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File: 116 KB, 1000x708, Jorge-Luis-Borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15080241 No.15080241 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder: Borges is even more of an anglo than Marx and he ought to be read in translation. In spite of his upbringing in a hispanophone country and writing in Spanish, he grew up bilingual and drew heavily from English, bringing its grace to Spanish. His first publication was a translation of Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince" when he was six. Since this time he would read and translate many more English authors, Chesterton, Whitman, Carlyle, Poe, Kipling &c.. If Borges were truly in the Spanish tradition, what would be his Bible? We would expect a Spanish-language translation (at the least, Biblia Latinoamérica) but no! Instead it's the Authorized Version (aka the King James PBUH)! It's not even a Catholic Bible and to take it a step further, he would even enjoy the 1611 edition. Even the man's politics were distinctly English: a Spencerian anarchist, he called himself. What did the man teach at La Universidad de Buenos Aires? English literature! His Autobiographical Notes were published in English before the Spanish. To think of Borges as a Spanish, Argentine, or Latin American author is to embarrass yourself, nay worse, to make a British Israelite of yourself. (I nearly wrote "Black Israelite" but as we all know that itself is a poor imitation of the British Israelism of John Wilson.) Truly success breeds jealously.

Can you argue with Borges himself?
>I have done most of my reading in English. I read very little in Spanish. I was educated practically in my father's library, and that was compounded of English books so that when I think of the Bible, I think of the King James Bible. When I think of the Arabian Nights I think of Lane's translation or of Captain Burton's translation. When I think of course of Persian literature I think in terms of Browne's Literary History of Persia, and of course of Fitzgerald's and frankly, I remember the first book I read on the history of South America was Prescott's The Conquest of Peru. Yes, and then I fell back on Spanish writers, but I have done most of my reading in English. I find English a far finer language than Spanish.

>> No.15080262

Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with the fact that you don't know Spanish.

>> No.15080285

>Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with the fact that you don't know Spanish.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with the fact that you learned a half-language which has produced nothing of its own merit.

>> No.15080302

I bet you only know English. Pobre anon.

>> No.15080314

Fuck his greedy wife for making the original translations of his works effectively unavailable.

>> No.15080335

>I bet you only know English
L'anglais et français toute les jours, mon frere noir

>> No.15080413

I agree that Borges was a colossal anglophone and that his work doesn't lose anything in translation, but to say he doesn't count as an Argentine author is just stupid. How can you say that when he's constantly making references to Argentine/Uruguayan history and culture, the geography of Buenos Aires, other Argentine writers, gauchos, etc. He never turned his back on his home country like T.S. Eliot and Nabokov did.

>> No.15080424


>> No.15080492

read The Argentine Writer and Tradition

>> No.15080501

Kek, as suspected, Borges is nothing but a self-hating third worlder. I spit on his grave.

>> No.15081252

You don't like Borges? Go let Argentinians know here: >>15070607

>> No.15081813

>You don't like Borges?
Wherever did you get that idea?

>> No.15081914

Pobre anon, no puede disfrutar lo hermoso que es leer Borges en su idioma original; como debe ser leído. Bueno, el anglo eternal para ustedes

>> No.15082820

Indeed, he loved his country in the way free thinkers do.

>> No.15082832

did you just call him a nigger

>> No.15082838

How old is that cunt? When's she finally going to fucking die?

>> No.15082847

Quite young when he died I think. He married a gold digger.

Norman Di Giovanni is the cool guy. He hates the bitch.

>> No.15082869

Do you like OuLiPo, anon?

>> No.15082886

Learn a different language retard

>> No.15084211

I'm a self-hating third worlder too (United States).

>> No.15084301

English is the latin of this times, everybody understand that. About Borges, he has a lot of culture, apart the spagnol and english. A cosmopolitan as he let see in his conferences and writes.

>> No.15084306

Recuerdo una opinión que hizo de la película King Kong, muy enterado de montaje, iluminación y guión en cine.

>> No.15084321

Giovanni died 3 years ago senpai RIP

>> No.15084336

Borges has been on record saying that NT di Giovanni's translations are better than his originals. That bitch better die soon. You can find some old translations on the internet if you dig hard enough.
Also am I the only one who finds it quite funny that Borges's posthumous life plays out like a Borges story?

>> No.15084920

>83 years old
soon... I don't think she's really causing problems anymore though.

>> No.15085354

Anglos are fucking pathetic and can't handle that the best short story writer of all time is not one of them. Stick to your DFW and your bubble and shut the fuck up.

>> No.15085404


There you go with a zip of di Giovanni translations. Enjoy and stop reading shit translation which was not even confirmed by Borges.

>> No.15085468

Here's also a scene epub with short stories for reading on e-readers (did not exist before I think).

As these links won't die here are some things for people searching the archives (di Giovanni Borges ficciones translations)

>> No.15086127

>essaye d'impressionner les abrutox de ce site en parlant français.
>fait 4 fautes en une phrase.


>> No.15086199
File: 85 KB, 643x362, C8NAF8SV0AAgKRV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they took the bait

>> No.15086217

> English
> grace
Whew, lad. If your takes were any hotter they'd melt my monitor.