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15067965 No.15067965 [Reply] [Original]

and what do you know about MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra?

>> No.15069115

Personally I avoid girls who exhibit too much neoteny. I want my sons to have a decent amount of muscle mass, so I'd rather look for a girl with some muscle, a stronger jaw, etc.

Guys want girls like this and then wonder why we're raising a generation of basedboys

>> No.15069167


>> No.15069199

thats a dude isnt it

>> No.15069200


>> No.15069235

men can't give birth anon

>> No.15069291
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>Implying you would choose a woman who looks like a child over someone who can have six children with grace and beauty

>> No.15069294

>can have six children with grace and beauty
Literally no one. Even two children is pushing it.

>> No.15069300

but your daughters will be uggo

>> No.15069301

It actually is, but key is keeping hydrated. I drink two glasses of water between cups.

>> No.15069305
File: 1.15 MB, 350x238, allison-stokke-pole-vaulter-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the women who will rebuild Western Civilization, anon

>> No.15069309

I won't

>> No.15069311

Do you really care for western civilization?

>> No.15069333
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No, I care for what comes after it

>> No.15069343

Enjoy not propogating your genes soiboy. More resources for my progeny :-)

>> No.15069344

and what is that? Western Civilzation 2.0?

>> No.15069376
File: 184 KB, 1024x987, 1586202941098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely going to be based in the Americas, whatever it is. Europe's got too much entropy, while they'll be major powers for a good while (~1000 years) eventually they're going the way of the Orient.

I'm thinking the focus is going to be less on binary truths, right and wrong, black and white, and more on the whole, or integral.

>> No.15069386

I'm a polyamorist. Have fun having one genetically sufficient kid, five rejects suitable for the grist mill, and a single busted wife.

>> No.15069413

He's cute.

>> No.15069414
File: 26 KB, 413x243, 1(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants to know about your mental illnesses redditfag.

>> No.15069432
File: 211 KB, 1280x928, 1583861064005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun having four out of five of your children/mates starving to death when the purge comes and your degenerate habits catch up with you

>> No.15069458
File: 122 KB, 692x567, PolyAm_Libshit_Nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we know all about your type.

>> No.15069481

You're not off base except the part where you call a preteen too neotonous.

>> No.15069524

Those are cucks. I am the only person who fucks my wives.

The purge is only coming for you modernists, parading around under the mistaken idea that the nuclear family is natural and not a bastard child of the hideous parents state and capital. The world needs traditionalism.

You need to be an adult to post here.

>> No.15069538

Polygamy isn't traditional, it's subversive to order and the family.
In the bible it lead to problems. Jesus and the apostles re-affirmed monogamy.

>> No.15069549

Jesus and the apostles have always been tools of the state. If you think you'll find salvation from the coming fire because you're Christian, whew.

>> No.15069558

Pick one. Adults form lasting, meaningful relationships not "hurr, muh dick, I'm gonna have some weird live in orgy situation like a bunch of fucking hippies that's inevitably going to break down into jealousy & bitter resentment after a few months"

>> No.15069559

don't use the modernist/trad distinction if you don't understand what it means and have no grounding for your ethics.
Anyone who uses Christ as a mere "tool" is cursed, whether it's the state or an individual.

>> No.15069562

Are you Muslim or Mormon?

>> No.15069569

This is a good thing, they won't be bothered by degenerate boys