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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-mozart-died-too-late-rather-than-too-soon-glenn-gould-69-36-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15068315 No.15068315 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the most /lit/ composer?

>> No.15068320

Koji Kondo

>> No.15068324

Unfortunately it is Wagner, but if this board were any good it would be Liszt

>> No.15068335
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-if-a-man-tells-me-he-likes-mozart-i-know-in-advance-that-he-is-a-bad-musician-frederick-delius-69-44-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit based Glenn Gould.
And probably Mahler.

>> No.15068352

Those plebs were just seething because they knew they'd never attain the perfection of Don Giovanni

>> No.15068369


>> No.15068381
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>> No.15068385

gould is trash

>> No.15068390
File: 74 KB, 850x400, quote-mozart-makes-you-believe-in-god-because-it-cannot-be-by-chance-that-such-a-phenomenon-georg-solti-146-33-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15068404
File: 65 KB, 850x400, quote-i-listen-only-to-bach-beethoven-or-mozart-life-is-too-short-to-waste-on-other-composers-john-edensor-littlewood-125-49-83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15068418

literally who

>> No.15068428

>Mozart is the highest, the culminating point that beauty has attained in the sphere of music.


>A light, bright, fine day this will remain throughout my whole life. As from afar, the magic notes of Mozart's music still gently haunts me.

(Franz Schubert)

>Listening to Mozart, we cannot think of any possible improvement.

(George Szell)

>Does it not seem as if Mozart's works become fresher and fresher the oftener we hear them?

(Robert Schumann)

>If we cannot write with the beauty of Mozart, let us at least try to write with his purity.

(Johannes Brahms)

>Beethoven I take twice a week, Haydn four times, and Mozart every day!


>Before Mozart, all ambition turns to despair.

(Charles Gounod)

>Mozart encompasses the entire domain of musical creation, but I've got only the keyboard in my poor head.


>What gives Bach and Mozart a place apart is that these two great composers never sacrificed form to expression. As high as their expression may soar, their musical form remains supreme and all-efficient.

(Camille Saint-Saens)

>The most tremendous genius raised Mozart above all masters, in all centuries and in all the arts.

(Richard Wagner)

>In Bach, Beethoven and Wagner we admire principally the depth and energy of the human mind; in Mozart, the divine instinct.

(Edvard Grieg)

>Together with the puzzle, Mozart gives you the solution.

(Ferruccio Busoni)

>I find consolation and rest in Mozart's music, wherein he gives expression to that joy of life which was part of his sane and wholesome temperament.

(Peter Tschaikovsky)

>Mozart tapped the source from which all music flows, expressing himself with a spontaneity and refinement and breathtaking rightness.

(Aaron Copland)

>Mozart's music is particularly difficult to perform. His admirable clarity exacts absolute cleanness: the slightest mistake in it stands out like black on white. It is music in which all the notes must be heard.

(Gabriel Faure)

>Mozart shows a creative power of such magnitude that one can virtually say that he tossed out of himself one great masterpiece after another.

(Claudio Arrau)

Filtered. Hard.

>> No.15068432

>doesn't know Georg Solti
Go back to facebook you failed abortion

>> No.15068438
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x2000, Percy_Aldridge_Grainger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Percy Grainger.

>> No.15068449

Ah, sorry. I only listen to Karajan and Kleiber

>> No.15068459

Xenakis, hands down

>> No.15068471
File: 316 KB, 1200x1200, bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15068478

>majority of these are the most basic classical composers you could imagine
every time

>> No.15068507

So are the majority of philosophers and classics discussed on this board. You will never see a New York Times Bestseller discussed on /lit/

>> No.15068565

Patrician's choice.

