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/lit/ - Literature

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15081498 No.15081498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You people like to rip on Reddit, but sometimes on there you find excellent short stories, like this one:


Gripping idea, very cool execution, polished prose, good rhythm. This is far above the level of the average published short story. Miles above anything I've ever found here.

Meanwhile, /lit/ has created what? That bullshit fake book about a tundra? I guess pretending to be retarded is useful to hide a lack of talent.

>> No.15081515

Only one enemy remained, two if you count god

>> No.15081525

>Make it a head shot. Shoot me in the temple, aiming slightly downwards. I need the bullet to travel the shortest possible distance through my brain before it hits my hippocampus. If I’m lucky, the sensation of the gunshot ripping through my skull will only last a few decades.

>As awful as this sounds, you’ll be doing me an enormous favor. Death by a headshot, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, is vastly better than the alternative.
You think THIS is good?

>> No.15081572

Cope a little harder, talentless little pleb. That story is better than anything you'll ever write.

>> No.15081594

Bro that's the equivalent of the basic bitch incel stuff you see in the crit threads, it doesn't read well and is trying too hard to be shocking and provocative. It's the type of cringe shit every amature shits out

>> No.15081619

only this part was good

>> No.15081627

rewrite this in a better way then, let's see how you do it.

>> No.15081669

Serious question: why do you say it's bad? I want actual reasons, not "lol plebbit kek".

>it doesn't read well
It bloody well does. I read a lot and have unfortunately become quite picky. I hate purple and clunky writing. This is neither. It flows well, emphasizes what needs to be emphasized and has a very good rhythm throughout, both at the macro and micro level.

>incel stuff
What? Now you're just repeating buzzwords. You sound like a 22 year old desperately trying to sound older and learned.

>> No.15081680
File: 163 KB, 1024x914, 1577834180437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooo don't speak the truth to me! Go back to R*ddit!

>> No.15081686

try harding.

>> No.15081705

People don’t really post full short stories here, just excerpts in Crit threads. Also the prose is terrible. I’m sure if I browsed nosleep for a week I could write a story those faggots would love, but I don’t feel like wasting my time.

>> No.15081714

>the prose is terrible
Every butthurt talentless hack says this and never motivates it. Know why? Because it's a cope.

>> No.15081727

critique why it is terrible. Just 'terrible' isn't a proper evaluation

>> No.15081768

>it... it reads b-bad!
>t-the p-prose is horrible!
>I c-could write a b-better story but I d-don't want to!
Jesus Christ, the cope and the arrogance of the average /lit/arded is really a sight to behold. All the greatest hits from the Manual of the Butthurt Talentless Loser.

>> No.15081769

I lifted the cup to my mouth. As the water made it's way down the glass, slowly oozing towards the rim, individual molecules plodding along like children skipping through a meadow, I contemplated my situation. At this point, the drug had been in my system for at least fifteen minuets, though from my perception it had been a full week.

>> No.15081795

>along like children skipping through a meadow

>> No.15081826

You wrote this didn't you? You're not as good as you think you are bucko

>> No.15081842

This is a lot of effort for a shitpost. Have a reply

>> No.15081844

>individual molecules plodding along like children skipping through a meadow
That's retarded and NOT at all in line with the author's style. It's so purple it's ridiculous.

If you really can't tell the difference between your cringe attempt and the author's style, you are shit at both reading and writing.

>> No.15081859

>it's way
Christ. You should go back to grade school instead of trying to write.

>individual molecules plodding along like children skipping through a meadow
Rotfl what?? The linked short story doesn't have a single cringeworthy metaphor like this. Not one.

You are comically bad.

>> No.15081860

>rewrite it
>wtf this isn't like the original

>> No.15081871

>Then I basically sprint-danced the rest of the way, twisting and juking between people on the sidewalk and dodging moving cars with inches (a.k.a. minutes) of clearance.
I read your story up to here and then cringed and stopped

>> No.15081876

That's not what I'm saying, mongoloid. I'm saying the style is completely different (in a very specific way: it's shit). You took a simple, direct, fast style and tried to imitate it by making it purple and filled with pretentious, ridiculous metaphors.

>> No.15081887

Still nobody has presented a single argument. Lots of cope, but no arguments. What's the matter? You can't critique or you can't write?

