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15067206 No.15067206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Germ theory is a lie.

If you have a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle you will be free of disease your entire life. You do not get infected by someone coughing at you or touching something you touched. Germs do not cause disease, they come to feed on already diseased tissue. The cause of disease is poor lifestyle choices. Gays get "AIDS" because they're drug using alcoholics with poor sleep. Old people get "pneumonia" because their weakened body is way way more susceptible to the cold and damp. There are no specific diseases, only specific disease conditions. Disease is caused by you creating weakness in your body. Your body tries to rectify this weakness and you feel symptoms of sickness as a result, your body is overwhelmed by the damage you've done and microorganisms previously performing routine maintenance in your cells mutate and begin to process the diseased tissue you created with your choices.

We are surrounded at all times by billions upon billions of microorganisms, inside and outside our body. If germ theory were correct we'd all be constantly sick. We live in symbiosis with these organisms and sickness comes when we make ourselves weak with our poor health decisions.

>> No.15067211

Go fuck yourself, retard. A thread died for this. Not /lit/, not interesting.

>> No.15067212

explain coronavirus

>> No.15067256

It doesn't exist.

It's literally just regular old pneumonia, heart attack and flu victims being classed as "corona" victims to create a false flag pandemic and push through a bunch of dystopian laws and practices.

>> No.15067263

>An alternate theory to what the entire medical system of the past 100 years was based on isn't interesting
Are you high?

>> No.15067286

>>>/x/ you gullible retard. What makes you think this is even remotely a thread for /lit/? Saged.

>> No.15067314

Blow me you whiny vagina, if you have a pair of balls between your legs act like it. Stop being a passive aggressive woman.

>> No.15067330

Kike medical shills ITT

>> No.15067331

>announcing sage
uh oh

>> No.15067334

Event 201. Bill Gates.

>> No.15067345

>alternate theory
>its just ironic aesthetic ludditism

>> No.15067351
File: 60 KB, 640x645, 1586429256848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go lick a few doorknobs and toilet seats OP, i'm sure you will be protected by your own 'enlightenment'.

>> No.15067363

>Go ingest the piss of strangers haha
No, I'm not a retard

>> No.15067373

Your pic is exactly how I envision the writer of this post

>> No.15067388

I know this is just low effort bait, but does give you pause that some people can get convinced by this logic. I get that not everyone cares to understand biology, but still... Just because you aren't aware of the literature (the work of millions) doesn't mean literally anything can be true. Ignorance and fear must rule these people's every minute, what a brutal existence.

>> No.15067394

I whole heartedly believe this. I’m glad someone out there shares my views. Also don’t bother with vegetables or fruits or carbs, eat meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products.

>> No.15067426

>what is a genetic predisposition or preexisting condition
This post is semi-true to the degree that keeping healthy will minimise the risk and that we do live in a symbiotic relationship with lots of kinds of bacteria, but even then, some people are simply more succeptable it.

but at the same time, this post is also DUMB AS FUCK BULLSHIT because a virus ISNT A “GERM” OR BACTERIA OR A MICROORGANISM because it ISNT EVEN ALIVE YOU RETARDED NIGGER

>> No.15067443

If germ theory is true, why are we not constantly sick?

>> No.15067447

>what is a genetic predisposition or preexisting condition
Weakness. The weak die, the strong survive.

>> No.15067451

>why are we not constantly sick?
Because we have inborn mechanisms for defeating illness-causing bacteriae and viruses before they cause symptoms.

>> No.15067464
File: 7 KB, 196x293, coronavirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vengeance for transgressions on nature. Punishment for the taking of flesh, repaid with flesh.

>> No.15067465

>Because we have inborn mechanisms for defeating illness-causing bacteriae and viruses before they cause symptoms.
So you're saying germ theory is horseshit?

>> No.15067466

Equilibrium. But I think the real onus here is on you, isn't it? Can you describe the mechanism by which "diseased tissue" becomes diseased? And I mean specifically, in an observable way. Not "they were bad by my moral standards and thus got smote by my God." Also please list 10 people you find abhorrent, and explain to me why they are still alive.

>> No.15067472

I don't think you know what germ theory is

>> No.15067477

That doesn’t refute germ theory, moron. If you want to lean on an evolutionary explanation for your own bullshit theory, you’d know the reason why we don’t get sick from germs all the time is because the pathogens have been around for as long as we have (if not longer), and our body has evolved an immunity to them as a result. That doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of causing illness, because they will mutate and our body will have to relearn how to beat it, which is why we have symptoms. What makes covid-19 so dangerous is that it is completely NOVEL. We haven’t had thousands of years to train our body on earlier strains, because our body has never encountered it before.

>> No.15067482

>If you have a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle you will be free of disease your entire life.
This is an interesting idea, because you cannot readily and objectively check the health of the mind, so if anyone who otherwise appears to be healthy in body/lifestyle gets sick, you can just say "hey, they were sick in the mind" and dismiss the idea of microscopic organisms.

