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/lit/ - Literature

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15053217 No.15053217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or have there been more retards, /pol/ users and anti-women threads on here recently? What did lit do to incur incel wrath?

>> No.15053233

Quarantine, maybe

>> No.15053238

little by little mods/jannies have, due to negligence or incompetence or both, allowed it to become a groyper/frogtwitter offshoot. it’s probably beyond saving at this point

>> No.15053246

combination of both, probably. Hopefully if we get new jannies sometime soon they will actually clean up the filth and off-topic spam

>> No.15053247

Are there any alternative literature forums to swap to? I'm only here because there's nothing else

>> No.15053258

No, it’s not just you.
No. It’s the nature of anonymity that drives that

>> No.15053262

Some rumblings going around from frog twitter that it’s a concerted effort from some tranny discord to shit up the board

>> No.15053278

This place went downhill years ago. Where the fuck were you?

>> No.15053279

You shouldn't call people the r-word or other such slurs, OP. It's harmful to vulnerable communities such as the disabled.

>> No.15053288

Same as always what are you on about.

>> No.15053289

4chan is a containment imageboard, it's time for you to make it to Level 2, Anon

>> No.15053303

Don't tell him anything.

>> No.15053307
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Recently? I don't think so. They've been here in numbers for years. As to what /lit/ has done to deserve it: being unfortunate enough to have /pol/ and /r9k/ as neighbours. People lacking external markers of success seek internal replacements: in this case, distinction through education/high culture. No need to actually read though, simply acting as if you are part of the fraternity is enough to soothe the aches of the soul. Mediocrity love company.

>> No.15053308

there are no active literature forums because no one actually cares about literature, you're stuck here with us misogynist racist retards, deal w/ it

>> No.15053314

Guenon poster changed everything, he turned everyone here against Western philosophy. Its over.

>> No.15053317

I’ve been browsing this site for close to a decade now and I don’t ever remember /lit/ being much different. There was a sudden influx of /pol/fags with no real interest in literature that flooded this board (along with every other board) a few years ago but if you think 4chan in general has ever been much different you’re mistaken. If Pepe bothers you you might unironically be better off browsing whatever literature subreddit is the go to for reddit

>> No.15053321

>the nature of anonymity

>> No.15053331

Discord tranny confirmed. Dilate, faggot.

>> No.15053335

I like your writing.

>> No.15053344

You're part of the problem shithead.

>> No.15053356

Incel spam, while certainly not welcome, is honestly a fairly small price to pay for a literature forum whose members aren't fags who incessantly police each other's thoughts and words and where only certain opinions are allowed to be expressed.

It's still the best online forum I know of. Just try to contribute worthwhile content to offset the spam.

>> No.15053358


>> No.15053372
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>implying there is something wrong with pol and hating women.
You just want that this place turns into leftist shithole.

>> No.15053373

Turns out it’s anonymity. I’ve observed it for years.

>> No.15053381

>I’ve been browsing this site for close to a decade now and I don’t ever remember /lit/ being much different.
one only needs to browse the archive to see that /lit/ was very different pre-gamergate. sure there were shitposts and bait threads, but people did a better job of ignoring them. now it seems like everyone just comes here to be angry, or dismissive, or to stir shit with the latest twitter outrage via some thinly-veiled ”books for _____?” bullshit

>> No.15053389

It’s either this or sensitive fags policing your opinions and mods deleting any semi “”””controversial””””” opinion. Shitpostint is and always will be part of 4chan, sometimes it makes for great moments, but the idea is to contribute and ignore the bad shitposts

>> No.15053401

neither of those subjects are lit-related. Why can't you go back to your containment board? The level of discussion is a fucking travesty at this point

>> No.15053408

hey fuck you dont use my reply as a bait thread

>> No.15053410

sorry, room temperature iq esl stormweenies like >>15053372 run this bitch now. deal with it

