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/lit/ - Literature

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15077043 No.15077043 [Reply] [Original]

What literature do I read to attract a traditionalist wife like her? Also, what books do we read to our daughters?

>> No.15077046

The more of your behavior that is oriented toward appeasing women, the less attractive you are to them.

>> No.15077051

Recommended Literature

>> No.15077054

You put a shotgun through your mouth and kill yourself

>> No.15077098

Reading things doesnt attract people to you

>> No.15077102

This op. The more traditional they are the more perverted they get. Just work on ai because that's your best bet

>> No.15077110
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>> No.15077111
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Unironically, The Holy Bible.

>> No.15077164


this, but ironically

>> No.15077213

This, especially where it says for women to cover their hair. Literally all women secretely love that kind of stuff.

>> No.15077298

You can't; unless you're black. These white girls need bbc, swc will not suffice.

>> No.15077307


>> No.15077322 [DELETED] 

some of the pauline epistles were not written by paul

>> No.15077329

>meme answer
some of the pauline epistles were not written by paul

>> No.15077414

I've seen multiple women make a complete 180 in their worldview to justify getting dicked by a guy they like.
Its not even a bad trait. I think in most cases where you see a happy couple they are happy because they are willing to change without resenting each other.

>> No.15077422

Read the stuff that scares off the thots
Think around the problem

>> No.15077489
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>> No.15077515

March of the Titans is excellent history book.
Brothers War is something for preteens.
The Action Bible has great visuals.

>> No.15077932

My diary desu

>> No.15078003

If she is truly traditionalist, you should be thinking of what books will make you appeal to her father.

>> No.15078031

Not sure why I even bother to put up a decent answer but here goes nothing;
What does it even mean to be a traditional human being? Voting Republican and going to church does not make one a traditional person. To be trad you have to first know and then also honor your traditions. If people really lived their lives the way the bible dictates it, then women would cover their face, there would be less crime and the punishments for bad behavior would be more severe. There would also be no race mixing as per the Bible non-Aryans are cursed to be lower forms of life. Now if you really want to be traditional, all memes aside, you'd have to explore the traditions of your people. In case you're an American that is very hard to do, because quite frankly you don't have any. It is then best to pick the traditions from your country of origin, most likely it is Germany or Ireland. Explore those and fully live by them. Women that value such commitment will be attracted by you. But don't expect that some stuck up roastie will somehow change her world view if she sees a trad Chad. That isn't how that works. Anyway book wise, I'd suggest reading the Holy Bible, all the writings from the Holy fathers and everything related to your countries traditions and costumes. But what you read you ought to live by and preach to others. A traditional men is one of action. That would require you to be physically fit and close to your peak at any given moment, it would require you to know your way around household appliances and be able to fix things w/o calling the mechanic. And most of all it would require you to protect and shelter your wife and children. If you meet those requirements and live by them, then you are a Trad Chad and you can attract Trad virgin girls in summer dresses (because that's a thing for some reason).

>> No.15078051

literally everything you just said was pure pseudery

>> No.15078065

Kinda cringe but with nuggets of based thrown in

>> No.15078068

And how would you go about it?

>> No.15078077
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>A traditional men is one of action

>> No.15078081

your using /pol/'s circlejerk version of Christianity, provide evidence

>> No.15078093

It's you're.
Anyway what evidence do you want? Being left leaning is the opposite to being traditional. If you want to be trad you have to be a extreme far right, by today's standards, there is no way around it. I know that most people that browse /lit/ are trannies or neckbeards so this is nonsense to them. But literally read the Bible and live by it and you are by definition a far right extremist.

>> No.15078098

>as per the Bible non-Aryans are cursed to be lower forms of life
Adam was not Aryan. Neither was Abraham, neither was David, neither was Christ. Aryans were degenerate pagans who promoted anal sex in their Hinduistic scriptures.

>> No.15078106

I rejoice at the thought of raising a young lady from her pubescent years, making her submissive to me, and teaching her to love God. When people talk of our household I want the object of their praise to be her, and I mentioned only in her light. “She’s a virtuous damsel. Fair, biblical, and complete. What a good job he’s done of raising her, that godfearing man!” And, just as the righteous man’s virtuous deeds and unwavering deportment redound not to his own glory but to God’s, so she will bring me glory, and my name will be venerated through her (and, of course, our children)..

>> No.15078118

To be trad (as an Aryan) you have to:
> Not consume anything made by non-Aryans (which means vidya, anime, porn, comics etc.)
> Not buy anything by non-Aryans (whenever possible)
> Live by the Holy Bible
> Boycott democracy
> Have as many children as you can afford
> Marry a chaste woman
> Be /fit/
> Be as well read as you can be
> Be as self sufficient as you can be
> Put the goals of your group and your people above all others
> Help your friends and family and fellow people get ahead of the competition
> Refuse to change your stance even a tiny little bit
> Embrace all the name calling they throw your way

>> No.15078137

I can see that you haven't read the Bible.
Noah had 3 sons, two of which saw him naked when he got drunk after having discovered wine. One son was cursed and his ancestors became the Blacks and Asians. The other son was cursed and his ancestors became the Semites. The third son is the for-father of all Europeans (Aryans).
I can agree with the notion that Rome was degenerate, but only after they started race mixing the result of which was the hyper individualism of their people who went on to further dissolve into degeneracy, add to that the subversion from one of the oppressed people and you have yourself an empire that fell apart due to fostering degeneracy for so long. The same fate shall befall the US and it's vassals.

>> No.15078141
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Omg a sundress I'm cooming

>> No.15078166

>It's you're
>Anyway what evidence do you want? Being left leaning is the opposite to being traditional. If you want to be trad you have to be a extreme far right, by today's standards, there is no way around it. I know that most people that browse /lit/ are trannies or neckbeards so this is nonsense to them. But literally read the Bible and live by it and you are by definition a far right extremist.
I'm not talking about political leaning, im talking about dogma. Have you actually read the bible without relying on some authority's (church/political party) ideas?

>> No.15078172

Just relaying on the Bible makes you religious not traditional.

>> No.15078186

exactly, some "traditional" ideas would go against the teachings