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15073554 No.15073554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tfw black culture has ruined society so much that you'll never have the sweet and innocent experience of being a white person in the social justice sphere of literature departments ever again, with teachers who want to teach you literature for the sake of literature, and teachers now instead teaching for the sake of "victory" or shallow cheerleeding "emancipation" over the white menace. I hate modernity so much, I just want my innocence back.

>> No.15073574

Just don't be american bro

>> No.15073576

>you'll never have the sweet and innocent experience of being a white person in the social justice sphere of literature departments ever again
can't live a pure existence without that sweet, sweet racism

>> No.15073581

nothing wrong with racism

>> No.15073617


>> No.15073637

I am sorry for upsetting you, anon. I truly am. In this, our society, in which we are all alienated, who cannot claim to be a villain? That is the crux of it. People have forgotten that we have all been forgiven.

>> No.15073699
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>> No.15073782

Just move out of America. Not every country has turned their humanities departments into a welfare grab for rainbow coalition polyamorous jigaboos.

>> No.15073793

its not a very good long term solution considering the entirety of the western world it following suit

>> No.15073828

Why are you so deluded? In most cases it is a matter of one novel in the whole curriculum.

>> No.15073849


this may help your delusions

>> No.15073896

You've literally just proved him right, it's not racist to want to experience a purity of ones culture yet people like you and their buzzwords cant help but scream them when any kind of traditionalism is involved

>> No.15073945

theres honestly very little thought behind people like that anon, their entire world views are built on convincing themselves they are good people while living destructive apathetic lifestyles

>> No.15073954

nigger cope: the book

>> No.15073965

>Tfw black culture has ruined society so much
Yes. But it's not exactly black people's fault entirely, nor is it their real culture. It's unchecked consumerism in blackface.
it is everywhere. Are you kidding me?

>> No.15073971


>> No.15073972

the jewish menace must be made extinct

>> No.15073982

What is a pure culture? Serious question.

>> No.15074028

Never said pure culture, I said purity of ones culture meaning to experience your culture without enforced assimilation.

>> No.15074039

>enforced assimilation.

how do people get this delusional

>> No.15074042

wypipo need to accept that racism is good.

>> No.15074051

>how do people get this delusional
>you can decide to live in an all white country
Since when? Where?

>> No.15074061

You're certainly right that people who force feed others traditionalism seem very weak and closed minded. However I dont think ALL those people who embrace this are like that, more of a "just gonna do what makes me happy" kind of thing.

>> No.15074086

I see people say this as if it’s easy for Americans to just leave.

>> No.15074090

Self-flagellating culture is becoming the norm in all modernizing countries. Even Sunni Muslims are being told to feel bad for their treatment of yazidis, zoroastrians, shias, etc. and the ones born in the west are buying it.

>> No.15074094

So what is your culture? Not all white people have the same culture, you know

>> No.15074100

People should feel shitty for treating others poorly

>> No.15074103

What happens when everyone works together? Or when different cultures respect each other? That's a no no from the people upstairs.

>> No.15074114


>> No.15074115

It's all sitting there waiting for a more intelligent man to wrest control of it all. If you are not that man then that's ok too.

>> No.15074197

Yes, I agree. But intersectionality is this mindset built up into an unwinnable religion where the historically dominant have black marks on their soul that causes society to unconsciously discriminate against the historically oppressed. In order to correct this, the historically oppressed are to be given reparations from the historically dominant at all levels of society as a form of repetance for their sin. White must submit to black, Christian to Muslim, Sunni to Shia, straight to gay, cis to trans...
There is no point where you do enough to make up for your unconscious cisheteropatriarchalracism. There is no win state for idpol. It's the perfect way to permanently divide a society against itself because it creates a caste that is above criticism and is given power freely.

>> No.15074208

It is though. Your dollar has a ridiculously inflated exchange rate and even with the most minimal of passive income in the USA you can live comfortably in many rural villages around the globe.

I live in fucking Canada and here everyone accept white boomer liberals thinks that SJWs are mentally ill faggots. Outside of the Anglosphere those people are rightfully murdered for being weirdos. The rest of the world is looking at the USA an holding their nose.

>> No.15074219

You must live in Quebec, this shit is all over the place in BC.

>> No.15074234

This has nothing to do with black people.

This guy is just a self loathing leftist blob. You're still allowed to like yourself and be white. Millions of people do. Most of life exist outside the content bubble you exist in.

>> No.15074239

what if the recipient of poor treatment is racist or a rapist?

>> No.15074257

I live in BC and, at least in the rural areas, I've met far more unabashed white supremacists than SJWs. Aside from some dirt hippies that nobody takes seriously.