>> No.15053416

>sure there were shitposts and bait threads, but people did a better job of ignoring them
Yeah to be fair you’re right about that second part, those posts were generally ignored more. And there weren’t as many shitty Twitter screencast threads and “books for *insert juvenile highly specific feeling or political opinion*” but then again the moderation used to be a lot better than. Threads that belonged on /pol/ or /biz/ or /g/ were deleted accordingly. Good threads with actual discussion weren’t randomly deleted like sometimes happens now. I remember when /his/ first started it filtered out some of the political and economic discussion and was actually a really good board at first in its own right but it seems it didn’t last long

>> No.15053417

>has observed the board for years and complains it’s in a shit state all because of anonymity
>still here
get to plebbit you fag

>> No.15053442

Excuse the shitty grammar and spelling it’s 3am and I’m tired
But adding onto what I you were saying I think a higher proportion of people here come for intellectual validation of their shitty political or economic opinions and as a result are often dismissive, intentionally provocative, and just generally childish. Every religion-related thread nowadays has to be spammed by a couple fedoras who can’t seem to understand a thread asking for recommendations about certain religion-related literature is not the same as a thread asking them for their high schooler who just discovered scientism tier opinions etc

>> No.15053452

it has come to the point where any thread about a female writer who isn’t flan o’connor gets bogged down with endless ”women have tiny brains and aren’t creative and just want chad dick” crap. that might fly on /b/ or /r9k/ but it’s hardly fitting for a literature board. harsher moderation is required

>> No.15053453
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>pats head

>> No.15053461

Unfortunately, Reddit seems to have banned a bunch of t_d satellite boards, and with the global lockdown it's like Eternal Summer all over again. They come for /pol/ (which is even worse than usual now with all the pro-Trump neocon idiots), and then discover the site has other boards that they decide to shit up. Making threads hating on Harry Potter and whatnot to drive them away would be my solution.

>> No.15053464

haha it's facts tho

>> No.15053465


>> No.15053466
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>> No.15053468

h I want to know

>> No.15053480

Is this the power of the nature of name-having?

>> No.15053486

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15053488

Problem is though the moderation seems so arbitrary these days. A genuinely good thread where an ex atheist op was asking for literature about becoming closer to god was full of discussion about the nature of such a personal god and if such a belief can be justifiable in the absence of organised religion and if such a closeness can be achieved through literature or purely through experience etc got deleted. But politics and economics threads stay up for hours, threads that are entirely just bashing female authors for being female (and I won’t lie there aren’t really any female authors I like apart from Mary Shelley and Bronte) stay up

>> No.15053489

the simple solution would be to just autoban anyyone who use the word incel, that would get rid of a lot of garbage lol

>> No.15053493
File: 115 KB, 558x619, 02F6E2E2-593F-4DCB-A553-765A30B3895B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn’t even around before /pol/

>> No.15053496

>I think a higher proportion of people here come for intellectual validation of their shitty political or economic opinions and as a result are often dismissive, intentionally provocative, and just generally childish
Shut up, nigger.

>> No.15053505
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Politics, racism, and facism can be definitly be /lit/ related. Do you want me to post /lit/ pol charts?

>> No.15053519
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41% :)

>> No.15053522

/pol/ charts are not lit-related. Threads about hating women is not lit-related. threads about racism are not lit-related. Why do you want to shit up our board with non-discussion? You don't talk about books, ever.

>> No.15053523

>that libertarian section
>lord of the rings
And people wonder why nobody takes these illiterate fags seriously

>> No.15053524

Ban all stormniggers. No one likes Nazis, their 90 iqs ruin everything, they dont read

>> No.15053540
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I personally noticed the opposite; there's been a massive influx of reddit and leftypol tourists since the start of the quarantine. Just look at how many threads we've had about the "necessity of stricter moderation to combat the /pol/ menace" (= turning 4chan into reddit) in the last couple days. I'm not saying stormniggers and incel threads don't annoy me but chaponiggers and leftypol/redd*t cuckolds are just as obnoxious while being sanctimonious/pseudo-intellectual on top of all that. I want both /pol/ and /leftypol/ to leave my damn board.

For the record I've been here since 2015.

