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15087635 No.15087635 [Reply] [Original]

I'M MAKING FUN OF YOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdOCi2spY9w

>> No.15087682

Danke, Herr Doktor

>> No.15087686

Looks like hes finally lost his mind

>> No.15087697
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x2284, SAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report these threads. Sage these threads. Hide these threads. I am so fucking sick of you reddit niggers spamming e-celeb trash.
>Report these threads. Sage these threads. Hide these threads. I am so fucking sick of you reddit niggers spamming e-celeb trash.
Report these threads. Sage these threads. Hide these threads. I am so fucking sick of you reddit niggers spamming e-celeb trash.
>Report these threads. Sage these threads. Hide these threads. I am so fucking sick of you reddit niggers spamming e-celeb trash.

>> No.15088452

He definitely got in trouble with his school or something for making alt-right videos so he's trying to distance himself from you guys.

>> No.15088463

Of course he is a reactionary because of course he can’t actually be smart.

>> No.15088486

your john green video was lightning in a bottle but now im convinced that you are a hack

>> No.15088489

Quentin has ascended.

>> No.15088501

that's a really cool song ngl

>> No.15088516

Kinda trippy, kinda silly, gonna bump this and vape.

>> No.15088540

this but unironically.
Dude is totally worthless now anyways with videos gone and nothing of value to come.

>> No.15088586

schizo pop, i love this

>> No.15088599

I'm going bald too, at the tender age of 23

>> No.15088761

Well that is sad. You should just kill yourself now.

>> No.15088765

to this day i don't even know if this refers to my actual school. but yes, i dropped out irl because of this. i knew it was trouble and was too scared to go back, even though i've never had an antisemitic or racist thought in my life.

>> No.15088774

Stop your sad larp please

>> No.15088776

You would give anything for long, thick hair like mine. I am frequently mistaken for a 16 yr. old.

>> No.15088778

>I am frequently mistaken for a 16 yr. old.
Show me your asshole

>> No.15088782

I’ve spoken to Q and he actually reads, and is definitely more read than you bandwagoning faggot. Find God please you miserable atheist scum

>> No.15088793

i had some memes from this site saved in my pictures folder, and since i was convinced they leaked everything, or the police was involved or whatever, i just snapped, didn't do my exams and wrote myself out of my classes

>> No.15088805

it's not a fucking larp, you have no idea how much this has impacted my thoughts and my life in general

>> No.15088816

Your either crazy or this is good performance art. Cool either way.

>> No.15088817

>larping as a religious person on one of the most degenerate site of the internet while defending a degenerate e-celeb

>> No.15088875

stop the gaslighting, im not crazy, i know what im seeing. no one in my daily life notices any issues, and as soon as i come here it's nothing but "this guy is a rapist, insane, pedophile" and whatever else. If i see that kinda stuff about myself of course i wanna do something about it. I've self-diagnosed a whole bunch of times, always thought there was something wrong, but it was just this site that made me believe that. Every time I went away I could function pretty much without trouble. I really don't wanna be here, but I feel like people really think I'm a criminal, and that's something i can't accept, not from anyone

>> No.15088885


>> No.15088912

has he posted anything on that one link he attached in the video from yesterday

>> No.15088932

I recently started fin

>> No.15089066

Really, I'd rather spend years in prison knowing I'm innocent, than having to live with the thought of being a rapist or murderer. Accusing me of something like that, you have no idea what it does to my conscience. I can't have an identity if I'm a criminal, I can't listen to music, I can't watch movies, I can't read books cause I wouldn't deserve to.

>> No.15089072

please don't push me into that hole again, i've spent weeks doing literally nothing because of these thoughts

>> No.15089087

will you ever make an album?
if 100 gecs can be famous for their schizo shit then you also have a chance because you're talented musician

>> No.15089107

Criminals did nothing wrong

>> No.15089127

i'd love to, but it doesn't feel right to make music when i feel like this

>> No.15089167

that's what you get when you make content for chan/discord alt-right edgelord zoomers

>> No.15089185

bro youre not Q. Q has a distinctive posting style. no one gives a fuck about YOUR schizophrenic hangups.

>> No.15089190

I'm Q. Remember me when I was naked in that Nietzsche video with the "Goodbye Horses?" Yeah, that was ME.

>> No.15089239

tits or gtfo

>> No.15089262

No, I'm Q.