An it's true that Vancouver has a lot of immigrants, but Achmed and Zhong don't want their kids turning into a fudgepacking purple-hair otherkin any more than you do. I think that the overall reactionary attitude in Canada is understated, but more present than in any other Anglo country.

If the conservatives got their shit together and pulled together a coalition of religious traditionalists (Sikh, Muslim, Christian, etc.) along with native groups and provincial separatists that just want to preserve their legal privileges against the fed, we could be banning abortion and gay marriage by next election.

>> No.15074262

"all over the place" meaning you see a lot of online posts and a few gatherings IRL.

Most normal people still don't even know what sjw means.

>> No.15074271

It's okay to be bad if the person you're bad to is a BAD PERSON. See you're a GOOD PERSON, that makes your actions GOOD. Especially when it's directed against BAD PEOPLE. Moral worth is an essential quality that proceeds the justification for an action.

>> No.15074310

Lmao as if that's what's being pushed right now

>> No.15074316

>See you're a GOOD PERSON, that makes your actions GOOD. Especially when it's directed against BAD PEOPLE.
This. If you are aligned to the plane of positive energy your actions are quantifiably good, likewise for the plane of negative energy.

>> No.15074342
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excellent. now will you step into the oven, please?

>> No.15074351

>purse passions
>genuine expression of freedom
America was a mistake

>> No.15074365

i HATE this twitter account so much.

>> No.15074421

cry more white boy its our social justice now

>> No.15074424

It’s not a matter of exchange. It’s the fact that no one wants us. A handful of countries offer citizenship for those with ethnic ancestry but the Amerimutt is largely not a meme. Many of them don’t even know where they come from and those that do come from a variety of places, not all of which have these policies. It’s not exactly easy for an American to just move to a European country, for example, and get a job and citizenship. Your primary options are third world countries.

>> No.15074438

discord . gg/M8UpmE7

>> No.15074477

What is this attitude? Move back to your country if you don't like it

>> No.15074497


>> No.15074555

Also, most places in Europe don’t seem to want us very much. I get the idea that Europeans view Americans as either whiny urbanites or simpleton rednecks but either way we’re viewed as mutts who are LARPing for wanting to adopt, or even re-adopt, the culture.

>> No.15074568
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Where should I move to if I want to escape the annoying parts of modernity until I die. Rural India? Bhutan? Mongolia?

>> No.15074570

>I have never taken a literature class and have no idea what English departments are like, but I read a bunch of threads on 4chan that made me mad about SJWs

>> No.15074580

>can't live a pure existence without that sweet, sweet racism

>> No.15075504

>I hate modernity so much, I just want my innocence back.
Sums it up pretty well, you little bitch. They wrote the garden of eden as a paradise for a reason

>> No.15076031

No, they shouldn't

>> No.15076082

Only if they want to be unenlightened

>> No.15076089

>In most cases it is a matter of one novel in the whole curriculum.
Why are you so deluded?

>> No.15076100

I know this is really a horrible place to ask this but do you guys just ignore the fact that for about 200 years around the whole fucking world white people did some horrendous shit to black people and that negroes have never got their justice for it. You, the US, and the Colonial powers built a considerable amount of wealth off the backs of abused black people. I'm seething of course but I hate these stupid posts and once in a while it feels good to reply to one just to vent

>> No.15076151

blah blah blah I ain't reading all that retarded faggotry.
Besides it was jews profited most, go after them nigger.

>> No.15076191

I'm not sure what your point here is. Do you think that intersectional capitalism is a good thing because it punishes the society built by slavery? Or do you think reparations and race conscious legislature are good solutions to the problems of black people?

>> No.15076218

I think he's saying that it's blow for blow. White people fuck over blacks up until the last century now blacks are doing the same to whites

>> No.15076227

>for about 200 years around the whole fucking world white people did some horrendous shit to black people
blacks are immeasurably better off than they would’ve otherwise been if whites hadn’t taught them civilization.

>> No.15076253

The descendants of abused black people now live in the first world with amazing high standards of living.
The majority of people in Africa wish they could live in such an affluent society as the US even if they did live as our poorest.

Furthermore, history is full of groups doing terrible things to other groups and the losers never get 'justice.' Don't believe in a fantasy

>> No.15076269

Relax, it's all an inherently self-destructive process. Never interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake.

>> No.15076272

This type of thinking among modern leftists can logically lead to their opponents strengthening convictions they dislike. Like this line of thinking unintentionally supports white nationalist talking points about how brown people and Jews want to kill them for their ancestral crimes so they need their own ethnostate to avoid a genocide.
They also unintentionally support blood and soil through "nobody can be illegal on stolen land!" Implying that foreigners are stealing the land of the people who own it (blood and soil) and therefore the European nationalists are morally in the right for wanting to deport all Muslims.