>> No.15067486

>Can you describe the mechanism by which "diseased tissue" becomes diseased?
I did already in the OP.

Poor lifestyle choices over time = Damage to body = Body trying to rectify the damage and alert you to it with symptoms of illness = You're fucked

>> No.15067490

Are you ever going to read a different book?

>> No.15067497

>Poor lifestyle choices over time = Damage to body = Body trying to rectify the damage and alert you to it with symptoms of illness = You're fucked

It's the first equals sign you need to explain. What exactly happens there? Or this is a magic based kind of deal?

>> No.15067508

I read other books desu, but if you would like to recommend me your favorite book on dialectical naturalism or teleological naturalism I would be happy to read it. I would even read your favorite book on environmentalism, as long as it isn't pop-environmentalism about reforms.

>> No.15067524

Lmao sure you do. Also can you cite me the quote from that book that says coronavirus is a punishment for man’s transgressions?

>> No.15067525

Ok, lets take AIDS for example.

People who gets AIDS destroy their body in obvious ways. Lack of sleep from partying a lot, lots of drug use, lots of alcohol use. Do it for a week once in your life and your body recovers. Do it for a few years and...

Your body becomes weakened by the lack of sleep, which is extremely necessary for health. Weakened by your alcohol and drug use, which are poisons to your body. It's pretty much basic common sense. Bad input = bad output.

>> No.15067539

Okay, so I take it you consider yourself as fully healthy and in perfect harmony with your microbiome, correct?

So why don’t you go out there and volunteer to be infected with AIDS so we can use your immunity to develop a vaccine?

>> No.15067552

>Okay, so I take it you consider yourself as fully healthy and in perfect harmony with your microbiome, correct?

>> No.15067558
File: 45 KB, 166x222, Al-Maʿarri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book was written in 2018 desu. Has flesh corroded your mind?

>> No.15067560

Immunity doesn't exist, it's another kike spook. Vaccines are useless and in a handful of cases harmful.

>> No.15067564

You are literally just repeating "poor lifestyle choices over time" and "damage to body."

Can you articulate what specific mechanism causes this damage. How exactly does not sleeping and getting drunk turn into AIDS.

>> No.15067566

Then what is it’s relevance to coronavirus? Why do you keep posting it with that identical quote?

>> No.15067573

Doesn’t matter if immunity doesn’t exist, I want you to go out, contract AIDS, test positive for AIDS, and then survive it, because you are in perfect health and it poses no threat to you. If you don’t want to do this, then I’m sorry, but you’re full of shit.

>> No.15067582
File: 23 KB, 366x499, bhagavadgita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never posted it with quotation marks desu. The blood of the innocent beings clouds your vision.

>> No.15067583

>Can you articulate what specific mechanism causes this damage
Look into Terrain Theory

>> No.15067593

You have literally named the image “coronavirus”. I want you to demonstrate the relation with reference to a passage from the text.

>> No.15067598

I have no interest if I am being honest.

I also feel like you changed your story half way, then changed your mind again. First diseases were feasting on bad flesh, then they were the body trying to tell you about the bad flesh, then finally they were just the result of 'common sense.'

Though this thread was fairly lively, so I guess good job?

>> No.15067611

Yeah, totally - the armies of kike medical shills denying a well established scientific fact are just waiting on /lit/ to debate the latest retard to escape /x/ with the latest in schizo shit.
>Inb4 schizo is a shill word hurrr
You really should take your meds.

Explain what this thread has to do with literature then. Go on you fucking worthless faggot - tell me what this has to do with the board topic, in detail. Not every board needs to be a shitty clone of /x/ and /pol/. Kill yourself unironically, you utter cancer. I mean it - go find a rope & do it. Please livestream it too.

Yep. And I'll do it again - Saged to not bump yet ANOTHER shit thread that the jannies are allowing to stay up. Every one of you should be banned, your locations traced & executed by firing squad.

>> No.15067612
File: 128 KB, 819x1363, 6147qfvEj0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I appease you, will you give up your pursuit of mindless slaughter?

>> No.15067617

As a physician working in a NY hospital I came to this board yo find something outside medicine, yet I find idiots like you saying this bullshit. Coronavirus is real, and a threat for mankind. I see everyday people die because of this.

Fuck you, sincerely, fuck you

>> No.15067618

even if there are other variables, your logic is dogshit. He said the lifestyle required to get aids is what kills you. You said get aids and prove that it isn't real or whatever. He would have to adopt that lifestyle to get aids.

Also is there any proo that our natural methods of fighting off bacteria and virus and other germs are on scale that they can properly neutralize the hordes on the outside? We can measure that there are billions of virus and bacteria is like every square inch of dirt, even if only half a percent of a percent is harmful, that is still a lot of harmful pathogens. So can someone prove that our defense mechanisms are on par with that scale?

