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/lit/ - Literature

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15055321 No.15055321 [Reply] [Original]

He taught me to explore new literature and try books that I wouldn't have tried otherwise.

He taught me to ignore SJW kike shit in general and focus on non cucked writers like Mishima.

He taught me to be myself and always say what I believe on the mic even if it's controversial.

He taught me.....how to be a reader.


>> No.15055359

His hairline in this picture looks fucked

>> No.15055360

I don't know why so many ten year olds defend him when he said the n word and after all the drama he almost said it again. Pewdiepie is just an edgy right winger who has to hide it because he's a youtuber.

>> No.15055380

>tfw I discovered Mishima on /jp/ many many years ago and liked him before he was cool or before the alt right even cared about him
>tfw conflicted because i dont like when normies and alt rights like what I like but I like that the Mish is as authentically counter cultural as it gets and will subtlely introduce subversive anti modern meemes into the minds of the normies such as the collision of beauty with death as expressed through morbid displays of passionate brutality with gradiose excess and unnecessary and painful self-sacrificial bloodshed, in other words, the normies are ingesting memes that run counter to the decadent and obsessive comfort seeking of the nihilistic jaded age. so basically Mishima is a very dangerous and edgy meme just like he was in life desu and its cool

>> No.15055384

>saying the n word one time defines you as a person
sorry buddy but a lot of people have uttered the nigger word

>> No.15055408


He's a faggot. Like that's it. That's all that defines him as a person. His books are about his faggot thoughts, being a faggot, and faggotry. His identity is just sexual deviancy, and his writings and thoughts are all just means to satisfy himself sexually. Nothing else. Instead of reading him, just watch gay porn and be done with it.

>> No.15055413

Do people unironically read because a fucking gamer youtuber tells them to do it?

>> No.15055420

No, I read because I want to feel special and smarter than everybody else. Everything I do, it is just to satisfy my own ego. My every post, my every utterance. I have to constantly convince myself how great I am, while others are shit.

>> No.15055423

Sarcastic post or bait? Hard to tell these days.

>> No.15055428

I don't give a shit about someone saying the n word, it's in the context that it's in that matters. He said it in one of the worst ways you can say the n word.

>> No.15055434

Do you parrot Pewdiepie opinions because you like to feel famous too?

>> No.15055436

he showed me how cringe it is to read the lit essentials and pretend you know anything about literature

>> No.15055437
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This but unironically

>> No.15055438
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>one of the worst ways you can say the n word.
He said a bad word? a-bloo bloo

>> No.15055443

>right winger

He has several times in the past used profanities and cursed. He’s clearly a lefty

>> No.15055445

Pewdiepie has no opinions. He believes in nothing.

Or maybe he has them, but self-censors everything for youtube. I don't know.

>> No.15055449

he said Nigger?

>> No.15055453

ok faggot

>> No.15055456

He thought me that you can pretend to be intelligent on camera by doing book reviews, while outside of that doing the complete opposite of what you preach, and people will think you're being smart instead of a giant hypocrite.

>> No.15055467

I honestly don't think he's a racist. My theory is that he spends lots of time on 4chan. The liberal use of the word nigger has lead to the the term being anchored in his subconscious. Then it slipped out in a moment of rage. He obviously couldn't admit this in his apology without looking like a retard.

>> No.15055473

How is he a "right-winger"? He's always seemed quite apolitical to me. Unless you simply mean right-wing in the sense of not being some constantly virtue signalling IdPol obsessed liberal. God I'm tired of hearing about politics.

>> No.15055481

his follow list on twitter was literally wall to wall with fascists before he purged it, it's very obvious that he is or was a /pol/tard to anyone that's the least clued in

>> No.15055497

he followed alt lite & classical liberal anti-SJW fags like lauren southern, Sargon, Molymeme, Jordan Peterson etc. he didn't follow anyone like Striker, Mike Enoch etc. he didn't even follow any AmNats like Nick Fuentes, RamzPaul.

>> No.15055505
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I'd say it's more likely he spent or spends a lot of time on discord. I'm left leaning about the n word use because I've known people who just can't stop saying it, it's like a tic for them. If it's just a word why do you need to say it so frequently or be so adamant about it being just a word? I think everyone is racist (unless you grow up close to people of other races) as a default even though they pretend they're not, but I never got this fascination about the n word.

>> No.15055512

Yeah just normal people like Lauren "Great replacement" Southern, Stefan "Literal white nationalist" Molyneux and JBP

>> No.15055520

What are you doing on 4chan then? Doesn't that automatically make you a fascist?

>> No.15055540

>animal cruelty in webm
>still takes moral high ground
This bait is a bit stale, try harder next time.

>> No.15055555


>> No.15055587

I agree, we should call niggers the nigger word more often. Good job anon you nigger.

>> No.15055661

I don't know why you think, "they're hypocritical, therefore I'm right." Of course my values aren't going to be consistent, like your values. You complain about animal abuse but I doubt you think much when you order a burger from your fast food franchise of choice. Why do you give a shit about the virtue of my values when yours aren't consistent either? Unless your vegan anon, in which I apologize.