>> No.15081917
File: 76 KB, 612x309, drops of water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plodding along like children skipping through a meadow
Based bucolic retard.

>> No.15082025

>People don’t really post full short stories here, just excerpts in Crit threads.
Don't hide behind this excuse. Those excerpts are 99% shit and you know it.

>> No.15082034

He said to rewrite it "in a better way", not like a 12th grader trying to sound like a writer.

>> No.15082097

>Meanwhile, /lit/ has created what? That bullshit fake book about a tundra?
Dont forget Hypersphere :^)

>> No.15082109

We have Londonfrog.

>> No.15082113

What? I missed these. Haven't come here in a few years.

>> No.15082135

Why throw pearls to the pigs?

>> No.15082139


>> No.15082160

>I c-could write a g-g-good reply, but I d-don't want to!

>> No.15082171

Incredible. I must have it.

>> No.15082177

Yes, pigs deserve dirt.

>> No.15082240

>he doesn't know about the nigger novel
it does hurt to spoonfeed

>> No.15082267

>posting anything that is remotely good on the internet

>> No.15082305

If we're pigs, you're the shit we step on.
Lay down, little shit.

>> No.15082317

Nigger, we're talking about actually good literature, not nigger shit only good for nigger niggers.

>> No.15082404

>can't even recognize good writing when he sees it
>harbors delusions of being able to write well
>maybe even becoming an author
Oh no oh no oh nonononononono hahahahahahahahahaha.

>> No.15082453

OP, note that you complain that other users are dismissing it without giving an elaborate explanation, only by appealing to certain general ideas, while you yourself are praising it without giving any real explanation, just by appealing to certain ideas.

I, for one, can find no redeeming qualities that could justify overlooking the writer's consistent abuse of italics and capital letters, scattered throughout the piece in places that don't seem to require them. That's just bad form and aesthetically not pleasing.

The writer makes certain references to neuroscience that I find unsuccessful. He wishes for the bullet to travel the shortest distance possible before hitting his hippocampus, in order that his sensation of pain be mitigated. But that area of the brain, while part of the limbic system, hasn't much to do with pain. The hippocampus is primarily involved in human learning and memory. Interestingly, it plays an important role in the conversion of short-term memory into long-term memory, but it is not clear what having a short-term memory would even mean for someone in the condition the protagonist finds himself in. Short-term memory is by its very nature temporary, things we tend to forget. But could such a being as the protagonist even forget? What is the difference between a thought entertained yesterday, now, in a year from now? Unfortunately, this theme is not explored or developed any further.

There's a seeming tension, if not an incoherence possibly due to sloppiness, in that the protagonist is supposedly confused, bewildered, and experiencing something for which there is no counterpart in the world of ordinary humans, yet is perfectly capable of performing time conversions from "his world terms" into "real world terms". Even if this could be excused by appealing to superior cognitive abilities, even the doctors are quite sanguine and capable of assuring him that what he experiences will wear off in a few hours, which they, most courteously, readily translate into "a few days" in his time, as though they had written their PhD on the subject or are dealing with the most common condition known to men.

And then there's just bad writing. What, pray tell, is "geologic slowness"? He says the book "pirouetted" across the room and it feels like he just wanted to use that word for the sake of using it, because it makes no sense for someone or something to pirouette across a space; go on YouTube and see how the move is performed. You will notice that no jumping across anything is involved. A simpler verb could have sufficed. A "flip-flop sinking in a swimming pool" and a leaf blowing the breeze" are bad metaphors.

Ultimately, the fascinating concepts of time and memory are here dealt with in the most mundane, lazy, cursory manner, that doesn't do them any justice at all and doesn't make the reader want to analyze them himself or take any interest in them whatsoever. And that is a serious vice because they truly do deserve more.

>> No.15082463

Not op and I agree the writing was minimally developed but I think the story and its development carried it all well

>> No.15082487

You don't see an argument against the prose being just barely good enough to qualify as readable right? Like the prose does experiment a bit but it's only outstanding quality is that it's very readable. Maybe that's not a high bar anymore but certainly the story and its development was great. I think it overshadows any criticism but if someone were to criticize the prose it wouldn't be misplaced

>> No.15082503

>the writing was minimally developed
It's a short story.

