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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 386 KB, 1692x2374, jbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15075327 No.15075327 [Reply] [Original]

-Jordan peterson:
>"make your bed, wash your penis"
>"set your house in order and rescue your father from the underworld"
>"put yourself voluntarily in challenging situations so you can learn and grow".
>"use your own damn words, otherwise you won't ever get a life".
-Jordan Peterson Fan:
>"must make bed, must wash penis"
>"must clean house and must be a mirror of my father"
>"must go to college to trigger feminist and complain about marxists.
>"must use own...NO, MUST pet cat, haha cute cat"

i like the guy but his fans are fucking idiots. Have you read his books? what did you think of it?
i've read maps of meaning and the first half wasn't bad but it missed me on the second half.

>> No.15075349

>i like the guy but his fans are fucking idiots.
This is just a truism of market media consumers, sadly. JBP realized he could crank down the difficulty of his thought to achieve greater market penetration, and of course he did so.
I'd like to read Maps of Meaning before proffering any criticism of his philosophy, but
>paying for textbooks
>Anno Domini 2020

>> No.15075361

i don't for anything that isn't biographies

>> No.15075366

>putting things in quotations that aren't actual quotations, and aren't even paraphrases of quotations

>> No.15075373


>> No.15075376
File: 695 KB, 772x664, peterstein rehab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you read his books? what did you think of it?
“I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.”

― Jordan B. Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

>First rule of 12 Rules for Life: take your pills
>pic related

Read this:

>> No.15075381

Not Beterson related per say but Jung is a waste of time. And "motivational"/"hustle" is impossibly retarded.

You want to improve your life? Figure out what for you constitutes a good life, and think about it seriously. Is success important? What does success mean? What kind? In what avenues of life? What about personal relationships? What kind of environment do you want to live in? How much money do you need for this shit? How many hours per day? Start figuring out priorities /then/ planning how you would implement them over time.

I'm at the point where if I don't raise a family all I want is some land, and enough money for books, plants/seeds, weed, gas for hiking, and for taking care of my parents later (history of alzheimers on both sides). Aside from these main goals, I really could not fucking care less. For other people it will likely be different in terms of what you want but as soon as I figured out what I actually care about, my vision for my life became exponentially simpler, more sane, and more achievable.

>> No.15075382
File: 143 KB, 1200x691, Jordan Peterson age 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15075385
File: 80 KB, 775x720, 1583029130502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag

>> No.15075392
File: 43 KB, 510x158, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical low status lobster cope

>> No.15075394

>>1507538 5
pathetic, here is a (you)

>> No.15075398
File: 69 KB, 571x618, peterbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15075400

The worse thing about Peterson is his redditor fan base who used to act like he was god. Fuck Kekistan faggots. His lectures are unironically really good though

>> No.15075411

>hey look it’s the same copypasta that always gets posted in JBP threads
I’d be curious what he figured his dream meant

>> No.15075416

>vox day

>> No.15075419

>direct quote = copypasta

>> No.15075499

Peterson is right about so many things but, inevitably, having a following will do you in.

>> No.15075656

I haven't read his books, since all the lectures and interviews were enough to see that we pretty much had came to same general conclusions about life.

>> No.15075774

I like JBP but there's no such thing as a "rule for life". People want to be told what to do, I want to, to some extent, be told what to do. JBP tells you what to do, he makes things simple. The question is what happens when there's no one to tell you what to do

This is the genius of the Gospel btw - it's not a "rulebook", it's an ethos. The difference between self-help and wisdom is the degree of internal compulsion. Peterson gives rules but not wisdom

>> No.15075795

Why are you guys obsessed with this self-help guy? Why does he threaten you so much?

>> No.15075829
File: 2.80 MB, 2010x2802, Jordan Peterson charlatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15075840

What’s the “Rescue your father from the underworld” thing?

>> No.15075878

I'm actually reading 12 Rules for Life right now and I think /lit/ really has the wrong attitude towards it. He is upfront and says right in the preface/foreword whatever that the book is an answer to a question on Quora. Think about that for a moment. It's not an academic paper; it's not a philosophical treatsie; it's a Quora answer, and the tone, difficulty, and subject matter are as such. Would you make threads daily wallposting a 19 part essay on why a Quora answer is pseudo intellectual bs? No. Stop being autistic and take him with a grain of salt.

>> No.15075885


>> No.15075897

It's like a metaphor for conserving traditional values

>> No.15075917

For the millionth time: there plenty of marxists and even infection levels of muh logos tards on this board. leftist hate him for obvious reasons, while latter hate him for not buying their cool-aid and for showing what alternative, rational traditionalism can be. They are probably also worried because he is swimming in the same pond, fighting for popularity of the same possible crowd.

>> No.15077169
