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15087348 No.15087348 [Reply] [Original]

>life is suffering, deal with it
>don't believe in anything you can't prove yourself
>fuck those fake casts, anyone with enough discipline can achieve the highest state of consciousness
I am reading Evolas book about Buddism at the moment and so far he kinda sold me an idea of it being the true tradition (once you get rid of obvious bullshit like reincarnation)

>> No.15087360
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No, Christianity is.

>> No.15087367

didn't get no pussy and his fatalist outlook lost him his legs. Don't waste your time with him.

>> No.15087374

>I am reading Evolas book on it
>once you get rid of obvious bullshit like reincarnation
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.15087391

I haven’t read this but I am interested in it. It seems that Evola himself may not have remained a Buddhist his entire life (if could ever have been considered a Buddhist) but it seems that he spent much of his life trying to provide Tradition by way of Philosophy much like how the Buddhist Tradition is more philosophy than religion. What do you think, OP?

>> No.15087390

>>don't believe in anything you can't prove yourself
Well I mean, isn't this obvious? And further that the idea of belief comes from the self evident? For example, the self-evidency of the wisdom of the Christian doctrine which lay open to the peasants sight at all times- except for now where in a supposed unself-evidency has taken hold.

>> No.15087395


>> No.15087407

>(once you get rid of obvious bullshit like reincarnation)
I agree with the other anon that this statement is cringe, even if we were to say that literally believing metaphysical religious ideas is stupid(like you do), then you must at least recognise the spirit wherein it departs, and in that concerns itself most deeply. What Christ's resurrection is, is an inversion of the world so to speak. Of the natural law and of the will to life, to such sublime inheritance no man can speak of, only see in that crucifixion.

>> No.15087462

>fuck those fake casts, anyone with enough discipline can achieve the highest state of consciousness
t. watched an Alan Watts video
There are only so many Buddhas, 100 in one inconcievably big time period. A Buddha is sent to teach not just the path to nibbana but also just living for all beings.

>> No.15087530

>Buddhist Tradition is more philosophy than religion
Can this shitty meme die?
Buddhists have monastic orders, and they believe in an Absolute and they believe that their path leads to salvation by escaping the cycle or reincarnation. They are a religion in every sense of the word and they are theistic, they simply don't think that the Absolute has personhood.
There. Now shut up with your uneducated memespeak.

>> No.15087553
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Its just a splinter of "Hinduism" dude. Life is only suffering when its "your" life.

>> No.15087555


>> No.15087567

It stems from Siddhartha expressing disinterest and mild disregard for metaphysics and whatnot. People take that aphorism, about being shot with an arrow and the appropriate response being to treat the wound rather than speculate needlessly on the qualities of the arrow, and they suggest that Buddhism is fundamentally concerned with ethics.

>> No.15087645

I take it you haven't read anything else Evola's written

>> No.15087657

If your a chantard or a redditor you cannot be a buddhist

>> No.15087668

Blessed image

>> No.15087690
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>Is Buddism the final red pill?
>I am reading Evolas book about Buddism at the moment and so far he kinda sold me an idea of it being the true tradition

>"From whatever new points of view the Buddha's system is tested with reference to its probability, it gives way on all sides, like the walls of a well, dug in sandy soil. It has, in fact, no foundation whatever to rest upon and hence the attempts to use it as a guide in the practical concerns of life are mere folly. Moreover Buddha, by propounding the three mutually contradicting systems, teaching respectively the reality of the external world, the reality of ideas only and general nothingness, has himself made it clear that he was a man given to make incoherent assertions or else that hatred of all beings induced him to propound absurd doctrines by accepting which they would become thoroughly confused…Buddha’s doctrine has to be entirely disregarded by all those who have a regard for their own happiness."

- Adi Shankara - Brahma Sutra Bhasya 2.2.32.

>> No.15087692

That would also imply that one can only react to what is happening to him and that making an effort to understand the why of things is of no importance which is just retarded.

>> No.15087699

What about Facebook?

>> No.15087712

Western Buddhism is basically doing whatever you want and calling it buddhism.
It's basically the final bluepill.

>> No.15087718
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No, but pic related is

>> No.15087731

The context in which the arrow analogy was delivered was that Buddha felt the suffering of men was his most pressing concern. Addressing that first and foremost was prudent. Metaphysical speculations were secondary.

The aphorism was in direct response to a frustrated apostle who was upset about the lack of clarity regarding Siddhartha’s metaphysical views. Take it as you will, retarded or not, but there exists a wide gulf in beliefs between Buddhist denominations for a reason.

>> No.15087740
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Too much moralfagging for me. It's rigid world-denying morality taken to the extreme.

nigga I don't plan on going to hell for several eons just for going fishing with my grandpa.