>> No.15082518

It's fine for a short story written by a hobbyist for the internet, the idea that it's mind-blowingly good or proof that reddit has a superior pool of literary talent is dumb though. I do wish that more people here made their stuff publicly however

>> No.15082522

>it's only outstanding quality

>it's very readable.
That kind of fast, well flowing style seems easy to obtain only to inexperienced people.

>if someone were to criticize the prose it wouldn't be misplaced
Judging from the people who have posted to this point, they would love for the prose to be shittier and ridiculously purple. I still haven't seen a valid criticism.

>> No.15082564

Reddit is superior to 4chan in every way but one
Wasting time shitposting

>> No.15082571

Yes by writing I mean prose or style. This is implied from me complimenting the story. Your style is evident in a few sentences.

I agree. I don't get his point.

Yes there's autocorrect I'm phone posting. But perhaps you're just hyped or something because it's extremely evident that the only part of its prose that is extremely redeemable is simply that it's readable. I imagine you haven't read really good prose. It's about as good prose as Michael Crichton, if it makes you happy. It's not witty or romantic. It's just straight to the point. It's almost nihilistic. The prose makes no arguments for life or anything. It's rather English and to the point. That's not terrible but the prose is only readable that's it. It's not shouldering postmodernism it's not a weapon of the common man worker. In fact the redeemable trait of the writing is you can forget you're reading. Which is a good trait in our modern world but it hardly makes for amazing writing.

Again my position is the story and its development carries the whole literature on its back. That's not controversial

>> No.15082574

Amazing. 498 words and not a single valid concept.

>but the hippocampus doesn't have anything to do with pain...
That's the area you hit when you shoot yourself in the mouth because it's the surest way to die. That's why he wants someone to shoot him there. He doesn't want to risk a slow death, he wants it as fast as possible. He isn't saying that destroying the hippocampus will turn off pain.
And even if your argument was anatomically correct, it would still be irrelevant from a literary point of view.

>And then there's just bad writing.
The only one I see is yours while you try to sound like a professor.

>is perfectly capable of performing time conversions from "his world terms" into "real world terms".
He's giving rough estimates, twat. Stop pretending to find mistakes when there aren't any.

>What, pray tell, is "geologic slowness"?
Really? You're so literal, so unimaginative that you didn't understand the sense of that expression?
Sorry, midwit, but that's your flaw, not the author's.

>He says the book "pirouetted" across the room
Once again, a very easy image to visualize for anyone who isn't retarded or disingenuous.

You people really are grasping at straws. Just admit you're not as good as the author and end your own misery.

>the fascinating concepts of time and memory are here dealt with in the most mundane, lazy, cursory manner
Let's see you do better. The stage is yours.

>> No.15082599

>I imagine you haven't read really good prose.
You can't throw a rock and then run away. Post examples. Excerpts or authors of this "really good prose".

>the redeemable trait of the writing is you can forget you're reading.
Do you have any idea how technically difficult and rare that is? That's a level most published authors will never be able to reach.

If you really don't understand how effective a style like that is, you have no talent. Very sorry. You can fill your mouth with all kind of pretentiousness, but you can't mask your desolating lack of talent.

>> No.15082608


>> No.15082612

why wasn't he bothered by the research assistant talking slow

>> No.15082666

I almost think it's you who wrote it because I'd have to assume you're a moron who defends dead ends as a manner of maintaining your pride.

This immediately came to mind. The prose is extremely expressive. https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/american_originals/inaugtxt.html

It's honestly not that hard to write exactly what is happening. Almost every modern writer writes like this. Generally we choose books based on writing style or specific authors but if your writing has no meaning then it's up to the story as to whether it's lengthy or not. The 'choose a cool story' method of writing is garbage and is Hollywood esque. Again this is common knowledge to any reader. I have no idea why you're acting maniacal when I provided a basic opinion on it.

>> No.15082679

A lot are shit but I’d say the best 2-3 posters in every crit thread with 200+ replies are quite good

>> No.15082685
File: 44 KB, 755x1255, TROLLLLLLU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you're unfunny and retarded, pic related, it's you.

>> No.15082686

>2-3 posters in every crit thread
The only good one I've ever seen is the guy who wrote a book that was 40% "nigger".

