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15091119 No.15091119 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna buy an ereader. What do you guys recommend?

>> No.15091129

I have a Paperwhite and it's pretty neat

>> No.15091334

Got the Onyx Boox Nova Pro. It's really slick, but I can't necessarily recommend you get it as of right now because it's chink-made, and it might bring a couple of friends along with it.

>> No.15091348

Anything but a kindle

>> No.15091413

Which one?

>> No.15091433

Clara HD

>> No.15091468

i too have a paperwhite and can confirm it's neato

>> No.15091508

I have a Clara HD. It's fine, but touchscreen only controls can make it a hassle to highlight text and comment on it. If you're the type to heavily mark your books I'd look into something with physical controls.

>> No.15091542

Bump, any big screen recommendation, have tons of pdf want to read, already had a paperwhite but definitely appears too small for me

>> No.15091573

is it fast? i hate any form of input lag

>> No.15091660

Seconding the Clara HD. I guess sure, the highlighting controls are kinda clunky but most ereaders out there use the exact same screen so others won't be much better. I never use that feature anyways so no biggie.

It takes a very brief (non-instantaneous) moment to change pages, since the screen has to refresh. 99% sure that's the case for all e-ink screens, it's just how they work. It doesn't feel laggy at all though.

>> No.15091668

Which e-reader functions as closely to a usb device as possible? I can't stand proprietary sw, and I just want to add public domain epubs and pdfs manually like I would with my old mp3 player.

>> No.15091705

bump for this

>> No.15091761

all of them you tech illiterate retards

>> No.15091859

A paperwhite will do but you have to convert epub/mobi into azw first, calibre can easily get the job done

>> No.15091861

Why would anyone mark their books. Never understood this.
I got a 7 year old Paper White, works perfectly.

>> No.15092099

How the fuck do you turn a paperwhite off completely? I only have a "screen off" option and holding down the button just makes it restart. Screen off doesn't seem to actually be turning it off because the battery still drains.

>> No.15092177


>> No.15092844

There is a chart, but it's 7 years old and from /g/.
Also, that wouldn't stop the threads because the people who make the thread are the people who would never have seen the chart in the first place.
A new one would be good though.

>> No.15092871

Chart like what?

>> No.15093098

ok, thanks. Ive used calibre before, but not in a longtime

>> No.15093196


I recommend that you abandon the idea and read real books. Reading "books" on an e-reader doesn't count.

>> No.15093218

Overlooked the pdf requirement, paperwhite probably too small for pdf, generally speaking, at least 10.3 inches would be more suitable for reading PDF, you can check out Hyread Gaze X but that's quite expensive

>> No.15093240
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tfw still use 1st gen kindle fire, new readers seem nice but not nice enough to warrant buying one

>> No.15093458


>> No.15094166

I was choosing between a Kobo Forma and a Kindle Oasis. I went for the Oasis, mostly because I thought about it realistically in terms of support. I know that if I went with bezos' shit, and I had any issues, they tend to bend over backwards to try to make sure my issues are solved and I would likely get away with tens of replacements if I really wanted to be a dick. Whereas Kobo would be a different story. I would likely have to pay to get the shit shipped back to them if I had any issues, wait to see if they'll replace or fix, or if that's even an option, and potentially get cucked if I need support. I feel Amazon would care more about a review I post with images of any negative exchange with them, or anything that would imply they didn't suck me off while fixing my problem, while Kobo probably wouldn't give much of a fuck.

>> No.15094182

To add to this, I went with the Oasis over the Paperwhite as my choice, thinking I'd like it more even though it was more expensive. My girlfriend went with the Paperwhite, and I like it better, ironically enough.

>> No.15094279

Pretty happy with my paperwhite. Battery lasts for ages and I can pirate books then email them directly to the device with Calibre

>> No.15094295

The only reason to own physical books is to show them off on your shelf or you’re paranoid about all electronics being wiped out

>> No.15094327
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>> No.15094700

Get a Kobo, avoid Amazon’s spyware, ad-riddled platform. You can plug in a Kobo and it just shows up as a regular USB.

>> No.15094787

Get a Kobo if budget no bar, Cheapest model of Kindle, if it is. Kindle paperwhite if you want best value.
Kindle has Amazon spyware, but set it up once and then run offline all the time with calibre.

>> No.15094820

e-readers suck
paperwhite is slow and sluggish, god forbid you touch the screen wrong an the thing starts to sperg out

e-readers are ugly, reading experience mostly sucks and i find my self to lose track more often when using them

would strongly advice against them

>> No.15094824

Boyue Likebook Alita

t. only used bad e-readers

>> No.15094907

Just get the basic kindle. They come with front-lights and it's like $69.

>> No.15095048

I got the 10th generation and it's pretty good. Light is great just need a case because the surface is slippery. Touchscreen isn't that good but I doubt Paperwhite is much better.
By the way, there are no options for e-readers here.

>> No.15095094

I'm the Oasisfag from a few posts back. Just to chime in on the spyware thing: I turned it off, except the thing told me it would spy on me anyway lmao
The option to turn off the spyware on Kindles is essentially a placebo. So the only option is just to run it on airplane mode the entire time.

>> No.15095180

I was thinking about getting a kindle (just the regular type, not paying almost 200 bucks to read books) but apparently it goes on sale often so I might wait. Are people with kindles just buying all of their books? I can use libby with it right?

>> No.15096390

>buying digital media
Fucking retard.

>> No.15096778

>with libby

does everyone on /lit/ have this reading comprehension level?

>> No.15098459

You should be able to use Libby. The book goes to your amazon account then you can sync it with the device. I just do overdrive through my library mostly and then buy books that I like or just don't want to wait to get them.

