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15058674 No.15058674 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read pic related? What did you think about it? Is it worth reading?

>> No.15058679

Curious too

>> No.15058684

go back to r/chapo, faggot

>> No.15058685

From a brief summary it seems to be idpol horseshit

>> No.15058686

>mythology of the white proletariat
Give me a fucking break

>> No.15058692

>waaaaaah white people bad waaaaaaaaaah
read culture of critique and stop being a retard

>> No.15058720

It's very good and even more relevant after the repeated failure of berniebros.

As you can see by this thread, no one can attack the ideas.

>> No.15058744

I already did. It’s divisive idpol horse shit, that’s all the refutation and analysis it deserves.

I’m also a brown if that matters, so if you’re white and arguing against me, according to this book you should shut up.

>> No.15058771

What's wrong about it apart from "it's wrong because it's bullshit?"

>> No.15058784

>waaaaah engage with my sophistry or I win waaaaaaaaaah

>> No.15058803
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The class warfare of these bourgie faggots will never cease to enrage me. The left's ability to spit on the white working man without any hesitation is incredible.

>> No.15058810

It's a desperate attempt to reconcile racial and class politics by sweeping the white working classes under the rug, and has no understanding of the theories it's working with.
Not that anon btw

>> No.15059996

why is he dressed like that kid? Did they coordinate for the first day of preschool?

>> No.15060285

this looks like one of those books that uses "ameriKKKa" unironically

>> No.15060325
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Come home, European man. There is a third option.

>> No.15060337

whites voted for bernie, blacks didn't. You should be in touch with reality anon. It's the very racism that commies decry to say that ALL whites are the problem.

>> No.15060464

I literally said it twice already

It is idpol bullshit

idpol = identity politics

>> No.15060482

I’m not even white and Nazis sound more appealing than these pussy leftist faggots and their self hate

>> No.15060564


>referring to yourself as "a brown" to impress white kids online

have some dignity jesus christ

>> No.15060599

I read some of the kindle preview on amazon

cringe and yikes...

>> No.15060621
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The national socialists weren't against non-Europeans, they were merely for their people and hoped that other people on the world stage would also put their own people before capital and world jewery too, many did. China, while not ideal, is operating on principles very similar to ours.

>> No.15060644
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>> No.15060719

"Fascism" in the reddit sense of the word is getting more and more popular exactly because every other group is so thoroughly cucked with these limp-wristed faggots and their policies.

>> No.15060782
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All political groups except genuine dissidents worship jews as a master race and hate whites. The left, the right, marxists, labour, tories, republicans, democrats, there's no difference. And the choice is very simple at this point, either the European people take back power or they choose their own funeral pyre. That's the only options the white working-class has.

>> No.15060882

what grade do you think all the nazis in this thread are in? 8th? 9th?

>> No.15060913
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National socialist, and I graduated long ago and have a job. College kids know fuckall about the real world.

>> No.15060918

t. Sakai

>> No.15061565

>"waaaaaah white people bad waaaaaaaaaah" is bad
>"waaaaaah jewish people bad waaaaaaaaaah" is good

>> No.15061571


>> No.15061595

has any one read it ??

>> No.15061610

we don’t read on here pardner

>> No.15061616

Let me guess, the book argues that white proles were never really poor or oppressed, and that they didn't give enough good union jobs to black people in the 1960s.

>> No.15061860

Yeah i read it. Its interesting. The essential premise is that settler colonialism, especially when in America it was combined with chattel slavery, allowed for the white settler community to go straight to the status of petty bourgeois, and each new wave of immigrants blames the latest wave or passes the blame onto someone else for their problems. I think it touches an important issue of the in-out group dynamics of imperialism.
You have to decided for yourself. I'd give it a read just so you know.

>> No.15061914

Nooo you can't just use identity politics against us! It only works one way

>> No.15061927


>> No.15061971

make sure to read his follow up interview at https://kersplebedeb.com/posts/raceburn/

>> No.15061997
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Now that the dust has settled can we agree the Holocaust was self defense if it happened?

>> No.15062121

>The Holocaust never happened!!!
>Well, okay but the number shouldn't be that high!!!
>Okay okay, FINE! It did happen and the number is accurate but...
keep moving the goalposts...

>> No.15062130

>>"waaaaaah white people bad waaaaaaaaaah" is false
>>"waaaaaah jewish people bad waaaaaaaaaah" is true
fixed that for ya retard

>> No.15062716

Amazing, not a single person in this thread has read the book or tried to respond to the ideas.

>> No.15062738
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>"Amazing, not a single person in this thread has read my faggot shit. Guess I'll go play with my ass."


>> No.15062761


>> No.15062786

t. I'm an easily impressed moron who doesn't believe in anything

>> No.15062885

Why would I? It's immediately alienating. Imagine that, you write a book specifically to spit on some demographic & people from said demographic don't read it. Imagine some retarded wignat wrote some trollish shit about black people, would you be inclined to expect tons of black people would read it?

>> No.15063000

Not true, young black people voted for Bernie. Boomers did not.

>> No.15063013


What? Are you him? Do you not find it cringe as shit for someone to refer to themselves demeaningly to win acceptance? Brown people don’t call themselves “a brown” in real life, they say “I’m a brown person” “I’m brown”, etc. It’s just embarrassing to see somebody kiss up like that. You don’t see white boys talking like “and I’m a cumskin” it’d be pathetic, it always is.

>> No.15063049

>bernie lost because the blacks supported the establishment
>this proves whites are 100% fascist racists
maeks u yjonk

>> No.15063745

>delusional whitoids invested in a honey pot millionaire controlled opposition socdem candidate TWICE and they blame blacks for their failure

yeah im thinking j sakai is more relevant than ever

>> No.15064777

Your post is pretty funny since this board thinks lowly of Black people who will not bother with racist works or racist authors.

