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15066684 No.15066684 [Reply] [Original]

Why is stoicism beloved by many redditors?

>> No.15066711

because theyre cucks and easily offended so standing up for themselves is out of the question.

>> No.15066720

It’s the only philosophy that requires you to do nothing

>> No.15066725

why is this board obsessed with reddit?

>> No.15066727

It's not; you just want to believe it is so you can jabber smugly about it from your basement of autism.

>> No.15066728

why does stoicism piss you so much? can't you control your emotions?

>> No.15066736

stoicism is the emptiest, most lazy philosophy ever devised

>> No.15066759

plebbit is universally used on 4chan as a standard for what not to be.

>> No.15066767

seems like a retarded juvenile obsession

>> No.15066786

eh, whatever you say reddit

>> No.15066816

Stoicism is liked by reddit and the masses because it is a simple set of easily reproducible maxims that are extremely helpful for quelling the anxiety riddled psyche of the modern capitalist citizen. It's a testament to the degradation of society that so many can look at stoicism and find solace, really, but it isn't their fault.

>> No.15067013

stoic philosophy is shockingly popular in liberal book stores. They're not reading the moderns, I'll tell you that.

>> No.15067051

slave philosophy for cucky wuckys

>> No.15067056

nice bait

>> No.15067060

who is not a slave?

>> No.15067100

It provides a quasi-spiritual framework without actually requiring them to believe in a religion. It's like Eat Pray Love for neckbearded pseuds.

>> No.15067125


>> No.15067219

Where does it say that stoic can't stand up for themselves? If you don't assert yourself people will think they can walk all over you.

>> No.15067231

Westernized buddhism is the same thing. Eastern religions are atheism + weed/psychedelics, as many of you probably know.

>> No.15067236

i get angry and aggressive too easily and stoicism helped me with repressing it and learning not to be opposed to everything people do. I don't like the whole docile and quiet thing though.

>> No.15067237

It teaches you how to cope with impotence

>> No.15067268

Absolutely agree. It's fast-food metaphysics & plastic, mass produced spirituality.

>> No.15067307

It is

>> No.15067323

these are good answers.

>> No.15067359
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Overt allegiance to a notion of thought instead of though in action. It's easier to play with thought like its the new bugman Nintendo bing-bing wahoo.

>> No.15067361

>reddit uses stoic philosophy to approach life's anxieties
>4chan uses reddit and guenon to drown out their anxieties

I'm not sure we're coming out ahead bros...

>> No.15067369

Because it's easily reductible to "just don't care bro" by people who haven't actually read it, which gives the Redditor a philosophical sheen for his apathy. Thus, rather than looking like a lazy uncaring impotent, he now gets to pretend that he is the heir of some ancient mystical philosophy which you just don't understand, normie.

>> No.15067398

so much seething
Is there any lexical item more reddit than this one?

>> No.15067436

Indeed, not very stoic of them, eh?

>> No.15067463

Nevermind 4chan and Reddit are not that different compared to human dumpsters like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, what have you

>> No.15067576

Unironically, this.

>> No.15067592


Chad sniffer already has obliterated life-denying philosophies and religious ontologies long ago. I probably take even more issue with genuine eastern buddhism than with westernized plastic version of it and with westerned schools of thought that postulated same nihilistic core tenets be it Epicureanism or Stoicism.

>> No.15067636

Protestantism is similiar in this regard.

>> No.15067817
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>vidya analogy

>> No.15067830


putting basedface over marcus aurelius is such a faggot thing to do

>> No.15068031

I don't get why I'd want to worship a being whose ways I fully comprehend, whose conception of "justice" and "virtue" is perspicuous and wholly accessible. A being who's so... human in many ways.

Why can't obedience, devotion, and utter submission to the divine will be virtues, especially when such behavior conflicts with what you happen to think is desirable, right, and proper?

The first line of the Jewish Shuclhan Aruch reads: "One should strengthen himself like a lion to get up in the morning to serve his Creator". This is an acknowledgment that religious life is fundamentally different from irreligious life and requires us to do things that we don't always naturally want to do. Doing those things in service of a higher being, instead of trusting that being to recognize your virtuous nature regardless of how you stand in relation to it, is precisely the point of religion and the religious life.

>> No.15068389

Tell me then better phylosophy for building strong character?

>> No.15068659

phylosobee :DDD

>> No.15068662

fuck off kike

>> No.15068689

Kike > illiterate secular faggot

>> No.15068706

It doesn't he's just regurgitating misinformation he's heard

>> No.15068730

Holy fucking shit this isn't an actual motherfucking Marcus aurelius quote it's a fake quote that gets attributed to him constantly none of you who are discussing it like it's his know what you're talking about you're all fucking pseuds `!!!!!!!!