>> No.15067629

>calls it an alternate “theory”
>it’s actually just contrarian regression to past beliefs with no basis
Where do these absolute retards on this level of irony come from? Cripplechan? Is /x/ trying to be well read? If this is the next step for the catholarp zoomers then I take back what I said about the catholic larping being a net positive.
He can’t because he’s one of the people who’s started to use pure intuition to base his worldview off with no actual evidence because he’s too lazy and narcissistic to do otherwise.

>> No.15067637
File: 211 KB, 1200x914, pepe13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u kno your missing all your chromosomes right? Ok, ill explain sage for you. You dont announce sage because the goal of sage is to have the thread NOT be bumped and recede to the deeper depths of the board. When you post fucking sage it BUMPS the post. So you saying DONT BUMP IT as you bump it retard.

>> No.15067644

Who said I was pursuing slaughter? I am against industrialisation and the rape and pillage of the natural world. I want to know why you keep relating that book to coronavirus as punishment, and you’re being needlessly evasive.

>> No.15067652

>Explain what this thread has to do with literature then
Pasteur and Bechamp both wrote, therefore it's /lit/ related : )

>> No.15067658

>He would have to adopt that lifestyle to get aids.
Not true at all. I’m saying he could easily expose himself to an AIDS-causing pathogen, because even in his theory they exist, it’s just they only do damage to you if you are already damaged by the gay lifestyle. So I’m saying he could isolate the pathogen, inject himself with it, and prove once and for all that AIDS only kills you if you make poor lifestyle choices.

>> No.15067687
File: 19 KB, 400x400, pepe22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not a valid argument. He's saying, "I don't live poorly, so I cannot contract diseases that come from living poorly." And your saying, no matter the logic behind how to execute it, "Hypothetically, we GIVE you aids, then what? Your dead. Roasted libtard." His conjecture is that he would never have to combat the virus, because he is not weak and in a position to contract it. Even in your suggestion, injecting him with AIDs, he is weak. He has allowed someone to inject serum into his blood. This is analogous to cumming inside a woman, you are taking another mans fluid inside of you, and it appears that we have come roundabout, to get aids you must be gay, you are always getting a mans fluid inside you.

>> No.15067690

Do you consume the flesh of the innocent?
> I want to know why you keep relating that book to coronavirus as punishment, and you’re being needlessly evasive.
4th Conclusion.

>> No.15067698

>When you post fucking sage it BUMPS the post
Lmao no it doesn’t, announcing sage can get you banned, that’s why you don’t do it. Announcing a sage doesn’t stop the sage from working if you’ve done it correctly.

>> No.15067703


>> No.15067718

>Even in your suggestion, injecting him with AIDs, he is weak. He has allowed someone to inject serum into his blood.
What a load of fucking bullshit. I mean, we both agree that his theory is bullshit, but this defence is even more bullshitty than that. You are literally trying to make a claim about biological defences/health by making a recourse to ANALOGY. Are you really this fucking thick?

You know what, this is obviously bait. Go fuck yourself, moron.

>> No.15067731

I’m vegetarian, if that’s what your asking. What the fuck is “4th conclusion?” You expect me to go on a wild goose chase because you don’t know how to reference properly? Give me a quote nigger

>> No.15067740

Oh of course, the Devi fag made this thread. Now it all makes sense. In the purest Sanskrit, I say to you: "may you contract AIDS and die, faggot"

>> No.15067749
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1574559756636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont belong here. You have some vendetta against analogy? Then you can't contend with any philosophy. Its all based on plato and all plato is analogies, literally chock full of em. Republic is a huge analogy of the human mind by using government and politics as an analogy. You are a fool. Analogies are extremely powerful, and quite possibly the only instrument we have to come to complex understandings. I fear for you anon.

>> No.15067754 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 233x345, bookchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What animals products can you consume by acting in accordance with the innocent beings ends?
I'm not going to post the entire conclusion of the naturalism section and the final conclusion desu. Read it.
>The physical cosmos arises out of
pre-cosmic chaos through the activity of the World-soul, which becomes refracted into
myriads of individual souls – namely, those of the celestial beings (gods/angels), humans,
animals, and plants...
Not my thread, someone just asked about coronavirus so I answered.

>> No.15067766
File: 69 KB, 261x447, Porphyry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What animals products can you consume by acting in accordance with the innocent beings ends?
I'm not going to post the entire conclusion of the naturalism section and the final conclusion desu. Read it.
>The physical cosmos arises out of pre-cosmic chaos through the activity of the World-soul, which becomes refracted into myriads of individual souls – namely, those of the celestial beings (gods/angels), humans, animals, and plants...
Not my thread, someone just asked about coronavirus so I answered.

