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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 553 KB, 1314x695, boards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15067903 No.15067903 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on this website since March 2009. So many years have I wasted here. But today I'm taking some drastic measures and finally quitting. Before I leave I offer you my 4chan folder nearly 7GB in size. It contains every image I've ever found worth saving since late 2013 and it is autistically organized. You will primarily find folders categorized by board subject and reaction images corresponding to emotion. Take it or leave it but I cannot hold on to it any longer.


I hope to see you all again in some other form.

>> No.15067961

Why you leaving? Ending NEETdom?

>> No.15067978

I do hope this farewell is because you're killing yourself. If not, see you tommorrow

>> No.15067989

Why do I have to download it? I just got a virus, fuck you

>> No.15068233

I'm cutting my internet service to catch up on my reading and music projects.

Yeah I guess I could have just uploaded the folder. The idea was that it's 7GBs of my 4chan memories spanning 7 years. A complete package.

>> No.15068250

I'm scared to download this because it's probably 7 gigs of furry anal gape porn but I just had flashbacks to all the computers I've used since 05. All the 4chan folders lost. o7 anon.

>> No.15068290

>I'm cutting my internet service to catch up on my reading and music projects
I tried the 'kill your crackdealer' approach to the internet by doing almost exactly what you are (I lived in a dorm where we had ethernet cables and I basically cut my cable). This approach doesn't work. You invariably have to access the internet for some odd thing and then you have to go fishing for wi-fi or even run out and buy a cable in an emergency!

So don't cut your cord or cancel your internet. Instead do something like switching to a bottom bitch tier plan ... but you can't escape in the way you are trying to. You need self control.

>> No.15068409

see you tomorrow

>> No.15068436

She won't save you

>> No.15068928


Enjoy the calls from your service provider over the next few days ;)

>> No.15068965

Where's the file you fag, it 404'd.
Also, don't download this. My brother caught the corona and died.

>> No.15068971

You'll be back.

>> No.15068981

See you space cowboy
Someday, somewhere

>> No.15069014

currently reuploading so here's a manual torrent file


>> No.15069018
File: 141 KB, 1018x662, 1444434711167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man good thing I don't even have a phone number anymore

>> No.15069026
File: 26 KB, 552x432, 1562718845011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no, i'm not leaking my IP to internet hackers such as the Group known as Anonymous...

>> No.15069042

trust nobody, not even yourself.jpg

>> No.15069049
File: 85 KB, 359x247, EUZ0BjPWsAAIMIj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7gb of dolphin porn

>> No.15069095

Ive been waiting for exactly this kinda thread, thanks OP, godspeed

>> No.15069124
File: 23 KB, 421x223, Screenshot_20200411_014744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm chugging vodka and Coke right now so I uncapped my upload speed and will take suggestions for how I should an hero

>> No.15069241

>spend money to go to a desolate frozen wasteland
>wander in the ice wastes until you die
>be sure to bury yourself before you go unconscious so that you aren't found because if you live and continue to suffer that wouldn't be romantic at all

>> No.15069243

Hmm that sounds neat and all but I'd prefer to use my pistol

>> No.15069265

I guess I'm just a pussy when it comes to pain. That and I read To Build a Fire around my first round of suicidal consideration for some assignment in fifth grade.
Hanging also sounds preferable. Something involving going unconscious. I've seen so many gunshots that I just don't like how it looks after it's all done. I feel as if a body purple is better than a head blown off.
Sure wish the helium method was still available.

Also I wasn't here pre-404, what's even in all this junk you're uploading? Epubs?

>> No.15069273

Suicide by wingsuit base jumping

>> No.15069287

drop a fucking recommends list before you leave asshole

>> No.15069290

I don't know what to make of all that suicide talk because I'm 6 shots of vodka in and I don't know what my little sister would think...

I'm uploading my 4chan folder. Everything I've saved since 2013

>> No.15069299
File: 191 KB, 112x112, v6WSklH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me niether, I'm dog tired.
Well, I'll check back in the morning to see if it's here man. Godspeed.

>> No.15069302
File: 846 KB, 1285x722, Screenshot_20200411_023723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I do have this. dl my torrent if you want and select the lit folder

>> No.15070108

I want to download yout stuff but Im afraid of catching a virus.

How do I know if youre legit?

>> No.15071193

Instead of making us download a 7GB of your autistic furry porn collection, why don't you just write a brief summary of whatever shit you've learned these years. Surely having wasted 11 years on here did teach you something... right anon?

>> No.15071240

I was in the /fit/ feels thread btu this morning your link was broken :(

>> No.15071247

Also please repost a mega link in this thread bro

>> No.15071479

Do you have anything from r9k?

>> No.15072083
File: 505 KB, 882x562, Screenshot_20200411_125626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't give your computer corona-chan. There's absolutely no benefit for me to mess with my fellow anons. Guess you'll just have to trust me.

There's no porn in the folders. Just some gross shock images but nothing for fapping to. I actually am writing a few books about what I've learned. The second draft of the first one is complete. If I don't commit sudoku and actually finish the books then I will post them here someday.

Fucking jannies took that thread down. They seem to always have it out for /fit/. I will be reuploading to Mega but first I've got to let people finish the torrent from me.

>> No.15072916

Ok buddy, please poste it here or tomorrow in another thread pls ;)

>> No.15072936

Well, I'll have to trust you then. Good luck with your books

>> No.15072963

I agree. It's difficult to cultivate self-control, but much more rewarding, and powerful. Go easy on yourself initially, and just scale back the time you spend here each day. Set milestone goals and reward yourself for achieving them. For example: "If I jerk off on 4chan for less than four hours this week, then I get to..." whatever. Write or contemplate daily the actions you've taken and how you feel about them, and whether these actions are bringing you in the direction you'd like to go.

>> No.15073040

dling to my seedbox now, I'll seed to a ratio of 3 or something, thanks for the share anon, what kind of shits in there just meems or infographics and stuff?

>> No.15073107

did you organize your maymays as they were acquired or do it some time after the fact? do you have a method for weeding out duplicates or a heuristic for categorizing images that "belong" in multiple places?

>> No.15073159

Thanks, man. I'm having trouble seeding the whole thing myself. My folders contain every kind of image. Funny stuff, infographics, aesthetically pleasing art, screencaps of posts I thought worth saving. Depends on the board, really.

They've been organized. Depending on the subject of the board there are some folders for categories. I don't think there are any duplicates. For images that apply to more than one category I just made an arbitrary decision like in my /fa/ inspiration folder.

>> No.15073179
File: 232 KB, 464x600, bewildered pushkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished uploading the proper link.


>> No.15073216

good luck anon. longest i've gone is 2 months. i always manage to end up back in this shithole.

>> No.15073255

This doesn't work this way, you will come back. People who actually leave never make threads like this one, they just gradually post and browse less and less until they completely stop

>> No.15073308

Just go hide out in the orient with no internet for a few months. Get some ritalin from the hospital. It's cheap and quiet. They also have apps which block your internet for a set amount of time a day. I'm in a stressful situation so I'm taking a few days off but when I'm out on my land I can forever uninterrupted

>> No.15073626

Said I gotta pay to download cause my quotas reached

>> No.15073725
File: 18 KB, 332x474, Screenshot_20200411_171959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give the torrent a shot