst op.

suck my dick.

>> No.1509466

you seem bored man

>> No.1509467

i'm drunk and procrastinating, but close enough

>> No.1509468

Put me off meat for half a day, but then someone cooked bacon...

>> No.1509491

It's not Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.1509494


Just wait 'til the chapter when the British bomb the hell out of Chicago.

>> No.1509524

never read it but relevant to my interests since im a vegetarian myself

tell me about it OP

>> No.1509557

The sequel was better. Love those Tralfamadorians. I know I didn't read 2-4 but how did the series take such a drastic turn?

>> No.1509561

Skip Slaughterhouses 2 through 4 OP. They add nothing of value to the series IMHO.

>> No.1509578

I worked in a slaughterhouse. Nothing shocks me any more.

That said meat is still delicious and if that's what we have to do to get it so be it.


Man up.

>> No.1509620

it contains interviews with stickers, skinners and other fucked up individuals working in the biggest and obviously filthiest slaughterplants in america. it reveals the daily horror and gruesome practices of systematic animal abuse.

also what this anon said

man up and go vegan.

>> No.1509625
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Why the flying fuck would I ever do that? That would be the worst decision I ever made in my life. Why would you do that? Don't you care about your body?

>> No.1509650


Well, I think Mike Tyson is doing pretty well for a vegan

>> No.1509652


Oh and Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman, Andre 3000, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tobey Macguire, Angelina Jolie

>> No.1509653

>implying that veganism is the decisive factor in whether or not one's diet is healthy

>> No.1509655

>implying the human body needs meat, milk, eggs

dont make me bring up all them sources bro, you know youre wrong. this battle has been fought millions of times and your kind has always been on the short end of the stick.

also enjoy your e.coli, campylobacter & salmonella infested, shit stained, pus filled abscess-ridden, ostrogenized animal products.

grown a pussy yet?

>> No.1509661


>mike tyson



If you're rich you can eat whatever you want and the doctors will make sure you don't die. Still nope.


How's that lack of good protein and fat working out for you?

>> No.1509664

You're talking about a convicted cannibal

>> No.1509667


Also if you don't like the conditions in slaughterhouses there's nothing stopping you from raising your own meat save sheer laziness.
I raise my own pigs and chickens, they're happy and healthy right up until they get sent to the slaughtering block.

>> No.1509675

>lack of protein and fat derp

you really have no idea about nutrition do you? you must be american. that was so pathetic i almost smirked.

either use google or die dumb. well in your case, dumber.

>mike tyson a cannibal

im fine with that and you should be too. if you already eat meat you might as well go all the way.

>> No.1509678
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Go ahead and tell my why a diet that excludes something we've evolved to eat is so healthy then.

Go on, I'll be waiting.

>> No.1509683


Oh also amino acids and vital minerals. You'll have to excuse me, I haven't been awake long.

>> No.1509685

>trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1509687

So this book is basically the jungle without an interesting story?

>> No.1509688

>they're happy and healthy right up until they get sent to the slaughtering block

if you care about your animals at all you should fuck them with rakes, stick knifes in them at random, kick them, prod them and drag them by the rectum all over your farm on a daily base. that way they get used to the procedures they will have to endure once they reach the slaughterhouse. if they survive the transportation that is.

way more humane than letting them taste the good life and then sending them straight through hell.

>> No.1509691


I slaughter my own animals. They die quickly and with as little pain as possible.

You also seem to be implying that veganism somehow prevents animal suffering. This is simply not true.

>> No.1509701

none of our ape ancestors ate meat. there are some monkeys who did, on rare occasions, eat meat. those have nothing to do with us though. the evolution of our brain has not been triggered by meat consumption at all.

now, tell me you believe in god.

>> No.1509707
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>forward facing eyes of a predator


>> No.1509710

>You also seem to be implying that veganism somehow prevents animal suffering. This is simply not true.

no i dont. animal suffering will not cease to exist tomorrow (sadly), but i have nothing to do with it anymore. no animal will suffer because of me.

>> No.1509712


You eat crops grown in fields, correct?

>> No.1509719

What do you think we preyed upon in our ancestral environments, considering we are slower, weaker and generally shittier than most animals?

