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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 668x483, PepeApu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15087636 No.15087636 [Reply] [Original]

I love you, /lit/izens.
Please never forget me.
For I am killing myself tonight.
Goodbye, goodbye!

>> No.15087644

:( I hope you're joking but I love you too anon

Do not go gentle into that good night, please

>> No.15087656

See you tomorrow!

>> No.15087664

Books for this feeling

>> No.15087704

can i have your books?

>> No.15087710

Anon, I sincerely hope this is not a serious thread. I don’t know what to tell you aside from that I have been where you are before and I feel a sort of responsibility to talk others down from this too after my own attempt. I can’t offer any platitudes about how it gets better because I don’t know if it does but I hope you think about any person/place/thing you have obligations to before you do this. We’ve likely interacted countless times and I hope to see you around after this. Please don’t go. It’s hard to convey this message seriously on a Kazakh Blacksmithing Forum, but I love you too. Please reconsider.

>> No.15087730

don't do it

>> No.15087751

RIP in peace an hero

>> No.15087762

Put your right foot in
Put your right foot out
Put your right foot in
And shake it all about
Do the hokey-pokey

And turn your life around. Before it's too late

>> No.15087778

Don't do it! At least call a hotline, first.

>> No.15087813

Don't do it, it simply is not worth it. History of full of people who were suffering nobodies that turned the tide.

>> No.15087814

Call 18002738255

>> No.15087821

This, you could be this generation's Hitler.

>> No.15087822

please don't anon.
call the hotline
The whole thing can look much better in just a little bit of time.

>> No.15087837

dont do it anon , do drugs fuck alternative dimension thots, experience the bliss of nonduality ,develop siddish , try some occult
there are so many things to do and enjoy fren

>> No.15087842


>> No.15087845
File: 159 KB, 1900x1068, ug-krishnamurti-1-1900x1068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the UG pill. Return to the natural state of man.

>> No.15087848

See you tomorrow faggot

>> No.15087881

please stay, fren

>> No.15087898

This Is Not An Exit.

I once felt my own heart stop during a drug OD when I was younger and the waves of endegenous terror that took hold of me before I could slip into unconsciousness were worse than any normal fear or panic attack I could possibly imagine, and lasted for what seemed like minutes when it was probably actually only a few seconds. I've been mauled by a pit bull terrier before and suffered from panic attacks when I was younger still. I've had health scares and suchlike since that OD. All unpleasant, agonising, scary, yeah, and having a panic attack and feeling like your own nervous system is turning against you and won't keep you alive is awful- but nothing, NOTHING feels the same as dying or coming (biologically, not practically) close to it. I will spend the rest of my days terrified now that when I do actually die when I'm old that it'll feel anything like that. If it's true then existence really is fucking full-on I Have No Mouth... tier horror and beyond. I haven't got any grand words of wisdom to make you feel better but believe me you are not ready to die. Ready to be dead, sure, I sure as hell fucking am, but not ready to die.

>> No.15087922

don't do it. think of all the guenon (pbuh) threads you'll miss

>> No.15087935
File: 92 KB, 700x394, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn to God for help, anon. Ask and you shall receive

>> No.15087945

If God created man who created God?

>> No.15087948

Are you trying to give him more incentives to kill himself?

>> No.15087949

That question is nonsensical anon

>> No.15087954

I know that this message will appear detached and superficial since it's on an anonymous message board, but please don't kill yourself anon. I know that life is hard, I know that you despair, that you anguish, and that you suffer. I know that you feel like no one understands you and that you are alone. But please believe me when I say this, you are not alone! Please talk to someone about it, talk to your friends, and if you have no friends, talk to your parents, and if they don't give a shit about you, talk to a hotline, and if you don't want to do that you can talk to me. I'll pray for you anon, have faith:
Though they go mad they shall be sane,
Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again;
Though lovers be lost love shall not;
And death shall have no dominion.

>> No.15087960

God is necessary, no one created Him.

>> No.15087986

I debunked him with that question it's over Christcucks

>> No.15087992

good luck fren :) don't be sad if you choose to do it cause then you choose it.

>> No.15088002

Gl bro whatever happens.

>> No.15088010

ITT: redditors

/lit/ is dead. Old /lit/ would tell him to release his manifesto and livestream his seppuku.

>> No.15088017
File: 220 KB, 1277x800, 2019_31_yukio_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you did something with your life, otherwise don't do it

>> No.15088020

Go reminisce on the toilet faggot

>> No.15088193

You do a seppuku then anon.

>> No.15088267

Write a poem or a haiku or something and post on this thread before you do it, if you really are going to do it.

