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15067501 No.15067501 [Reply] [Original]

Prove the soul exists.
Any books on proving the existence of the soul?

>> No.15067509

soul is just another word for being and you wouldn't claim you don't exist would you?

>> No.15067515

Your heart is that book. Open it up and read! :)

>> No.15067520


>> No.15067523

Just feel it brah

>> No.15067548


>> No.15067570

You already proved it by existing. Wow you're amazing.

>> No.15067572

The soul is the lifeforce of the thing.
The Soul of the eye is "seeing"
The soul of axe is "chopping"
and so fourth.

>> No.15067574

this, also Crito

>> No.15067663

>Prove that the mental faculties of an individual are unified
If I did, would "you" be able to understand it? Or would I be talking to the wind?

>> No.15067709
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>use words to prove something you can't observe

>> No.15067724

It must be so hard to live with a double-digit IQ, ((you)) poor thing.

>> No.15067778

It must be so hard living having your age pass the double digit mark and still believe in fairy tales that stem from theocratic regimes that used religion as a coordination and indoctrination tool. This is outdated, you still cling to philosophies that evolved during the time when there was no alternative but to assume something beyond the material existed (often because of religious institutions projecting their power and retardation).

>> No.15067793

Stevenson, Ian (1966). Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation.

>> No.15067894

"101 ways to kill yourself." Follow the instructions and report back to us after you die, or don't. Maybe contact the guys at /x/ and tell them to forward the message to this thread.

>> No.15067904
File: 33 KB, 758x605, CE9DBBB9-DB40-4FF2-BAA4-5FB506CB3857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Φ 32. Analysis of an idea, as it used to be carried out, did in fact consist in nothing else than doing away with its character of familiarity. To break up an idea into its ultimate elements means returning upon its moments, which at least do not have the form of the given idea when found, but are the immediate property of the self. Doubtless this analysis only arrives at thoughts which are themselves familiar elements, fixed inert determinations. But what is thus separated, and in a sense is unreal, is itself an essential moment; for just because the concrete fact is self-divided, and turns into unreality, it is something self-moving, self-active. The action of separating the elements is the exercise of the force of Understanding, the most astonishing and greatest of all powers, or rather the absolute power. The circle, which is self-enclosed and at rest, and, qua substance, holds its own moments, is an immediate relation, the immediate, continuous relation of elements with their unity, and hence arouses no sense of wonderment. But that an accident as such, when out loose from its containing circumference, – that what is bound and held by something else and actual only by being connected with it, – should obtain an existence all its own, gain freedom and independence on its own account – this is the portentous power of the negative; it is the energy of thought, of pure ego. Death, as we may call that unreality, is the most terrible thing, and to keep and hold fast what is dead demands the greatest force of all. Beauty, powerless and helpless, hates understanding, because the latter exacts from it what it cannot perform. But the life of mind is not one that shuns death, and keeps clear of destruction; it endures death and in death maintains its being. It only wins to its truth when it finds itself utterly torn asunder. It is this mighty power, not by being a positive which turns away from the negative, as when we say of anything it is nothing or it is false, and, being then done with it, pass off to something else: on the contrary, mind is this power only by looking the negative in the face, and dwelling with it. This dwelling beside it is the magic power that converts the negative into being. That power is just what we spoke of above as subject, which by giving determinateness a place in its substance, cancels abstract immediacy, i.e. immediacy which merely is, and, by so doing, becomes the true substance, becomes being or immediacy that does not have mediation outside it, but is this mediation itself.

>> No.15067935

Prove god doesn't exist right now.

>> No.15067937
File: 17 KB, 600x315, 51PTlJLf-6L._SR600,315_SCLZZZZZZZ_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is cringe in some aspects but have very relevant points

>> No.15067948
File: 539 KB, 1588x1585, 1576954513547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God doesn't exist. Done.

>> No.15067959

I think you're confusing the soul with the spirit.
On another note, you need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.15067973

>Prove the soul exists.
You only want a proof so you can gain some certainty so you can decrease fear because you sense a danger which is always linked to some weakness that you have inherited through bad genetics.

>> No.15067983

>t. brainlet

>> No.15067999

Based paragraph 32 of the phenomenology poster

>> No.15068012
File: 326 KB, 1003x1350, 15756587346970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15068028

You will never reproduce because your life is meaningless to you. It must suck to be atheist.

