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15085568 No.15085568 [Reply] [Original]

I have a book project which is fully conceptualized but I need to put in grunt work joining the dots over lockdown. Caffeine isn't really doing the trick, does anyone have experience with ritalin/uppers in general? I'm moderately worried about side effects as I have an addictive personality.

>> No.15085636


>> No.15085711

Don't you burgers have amphetamine paste like the rest of the civilized world? Cheap and does what you want it to do.

Alternatively, cocaine if you actually want to get some sleep after

>> No.15085734

>amphetamine paste
please expand upon for the uninitiated?

>> No.15085767
File: 697 KB, 3024x2770, speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expand how?
Amphetamine sulphate / speed paste however you want to call it. Cheap amphetamines that you snort. Goes for around a tenner a gram, keeps you going for a few hours. Much, much longer if you keep re-dosing. It is everywhere in Europe, as common as weed. Does what Adderall does to you burgers, only better and for less money.
Not physically addictive, although I did have a problem with over indulging a decade ago.
Makes you feel like absolute crap the day after if you don't know when to stop

>> No.15085791

Keep the dose small and pick the right drug. You don't want anything that will produce much euphoria. Take orally. I have something of an addictive personality but I have never abused uppers, probably because I don't like the effect so much as I find it helpful.
Can confirm that European amp paste does pretty much the same thing as pharmaceutical stuff. It's just a bit trickier to get the dose right.

>> No.15085818

I'd argue that the exact dosage isn't as important as stopping yourself from re-dosing. Especially if drinking alongside it, it is easy do do just one or two more lines and get absolutely no work done because you are listening to full on psytrance and calling random people on your messenger list.

Ask me how I know.

>> No.15086002

What can I get in Japan? Specialized knowledge I know...

>> No.15086027

Ritalin gave me headaches and a blurry headspace. Never did cocaine but it's mechanism of action looks very suspicious, too unpredictable and hard to dose, short half-life too. Amphetamines are basically a gift from the gods if you have a decent amount of self control to not waste the effect on going through retarded shit that doesn't have anything to do with what you're supposed to be doing. I have experience with Dexedrine, 4 hours of concentrated work, no problems sleeping although your heart rate seems to go up, no neurotoxicity with current research, keep off high doses, it does nothing to you and WILL make you want to jerk off for 12 hours.

>> No.15086389

Yeah coke only lasts for like half and hour and too euphoric. I'll look into dex. Any other options that are minimally toxic?

>> No.15086458

>I'll look into dex
That is literally amphetamine. Why are americans so obsessed with pharmaceuticals is something I'll never get
And all amphetamines are minimally toxic

>> No.15086528

I'm not American and was always against amphetamines. But I need to get shit done quick and It's a lockdown.

>> No.15086559

Right. So your alternative to speed is pharmaceutical speed for quadruple the price. Makes perfect sense

>> No.15086566

Have you got a better suggestion?

>> No.15086595

Well if you're against amphetamines then stick to caffeine. Otherwise there are lots of research chemicals which get the job done. They are probably only slightly more toxic than pharm grade, but if you are using responsible doses and not habitually you should be fine. 2-FMA, propylphenidate, and 2-FA helped me with my dissertation and continue to serve me from time to time.

inb4 404

>> No.15086601

I gave you one

Adderall and similar pharmaceuticals are literally amphetamine anyways.
Or do cocaine which is more harmful to your body, but has a much easier comedown if you overdo it, which you will with both anyways

>> No.15086607

Cool thanks. I'm not necessarily against amphetamines any more, I just used to avoid them and am learning in the basics. I drink espresso in the morning but I wonder if I'm missing out on more focused, steady clarity. Upping my coffee dosage is a bit too peaky, if you know what I mean.

>> No.15086638

Upping your caffeine dosage will just give you jitters anyways.
The problem with amps is restraining from re-dosing and drinking alongside it. If you keep on dosing, you won't do any work what so ever, and if you drink alongside it, it just pushes you to drink more and more until you find yourself harassing people that are online and listening to music. Maybe jerking off for 5 hours if you can even get it up.
A line or two is ideal for getting some focused work done.

Cocaine is even better I'd argue as it gets my juices flowing(I'm assuming we are talking about writing here) more than anything else and I find myself full of ideas all of a sudden. The urge to re-dose until the bag is empty is much bigger than with amps though, and then there's the price

>> No.15086656

Low doses of a wide variety of amphetamines are objectively superior to caffeine. You experience negative side effects to reach the sought after level of mental stimulation. The only problem is of course that you are much more likely to overdue it than you would with caffeine. With the right substances, ones which don't press the euphoria button, you can still feel the inclination to do more, but it's not going to result in the kind of heady, crazed binge with an awful comedown that I believe a meth head or cocaïne use will experience. Taking to much puts your more in a position of asking yourself 'why am I doing this? I don't feel much and I'm not doing the things I would like to. Hope I can sleep soon'. Not great, but not the sort of thing you'll wreck your life doing.

>> No.15086679

*you experience fewer negative side effects

>> No.15086702

If it's "fully" conceptualized then applying it to paper should be the easy part. You just lack discipline or you're deluding yourself about how much of the work is behind you.

>> No.15086832

Ritalin and Amphetamines are your only serious options. Coke is shit, Modafinil is a meme, coffee sucks dick, meth will rot your brain. I personally like the simplicity of amphetamines the most.

Wrong, Adderall is a racemate and Dexedrine is only dextroamphetamine which makes you concentrated and improves task salience without giving you euphoria. It's also superior to street speed since you won't feel like you want to punch people and go raving but will sit down and get shit done.

>> No.15086847

Low dose speed gives you 20+ in IQ, at least.

>> No.15086956

that's a sobering but I'm converting a diss into a book. the reason I'm considering amphetamines is I've heard they help you work mechanically but don't give you any advantage creatively. I'm not planning any major conceptual innovations but you could be write that this process is about more than joining the dots

>> No.15086962

*sobering thought
*could be right

>> No.15086988

>I have a book project which is fully conceptualized but I need to put in grunt work

So you're a junkie trying to justify a new habit by making pointless gestures toward writing without actually doing it

>> No.15087184

Sartre used amphetamines all the time and so do many academics. Caffeine is also a drug.

>> No.15088392


Yeah but they actually wrote shit independent of their drug use. OP seems to be under the impression that work ethic gained through drug abuse is sustainable in the long term, which is wrong for a number of reasons.

>> No.15088398

Discipline is the only thing you need.