>> No.15082687

>Let's see you do better. The stage is yours.
Why would I have to do better personally? They have already been explored by far superior writers. What is this fixation of yours with "let's see you do better" as though that's an argument? If Roger Ebert couldn't write a decent script, would that somehow mean that Adam Sandler is actually the best screenwriter in the world?

>Really? You're so literal, so unimaginative that you didn't understand the sense of that expression?
Sorry, midwit, but that's your flaw, not the author's.
Look, faggot, using insults only works when you're making decent points. "Geological slowness" is an utterly meaningless metaphor that will impress only the most puerile of minds, those who take pleasure in highbrow philistinism.
>Once again, a very easy image to visualize for anyone who isn't retarded or disingenuous.
No, it's quite clearly an instance of someone using words they don't understand because they fear simpler-sounding words. That you don't get that, or don't get why this is not a good thing, is entirely your problem.

>And even if your argument was anatomically correct, it would still be irrelevant from a literary point of view.

Of course it's correct and of course it has merit. It shows that the writer has not bothered to consider the implications of what he's saying and describing. He wants to depart from the so-called ordinary world of ordinary humans into a fantastical world of magnificent creatures, without tackling the curiosities of the transition, without coming to terms with it. To those of us who give a damn as readers, that matters. To those of us who are impressed by the ability to use the words "geological" and "pirouette", evidently it doesn't.

I have wasted enough time, so I will only conclude with this remark: The fact that you demand elaborate explanations is indicative of the fact that you completely lack intuition, which in turn means that you don't read much. The good reader knows, intuitively, when he is in the presence of something truly good and when not. If you have no intuition, or if your intuition indicates that this is an excellent short story that rivals Updike at his finest, that's no virtue and it's impossible to have any kind of discussion with you.

>> No.15082700

Look at the /lit/ quarterly. That's the best /lit/ has to offer and it is much better than this reddit trash. The critique threads are avoided by most writers here because they do not want to tarnish their name by being associated with /lit/.

>> No.15082717

pics posters are worse than garbage you don't even deserve punctuation

>This immediately came to mind. The prose is extremely expressive. https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/american_originals/inaugtxt.html
You better be fucking joking. Post some serious examples or fuck off.

>Almost every modern writer writes like this
Basically no writer can write in a way that makes you forget you're reading. This is not up for discussion, it's a fact. It's the goal countless writers aim for and routinely fail to reach. You don't know what you're talking about.

>The 'choose a cool story' method of writing is garbage and is Hollywood esque.
The pretentiousness is made even spicier by the fact that it comes from a midwit incapable of writing anything remotely good.

I eagerly await your 500 pages masterpiece about no story whatsoever. Just a guy staring at a blank wall and thinking majestic thoughts.

>> No.15082720

Amateur prose. Specific problems: passive voice, tautologies & repetition, cliche, bloat, describing the negative/absence rather than the positive/presence, imprecise language.

I suggest you go and read Strunk & White, invest in Prowritingaid, and write about 500,000 more words. You're not there yet.

Good luck.

>> No.15082750

Except no one reads their stories and YouTubers just steal them and narrate them, getting millions more views than they ever will reads.

>> No.15082754

>Why would I have to do better personally?
As expected. A pretentious and a coward.

>They have already been explored by far superior writers.
And he doesn't name a single one.

>"Geological slowness" is an utterly meaningless metaphor that will impress only the most puerile of minds, those who take pleasure in highbrow philistinism.
Oh my fucking god, this guy actually writes like this. He thinks it makes him appear smart and sophisticate. :^^^)
That wasn't even a metaphor, retarded pretentious twat.

>Of course it's correct and of course it has merit.
It's not correct because, as I've explained, the author did NOT mean what you thought he meant. You misunderstood him because you're a retarded pretentious little shit.

>The fact that you demand elaborate explanations
I don't demand elaborate explanations. Only valid ones. Of which you have provided none, because you're a talentless midwit that desperately tries to sound high-brow and learned because you were too ugly and weak to be a jock in high school, so you tried to wear the costume of the scholar. Failing.
(This describes 99% of /lit/, btw.)
The fact remains, and will always remain, that you're an insignificant little shit incapable of doing even a tenth of what the author has done.

900 words and still NO ARGUMENT. Amazing. Please, say philistinism again. :^^^)

>> No.15082760

>I have wasted enough time
Somehow, I believe your time is neither in short supply, nor worth much...