>> No.15088278

Old /lit/ was a bunch of permavirgin edgelords who cut themselves.

>> No.15088279


>> No.15088555

No we're still here, we're just 10 years more mature if you haven't noticed

>> No.15088565

Call a loved one before and try to tell them what bothers you.

>> No.15088572

I've been on /lit/ for years and yes I would have done that when I first browsed as a literal child.

>> No.15088596

TL;DR Brothers Kasparov

>> No.15089047

4.48 psychosis


>> No.15089082

meant for

>> No.15089104

Don't do it.

>> No.15090194
File: 202 KB, 774x565, 1488B670-E76E-470E-AD2D-06B1B7CC9EF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, /lit/ has always been filled with people who at least care about suicide threats. You motherfuckers don’t even remember all the suicidal young adults and teens here in about 2013-15 (?).

>see no point in going on and want to kill myself, books for that feel?

threads and also suicide notes were pretty common. I guess the moderation is different, now, or maybe all the depressed posters actually culled themselves.

Also OP don’t do it but I can’t stop you from doing it anyway and this is just a token gesture, so good luck whatever you do.

>> No.15090321

Not book related. This is not your blog

>> No.15090339

stream where?

>> No.15090365

mom would be sad

>> No.15090472

No, oldfag! Karpov!

>> No.15090497

Good luck Anon. Fuck the moralshitters. See you on the other side.

>> No.15090501

This isn't /b/, anon, I wouldn't know how /lit/ used to work but /b/ros would have demanded a live stream. Good times.

>> No.15091946


>> No.15091955

You're thinking of /b/

>> No.15091969

Fuck. This is the saddest reply in the whole thread. A lot of us feel this way and that’s probably one of many reasons why we come here. We’re just trying to make sense of it all. I hope OP can find something that makes sense.

>> No.15091973

No, that was old /b/. Old /lit/ was much more friendly than neo/lit/

>> No.15092596


>> No.15092605

idk about that, I posted some poetry I had written on here about 8 years ago and was immediately told to kill myself it was so bad. I legitimately haven't written a poem since

>> No.15092654


at least you were smart enough to take the advice

post the poem now

>> No.15092970

Дo cвидaнья, дpyг мoй, дo cвидaнья.
Mнe тaк тpyднo жить cpeди людeй.
Кaждый шaг мoй cтepeгyт cтpaдaнья.
B этoй жизни cчacтья нeт нигдe.

Дo cвидaнья, дoгopeли cвeчи,
Mнe тaк cтpaшнo yхoдить вo тьмy.
Ждaть вcю жизнь и нe дoждaтьcя вcтpeчи,
И ocтaтьcя нoчью oднoмy.

Дo cвидaнья, бeз pyки, бeз cлoвa,
Taк и пpoщe бyдeт и нeжнeй.
B этoй жизни yмиpaть нe нoвo,
Дa и жить, кoнeчнo, нe нoвeй.

>> No.15092989

You triggered them anon how dare you.

>> No.15092990

I once got so drunk I woke up in jail

Apparently I drove my car into a tree, I still have no memory of this.

If I would have died I would have never known. I almost got out of this hell easy. Such a shame.

>> No.15093072

I assume this may be OP

>> No.15093080
File: 21 KB, 257x387, The Peaceful Pill Handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15094285
File: 92 KB, 1024x630, 28344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /lit/izens. I'm back.
I was rushed to the hospital after trying to hang myself from a doorknob (I believe it's called 'partial-hanging').
I'm so, so sorry for posting this. I was drunk and wasn't thinking straight.
Thank you to those who were concerned about me.
I love you, frens.

>> No.15094491

Don’t apologise. I’m happy you made it. I hope youre taking care of yourself

>> No.15094498
File: 4 KB, 165x157, lS8H5KF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after trying to hang myself from a doorknob

>> No.15094521
File: 87 KB, 416x720, 1581805140218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you survived and are okay, OP. Did your near-death experience change your perspective on life and death at all? Hope you get better soon
luv you 2

>> No.15094524

just slam the door bro

>> No.15094527

Bullshit. You would be in a psych ward with no internet access if that happened.

>> No.15095199


>> No.15095211

This. Dumb LARPer. Also, posting times don't make sense for this series of events.

/lit/ got bamboozled AGAIN

post proofs

>> No.15095220


>> No.15095231
File: 51 KB, 583x960, Catholic Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never happened.

>> No.15095262
File: 24 KB, 306x480, 08DF754E-E9DF-43F4-98CA-5738F278C67B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the Unmoved Mover
Maybe it's time to put down the Dawkins and pick up some Aristotle? Maybe some Aquinas?