>> No.15087746

>There is nothing more futile than to consciously look for something to save you. But consciousness makes this fact seem otherwise. Consciousness makes it seem as if (1) there is something to do; (2) there is somewhere to go; (3) there is something to be; (4) there is someone to know. This is what makes consciousness the parent of all horrors, the thing that makes us try to do something, go somewhere, be something, and know someone, such as ourselves, so that we can escape our MALIGNANTLY USELESS being and think that being alive is all right rather than that which should not be.
~Ligotti on Buddhism; Conspiracy Against The Human Race

>> No.15087748

>removing the sole drive that makes humanity explore and strive for greatness is prudent
No wonder the East never developed science.

>> No.15087752

Buddha might agree, our expectations lead to suffering.

>> No.15087763

And a lack of expectations leads to suffering as well.

>> No.15087770

Initially I was gonna respond with kill yourself retard, but just for the sake of clarification, you do understand that what Buddha was foregoing in importance was an interpretation of Hindu theology?

>> No.15087771

This guy knows what's up.
Souls and the rest are stupid bullshit.
Consciousness is a bad joke.

>> No.15087833

> Consciousness is a bad joke
Surely he doesn't mean sentience? Sentience is the literal only thing you have.

>> No.15087952

he is an annihilation-desiring crypto-materialist buddhist who wants to be metaphysically castrated

>> No.15087983

Shut up, UG is simply an ordinary man, he is fully himself

>> No.15087988

You will always be a white boy larping as a Hindu.

>> No.15088007

Buddhism is the final cope for IQ 115-125 range, which is fine. But real large cranium niggas follow the way of the Tao

>> No.15088076

Then I suppose you believe Neoplatonism is a religion as well?

>> No.15088115

just minus the icon-idolatry

>> No.15088175

Don't you see a fundamental difference in the completely centrifying image of the crucifxion of Christ and then these array of Gods? It is a nice picture though.

>> No.15088187
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>Shut up, UG is simply an ordinary man, he is fully himself
What defines an ordinary man?

>> No.15088237
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Eastern religions are probably the most lucrative control mechanisms on the planet. They all tell their lay, general subjects to be content with their current squalor, because it is merely the karmic consequences of some wrong-doing in a pass life. The higher castes, or in the case of Buddhism, the monastic class, reserve all of the juicy bits of esoteric knowledge, and siddhis for themselves, so that they may rule over the bugman brainlets.
The only "based" form of Eastern religion to follow for the lay westerner is one stripped of the billion unnecessary moral precepts, and entirely focus on the practices themselves.

>> No.15088251

dude..., if you just sit still and don't force your opinion on anyone.. and just think then.. you live like FOREVER. There's this crazy Chinese dude who's like five hundred years old,.. just contemplating... like emptiness.. and feminity.


pussy fags

>> No.15088288

What makes reincarnation bullshit? People have past life experiences all the time. There are some who know a ton about people they've never met and who died before they were born. Unexplainable by any other means but reincarnation. Watch the Unsolved Mysteries episode on it.

>> No.15088300

Buddhism is closer to nihilism and makes more sense for the users here than the faux christcucks all over the place.

>> No.15088301
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>Eastern religions are probably the most lucrative control mechanisms on the planet.
Isn't that the point of a religion in general?
At least the eastern way is not so blatant about it as Christianity:
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."
Romans 13:1-2

>> No.15088319

But I'm a handsome white boy though so it's okay.

>> No.15088340

>What makes reincarnation bullshit?
Can be easily used by governing class to destroy any kind of equality in rights between people.
You were born in shit - stay in shit, it is your karma, whereas children of kings were born to govern you right from the birth.

>> No.15088348

There's no equality in people so why should there be an equality in rights?

>> No.15088376

OP, did you honestly expect any responses that are well-informed and serious about either Evola or Buddhism?

>> No.15088387

Even if it is used that way, it doesn't mean that it isn't real. You can support both democracy and reincarnation. The Dalai Lama himself even says you can be a marxist.

>> No.15088406

>Isn't that the point of a religion in general?
Yes. I just said Eastern religions are the most lucrative ones.
>At least the eastern way is not so blatant about it as Christianity
That subtly about it's true intention is probably *the* reason why Eastern religions are the most controlling. Every midwit atheist can say something bad about Christianity, but many of them flock to Buddhism.
Not him, but if the governing class has to resort to mystical justification for it's current position, they may not be that superior. Not to say that is necessarily the case always, because a Brahman Aryan is certainly superior to an untouchable on a genetic basis.