>> No.15082767

>passive voice, tautologies & repetition, cliche, bloat, describing the negative/absence rather than the positive/presence, imprecise language.
It's like this moron has copy and pasted all the favorite buzzwords of the wannabe /lit/ critic. Not a single one of those accusations is valid. Incredible.

>> No.15082774

>Look at the /lit/ quarterly.
What is it and where could I find it? Google gives me nothing.

>> No.15082782

>The prose is extremely expressive. https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/american_originals/inaugtxt.html
Purple prose is not good prose. It's trash and you're trash if you don't see it.

>> No.15082796

Said the imbecile who spends his time frantically bashing anons on /lit and heralding redditors as the new Franz Kafka in a way that is suggestive of severe cognitive impairment.

>> No.15082803

>Strunk & White
The book's toxic mix of purism, atavism, and personal eccentricity is not underpinned by a proper grounding in English grammar. It is often so misguided that the authors appear not to notice their own egregious flouting of its own rules... It's sad. Several generations of college students learned their grammar from the uninformed bossiness of Strunk and White, and the result is a nation of educated people who know they feel vaguely anxious and insecure whenever they write however or than me or was or which, but can't tell you why.

>> No.15082819

Oh, the poor doggy is mad because his attempts at appearing high-brow and learned have been debunked? :^^)

Look at how much simpler your style has suddenly become as soon as you were unmasked for the pretentious, talentless little shit you are. What a marvel.

>> No.15082827

Jesus, you're way too butt hurt over some some random fag's writing on internet, are you his mom or something? You demanded detailed criticism then get butt mad when there's someone patient enough to tolerate your autism. Go to Twitter or something to shill your son.

>> No.15082840

>You demanded detailed criticism
No. I demanded valid one, not ridiculous, pretentious posing from mongoloids who can't even understand basic writing. Oooh, what could "geological slowness" mean? I don't know, it's an uncrackable mistery!

>> No.15082842

it's tl;dr

>> No.15082849

landslides can be quite fast desu

>> No.15082861

>If I pretend to be retarded, maybe they won't understand that I actually am retarded!

>> No.15082874

Is 35 miles an hour slow?

>> No.15082887

>just keep going, now you're in too deep to stop... keep pretending to be retarded... misunderstand obvious things... be too literal... they'll never realize it...

>> No.15082953

>calling me retarded while being a coward who insults other people by using another person's work

well, how about you write a nice little piece yourself and show it to us using the same tone you used in this thread

>> No.15082986

If you read "giacial pace", would you start screeching "That's bad writing because ice doesn't pace! I have an ice cube right here and it's not pacing so it's bad writing reeeeeeeee!"?

You're just really, really stupid. The worst kind of stupid, the kind that thinks he's smart. You're not, and anyone can see it clear as day.

>> No.15083040

Imagine being this much of a tourist while at the same time pretending to like a story you posted on reddit yourself and are now trying to tell anons here that it is good. I've rarely seen something this pathetic. I hope you are just young and edgy, but chances are you are some wannabe failure.

>> No.15083051

I don't even need to critique it's writing, it's not a good short story, it's basic take the character from A to B while he does some stuff, a middle schooler can write something like that,

you haven't read many good short stories if you're impressed by it

>> No.15083053

How do you know he's the OP? 24 people posted in this thread.

>> No.15083059

>a middle schooler can write something like that
How come you can't, then?
Jesus, I was warned that the pretentiousness and the cope were off the charts here, but damn...

>> No.15083068

>chances are you are some wannabe failure

>if... if I project my insecurities onto him, I-I'll win!

>> No.15083088

I already told you, you're using another person's work to insult other people. You have no authority to tell someone to "do it himself."

If you can't notice why the short story is structurally amess, then you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15083100

>you're using another person's work to insult other people.
I posted a story and a rabid pack of talentless little shits started foaming and screeching that it was awful but then couldn't give a single valid reason as to why. Why is it relevant that it wasn't my story? What a ridiculous excuse.