>> No.15098599

Wish I knew about jailbreak back then

>> No.15099430
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>> No.15099457

the /o/ sticky for cars

>> No.15099499

why convert to .azw? kindles open .mobi just fine

>> No.15099504
File: 1.21 MB, 2000x3002, ereader guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15099530

If you want to use a tablet, you can use the "Book Reader" app from FDroid, it's cozier than any other ebook apps I have tried so far

>> No.15099564
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>> No.15100295

That looks great, but looks kind of expensive. Anything similar to that but a bit cheaper?

>> No.15100590

all big ereaders are expensive, like starting from $450

>> No.15100846

The Boox Nova Pro is 300 dollars and is great for pdf reading.

>> No.15101167

>spyware with placebos
its really maddening this fucking gay world. our choices are farmed by the chinks or trannies.
how is it not possible that there are 0 decent products available in this category....

>> No.15101178

where can i buy one cheap. like $20 or under.

t. poorfag

>> No.15101273

try $40

>> No.15101276

I will mail you my old Kindle 3 for free

>> No.15101281

really, anon?

>> No.15101944

well, im going to bed anon
thanks for the offer. maybe ill see another one of your posts in the morning

>> No.15102015

page turning speed is everything and ruins kobos whatever their feature set may be. Just get the most recently released kindle (or the one with the fastest processor, if you can figure that out). rn, that would be the paperwhite.

>> No.15102029

if you have Acrobat, it will vectorize scanned text for you, making reading scanned pdfs feasible for 7" devices and up (and smaller sometimes, depending on the source)

>> No.15102107

pseud overload

>> No.15102509
File: 124 KB, 600x800, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore everybody else in this shithole of a thread, they're a bunch of plebeians. You're going to want to pick between two options:
1) Kindle Keyboard
2) Kindle DX
>m-muh amazon... muh cock cheez bezo!!!
shut the fuck up and look up the meaning of "after-market product", faggot.
>Kindle Keyboard
Buy this if you want to read books in any format, fuck the idiots who think that it can only read mobi (although .txt is the objective best format for books without pictures and everybody who thinks otherwise is a faggot). Don't even bother with the garbage OS and connections and shit: airplane mode all day, every day. In fact, you should head to mobile reads and figure out how to jailbreak it and install KPV so that you can use your shitty epubs and djvus and cbzs. After you set it up, you can source any book you could ever want through libgen and obscure torrents. $20-$50 down for the kindle, free books until you break it (I've broken one in three years and I'm an incompetent moron.
>Kindle DX
The same as above, but for weebfags like me who want to read their japanese graphic novels. Also good for anybody who needs to use PDFs, and anybody who's not on a budget. Generally the better option unless you have tiny hands or a tiny wallet, used to run up $200 prices but now is common under $100 with some searching.

>> No.15102819
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>tfw I bought a Tolino
>tfw it's utter shit

>> No.15102839

Let me know when they have a model of e-reader with proper fonts, ie., that doesn't look like a dotmatrix printout.

>> No.15102925

They do have a cheaper model with a smaller screen. It is expensive for what it is but its good for taking notes and handling PDFs, I like it. It is cheaper if you pirate books anyway. Few hundie, fuck it, what else were you gonna buy desu?
You can change the font (and add custom ones I think), height, and spacing etc but there are some downsides to using e-reader i'll give you that. Big one for me being its still a screen with a light behind it. The only real pros are being able to drag and drop notes to your computer, being able to read PDFs and everything being in one place. I used a Kindle before and it was garbage
I'm not fully sold yet but its ok so far

>> No.15102966

I've never really liked the idea of not reading by book but with free university textbooks online and certain books the library won't loan I've been pushed to reading on my phone or computer which sucks.
I looked at what is offered before so I know only what a Paperwhite is. Is it nice and easy to convert my libgen epubs and PDFs to it?

>> No.15103176

Thoughts on Kobo?

>> No.15103205

Yes, it's fairly easy to set up calibre to convert epubs to mobi or azw3. Once it's all said and done, it'll take all of 2-3 clicks from epub to mobi/azw3 on the thing ready to eject and read.
Kindle's main competitor. Support won't match Amazon, but it usually is a good device. Only thing that's a bit of a turnoff is that they had an issue with their USB ports on certain devices, and you were kinda fucked if it died on you, and likely had to take it to a repair shop in hopes it would work.
On the other hand, you don't have Bezos seeing what kinda shit you read if that even matters to you.

>> No.15103222

I use a Kindle. I recommend it for piracy and buying shit. I had a kobo, that works well for piracy, but buying books was prohibitively inconvenient, but you should be able to use the Kobo with library ebooks, but the Adobe DRM system it uses sucks.

>> No.15103257

Kindle Paperwhite

>> No.15103262

What’s wrong with a Kindle?

>> No.15103265

Why turn it off? The battery lasts for weeks.

>> No.15103480

>What do you guys recommend?
It's called "a book"

>> No.15103488

kobo libra

>> No.15103803

That is because of the screen refresh you absolute adhd retard
At least get something with 300pp gramps
They don't have backlight retard that is the whole point, its a front light.

>> No.15103817

I use a likebook mars because I read manga on it to but just get whatever cheap secondhand one you can find. They last forever.

>> No.15103879

Whatever its still a light in your face

>> No.15103951


This whole argument only works if you only buy ebooks from Amazon. I don’t, I get mine from libgen completely free of charge.

>> No.15103978

>Kindle Keyboard
An absolutely patrician choice.
Listen to this man, people.

>> No.15104022

Its not the same you absolute barrel

>> No.15104044

Just buy the lates paperwhite.

>> No.15104053

Well you would say that

>> No.15105479

are nooks any good?