>> No.15068600
File: 283 KB, 1503x2223, Retrato_de_Handel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beethoven's music is music about music. - Nietzsche, 1878

>Beethoven is not beautiful. He is dramatic, powerful, a maker of storms, a subduer of tempests; but his speech is the speech of a self-centered egoist. He is the father of all modern melomaniacs, who, looking into their own souls, write what they see therein - misery, corruption, slighting selfishness, and ugliness.
- James Huneker, 1913

>Handel is the greatest composer who ever live. I uncover my head and kneel at his grave.
- Beethoven, 1823

>From Handel I can still learn. Bring me the books!
- Beethoven on his death-bed, 1827

>> No.15068607


>> No.15068615
File: 153 KB, 1200x780, HandelMessiahlarge-1200x780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>O Mozart, immortal Mozart, what countless images of a brighter and better world thou hast stamped upon our souls. - Franz Schubert's Diary, 1816

>Your son is the greatest composer I have ever heard of. - Joseph Haydn to Leopold Mozart, 1785

>Handel knows how to produce an effect better than any of us. When he chooses to strike, he strikes like a lightning bolt.
- W.A. Mozart to J.F. Rochlitz, 1790


>> No.15068700

>His name should be Ocean, not Bach! - Beethoven
(Bach means 'little river' or creek in German)

>Bach is the beginning and the end of all music. - Max Reger

>They say 'When the angels play for God, they play Bach. For one another they play Mozart. - Isaiah Berlin

>Bach is like an astronomer who, with the help of ciphers, finds the most wonderful stars.
- Chopin

>Bach is thus a terminal point. Nothing comes from him; everything merely leads to him.
- Albert Schweitzer

>Bach is the supreme genius of music... This man, who knows everything and feels everything, cannot write one note, however unimportant it may appear, which is anything but transcendent. He has reached the heart of every noble thought, and has done it in the most perfect way.
- Pablo Casals

>> No.15068734
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Apparently Bach had an incredible amount of notes in his Bible and it was very well worn by the time he died

>> No.15068739


>> No.15068753

Wagner, he was more of a playwright than a composer really.

>> No.15068778

Holy fuck, low IQ opinions.

>> No.15068823 [DELETED] 


>> No.15069050

immaculate taste anon

>> No.15069076

There’s something so soulful about wind instruments that strings can never replicate.

>> No.15069080

it’s kinda folkish

>> No.15069091

Kazuki Tomokawa

>> No.15069102

Gould is a low tier classical pianist, he's only popular because he's eccentric and attractive. He's like Ling Ling, but if Ling Ling could only play one composer and had virtuosic facilities. Who the fuck is Gould compared to Mozart.

>> No.15069257

Mendelssohn to be honest, he's not my favorite, but his music seems very /lit/ to me.

>> No.15069269

ITT: words about music
people always fall for this shit

>> No.15069285
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>> No.15070347

Gould was an edgelord who liked attention. Almost certainly what prompted this quote as well as claiming Gibbon was his favorite composer and all other manner of dumb shit he said. He was still a genius pianist, though, and I mean that in the strongest sense of the word. I understand his semi-autistic obsession with contrapuntal clarity may not be for everyone for every piece, but holy shit I always understand a piece better after listening to his interpretation should a recording exist.

>> No.15070371

Schumann without a doubt. He wanted to become a writer first and worked as a literature critic

>> No.15070373


Glenn Gould
Played K310 as quickly as he could.
That was perverse,
But what he did to K331 was even worse.

We never have clerihew threads so this will have to go here.

>> No.15070380


>> No.15070394

the similarity to ryan gosling is uncanny

>> No.15070403

>Beethoven's music is music about music
that is actually a good thing. It's music for musicians, a lot like Steely Dan.

>> No.15070416


>> No.15070431
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how is it even a question?

>> No.15070444


>music about music

This might or might not be a good thing (I don't think it is) but it has nothing to do with Beethoven. Nietzsche was a great man with a great moustache. He still came out with some utter nonsense at times.

>> No.15070454
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100 gecs

>> No.15070530

>but it has nothing to do with Beethoven
why do you think so? I think it's a good way to describe Beethoven's composing style. He took the stuff he liked and reduced it to its very substance, then put it into musical form.

