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15063302 No.15063302 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most erotica book you've read?

>> No.15063323

Mistress Darcy's Diaries

>> No.15063328

Infante's Inferno

The prose was hotter than the sexual content, though

>> No.15063352

Honestly, I don't read too much about erotica, but personally I've found Chekov's The Lady with the Dog and Tolstoy's story about the first year of marriage for a young couple, and Nastasya Filipovna's personality in the idiot to be the truest portraits of love.

>> No.15063361

If I'm horny, every book is erotica for my brain.

>> No.15063402
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>> No.15063405

120 days of Sodom

>> No.15063416

>let's make it about our pussies

>> No.15063425

what do you mean?

>> No.15063432

the wheel of time

>> No.15063438
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My mistake, the book to read is "Femdom Diaries"

>> No.15063442

There were parts of the *One Hundred Years of Solitude* that were arousing in all honesty

>> No.15063492

Hey! There's a pussy on there!

>> No.15063605

The Island

>> No.15063612
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oh god...

>> No.15064277
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The Storyteller, by Harold Robbins. Pretty good book, if you ask me.

>> No.15064359

>alissa nutting

>> No.15064408

norwegian wood was pretty hot

>> No.15064850

Henry Miller for sure. Under the Roofs of Paris

>> No.15064917
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>> No.15064953
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Delta of Venus

>> No.15065624
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The milkmare of trottingham

>> No.15065637

Confessions of a mask... :(

>> No.15065646

I actually think it's Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15065835

Central/South American magic realism depicts sex so beautifully. So much tension and release. Like Water for Chocolate will forever be in my top 5 for that very reason

>> No.15065998
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>> No.15066014

obviously, story of the eye

>> No.15066054
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>> No.15066075

The Vacation by Anon P. Wiener. Google it.

>> No.15066159

/lit/izens are too pretentious to admit it, but she's really good as far as prose style is concerned.

>> No.15066187
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A little life

>> No.15066227
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>> No.15067158

Man From Planet X

>> No.15067171
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>> No.15067337

my diary

>> No.15067347

I don't read erotica. Plagues the mind with unnecessary, outdated thoughts.

>> No.15067360

"erotica" isn't an adjective.

>> No.15067632

came here to say 'rules of attraction.' only book I've felt uncomfortable reading in public

also this>>15067360

>> No.15067661

The Robots of Dawn
The book isn't really sexual in any way, but it has a part where a woman explains to the protagonist that last they met and he touched her hand, she had an explosive orgasm she couldn't forget.
She went quite a bit into the details of it too.

>> No.15067669


Why only the Southern United States

>> No.15067676
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this pervy shit

>> No.15067680
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>> No.15067705
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This nigga has lit coomer material that kills any interest in erotica and makes you realize that the sexual beast can't be satiated with teases.

>> No.15068146
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>> No.15068309

Who is that jezebel?

>> No.15068353


>> No.15068460

Reluctant Cuckold by David McManus

>> No.15068496


>> No.15068505
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Gotta admit some of these chapters got me really riled up

>> No.15068549

where can I get this book

>> No.15068569
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For me, it's Histoire d'O.

>> No.15068686

Your mother's diary.
Also that one story from Nerve about the woman contemplating the ramifications of masturbating with a dildo her lover cast from his own erect penis and mailed to her.

>> No.15068714

same, based

>> No.15068726

Peg Boyle

>> No.15068762
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>> No.15068783

Ballard's Crash

>> No.15068825

the lusty argonian maid

>> No.15068852

for me, it's rape fantasies about Dar-Ma in the Hackdirt Caverns

>> No.15068866

I love the Jew in the top right corner who's just watching smugly as the disputation unfolds, ready to profit from the chaos

>> No.15068896

I get paid to write erotica but have never read an erotic book in my life.

>> No.15069833

Anaïs Nin is terrible. Only wrote erotica to make money, despite hating to do it. At least story of O is written with some passion.

It's funny that the bookshop owner that paid her kept up the "it's for anonymous patron" charade for years, though.

>> No.15069841

A letter one of my high school English teachers wrote me when I was 17. I was a student she had a sort of special relationship with, but it was nonsexual. She was like 31 and fairly pretty, but she had a young child and a husband and I didn't want to get in the way of that. She was upset because her and her husband had been in a big fight. I confronted her about it and told her I'd overlook it but not to do it again and she admitted that she hadn't been thinking right, and years later she thanked me for turning her down because her and her husband are now more happily married.

>> No.15069844


>> No.15070779

Good on you, anon. Cheers

>> No.15071455

story of the eye from Bataille

>> No.15071652

The Rape Of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II

>> No.15071680

Based. Have you read Three trapped tigers? Excellent prose in that as well.

>> No.15071696

>older women
Yeah I just ordered this

>> No.15071821

reparations and shit, nigga

>> No.15071831


>> No.15072783

obviously Tropic of Cancer too. I'd recommend ToC to any guy looking for erotic fiction

>> No.15073666

>What's the most erotica book you've read?
>coomers proving once again that cooming makes you retarded

>> No.15074040

what the hell is this. 0 reviews, 0 ratings on gr

>> No.15074252

The Collected Works Of Phil Phantom

>> No.15074371

Warrior Cats

>> No.15074764
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This too, good lord

>> No.15075384
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The manual for the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Sapphire. Also

>> No.15075545


>> No.15075576

No but it's pretty high on my list.

>> No.15075635

I read this. Alissa Nutting is a very talented writer and she was unflinchingly brave in tackling this subject matter.

>> No.15076271

Wasn't Harmony Korine supposed to make an adaption of this

>> No.15076361

This is how it is, boys. Take notes

>> No.15076494


>> No.15077905


>> No.15077938
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It's very rare, and surprisingly good.
Imagine if Lolita was written by someone who wasn't just LARPing or playing with top-tier formalism.

>> No.15078029

it's on libgen


>> No.15078060

It is? I don't see it there. Link?

>> No.15078095


>> No.15078111

The Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher ans Venus in India are my favorites but there are a lot of stories out there. Look on Libgen for "classics of erotica" or something like that for multiple large collections of ye olde printed smut

It's amusing to realize that people who lived and died literally centuries ago were into three-ways and incest and pedo/hebephilia and female bisexuality and S&M and bondage and sex in public and voyeurism and rape and a laundry list of other things that you still find everywhere in erotica today. Some things really don't change that much.

>> No.15078121

Amazing. Thanks, anon!

>> No.15078426
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Anyone got a PDF of Louis Aragon's Irene's Cunt?

>> No.15079094

found this book behind a shelve in my basement as a kid and busted so many nuts to it over the years

>> No.15079385


>> No.15079947

>writer simps for peasants
Yeah, I won't read that shit.