>If you can't notice why the short story is structurally amess, then you're embarrassing yourself.
Well, go on, embarass me even more. Give me some good reason as to why the story is "structurally amess".
(You talentless lot are adorable when you try to sound like a professional critic. Structurally... I bet you feel really cool when you say that. :^^^))

>> No.15083112

Look, you are unironically basedjackposting here, the only thing missing is the shitty picture, try to safe your last bit of dignity.
My point is you come here, don't know of something that is posted very often, giving away that you are a tourist and then you try to tell anons this work is better than what is posted here, which, by our own admission, you barely ever read.
Another thing, you shoot down criticism as non-valid, for reasons that you pull out of thin air, but I'm quite sure you know that yourself and the answer to this will be, that I should give you examples...

>> No.15083141

it sucks. please don't post your (or anyone else's) high-schoolesque, gun-obsessed, death-focussed, Burroughs-possessed writings in here.

>> No.15083155
File: 167 KB, 1136x852, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your completely correct observations are not valid because you don't spend 12 hours a day here! You're just a tourist!
Amazing. Incredible. You are LITERALLY filthy-casualing me. I didn't think I'd ever meet a loser this pathetic. You're real, right? You're not acting?

Take a step back and read your words with a modicum of objectivity, please. (Then try not to kill yourself.)

>for reasons that you pull out of thin air
And yet, none of you could explain why they aren't valid. Meanwhile, I could clearly debunk all of yours. Really makes you think.

If this is the level of entertainment I can expect on this board, I might come here more often.


>> No.15083177

What do y'all think of Palahniuk's style?

>> No.15083193
File: 140 KB, 1080x1170, 1581267299360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tell people their writing is shit even though I don't bother reading it and am surprised they point that fact out

>why yes, my subjective opinion in regards to the criticism given to me counts as debunking

>> No.15083200

Lmao redditniggers sure love plotporn

>> No.15083207

>everyone who insults me is just projecting their own insecurities
now THIS is projection

>> No.15083212


>> No.15083225

It's been a minute since I read it and i was just reading for the story. I loved the story but if I remember he's a postmodernist and I don't like that type of writing but I enjoyed fight club, doomed and damned. I have more dled but I'm more interested in other movements rn

>> No.15083240

>let me explain my suggestion

>> No.15083241

>even though I don't bother reading it
I do read it. In the critique threads. And it's shit.
But of course now you're moving the goalpost (a very common logical fallacy) and claiming that I need to read everything written on here for the past 10 years to be qualified to speak.

>my subjective opinion
Weak excuse. You know perfectly well I'm right. Hence, why you keep whining instead of proving me wrong.

Also, you can clearly see a lot of fabric in your pic. That qualifies as "one thing".

>> No.15083247

>any story with a plot is plotporn
>to be good, a story needs to be about the musing of a blind, deaf, paralyzed man trapped into a trunk.

>If I insist on projecting, eventually it will work!

>explaining things is automatically bad

Some of the shit you clowns come up with makes me think you might suffer of slight mental illness.

>> No.15083260

I like the idea, but after 4 times of reading it, it's still boring chief

>> No.15083265

dude stop projecting you’re embarrassing yourself

>> No.15083274

>once more... if I accuse him of the shit I'm doing once more, it will work... they won't think I'm a retarded loser...

>> No.15083275

Isn't this the LARP horror story reddit?

>> No.15083287

bro please you can’t keep projecting like this, you’ll hurt yourself

>> No.15083288

I did not say you needed to read everything, but I seriously doubt that you read enough here to be able to give a (and let's not forget that, you made a general statement) general opinion if you haven't ever stumbled upon a quarterly-thread. Tell me now why you compare critique threads to a finished story.
At this point it is difficult to think of this as non-bait-thread.

This is a ML-generated image, there is literally no object in it if you don't pretend there is.

>> No.15083294

>slight mental illness
nigger do you know where you even are

>> No.15083295

>I'm getting so tired, but I must... keep... projecting...

>> No.15083298

Just watch Netflix bro lmfao

>> No.15083305

Unless you're a midwit, you don't learn to read an entire novel to understand its level.

This is a bait thread. And you're still getting eviscerated.

>> No.15083313

you can do it man, just a little more and you can stop projecting

>> No.15083323
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>only one person posts on 4chan, same goes for leddit

>> No.15083342

This anon in another thread on the board rn is what I would consider pretty good writing for /lit/. >>15079542

It’s meandering and not a story but the style is high level, much more evocative and satisfying to read than the Reddit story, which mainly appeals because of the premise and not due to the execution.

>> No.15083350

What did he mean by this?