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/lit/ - Literature

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15054113 No.15054113 [Reply] [Original]

im done jerking off three times a day
I'm done smoking
i want to start working out again
ITT literature for getting my shit together
I guess I will begin with Thus Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche? My successful lawyer friend always told me to read Nietzsche and I fucking larped like a pseudo after watching small youtube videos like I could actually engage in higher conversation or meaning.

>> No.15054116

whats the point?

>> No.15054119

You're swinging too far, relapse is in your future if you don't approach it more level-headed. Fools rush in.

Re-read the high school tier books to start.

>> No.15054122

i want to be a better example for my little brother

>> No.15054123

You’re gonna have a hard time with Zarathustra.

Start with Henry Rollins’ Iron and Soul

>> No.15054128

any recommendations?

>> No.15054135

>I will begin with TSZ
You don't begin there, you end there.

Also Nietzsche isn't really about getting your shit together. You can live in a box and still be Apollonian and Dionysian. Nietzsche is more about constructing your own philosophical matrix, ruthless psychological/historical analysis and how to live apart from the herd.

>> No.15054158

>Iron and Soul
>"I used to fight the pain, but recently this became clear to me: pain is not my enemy; it is my call to greatness."
Honestly, anon, thank you so much for that recommendation. Just finished reading that essay. Going to go into the basement right now and do a little workout and I'll come back upstairs to check on this thread.

>> No.15054165

>Fools rush in
this song has been stuck in my head all day, from rewatching Buffalo 66 for the nth time yesterday. Coincidences like these give me a weird mix of paranoia and unreasonable excitement

>> No.15054174

After Animal Farm and Brave New World I can't see much hope for change in the world.

My highest recommendation is always to 'strike while the iron's hot'. What calls out to you right now?

Regarding your brother, I'm in the same position but have to acknowledge that 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink'. Don't overinvest hope in enlightening your bro.

That's all the platitudes I can think of

>> No.15054180

No problemo. Rollins is retarded sometimes but his essay is a better preworkout than Neetch

>> No.15054182

Ehh, not always. sometimes cold turkey in necessary in order to have some innertia. sometimes when i try things in baby steps, its just as easy for everything to just tumble down just as easily.

>> No.15054186

Cool! A week ago, I watched the Woody Allen movie Match Point and did a little breakdown of the character motives, for fun. The main character was short sighted, tended to rush in to the situation. It's been popping into my head at random in the last week

>> No.15054189

i go through this process probably around 5 times a year? and i always fall back into my old degenerate ways. i've accepted at this point that i'm a weak minded cretin and that i was born to fail

>> No.15054190

100% agree, speaking from experience, I quit vidya cold turkey.

OP is emotional, and seems as though he likes the idea of a turnaround more than just doing it.

>> No.15054192

Is this THAT Henry Rollins?

>> No.15054206
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No books, just listen to Beethoven. And don't forget to get your nootrients, hehe

>> No.15054207

Thanks. I think it is contextual. sometimes cold turkey, sometimes not. Best in my opinion is just completely removing yourself from the enviornment of temptation (Which is pretty hard nowadays given internet). Unironically going into a cabin in the woods or place with no wifi. Or a camp or monastery of some sort.

>> No.15054238

You are tormented by the weight of your sin, no amount of Übermensch LARPing is going to change that. You need to calm down and read/listen to someone like Fulton Sheen or maybe Chesterton.

>> No.15054261

Singer of Black Flag/Rollins Band/anti Trumper/standup comic/history tv show/ renaissance man? Yeah.

>> No.15054270
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>> No.15054504

I appreciate the man's ambitiousness, but most of his endeavors are a cringefest desu

>> No.15054513

Yeah. His good stuff I really like but there’s a lot of eh whatever. I actually thought his standup was great.

>> No.15054521

based hehe poster

>> No.15054579

dont wait until the iron is hot to strike. strike to make the iron hot.

>> No.15055955

same bro
this time will be different
we're all gonna fuckin make it brahs

>> No.15056004

thats dumb, you have to put the iron into fire to make it hot

>> No.15056027

i found jung to be an amazing one, but i guess you gotta be a little open to that ... next to exercising try eating well, it's really nice to make yourself a pretty meal and feel good about it

>> No.15056616

>im done jerking off three times a day
How the fuck can someone even do this? I can barely do it once every other day and even then it's a struggle to actually ejaculate. Weird shit man, don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.15056637

you must be low test

>> No.15056683

Yeah, you're probably right. It feels incredible to be entirely liberated from the desire for sex and not wasting time on women has been really beneficial. I never did see the point or value in that anyway.

>> No.15056770
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This will change your life.

>> No.15056928

>mfw gallofag posts on /lit/ too

>> No.15057691
File: 52 KB, 307x440, senza-titolo-1-2621_0x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Gallofag but I am for sure A Gallofag
he's top 10 directors for me personally

>> No.15057742