>> No.15076280

>Don't believe in a fantasy
Do you even know what it means to be a human?

>> No.15076289

no that's why i post on 4channel /lit/

>> No.15076294

I don't know how anybody could support reparation ideology after it started a world war.

>> No.15076306

He's telling you that it's a fantasy to think that you will be able to receive "justice" (whatever you think that is) for all of the mistreatment you suffer. Once you accept that you should be able to spend your life being less upset about things you can't do anything about.

>> No.15076310

>negroes have never got their justice for it.
Which would be what?

>> No.15076333

What he said was that justice was a fantasy, and to mot believe in fantasy. Presumably he would suggest some other fantasy and not call it as such

>> No.15076354

If I give someone's descendant a $1000 check, how is that justice for the ancestor that was enslaved 200 years ago? There's no "justice" going on in any of this.

>> No.15076360
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This has been going on for much longer than you could ever imagine.

>> No.15076371 [DELETED] 

They destroyed our culture through syncopated rhythm. They got there revenge as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.15076398

What alternative to "justice," whether you want it to be or not, is not a fantasy? Since the point was "don't believe in a fantasy"

>> No.15076427

There isn't one. What progressives are engaged in is play at power dynamics. Their worldview interprets all human interaction through power dynamics, and thus their modus operandi is to increase their own power, either personally or institutionally. Calling it "justice" is a clever propaganda tactic since it lets them come off as morally justified.

>> No.15076458

A sincere apology. And I mean it. Just a simple, "hey sorry about slavery, colonisation, and dehumanising you. And oh also sorry about trying to fuck with your newly established governments, ie Thomas Sankara, or thinly disguised attacks on the black community, ie police brutality". That's what I mean. Just a recognition that up until recently there were always active efforts to make it harder for negros. That is genuinely what I mean by justice. I just want a sincere acknowledgement from a single white person who isn't doing it for any of their agenda or appeasing their white guilt. Just a simple sorry is justice for me.

>> No.15076471

>You have to say what I want you say, and you have to say it in a way that I judge sufficiently sincere, which is something that I can never actually know because I can't read your mind.
I'm not apologizing to you for something I never did. Go do a seance or something, maybe that will get you into contact with someone responsible for your historical woes.

>> No.15076478

While we're at it, I'd like black people to apologize for all the murders, rapes, assaults, and robberies committed by blacks against white people since blacks were freed from slavery.

>> No.15076487

So the older pattern reflected natural laws? Were there power dynamics there too? Are blacks naturally inferior? If we're currently at, say, Step 47, and the power dynamics MO started around Step 46, what were we doing at Step 45, Step 38, Step 20, etc? Are progressives the only and/or first group to think in terms of power dynamics? I'm just trying to understand what makes this, this one, this one right here, the one you're alive to witness and comment on, the *ONE*

>> No.15076498

>stop hurting my feefees!
Real world dont care you fruit

>> No.15076499

>Tu quoque
How the fuck have you made it this far

>> No.15076504

There's no reason to do it. The dominance of black music in our cultural spaces has pretty much rendered white life to be in a constant state of alienation. Duke Ellington and Robert Johnson were their revenge. There's no way I could ever feel sympathy for them.

>> No.15076508

If all that's needed to resolve our grievances is an apology then I think we might as well clear the air both ways, don't you think?

>> No.15076548

Not exactly, and I don't think an apology is all that's necessary. But I'm more interested in why you go to the tu quoque and move the locus onto the other group before willing to apologizing

>> No.15076551

Do you feel sympathy for so-called "black nerds" or those blacks who are accused of "acting white?"
Nigger-tier trap pop and black twitter memes don't appeal to that subsection. These individuals are hit from both sides

>> No.15076569

I don’t have issues with any individual member of the population, but their cultural contributions have only made my life worse. Culture in this instance is a zero sum game.

>> No.15076573

Because I'm not going to apologize to a bunch of thugs and criminals.

>> No.15076585

It's actually because you're afraid that if you apologize first, we're going to humiliate you for it. It's a fear of control thing. Same reason your room's really messy and you're on 4chan instead of in bed (or outside, if Australian)

>> No.15076600

Blacks are guilty, through their ubiquitous criminal activity, of worse than white people ever did to them. You don't deserve any sympathy.

>> No.15076608

>ask question
>get answer
>”no actually the real reason is something else entirely”
why even bother?