>> No.15068737

Because it is a palatable, entry-level philosophy attached to a notable figure whose authority can be appealed to in order to validate its premises, and which requires the adherent to do or say nothing of any difficulty or investment of energy.

Invested scholars of Stoicism would read the Enchiridion and contemplate the Master Argument before taking that metaphysis and moving onto Gnosticism/Neoplatonism.

>> No.15068808

>critique of buddhism is that it could be corrupted by someone who hijacks the ideas for their goals

>> No.15068845


It's not. They like the quotes only but any stoicism in practice they call toxic masculinity

>> No.15069693

religion is infantile and retarded

>> No.15069716

Redditers will use any excuse to trick people into some pagan orgy lately

Honestly I think it's widely regarded as one of the finer arts in history and they can use it to make themselves look smarter than the scribbling retards they are

>> No.15069742

It's not, reddit stoicism is like western buddhism. They don't know what it is, they just steal the name and cultural prestige.

People who hate and strawman stoicism are of the same group. Get off this board.

>> No.15069757


>> No.15069773

It's useful for an active life that involves things other than masturbating to cartoons in a basement, and therefore attractive to normies but useless to 4chan users, who prefer philosophies that don't actually require you to do anything.

>> No.15069777

You mean why do I post in these threads? Before you faggots literally begged the government you were all banned from here

>> No.15069836

it expects you to be an active, contributing member of society. that's appealing to Redditors, not so much /lit/

>> No.15069847

Pretty sure stoicism is a very long excuse to continue pagan worship, even in the OP quote. Actually has literally nothing to do with making a correct choice or even exercise

>> No.15069859

Just read the Greeks (including the Stoics) & start there. You don't need to choose 1 single school & associate with it exclusively as an identity creation exercise. It's not about finding some label to put on your Facebook profile, that's where redditfags go wrong with that kind of thing.

>> No.15069881

Straw man fallacy

>> No.15069887

is there a /lit/ meme that I'm unaware of about pretending stoicism is the exact opposite of what it actually is, or do people here just genuinely not read?

>> No.15069900

4chan became reddit for retards. it started with /pol/ and now /lit/.

>> No.15070121

This is the best answer so far

>> No.15070137

>I don't get why I'd want to worship a being whose ways I fully comprehend, whose conception of "justice" and "virtue" is perspicuous and wholly accessible. A being who's so... human in many ways.
then why do you worship yahweh?

>> No.15070142

Man, I thought people were kidding when they said that the entirety of what 4chan thinks, does, and says is simply contrarianism against Reddit.

>> No.15070146

It's Christianity without God (and they actively ignore all references to gods or nature-as-a-deity in actual Stoic literature). Same reason simulation theory is popular. It's just creationism for nerds.

>> No.15070154

>some incomprehensibly intelligent force created our reality
>call it an advanced civilization and you're intelligent like Elon Musk!
>call it God and you're a cringe Christian

>> No.15070159

If you keep testing Him, He will again prove His worth

>> No.15070187
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They have misinterpreted stoicism to be a passive 'turn-the-other-cheek' philosophy when in actual fact it is more demanding of the self. To live a good life means to see justice done both for yourself and for others. This means being proactive - raising your general fitness and seeing your physical being peak; practicing and honing whatever skills and crafts you do so that you may make beautiful things; gaining knowledge and dispensing wisdom etc.

For the average glycine max boy redditor they think it means 'just ignore' and this makes them a better person. Just be yourself and accept your flaws - don't improve. You are supposed to be satisfied with all your shortcomings because they cannot be helped.

>> No.15070191

there really does seem to be a lot of parallels, thinking about some of the few things i know abut Christianity after reading meditations made me realize how grounded in reality christian philosophy seems to be and ive been eager to get my hands on a bible to read to explore it more thoroughly

>> No.15070326
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My god it was built for me

>> No.15070330

literally the opposite of what its about, are you retarded?

>> No.15070603

Not Islam. alcohol, drug, psychedelic are forbidden in Islam.
they're more heavy in prayer, strengthen of belief and meditation. (along with keeping yourself healthy, etc)

>> No.15070636

It's like the 10 Commandments for atheists

>> No.15070654

If 4chaners are better than redditors, how comes our boards are choke full of shit?

>> No.15070834

Why are you so obsessed that you keep posting stoicism is for s o y boys and bugmen?

>> No.15070886

OP is an Epicurean coomer.