>> No.15070534


>> No.15071445

I'm surprised no one mentioned Satie
Breton, that fag who hated music, recognized him at the end of his life

>> No.15071552


>> No.15071561

Why him?

>> No.15071677
File: 48 KB, 220x291, Kaikhosru_Shapurji_Sorabji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's Sorabji (homosexual, elitist, crypto-fascist, overblown prose, hates women, not white)

>To begin with, as I grow older, I find my dislike to my fellow-creatures increases by leaps and bounds: I find my own failings and foibles as much as I can bear with a becoming equanimity; those of others added I find an intolerable burden. The sight of them in their various degrees and kinds of physical and mental ugliness is a distasteful and humiliating reminder that I am one of them; that displeases me.

>I want no “ivory tower,” but a Tower of Granite with plentiful supplies of boiling oil and molten lead handy to tip over the battlements on to the heads of unwanted and uninvited intruders on my privacy and seclusion.

>One is often asked what one thinks the “future” of music is going to be in this country. […] Music, the most intimately and intensely personal, the most individual and individualistic of the arts, is not likely to be tolerated — except in the most Marks and Spencered, the most standardised and robotised of forms, after a war, whose real and concealed, as distinct from its loudly propagandised purpose, is the production of the unquestioning Robot in the Universal Servile State of Robots.

>Women performers are quite shameless and unscrupulous in the way in which they so constantly trail the sexual red herring across the path of the public’s better judgment. The smirks, the mops and mows, the frank appeal to the basely sentimental side of the public’s nature, which can never resist the “charming girl” business, are simply so many devices to distract attention from musical shortcomings

>English law, with a perverse and original oddity recalling the “mad Englishman” of the eighteenth century — that stimulating and engaging eccentric that this land used to produce when it was still inhabited by individuals, rather than the members of a cinema audience, and when a capacity to think and feel for themselves had not been roller-milled out of them by an education process which leaves them with the correct ideas about everything and the right ideas about nothing — English law decrees that a kitten born in a kennel is a puppy, a piglet born in a stable a horse. I allude, of course,to the English nationality laws, which regard as what they call “British” anyone born within the confines of the lands at present under British rule

>> No.15071698
File: 17 KB, 576x436, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he turns up in the BBC's Delius film.

>> No.15071750


>> No.15071751


>> No.15071850

Glenn gould was a shitty pianist who couldn't actually play bach and just did everything in staccato to fool people

>> No.15071857

You should no speak of things about which you know nothing. Every professional pianist I've spoken to has admired Gould, and his style is demonstrably not defined by "doing everythign staccato."

>> No.15071939

who isn't basic to you?

>> No.15072055

>cite the most irrelevant composer/writer possible
>profit pseud points

>> No.15072070

Based opinion, Country Gardens is [le] ebic!!!!

>> No.15072364

grainger is a pretty well known composer though

>> No.15072918


Based perpetual adolescent.

>> No.15072948
File: 152 KB, 959x639, Shostakovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich

>> No.15072952

based. what are his major musical works?

>> No.15072964


>> No.15072965

Agressively based

>> No.15072976


>> No.15072981

Does anyone have a classical music chart? Do you faggots even make charts anymore?

>> No.15073014


>> No.15073119

100 Transcendental Studies, Sequentia Cyclica and Opus Clavicembalisticum

>> No.15074222

>Bach noticeably silent about Mozart

>> No.15074360

I say Bach was dead silent about him. Mozart BTFO.

>> No.15074754

damn if he don't look like John Lennon there

>> No.15074811
File: 108 KB, 1600x1210, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the motherfuckers who don't think Bach is the greatest are morons. He INVENTED the tuning system all the others composed in. WIthout him, without die wohl-temperierte klavier, we would have no western tradition.
On gould, one can dislike his inventions and his WTK recordings because he was being eccentric at that point, but his few mozart recordings, his Kunst der Fugue, his Goldberg variations are unfucking matched