>> No.15088430

Yeah as opposed to Christianity which tells you to be content with life as a poor layman because heaven is for the poorfags and meek and who cares whether you have to live in a box and eat bugs "our" kingdom is of the next anyway.

>> No.15088490

>Yeah as opposed to Christianity which tells you to be content with life as a poor layman because heaven is for the poorfags and meek and who cares whether you have to live in a box and eat bugs "our" kingdom is of the next anyway.
For Eastern religions, "heaven" can be found now. Also, many Christians, mostly of the Protestant variety, think physical wealth is a blessing from God. The fact you, and many others, so easily came up for an argument against Christianity just goes to show how shitty of a control mechanism it is. Like I said before, your average secular, western normalfag can come up with a gorillion reasons for why Christianity is shit and evil, yet Buddhism in the West is rising. Any arguments against Buddhism (I focus on Buddhism because it really is the worst of the Eastern bunch. Hinduism is kind of a low hanging fruit for western polemics to bite on because of muh caste system) are few to almost none.

>> No.15088502

Just meditate bro

>> No.15088661

>mostly of the Protestant variety, think physical wealth is a blessing from God
>muh tiny Christian sect.
Not an argument.
>western normalfag can come up with a gorillion reasons for why Christianity is shit and evil, yet Buddhism in the West is rising.
Yeah because Christianity is shit and evil. It is completely unbelievable and it have caused atheism in the west.
Just pray bro

>> No.15088710

I do meditate but not for it's own sake. Mental control is good.
>tiny Christian sect
You must be joking. Prosperity theology is basically the de facto belief system of America as a whole. Even if it was an non-argument, you glossed over the fact Eastern religions' promise of a "heaven" right now ("the Buddha is already within") is more appealing than the Christian's delayed reward.
>Yeah because Christianity is shit and evil.
I'm literally not disagreeing. But Eastern religions are just as bad. Just look over at the despotic states and shitholes over there and tell me that is the product of an enlightened race.

>> No.15088724

What an absolutely retarded critique. Lmao

>> No.15088738

If he was so smart then why didn't pretty girls like him??

>> No.15088769

why do people keep calling Evola an incel, it literally says in one of the translators intros to one of his books (intro to magic maybe?) that he had multiple love affairs with female scholars.

>> No.15088798

>you glossed over the fact Eastern religions' promise of a "heaven" right now ("the Buddha is already within") is more appealing than the Christian's delayed reward.
It certainly isn't. Buddhist "heaven" right now have to be worked for constantly and most people do not believe it is even possible.

Compared to just believe dude and you'll be in heaven forever with your family and fwends

>> No.15088828

>What Christ's resurrection is, is an inversion of the world so to speak. Of the natural law and of the will to life

that's a very gnostic interpretation.

>> No.15089518
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Moreover, even when he had already been paralyzed, he wrote The Metaphysics of Sex, the book which has zero incel vibes.

>> No.15089539

That nigga was literally drowning in pussy so much that many people from a conservative background called it the italian equivalent of a coomer, what are you on about?

>> No.15089627

>You were born in shit - stay in shit
It's rather that you are able 'not' to because of the nature of karma, whereas divine right justifies the privilege of royalty indefinitely for as long as they're able to maintain their status.

>> No.15090013

People can have memories of the future as well.
This does not indicate that there are immortal individual souls, but that information itself is outside of time, that time and individuation are tricks of the process of attention modeling itself (consciousness) and that there is in the end no one to be, no one to know, nothing to do, and nowhere to go

>> No.15090880

Cringy cuck

>> No.15090944
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based, Buddhism is foolishness

>> No.15092639


>> No.15092704

>People can have memories of the future as well.

Source? I've never heard of this but I have heard of people having memories from people they never met.

>> No.15092719

Buddha would worship Christ if he knew him.

>> No.15092730

My copy is supposed to be here by months end— can’t wait to read.

>> No.15092749


I think I’m gonna filter this word, as this larper can’t help but autistically sperg anytime Buddhism is discussed

>> No.15092883

other way around

>> No.15092888

based. post jawline

>> No.15092911

the ugly art won't make it more appealing.

>> No.15093099

I agree, the art that comes out of Buddhism is very unappealing

>> No.15093129

Buddhism without reincarnation is just nihilism.

>> No.15093215

Never in my life I could have imagined seeing a buddhist being friends with neonazis and other crazy shit like that, but then again, it's a white guy so.

>> No.15093245

That's because Buddhism is faggy woodstock hippie shit in your mind when in reality Buddhism couldn't be further from that

>> No.15093266

did you miss that whole thing with the kyoto school or what

>> No.15093307

Evola isn't a Fascist, dumbass.

>> No.15093311

Pessimism, but sure.
You say this like it's a bad thing.