>> No.15089339

Wish he put a seizure warning

>> No.15089347

Shouldn't have said the f word in the video then

>> No.15089377

how is altright video formed

>> No.15089415
File: 54 KB, 1080x1066, IMG_20200411_170121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody knows why he deleted all his videos? I haven't checked his channel in a while and now it's been wiped

>> No.15089448

How am i "making content" by just doing what i always do. Or should i actually just lie in my bed and do nothing, panicking over what happened like i did for weeks? Cause thats really what happened. No but if i try to ignore it its not good either, cause then i dont care enough, or i dont take it seriously. Im just stuck

>> No.15089458

Why should I care about this autist?

>> No.15089459

he was arrested and charged for being a neo nazi, and rightfully so

>> No.15089477


>> No.15089503

Arrested in what metaphorical way this time?

>> No.15089523

I know its just a bunch of bullshit, but like i said accusations of me being a neo nazi, fuck off. Its really hurtful to me, alright. I feel HURT by this, that clear enough?

>> No.15089548
File: 18 KB, 108x112, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sword of saint michael can cut through almost anything

>> No.15089549

But my emotions dont matter do they

>> No.15089598

got the link?

>> No.15089626

you need to calm down, you're acting like a girl. your emotions do matter but only to those who care about you, if the police shit actually happened, i think you should take a break and give yourself some time to think clearly. you're not a neonazi. hope you keep making content though, you're a great artist

>> No.15089670

Q is on 2cb and is talking to himself in the thread.
Just another theory to add confusion into the mix.

>> No.15089715

You're not Q, I'm Q.

>> No.15089731

hey q can you actually make a video about some books? thanks

>> No.15089753

what's the discord link?

>> No.15089847

who cares du arschloch

>> No.15089892

This. These threads keep getting deleted because he technically isn't a book reviewer right now

>> No.15089907

I second this. A Kant, Spinoza or Guenon review would be quite nice.

>> No.15090026

I feel like I've been in trouble with legal authorities for months, but no one ever contacted me. I can't imagine what taking a break would entail, apart from going offline completely and still being anxious. Nothing really helps. I'd love to be doing so much other things rn, but

>> No.15090047

he never was tho. his only real book review was in the description section of a video, and it was hardly a review. this is pseud content, perfect for /lit/. if he actually reviewed books he wouldnt be popular

>> No.15090091

Literally this; just because a video has text in it, doesn't make it literature?

>> No.15090320

you don't gotta go completely offline. keep creating whatever you wish, put your ideas and emotions out, but be careful about how you word things. when you're dealing with political things and get the slightest relevance you're bound to get backlash, even for things you didn't say or do. I'd say for you not be online all the time. enjoy your time with your family or gf or friends. surround yourself with people you trust and like. being paranoid now won't get you nowhere so try to keep your head busy.

>> No.15090411

you won't be arrested because the videos have parody overtones. you could literally say ten times worse
unironically stop being paranoid m8

>> No.15090553

He actually owns a vape

>> No.15090638

He's getting really popular with reddit now. The most cringe thing about his videos are the people in the comments section competing for the most likes by trying to be as "witty" and ironic as possible

>> No.15090683

officially outed himself as a redditor

>> No.15090712

Some of the people posting and popularising his videos have ties to a right wing terrorist organisation, national something or other. Stuff like that can lead to being questioned or arrested.

>> No.15090801

nothing would come of it unless he joined a proscribed group
they do the same for stj woes and others

>> No.15091029

Its ironic

>> No.15091040

Yeah pretty stupid when its been scientifically proven that smokers are less likely to die from coronavirus.

>> No.15091136

weed smokers*

>> No.15091190

who is the guy giving a toast in the picture midway through the video?
ive seen that picture posted on tv a bit

>> No.15091222

god I used to like his content now it's all just random = funny I know the incoherence was a theme but now it's just a cope to avoid having to put any effort into content

>> No.15091378

One video a day for a month.

>> No.15091384

Pray for him.

>> No.15091453

Its literally always been that way

>> No.15091481

Wrong, its the nicotine/overproduction of mucus that does it, apparently.

>> No.15091505

Pretty sure he's an alumnus

>> No.15091548
File: 61 KB, 895x944, 1580245891460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What actually happened to him? I get the sense he's severely alienated from and disgusted by his most fervent fans, who (I think) were also his e-patrons. In his position, I would probably feel similarly, along with a modicum of self-loathing for having commodified myself for so long. I don't use Discord on principle, so I don't know how he acted there, but an overly fawning fanbase can be really disgusting — I could see it causing some mental breakdown.

Anyways, I hope he's alright, and that he eventually re-uploads his shit because some of it was pretty good. It was likely a mistake to bring money into the equation.

>> No.15091607

w2c those shades?

>> No.15091697

He goes through a lot of identity crisises it seems

>> No.15091923


>> No.15092224

lookin pretty cut desu no homo