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/lit/ - Literature

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15057417 No.15057417 [Reply] [Original]

Lads, I'm almost 23 and I've barely read anything since I graduated high-school (I read Dune last year to get hyped for the movie and that was it). I want to start reading and expand my mind - where do I begin? I know the big >start with the greeks meme, and I plan to read the Republic first because I'm told it's a pretty easy read. Where do I go from there? Can be either literature or philosophy.

Sorry for coomposting, it's the only way to get attention

>> No.15057432

Read novellas. Fuck the Greeks.

>> No.15057436

idk mate there's loads of stuff to read. it depends what you like. if you're starting with the Greeks do that. you can also read some modern lit along with it.

>> No.15057449

Read Platos collected works. Then aristotles collected works. The st. augsutine. Then aquinas. Then spinoza. Then Lebiniz. Then Kant. Then Schopenhauer. then hegel.
Then Guenon. Then Shankara.

>> No.15057452

Dont start with the Republic. Start with the trial of Socrates

>> No.15057454

post more paki slags and read plato's dialogues

>> No.15057469
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thanks lads, but could you be specific? I know fuck all.

>> No.15057498

Immediately go and buy The Republic by plato. Then come back when you have that read.

>> No.15057508

What's your goal with all this lad? If you've only read a trash sci-fi novel since high school you're gonna get burnt out real fast reading philosophy. A lot of it is very dry and technical using esoteric language. I'd at least try to transition into it by reading something that's at least colorful and enjoyable like Camus' the plague or the stranger. Don't fall for the meme that by reading philosophy you'll be an intellectual.

>> No.15057524

Don't read the fucking greeks, holy shit are people that dumb that they still believe the oldest meme on this board. I've read The republic, Nikomachian ethics, Politics and all sorts of shit and I'm telling you ancient philosophy is a waste of time unless you want to be a scholar in Plato or something. They literally talk about the most basic philosophical theories, which I guess was the foundation for modern philosophy and why it is so highly regarded, you're way better off just reading a summary from a wikipedia page and it will save you a lot of time.

>> No.15057534

Can we get 15 (yous) for the most retarded man on /lit/?

>> No.15057546

If I buy a intro to philopheey book which gives a general underline to all the major philisical thinkers, am I a pleb for not using the first-hand sources? Will I still have adequate enough knowledge of the big guys to have meaningful discussion about their thoughts?

>> No.15057547

Start with the Greeks. Five Dialogues for philosophy, and the Greek plays for literature.

>> No.15057552

Well I did say in the OP that I’m more than happy to start by reading literature as well

>> No.15057558

I read Medea and that was pretty interesting in high school. I only think I enjoyed it though because we spent a semester breaking it down

>> No.15057591

>where do I begin?
You just pick somewhere and start. You do research when you don’t understand something. You branch off in areas that interest you.

I don’t understand this /lit/ obsession with having a calculated plan or worse, a chart, in place for approaching everything before anyone makes any progress on anything. Just read. All of these plans and recommendations and charts and discussions mean absolutely nothing if you’re reading.

>> No.15057602

Right but what are you trying to get out of this?
Honestly just look at the syllabus for a phil 101 course at any major college and go through that to find topics or philosophers who interest you and branch out from there.

>> No.15057619

here's your reading list bud
>don quixote
>all of kurt vonnegut
>blood meridian
you'll know where you want to go from there

>> No.15057655
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>Start with the Greeks
I feel sad when I think about all the nascent readers like OP who hear this and go throw themselves at the dryest, most esoteric classical bullshit they can find, don't understand a word of it, come to the conclusion they are retarded, and go back to their vidya games.
Read what you enjoy, OP. If you want a specific suggestion, start with 100 Years of Solitude.

>> No.15057684

Whitehead is a Discord tranny psy-op. Alan watts is a cowboy
The other books are very based.

>> No.15057688

Thanks mate, I will start with 100 years of solitude then.

>> No.15057754

>chinese philosophy

>> No.15057765

>Sorry for coomposting, it's the only way to get attention
No, it’s not, you piece of shit

>> No.15057775

>process and reality

>> No.15057803

>he doesn't know about the /lit/ philosophy google doc
l m a o

>> No.15057828

Read what you like. Something like Montaigne or Cicero which has a lot of wisdom while being pleasurable to read might be a good choice. Or go ahead with fiction.

>> No.15057858
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Start with not posting thots.
Also, the presocratics.

>> No.15057912

Low effort:
>Gaarder, Sophie's World
World history
>Gombrich, A Little History of the World
Anglo history
>Marshall, Our Island Story
Also novellas, as >>15057432 says. For example if you read >100pp of
>The Turn of the Screw
you can claim to have read some Henry James. Also the likes of
>Heart of Darkness
>Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
>The Time Machine
>Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
all around 100pp, possible even for a coombrain addled by paki slags.

>> No.15057961

can i see paki slags 2 and 3 please

>> No.15057990
File: 255 KB, 1000x529, 1569111938443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is Paki and her boyfriend is a white chav