>> No.15067787

That first question doesn’t even make sense. And I didn’t want you to post an entire conclusion, just a quote that explains why you named the jpg of that book “coronavirus”. The quote you’ve given here doesn’t explain anything either. I hardly think the author would approve of the way you’re abusing his texts to serve your own ideas.

>> No.15067794

What does philosophy have to do with biological defence mechanisms against pathogens? Why are you bringing up philosophy at all? You don’t care about philosophy, you are only engaging in sophistry.

>> No.15067842

>The first question doesn't even make sense
Because it is rhetorical or you just don't understand? If you take from the animal it is not in the animals interest; it is for your own end at the expense of the animals whom, by definition, is innocent.
>And I didn’t want you to post an entire conclusion
Cmon desu, you are acting like the summer posters who ask for a philosopher's work to be explained in a few sentences. You are welcome to read the conclusions yourself, I told you which ones specifically.
>I hardly think the author would approve of the way you’re abusing his texts to serve your own ideas.
Feel free to ask him. If he objects to my post I will cease posting the file.

>> No.15067887

Oh, no I get it now. You just don’t know how to use apostrophes and phrase your ideas poorly. I eat animal produce because my attempts to go fully vegan have in the past caused my muscles to atrophy, I simply cannot keep my body weight up. So I would rather make small steps towards improvement, as anyone can (given any form of ethical consumption in this world is next to impossible) than to seriously weaken myself.

I’m not asking for a summary, again you are being evasive. I want to know what relation that text has to coronavirus as a punishment. It’s a simple question, and yet you are incapable of giving a simple answer. It is not my responsibility to check the validity of your own claims for you. You want to posit nature has a vengeful telos with an image of a book you named coronavirus, you better have a good explanation for why you’re making that link between your point and a book that was published two years before corona was even a thing.

>> No.15067924

>I didn't eat properly so I couldn't do it
Not an argument. Cite the nutrients you were unable to acquire without the use of animal products, justifying your oppression of nature and innocent beings.
>I want to know what relation that text has to coronavirus as a punishment.
I have told you where in the text you will find it.

>> No.15067969

Vitamin B12, Creatine, Vitamin D3, and Heme iron. You are crudely authoritarian and refuse to acknowledge my attempts to improve, even despite the fact there are certain nutrients which definitively cannot be found in plant-based foods, nor do you acknowledge that even your consumption of plant based foods carries with it the many ecological problems associated with agriculture that has nothing to do with livestock. Like I said, no 100% ethical consumption is possible in the modern world, so please, get off your high horse. You are killing the earth just as much as me, and your refusal to acknowledge this betrays a serious lack of humility. If nature is truly vengeful, then you will pay in flesh, just as I will.

I say for a third time: it is not my responsibility to check the validity of your claims for you. The burden of proof is on you. Do not reply to me again asking me to read myself, because you will not get anywhere with such a feeble approach to discourse.

>> No.15067982
File: 325 KB, 1800x1200, corona time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt a retard posts bait and a bunch of retards take it

>> No.15067997

Do you get pleasure from this sort of bickering and verbal abuse? I'm not the pseudoscience guy--I just can't understand why you'd even engage

>> No.15068024

Why do you come on 4chan if not to bicker and shitfling? Are you seriously suggesting there is better dialogue to be had elsewhere on the site? By all means, if it exists, point me in the right direction.

>> No.15068034

Oh no, this place sucks major ass and always will. As for why I'm here, it's simply because you're here forever

>> No.15068036

>posting at all is taking the bait
if no one can see you sage, is it even really saging at all?

>> No.15068063

>Heme iron
Not necessary, you just need to consume more iron. Heme iron does not provide a unique nutrient to iron. Heme iron can also be found in bean stalks/roots.
Not necessary. This would be like saying protein powder or steroids are necessary. If you wish to take it for pleasure and not necessity, you can use Creatine Monohydrate.
>Vitamin D3
Found in mushrooms or can be acquired from fortified foods. Or you can just get it from the primary source by spending a minor amount of time in sunlight each day, unless you live in a tundras area.
>Vitamin B12
Fortified in animal products (90%+ of B12 supply goes to animals along with Cobalt supplements), so why not just take the supplement directly, which is proven to have better absorption (injection or dissolvable-tongue tablet).
>You are crudely authoritarian and refuse to acknowledge my attempts to improve
I posted a book by Devi desu...
>If nature is truly vengeful, then you will pay in flesh, just as I will
I will. I have never, and will never be prideful enough to believe myself free of sin.

>it is not my responsibility to check the validity of your claims for you
I believe I have adequately explained myself to a hostile entity. If thought your questioning to be genuine, free of malice, perhaps I would think otherwise.

>> No.15068274
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1574569592595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. You mean rhetoric. And ironically enough nice rhetorical device, nice strawman.