>> No.1509723

I have it! Meat triggered the increase of our brain-size. Therefore, MEAT IS GOD!

>> No.1509722


Anything we could outsmart; our highly developed brains powered by amino acids from the proteins we consumed allowed us to outsmart quite a few of them I'd say.

>> No.1509725

not the guy youre talking to but im interested to see how you will link the suffering of animal to crops grown in fields

>> No.1509727


Glad you asked!

>Countless millions of wee furry beasties, mice, moles and voles, as well as ground-nesting birds, are killed outright or die off from habitat destruction annually, when vast acreages are tilled by huge, mindless machines to grow “ethical” grains and vegetables. More are killed during the growing season by rodenticide grain baits, including zinc phosphide. Small mammals and birds are killed by machinery again at harvest time, and even more are killed by pest-control practices in granaries and processing plants before vegetables get to market. There’s no such thing as a guilt-free lunch.

>> No.1509731

>Countless millions of wee furry beasties
I had no idea that stereotypical Scottish people were valid sources now.

>> No.1509733


>can't attack argument

>attacks the language instead

Vegans confirmed for protein-starved brain-dead laughingstocks.

>> No.1509737

>best post in the thread
>ignored by retards and trolls
just another day on /lit/...

>> No.1509738


I'd wager most of them have you filtered. As I'm about to do.

If you'd like to join in the discussion please, remove your trip and feel free.

>> No.1509743


none of them were held captive for their entire lives, none of them are continually impregnated just so you can keep drinking milk meant for their babies, none of them were abused for the fun and entertainment of workers, etc etc

you could say the same about driving cars.
>you drive a car right?

thousands of innocent animals are hit each day...

>> No.1509745
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im guessing this is a shitty version of the Sinclair classic?

>> No.1509748


That's a problem with the meat industry itself.

I raise my own meat, as I said earlier, and my animals aren't tortured at all.

And you're right. Vegans oughtn't use cars, or any other modern devices really, if they want to live an "animal-free lifestyle"

>> No.1509749

can't spell slaughter without laughter

>> No.1509751


Hey, I like you, you're a much better tripfag than the other one that was in this thread.

I don't think I'll be filtering you.

>> No.1509752

you definetly posted the best reply. you will still get ignored for using a trip.

>> No.1509757

If you're gonna use dumb language, you'll get ridiculed for it.

The argument doesn't bother me though.

>> No.1509756

not to mention that more innocent animals have died from loss of habitat than our meat industry

guess you'll never look at paved roads and parking lots the same way again

>> No.1509763


Well, I'll admit the language is a bit dumb, but I'm not the one who wrote it, so...whatever, I guess.

>> No.1509766

>more innocent animals have died from loss of habitat than our meat industry

i dont think that is correct at all

>> No.1509769


>I don't think

Sounds like a vegan alright.

>> No.1509774

>implying i dont enjoy my bacon

dude now youre pissing in every direction.

defensive much?

>> No.1509776
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derp herp

>> No.1509778

Do not plants feel pain when you boil them alive? I swear I heard my potatoes crying when I peeled them this afternoon.

>> No.1509784
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>go to /lit/
>expect debates about literature
>nope, it's a vegan VS omnivore trollfest
Do you guys also have cut vs uncut threads?

>> No.1509785

ITT: Vegans get told.

Enjoy your lack of a proper diet veganfags.

>> No.1509800

and who's to blame but Anonymous yet again!

>> No.1509804

p.s. this is the sort of thread that suggests posters should be forced to be responsible for their posts/use a tripcode.

>> No.1509846

>tripfag rails against anonymous posters

>tripfag doesn't realize they're the scum of 4chan

>tripfag just got filtered

>> No.1510175

babby's first novella?

i took breaks from it because i didn't want it to end. every single line is wonderfully written. it's fantastic. i read cat's cradle a few years ago and it was an instand favourite...but SH5, wow. vonnegut's writing is just so damn amazing.

>> No.1510184
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No invitation needed for this VIP club

just charms, wit and personality

>> No.1510190
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>> No.1510195

and then there are exceptions like this fag