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/lit/ - Literature

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15073459 No.15073459 [Reply] [Original]

>reading "How to Read A Poem"
>get to this one by Pope
While maudlin Whigs deplored their Cato’s fate,
Still with dry eyes the Tory Celia sate;
But while her pride forbids her tears to flow,
The gushing waters find a vent below:
Though secret, yet with copious grief she mourns,
Like twenty river-gods with all their urns.
Let others screw their hypocritic face,
She shows her grief in a sincerer place:
There Nature reigns, and Passion void of art,
For that road leads directly to the heart.
>read it and it sounds nice
>reread it
What the fuck bros nobody told me poems were funny

>> No.15073472

Pope's a fucking savage, he's worth reading for all the times he directly shits on people he hates.

>> No.15073679

Reminds me of that Lick My Ass composition by Mozart