>> No.15068062
File: 58 KB, 339x707, Tommaso.Laureti_Triumph.of.Christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It must be so hard living having your age pass the double digit mark and still believe in fairy tales
Ad hom

>that stem from theocratic regimes that used religion as a coordination and indoctrination tool
It can be used, but this co-option doesn't affect the veracity of the original religion

>This is outdated, you still cling to philosophies that evolved during the time when there was no alternative but to assume something beyond the material existed
Appeal to novelty, and one can still assume something beyond the material exists today, and people still doubted the existence of the material in the past. Nothing is new under the sun

Boo hoo crucifix man bad

>> No.15068064
File: 270 KB, 1863x1335, 1584996177982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animals don't have meaning or religion, they still reproduce.

>> No.15068072

Blonde-hair brown-eyed women might be superior aesthetically to the blue-eyed variant. Nice contrast.

>> No.15068081

A soul is a figurative expression, rather than a tangible thing, that exists in the same way a mind does.

>> No.15068084
File: 148 KB, 661x1024, 6ecf7a4bb92c0a3fb080e2fadc9cd58e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go join their ranks and leave us civilized folk alone. And take that wizened hag with you

>> No.15068099

Listen to Bach

>> No.15068105

Atheism does not mean life is meaningless, in fact it often has more meaning since atheists are generally smarter than theists, and so can make sense of more things, hence modern science's extreme complexity and thoroughness in comparison with Christianity made by resentful Jewish slaves.

>> No.15068110


>> No.15068111
File: 585 KB, 1098x1347, 1585079283516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used an adhom to counter adhom? Oh shit.
>veracity of the original religion
Which one? Zoromemism or Judaism?
>Appeal to novelty
Just shattering the confines of authority of the past. There is no need to conform to the theocratic regime, therefore no need to "believe".
Wrong girl then.
There is no need of spirituality to rule over people and be civilized. If you haven't noticed, separation of church and state isn't new, we're still here.

>> No.15068116

Ask these "Who am I"? "Where am I"? "What is this "I"? YOU DONT EXIST HEHHEHEHEHHEH

>> No.15068120

modern science is so pozzed by jewry I don’t see how you can call anyone “Jewish slaves”. you are a jew yourself or way out of touch.

>> No.15068125

Soul is word for consciousness and its not some ghostlike blue flying being

>> No.15068128

>his consciousness isn’t a ghostlike blue flying being
uh hello hylic

>> No.15068130


>> No.15068142

Modern science is INCORPORATED by intelligent risk-taking Jews, whereas christianity was made by uneducated lying resentful Jews. Take your pick. The Jews certainly have.

>> No.15068160

I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter. He does not argue for a mystical or supernatural concept of the soul. But he still acknowledges that something like the soul exists naturalistically. He has the concept of the "sizes of souls."
For example, a serial killer has a small soul, but they still have a fragment of what it means to be human, a strange loop of self-reflective consciousness. Yet it is very pathetic. It entertains few possibilities, and the range of its expression is paltry, brutal, and narrow. Take instead Shakespeare or Goethe. The size of their soul is very big; such that their expressions and verbalizations have echoed throughout the centuries and inspired millions.
The soul is real insofar as we accept that the physical machinery of consciousness affords vastly different degrees of human expression.

>> No.15068219
File: 566 KB, 635x979, Zerstörung_der_Irminsaule_durch_Karl_den_Großen_by_Heinrich_Leutemann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used an adhom to counter adhom? Oh shit.
So both of you are in the wrong. Oh shit

>Which one? Zoromemism or Judaism?
Christianity, which sprouted from the Judaism of the time. Muh "Zoromemism." Next we'll be hearing of the Romans, then the Hellenist influences, then the Babylonian influences, and so on and so forth, rinse and repeat ad nauseam. How do you even ligate all these competing theories?

>Just shattering the confines of authority of the past. There is no need to conform to the theocratic regime, therefore no need to "believe".

Yes, I'd rather embrace the confines of the future. Additionally, the "theocratic regime" and "belief" are not synonymous

>There is no need of spirituality to rule over people and be civilized.
Yes, they've filled in the gap left by spirituality alright. But you pointed to animals as an example, who reproduce without a meaning or religion. The "civilized folk" appendage wasn't meant to make an argument, it was just banter.

>If you haven't noticed, separation of church and state isn't new, we're still here.
It's relatively new

Yes, but the goy gets stabbed in the back either way. At least with religion, you have an tradition trying to resist change, and that tradition may include anti-semitism. With science, beliefs are molded by the Jews. If tomorrow, an article is released saying there are no differences between races, sexes, and sexualities, then you must accept that, as received wisdom.

>> No.15069552

NDEs are the only sort of evidence, not exactly proof though


>> No.15070021

>>use words to prove something you can't observe
Much of mathematics is immaterial and yet can be proven :-)

>> No.15070068

>le epic science is the only alternative to semitic mind slavery
holy fucking shit read a book