>> No.15076615

>police brutality
Police treat blacks the way they do because blacks behave like wild animals and it's the only way to maintain some semblance of public order.

>> No.15076619

>A sincere apology.
Really? That's what you want? Most people would want vengence or at the very least to be in a position of power so that they won't be caught powerless again, but... a "sincere" apology? I refuse to believe that Black people have such an obnoxiously sentimental worldview where an apology is all they want.

>> No.15076628

>Do you feel sympathy for so-called "black nerds" or those blacks who are accused of "acting white?"
No, because they're annoying.

>> No.15076635
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>> No.15076639

Think the problem is that it is very localized. If you go to a college and it’s surrounding area, or the very metropolitan touristy place it’s plastered everywhere. But once you get out of a 5 mile radius it completely dies. Same in MA or Callie. You find college towns that are all super progressive just outside the colleges. With zen tea cafes that proudly proclaim each employees pronouns and have murals of Greta thundercock along the wall next to a commie mural of money grubbing Uncle Sam paradoxically promoting Products like The Hate U Give. But the next town over is completely normal. That’s just how it works.

>> No.15076640
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>> No.15076642

I didnt even write the original ones. But you're right, I'm only here to shitpost his mental health

>> No.15076651

It started with Jazz

>> No.15076707

What started with jazz

>> No.15076769

Until you are the one experiencing it? How would you feel if you don't get to order a meal because the restaurant doesn't serve people like you?

>> No.15076780

If they are responsible of it, yes.

>> No.15076859

The descent into cultural nihilism.

>> No.15076863

atonal shit classical music is much more a symptom of cultural nihilism, which was an aesthetic deadend and is more or less irrelevant now.

>> No.15076877

Cultural nihilism started with Socrates

>> No.15076900

Tsk Tsk, It seems like you've forgotten the golden rule of 4chan OLD=GOOD NEW=BAD. I'm going to have to call you a buzzword and go back to any forum with a mandatory email registration of your choice.

>> No.15076908

Atonal classical music was our only chance at salvation. The jazz-blues paradigm of music is good for nothing other than encouraging empty consumption and empty living. For anyone looking to lead a meaningful and authentic life, the first thing they should do is go back to Schoenberg.

>> No.15076913

I’m saying that old things are bad, and that newer bad things are bad because they are descended from them.

>> No.15076934

And I'm saying that Socrates also thought new = bad, old = good, which is precisely what kickstarts cultural nihilism

>> No.15076949

Impressively awful opinion

>> No.15076959

Sorry that you just want music to tap your toes and feel good to. Perhaps the worst part of the jazz-blues paradigm is that it encourages a view of music that is entirely utilitarian.

>> No.15076963

As opposed to atonal music that has no categorical value, utilitarian value or virtues to it.

>> No.15077016

I was agreeing that cultural nihilism started in an ancient period, just ridiculing the thought that it started with jazz.

>> No.15077370

Apparently racism against white people cant exist according to wokies, so i dont see why that would be a concern to me.

>> No.15077445

oh no i can't eat at some hipster douche restaurant surely i will starve

>> No.15077460

Die subhuman WORM

>> No.15077507

Don't you have some "hip hop" to be gyrating to like a monkey?

>> No.15077531

You’re actually autistic holy fuck

>> No.15077549

I'd rather be autistic than a nigger.

>> No.15077572


>> No.15077582

Yeah, this. People who usually say this shit have never actually been in a master's programme, you won't get marked down for exploring aspects of literature that have nothing to do with social justice. The real problem with academia is the stifling attitude to intellectual diversity, but that has nothing to do with "black culture" and everything to do with what academia stands for as an institution

>> No.15077590

>200 years around the whole fucking world white people did some horrendous shit to black people
White people were also the ones who abolished slavery as well, they suffered far more under the muslims and each other.

>> No.15077594

"black culture"
What does Tupac have to do with SJWs who teach how Othello is about racism or whatever

>> No.15077599

Are we finally going to get an Adorno critique of Jazz music (Adorno, the godfather of actual "cultural marxist" conspiracy theories) cross-pollinating with the alt-right? Is that what this little back and forth is hailing, or is it a joke premised on this by two lefty insiders laughing their arse off about the irony?

>> No.15077826

>Rap culture is the cthonic steam valve of the american matrix
That's from the schizo-poster

>> No.15077857

I'd take what you said more serious if you didn't post one of the biggest modern leftist faggots around. He's everything about everyday trust fund kids believing they are fighting for some cause wrapped up into one big faggot.

>> No.15077874
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This is unironically him

>> No.15077878
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>> No.15078196

>go back to Schoenberg.

>> No.15078204

it must be difficult being so relentlessly cynical as that tweet