>> No.15053545

I must admit that this chart is terrible. However, there are a lot of good /pol charts

>> No.15053546

>For the record I've been here since 2015.
so basically you don’t know jack shit

>> No.15053550

you're not a reliable narrator, trannyfly. people like you are dishonest, care nothing for discourse, and only wish to silence any dissenting thought, no matter how well fleshed out so that you can have echo chambers wanking over critical theory. dilate.

>> No.15053558

The Internet's changing, not /lit/

>> No.15053560

What if we talk about books that discuss those topics. Would that be /lit/ related?

>> No.15053561

i've been here since 2010 and i've never been retarded enough to take this fucking 4chan board anywhere near as seriously as you faggots do lmao

>> No.15053562
File: 736 KB, 818x1158, dc9ap0k-b15f0210-cd58-4a96-b241-49fb4629ce36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what has happened to /lit/

>> No.15053566

This problem, I think, is inherent to entrusting a single person, or a select few, with the task of moderating discussions. Ultimately, I'm not opposed to moderation, but let it be moderation imposed by the users, say, by denying spammers the attention they seek and need.

I happen to think that Maya Angelou is a poet for people for whom poetry is primarily something to be read at inauguration ceremonies for American presidents. This kind of opinion, however expressed, can nowadays most certainly get me labeled a "racist" and a "women-hater" and banned in many forums. That's the kind of thing I'd very much like to avoid.

>> No.15053571

I dislike leftypol as well and all the people that seem to forget that at the end of the day they’re on 4chan. But at least Their presence tends to fill up most /pol/ threads with each side throwing shit at each other. Problem is though sometimes that spills onto genuinely good threads and the thread gets hijacked into some shitty political discussion. Plus it’s fun seeing how triggered each side gets despite both of them trying to act smug and superior

>> No.15053585

>umpire centrism
>"you're both as bad as each other!"
We 100% need better moderation. Even though those threads are pathetic, they have a point. There is almost 5 "why do women" bait threads a day, and they literally stay up all day. the same goes for the multiple guenon threads, its complete overkill and the mods do nothing to maintain it.

>> No.15053589

>I happen to think that Maya Angelou is a poet for people for whom poetry is primarily something to be read at inauguration ceremonies for American presidents
Kek based description of her work. But yeah that’s why I’m not really pro harsher moderation. It’s clear the current jannies/mods are kind of arbitrary in what they do and I’d rather avoid risking them extending the number of things they moderate

>> No.15053591


I greatly wish that were me.

>> No.15053594

Potentially, but it doesn't happen. You're kidding yourself if you think it does.

>> No.15053595

if you're mad at anon calling women out for doing shit then mayb eyou should stop doing that shit bitch

>> No.15053610

lord of the rings is under the reactionary right you lazy nigger

>> No.15053619

there are 150 threads on the board at a time lol, you can put up with like 5 or so that hurt your liberal feefees.

>> No.15053622

Women hating threads usually end up getting deleted, though; leftypol bait threads don't unless they really get out of hand. The moderators have a clear preference for /leftypol/ over /pol/.

But regardless of that, fuck you for insisting on more moderation. I've seen enough online spaces turn into reddit over time. I don't need the last bastion of internet free-for-all to fall to the reddit virus, too.

>> No.15053627

there are 150 threads on the board at a time and only 5 worth reading.

>> No.15053632

Yes I was making two separate points you absolute retard
>inclusion of lord of the rings at all
>that pathetic and highly lacking libertarian section
How new of retarded do you have to be to not be able to comprehend green text

>> No.15053635

>people like you are dishonest
Says the troll.

>> No.15053644

God no. You know that's like playing Russian roulette.

>> No.15053650

I saw a thread about paedophilia with absolutely no relation to literature at all the other day (not the Humbert Humbert one) . I haven't been here long so I don't know if it's changed, but I have mixed feelings about lit. It would be nice if the discussion was more focused on literature

>> No.15053651

post butthole

>> No.15053655

There are several instances that I saw that happen. There are two options:
a)You do not enter in threads that involves those topics. You simply ignore those threads.
b)You participate in those threads and you are just simply butthurt because you want this place to be a leftist circlejerk. You do not want people that disagree with your retarded ideology