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File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-life-swings-like-a-pendulum-backward-and-forward-between-pain-and-boredom-arthur-schopenhauer-49-85-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15064578 No.15064578 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do i cope? the day is just too damn long. my mind always gets me no matter how much i go hiking, read or meditate. i thought this sober lifestyle was superior to cocaine and alprazolam? did i get memed? or did i simply forget the pain the drugs bring and this new lifestyle is now my baseline happiness. what the fuck man i just want peace

>> No.15064604

cope with what exactly?

>> No.15064611

pain and boredom

>> No.15064629

No sober experience will be able to compare to drugs that target and overstimulate your dopamine reward pathway.

>> No.15064631

have sex (with someone you love)

>> No.15064649

i always feel worse after nutting though. i completely lose any drive and ambition for even the few things i do in life. maybe because im missing the someone you love part and fuck random butterfaces

>> No.15064658

so whats my endgame

>> No.15064925

well he did say have sex with someone, not masturbate.

>> No.15064938

Schopenhauer whole thing was that art and creation gave temporary relief from the entropy of existence. You got any hobbies anon? Are you good at your job? Have you ever applied yourself?

>> No.15064948

>just habe sex :DDDD
dilate tranny

>> No.15064970

yeah man you just forget the pain of drugs, unironically. being sober 24/7 is shit but it's less shit than being a junkie who's brain chemistry wildly oscillates like alternating current in and out of euphoria and vertiginous lows

subjecting yourself to a bullet appeals but i guess what's the point

>> No.15064995


>> No.15065017

i got no hobbies but lifting weights like a caveman anon. anything you recommend? job wise im a retired neet who got lucky

>art and creation
so does this include netflix and music

>> No.15065025

read Critique of Cynical Reason

>> No.15065047

if anything the days are too short. i don't know how the fuck people can just go to sleep after 16 hours, i need to be awake for at least 20 before i'm remotely tired.

>> No.15065068

You have to workout and fight other men anon, unironically, otherwise you'll always be bored

>> No.15065077

giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrl put your records on nnn tell me your favorite song go a head let your hair down

>> No.15065080

I wish I had your energy I can only stay up for four hours before I get exhausted.

>> No.15065084

I love drugs so much. I cant wait to get more money so I can buy a kilo of Red Kratom.

OP you need to get obsessed with either reading, art, music, or learning a language, these things will keep you occupied all day if you wish. Maybe writing too, although generally there is a limit to how much you can write before you start churning out shit and feeling bad.
Maybe get on a safe drug like snus.

>> No.15065085

Try not being a retarded neet

>> No.15065092

aware me on kratom? how does it compare to lets say benzos or codeine?

>> No.15065095

Stop reading schoppy. He was right about everything but it will depress you

>> No.15065096

more like insomnia, i'm lethargic as fuck most of the time.

>> No.15065097
File: 47 KB, 650x366, 1499921620820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In quarantine I've stopped drinking, for the most part because I'm not going out to bars with friends all the time. This means I've recovered a day and a half for every night not going out drinking because there's no hangover (getting old and drinking a lot does a number to the body). So I've had some extra time, when not having anxiety paralysis over this whole covid thing, to focus on my hobbies. If you are starting from the point of the only skill outside of not working you have is that you are literate and you lift weights, then you have a wide swath of things you could do. At first it's all based on what you have a passing interest in. What things have you always thought about learning? To list a few that I've had some level of involvement to success have been:
>website design
>graphic design
>writing fiction
It really depends on what you want to do and the key is to stick with it. The goal is the self actualization manifested irl in the form of making something. Be it a song, a painting, a short story, etc. The flow state comes with progressive mastery of something. Being lost for hours in something can be extremly satisfying, and by the end of it you have something you made you can be proud of, something you can examine and make better the next time. It's a progressive flow. This is why people say you should get an "artistic" hobby. Reading and watching movies is fun, but if you don't do anything with it, then it just becomes passive consumption. Not to say it's bad, consumption allows you to be a well versed person and can be used as a tool when communicating with other people to show a shared interest or define likes and dislikes.

>> No.15065106

Nvm you already lift
Start doing MMA too, and with art, the rule is
Produce more than you consume.
Start doing zazen too.
Take a break from philosophy and read manuals. Apply what's written in those manuals until you can do what you're supposed to learn (drawing, picking up women, fixing faucets, creating things etc). For example my father teached me how to make traditional knives, and it felt good.
I reccomend also the books of Julius Evola. He's wiser than it appears, he has techniques and methods to gain control over your mind.
t. Ex porn, cocaine, adderall, various benzodiapedines, cigarettes addict

>> No.15065116

It's not as good of course but it is a fun substance for daily use. Of course long term use has downfalls. I started having extreme anxiety from usage when it usually flattens anxiety. That's when I knew I had to stop but I was using it daily for a couple months. Try it out

>> No.15065126

Have sex

>> No.15065128

Do you have any protips on using a whetstone? I got a shitty 2 sided one and some cheap knives/swords I'd like to sharpen, but every time it feels like it's almost sharp I fuck something up and it's dull again.

>> No.15065139

Not as powerful as benzos but still nice. Comparable to a high dose of codeine but more mellow and less fuzzy. Theres not as much of the static feeling you get with codeine, it is cleaner. It feels like you are diving into a pool of silky smooth oil. Like a droplet of water being submerged in a black ocean. It is very much a "relinquished" feeling on higher doses. If you get Bali Red, take 10g at once and you will be blown away if you have low tolerance. Definitely worth trying. Dont go near white Kratom, just get Red Maeng Da, or Bali Red. Or Red Borneo either. I love kratom.

>> No.15065142

fucking based. thank you anon.

>> No.15065150

Reddit tier advice. I don't even fight and I bet I would kick your ass

>> No.15065160

So, what hobby passively interests you? What are you going to get into?

>> No.15065163

based post.

>> No.15065193

for starters coloring (kek), learning piano, meditation, getting into zen buddhismus and boxing

>> No.15065217

i wanna start doing muay thai/bjj but i have no money sigh

>> No.15065218

Yeah post location faggot I'm gonna fuck you up so badly your own mother wouldn't want you back

>> No.15065222

shitposting on chinese cartoon blogs
and Phd on memes

>> No.15065230

why not white?

>> No.15065246

its too stimulating. red is most opiate like. red is the only stuff worth fucking with, trust me

>> No.15065534


>> No.15065548

Those sound like good things to get into. Remember to take it slow and do your research!
you got this bud.

>> No.15066304

Just post on /lit/ some more, that'll help