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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 616x771, John_Zerzan,_2010_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15050709 No.15050709 [Reply] [Original]

>Language is a virus from outer space
-William S. Burroughs

Literally, what did he mean by this?

>> No.15050720

>i overthink
>language is bad because other people use it in a way i don't feel natural doing

>> No.15050776

Taking drugs is the easiest way to see through the game of life that is 'society'. Burroughs just went full blown smackhead crazy with this one though.

>> No.15051027

I think you can contrast it against late Wittgenstein's idea of language as a tool– thinking it about the other way around, language is something that uses us. There is a parasitical dimension to it, we don't speak in language, language speaks through us. Think about how certain phrases or colloquialisms spread from person to person– it isn't intentional, the kinds of language we pick up along the way, bits of phrases pass from person to person without realising it. We accumulate language via osmosis, and exchange it between each other unconsciously. I assume the idea of it coming from space suggests that it doesn't have a source (not one that we can determine, anyway– for all intents and purposes it fell out of the sky into our heads).

>> No.15051116


Unrelated to your thread but John Zerzan is a boring ass speaker

>> No.15051150


>> No.15051173

Nice analysis. Thank you for proving lit still has gems amidst the bullshit.

>> No.15051176

reminds me of r/sorceryofthespectacle

>> No.15051191

Great writer though, but he goes too far with his war against symbolic thought and ends up like a crappy version of Ted

>> No.15051193

also a pedo

>> No.15051206


>> No.15051221


>> No.15051236

Fuck tranny spammers

>> No.15051243


>> No.15051288

>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny: a basedboy's guide to moralfagging hypocritically on an atlantean basket-weaving forum

>> No.15051295


>> No.15051316

You got trannies living rent free in your head, boy

You need to find yourself a good old fashioned biological woman

>> No.15051336
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Yikes and cope plus doublehypercringe

>> No.15051354
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>> No.15051361

he cute

>> No.15051385

The reddit upvote system really fucks up your language

>> No.15051407

That's in every meaningful sense the »non tranny position» u illitterate dweeb.

>> No.15051431
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>> No.15051509


>> No.15051584

suck my cock faggot

>> No.15052060


>> No.15052069

dude dropped lsd with his bros and realized they could communicate non-verbally

>> No.15052108

What kind of a person do you have to be to scalp a picture of an unassuming, ordinary woman off the internet and use it to mock someone with? Sad. It's not even a good reaction image. Why do you even have it saved?

>> No.15052124

He hated lsd actually

>> No.15052161

I mean, this makes sense. I don't get the confusion caused by the Burroughs quote. We don't choose language, it is inculcated into us. Who invented language? No-one and everybody. It appears out of 'nowhere'. You parents don't teach you English, it leaps from them to you, just as it will leap from you to your children.

>> No.15052181

Indeed. This is used in some analytic circles as argument against solipsism

>> No.15052287

Doesn't it also have to do with language as a weapon, a means to control our thoughts?
"Changes... can only be effected by alterations in the original. The only thing not prerecorded in a prerecorded universe are the prerecordings themselves. The copies can only repeat themselves word for word. A virus is a copy. You can pretty it up, cut it up, scramble it - it will reassemble in the same form."

>> No.15052358

>language as a weapon, a means to control our thoughts?
It's certainly plausible. Bear in mind, viruses work by literally altering our genes. So there is a sense in which the language-as-virus infiltrates us, altering our internal processes, changing the very way we think.

What is really interesting is that viruses themselves are neither alive, nor dead– they are simply strings of code. Arguably the same undead/unliving status could be applied to language. After all, we speak the phrases of dead men all the time, when reading poetry perhaps, or even when using colloquial phrases. How much does shakespeare's language "control" our thoughts, when so much of thought cannot take place outside of the words and phrases we have inherited from him? Its certainly an interesting thought.

>> No.15052404

Everything wrong with continental philosophy .jpg

>> No.15052441

It's an explanation of what Burroughs likely meant by that quote, it has literally nothing to do with continental philosophy. What kind of explanation would satisfy you, I wonder?

>> No.15052454



>> No.15052489

Language is not a parasite, and we know what its origin is, your explanation is nonsensical and it sounds like something a continental philosopher would come up with.

>> No.15052520

I said it is "parasitical", and that was a direct reference to the Burroughs quote, which is a metaphor. I was unpacking the significance of that metaphor, not making any claims as to the way language actually is. You are fucking retarded.