>> No.15064787

Your "fix" still paints you as a pathetic hypocrite.

>> No.15064819
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I think the rise of social media is extremely harmful to these ideologies. Marx, Gramsci, and even Said were intelligent men with an air of mystique. Their followers are just defective and embarrassing specimens of humanity who persist in reminding the rest of us at every opportunity.

>> No.15064843

I have no problem with them feeling that way. Anyone with sense understands that our existences and interactions are a zero-sum game. Black culture working in tandem with capital seems to be an expanding blob that destroys all other modes of existence the moment it comes into contact with them. Compromise isn't possible with such people, and blacks, unlike members of other races, understand this.

>> No.15064844

It's a screeching polemic that evidences absolutely no academic rigour and provides no sources. So, of course, it's communist twitter's favourite book...

>> No.15064848

>this board thinks lowly of Black people who will not bother with racist works or racist authors.

That is so far down the list of complaints we have about the coloreds that it barely even registers
1. 13=50>power gap>‘That shit already is free’>power gap>can’t watch a movie in a theater without a lot of hooting and hollering>Power gap>bix nood>Power gap>they don’t read books by my favorite racist authors

>> No.15064866

I realize your mind is inherently Talmudic, but there is actually a difference between true and false

>> No.15064867

Neonazis meager grasp of Nazi ideology astounds me every day.

>> No.15064898

Scary Jews and their yarmaluks.

>> No.15064904

I dont understand why white people read it if it's completely against their interests. Weak people desire martyrdom

>> No.15064913

Is this "A People's History of the United States" for even edgier people?

>> No.15064918

>I don't understand why people read opposing views.

>> No.15064964

You just have to understand that getting all your knowledge from anti-white sources is intellectually lazy and shameful because they're wrong %100 of the time, whereas getting your knowledge from the likes of Kevin McDonald, Christopher Jon Bejerknes, and E. Michael Jones is intellectually virtuous and good because they're right %100 of the time.

If this seems like an almost impossible occurrence and you suspect the existence of an abject double standard, then de-talmudize your mind!

>> No.15064968

>white people baaaaad
Eat shit

>> No.15064994

Man, and then you complain people won't answer alt right ideas seriously. It's because 90% of the time it's shitters like you destroying conversations.

>> No.15065023

Maybe dont read twittershit garbage from either side
>everyone who disagrees with me is alt right
Keep crusading against le bad men online, that's basically taking action!

>> No.15065053

>ur brown: nice and not racist
>ur a brown: mean and very racist
literally kys

>> No.15065087


>> No.15065138

>heh this guy thinks typing is political action, ha, harumph
>let me tell you my political opinions unsolicited as well, buts its okay because its Facts and Logic™
Why is this the constant refrain of the boomer-mentality?

>> No.15065173

>Facts and Logic™
>supporting rational politics and discourse
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.15065482
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J. Sakai was right about literally everything.

Just look at the seething whitoids in this thread who can't form a single argument against him.

>> No.15065509
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read a book for once smooth-brained faggot

>> No.15065508
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Labor aristocracy is real.

>> No.15065623

I've only seen people blaming the DNC/libs/Obama and saying that Bernie was an imperfect compromise.

>> No.15067143

AN INTO A FEMINIST TODAY. I was at Starbucks waiting in line, behind a fat feminist wearing a Bernie Sanders shirt, texting my gf what she wanted. She text back and my ringtone is Welven Harris saying "deez nutz". The land whale turns around and says "Excuse me?" all rude. I said "yes?" she told me my "text alert was rude and offensive" and like a smart ass I replied, "So is your body odor". Well that pissed her off she got all in my face and said, "Good. Fuck off if you don't like it" told her "I probably would still be able to smell it from outside" "Fuck you!" the beast shouted. Of course a dorky white knight employee came over and asked if there is a problem I told him "No its all good". Later as I was waiting for my drink she got hers and was heading for the door. As she walked past me I said, "bernie sanders haha" that was it, she was so fucking mad she threw her drink at me! It hit my foot but mostly it was all over the floor. I laughed and said "You throw like a little girl" her face turned red as she screamed, "fuck you you little shit!" and started running towards me. She charged angrily like a bull only to slip on the puddle and go skidding face first into the fucking glass door! The glass was shattered into pieces (like all the scales shes ever stepped on) and her head sliced with blood gushing out everywhere. The white knight employee came rushing over after hearing the glass and screamed, "What did you do?! I'm calling the police!" as I was about to explain what happened the bitch mumbled "He pushed me" WTF??!! The white knight tried to grab me so I wouldn't leave but I dodged his attempts. He called his co workers and some customers to help him. As they were approaching, I kneed that geek in the groin and ran out the door and whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "fresh" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare. but I thought "naw forget it. yo home to bel-air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air.

>> No.15067955
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>post settlers
>right wingers seethe
yup, im thinking he's relevant.

>> No.15067962
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>anything but a matter of perspective
fascists have toddler tier epistemology.

>> No.15068035
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>implying he didn't just imply good things (things he likes) are true and bad things are false
actually very based. For me, only pretty things are true. That's why you are wrong. Fascists are pretty sometimes so they have a few good points but they are a bit ugly too so can't recommend

>> No.15068058

The post was a joke retard

Said is indeed based

>> No.15068133

Guy you're talking to is definitely a tard, but you shouldn't type like that

>> No.15068140

>dude truth is just like your opinion man
literally the definition of cope