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15059932 No.15059932 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of moving somewhere foreign and being a tutor or something. Any other ideas?

>> No.15059955

Teach english, practice permaculture in a homestead. If you're lonely, found an intentional community.

>> No.15059983

Smart yeah. Where should I start? It's all good to talk about it, but how tf do ppl just Alexander Supertramp and gtfo of society?

>> No.15060150

Wage slave enough to be able to afford a homestead

>> No.15060452

I wish I knew. I’m looking at grad school and/or the military.

>> No.15060505
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Read Berkley if you want to escape.

>> No.15060733

What would you do after grad school?

>> No.15060777

I keep the idea of trying to convince my dad's cousin to let me take up farming on the old family farm in the back of my head. He's in his 60's and doesn't have any kids so it's not inconceivable that he would support it. Unfortunately the property is increasingly surrounded by creeping sprawl.
Beyond that I think about getting the documents together to prove my Italian citizenship and moving to bumfuck nowhere in southern Italy.
Outlook isn't too good though. Even if I did one of these things I'd probably have to do some slaving just to make enough money. Maybe it's just best to learn a tolerable trade and get on with that.

>> No.15060786

>intentional community
who actually speaks in gay faggot term like this?
>dude just wage slave to not wage slave

>> No.15061237

>the military.
The US military? Hard-pass. You'd be better off cutting out the middleman and joining the IDF.

>> No.15061286

Read How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big and then Taleb (mostly Anti-Fragile and The Black Swan). It won't directly tell you how to avoid wage-slavery but it will give technique and heuristics to increase your chances.

There's also plenty of opportunity within wagery still, you just have to look for it/get lucky. I have an evening job each weekday that takes 1 hour but pays 4, and supplement working for a temp agency in the day. I can refuse day work whenever I like, and can almost always get my evening shifts filled by another worker if I need to.

>> No.15061797

there is no escape. in your lifetime if the industrial system is allowed to continue expanding then it will make independent living impossible.

your best bet is to organize for a revolution to force its collapse.

you can run but you can't hide lol

>> No.15061872

I’m not really sure. I’d probably just keep writing and potentially join the military anyway.

>> No.15061880

>I think about getting the documents together to prove my Italian citizenship and moving to bumfuck nowhere in southern Italy
>Maybe it’s just best to learn a tolerable trade and get on with that.

I’m thinking about these as well.

>> No.15061918

Wait for universal basic income

>> No.15061925


>> No.15061941

>work more hours
>mo' money
What is the problem with working when it makes you MONEY?

>> No.15062025

You could just work and do shit you want in your spare time. It’s really not that hard. You’ll be just like the rest of us soon enough sweetie.

>> No.15062729

You can't just move somewhere foreign. They have to let you in, and (except for within the EU) every country has strict immigration laws to prevent outsiders from working there.

>> No.15062805

get a mommy gf to look after you

>> No.15062817

Get your bennies anon. Starve the beast.

>> No.15062860

>choose rich high salary city
>move 30 minutes outside of it to cut costs
>learn a trade
>join the union
>work hard

easy 70-90k. yes it is that simple.yes poor people are dumbfucks

>> No.15062987

You can't without working to completely overhaul the system in some way.
>just buy a cabin and do permaculture with your tradwife bro
>just go Amish / monkmode bro
>just convert to Islam and hide in the middle east bro
>just join a commune bro
You might be left alone for years or even decades, but eventually your little slice of heaven will be forcibly taken from you for being non-productive usage of land, resources, and labor.

>> No.15063610

>having a broken body over some money
I'd rather be poor

>> No.15063650

Electricians and welders generally are fine

>> No.15063676

>Fine art sales (all commission and chill)
>Professional services (you'll have a disproportionate impact on society, kinda fun, but you pay in stress)
>off-shore oil (work 1/3 the year, get insane $$$)
>EMT/firefighter (retire with 100% pay in 30 yrs)

>> No.15063689

join the postal service, the pay is good and you can transfer anywhere in the united states. plus if you're a mail carrier there's lots of fresh air and exercise and if you work for a small town post office not much mail to deliver

>> No.15063792

Learn a trade of some sort?
After apprenticeship and some years of experience, you can go and set up your own company or do it alone.

>> No.15063797

Be an entrepreneur you can graduate to profit slavery.

>> No.15063824

Running a society is like conducting an orchestra. If you don't want to waste too much time on contributing the sound just learn one of the easier instruments and stay in the background taking it easy. It's like a short story I once read or parable or whatever about the hare and the tortoise.

>> No.15063989


>> No.15064001


>> No.15064013
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