>> No.15052528

and also– what is the origin of language? Because that is a question that very few people claim to know the answer to (myself included).

>> No.15052576

Please recommend me his best writings if I like Ted.

>> No.15052594

>I was unpacking the significance of the metaphor
>sometimes we pick up phrases unintentionally
There is no significance to the metaphor, it's just a trivial statement clothed with fancy language.
It's just an evolutionary adaptation what do you not understand about it

>> No.15052621

>it's just a trivial statement clothed with fancy language
So if there was genuinely no explanation for his quote that would satisfy you, if you're just going to be totally cynical about any kind of literary analysis taking place on a literature board (of all places), why the fuck are you posting in this thread when it should have zero interest to you?

>It's just an evolutionary adaptation
Oh, so you're a fucking idiot. Gotcha.

>> No.15052623

Language is only transmitted by close proximity with others exhibiting symptoms of language use
not sure how much more plainly he could phrase it

>> No.15052695


>> No.15052718

No it won't haha fuck language

>> No.15052730

So different languages are like alien races?
Which one is the nigger language?

>> No.15052806

>So if there was genuinely no explanation for his quote that would satisfy you, if you're just going to be totally cynical about any kind of literary analysis taking place on a literature board (of all places), why the fuck are you posting in this thread when it should have zero interest to you?
I am saying that if your intenterpretation is right the author is exposed as a pretentious dipshit, but going by the tone of your post you don't seem to share the sentiment.You seem to think there is some valuable insight to that stupid analogy.
>Oh, so you're a fucking idiot. Gotcha
Science denial too, very nice. Are you sure you don't read continental philosophy, you would fit right in.

>> No.15052900

>You seem to think there is some valuable insight to that stupid analogy.
You are literally the only person who has a problem with that analogy. Likely because you suffer from autism, and lack the imagination to think in terms of metaphor. Again, I ask you, why did you enter this thread just to be totally cynical when you knew exactly what the content was going to be?

>Science denial too, very nice
Christ on a bike. I'm not denying evolution, I'm saying you're utterly braindead for thinking "evolutionary adaption" is a valid answer to the question of the origin of the language that we speak, not the acquisition of language as a social tool. I am almost certain however that you are too stupid to understand the difference. Even Noam Chomsky and his retarded concept of universal grammar is at least coherent.

>> No.15052960
File: 837 KB, 905x717, virus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this OP

>> No.15053064

They look like they have some sort of snap chat filter applied to them.

>> No.15053081

Oh gee thanks so much Will, now I have brain AIDS. Bet that faggot gets off to spreading viruses like Foucault.

>> No.15053117

Fuck you I hate you fuck off
Based cool guy with good brain

>> No.15053123

Stopped reading at ‘trap’

>> No.15053133

Don't read Foucault. Read Dark Deleuze and Nick Land's stuff.

>> No.15053170

Already read FN and the CCRU, as well as bunch of Land's articles, Urbanomic books and JG Ballard. To be honest with you, If anyone is gonna have an immunity to brain AIDS at this point, its probably gonna be me.

Then again, I could also be a neolemurian time agent incubating in human form. Who knows what would happen if you said the right activation word to me...

>> No.15053184

traps aren't gay, nothing wrong about a girl with a feminine cock. post-op trannies are gay. Know the difference: it could save your life.

>> No.15054702

>guy that wants to reject language becomes an author

>> No.15054710

Also a pedo

>> No.15054724

He probably played Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

>> No.15054784

Burroughs is clearly talking about how tribal gathering early man only vocalized gruff sounds like an animal and communicated telepathically the way that animals do, until a reptilian extraterrestrial race enslaved humans and forced them to learn to communicate in speech so that their communications would be manifestly discernible, in this sense it was a disadvantageous transition in some ways and the fact that he metaphorically calls it a virus is probably due to the propulgation of language to take on attributes of other language the way a virulent strain of a disease would develop

Psychic geometry would be a far more useful module of communication for a life form than language at least in efficiency, and the confusions one abates when stringing dialogue together in a meaningful way is similar to the effects that a disease can have on mobility

>> No.15055248

somehow gayer than reading the works of a gay man, impressive

>> No.15055273

This thread is what I thought Metal Gear Solid V was going to be.
Instead, I have The Phantom Pain.

