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/lit/ - Literature

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15076684 No.15076684 [Reply] [Original]

>wasted time reading literature instead of widening my worldview and accumuluating knowledge from philosophy again
God, I just wish I could get rid of all of my fiction; they are fun while you read them, but afterwards you feel like you could have spent your time more wisely than that.

>> No.15076708

Fuck off nigger

>> No.15076723

>accumuluating knowledge from philosophy
Lmao philosophy is fiction too
This tbqh

>> No.15076734

sorry about your autism anon

>> No.15076770

this except the opposite

>> No.15077216

read fiction that isn't just entertaining but also thought provoking, like Tolstoi
or just don't read fiction

>> No.15077291

Seething babies that probably know more about their fairy fantasy lands than things relevant to their own plane of existence detected.

I know how you feel. I've an urge to acquire useful knowledge, to fill my head with truth and fact. I used to consider non fiction the most boring trite but now it's the opposite. Why waste time reading some made up shit.

>> No.15077297

Read fiction that is entertaining enough in it's own right, or thought-provoking/considered a required classic. I read half way through The Cossacks and decided it didn't meet either of those criteria sufficiently.
>t. reading russians + shakespeare and lemony snicket.

>> No.15077361

> afterwards you feel like you could have spent your time more wisely than that.
Highly unlikely that you actually would have