>> No.15055275
File: 188 KB, 634x432, 1568189201632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He beat me to it before I read the entire thread
here's the only reaction image on my laptop

>> No.15055314

Can't even get a book recommendation related to OP 10 hours later, just a load of meme posting and throwing around insults. This place is fucking trash.

>> No.15055528

This. Sorry anons. >>15051027 makes no sense to me.
>language uses us
>it speaks through us
>language is parasitical
>we accumulate it through 'osmosis'
>we exchange it unconsciously
>it doesn't have a source
Each of these statements is either completely false or just a bad explanation of what's really true. Either way I respectfully disagree.

This post has the same problem >>15052161
>Who invented language? No-one and everybody. It appears out of 'nowhere'.
This is like asking who invented legs or opposable thumbs. Sure,the answer should be no one, but why even ask that question? Obviously these things are adaptations brought on by billions of trials and errors over many years. Language is the same. It does not "choose" us or "use" us. It is an ability that our species acquired as it developed more and better ways to interact with its environment.

>> No.15055651

Each language is its own distinct human activity, yes.

>> No.15055673

That post is an explication of burrough’s metaphor, not a description of the reality of language as is. I don’t know how much clearer I can make this point. Why are people incapable of distinguishing between literary and philosophical analysis? Why does no one on a literature board have any imagination to flirt with ideas that may not be true to reality?

>another reference to evolutionary adaption
We are not talking about the origin of language acquisition (which is obviously evolutionary), we are talking about the way in which the ACTUAL language we use appears in our vocabulary. That is entirely open to speculation as there isn’t a concrete theory as to how the brain selects between different syntactical structures or phrases it hears, and then repurposes them for its own use. Why are some phrases so much more “viral” than others for example, why does their use spread so much faster than others? You cannot say that we have any agency in the matter, because the simple answer is that we don’t. Thus the idea of language speaking “through” is, proliferating itself across different cultures, mutating both itself and us in the process. See >>15052358. Are you able to authoritatively assert that the language you use has absolute no control over the way you think?

>> No.15055706

t. Analyticuck.

>> No.15055814

hey retard. don't participate in tranny spam threads and then maybe people won't call you a fucking retard

>> No.15055827

Elements of Refusal.
The retards talking about rejection of symbols have never read him

>> No.15055889

>actual on topic thread about Burroughs is “tranny spam”
The level of discourse on this board isn’t even mediocre at this point, it’s literally just been reduced to buzzwords and shitflinging. Your attitude to literature and discussion is miserable. How have not killed yourself yet when your posts have so little value?

>> No.15055904

you're just retarded. zero awareness of who spams the board and for what reasons.

>> No.15055926

I don’t give a shit. I like Burroughs, and if people got something out of my analysis, then that’s all I care about. Ironically the way you make out this thread to be some insidious infiltration intended to manipulate is actually a confirmation of the language-as-virus hypothesis. Trannycode accessing and bonding to the genetic script of standard 4chan discourse, altering it from the inside. So thanks for only further proving me right.

>> No.15055947

but you said you didn't believe that.
and cringe.

>> No.15055974

Holy shit you don’t know how to take a joke, do you? /lit/ is so riddled with autism that we deserve all the trannyspam we get. Hopefully it will encourage humourless retards like you to fuck off. Consider this my last reply, you’ve had far more than you deserve.

>> No.15055990
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>i was just pretending to be an autistic retard spamming this thread because of my high genetic humor replacement therapy
post one joke you made in this thread anon. at first you sperged out because people didn't take you seriously, and now you want them to see the humor in your sperging.
which is it anon?

>> No.15056301 [DELETED] 

There is no significance to the metaphor, it's just a trivial statement clothed with fancy language.
You are literally the only person who has a problem with that analogy. Likely because you suffer from autism, and lack the imagination to think in terms of metaphor.
You are so full of shit that you can't reply to the argument without strawmaning it. I understand your stupid metaphor perfectly well, the point is that calling language a virus because sometimes we pick up phrases unconsciously is pretentious verbal masturbation that makes no interesting point.
>and also– what is the origin of language? Because that is a question that very few people claim to know the answer to (myself included).
>Christ on a bike. I'm not denying evolution, I'm saying you're utterly braindead for thinking "evolutionary adaption" is a valid answer to the question of the origin of the language that we speak, not the acquisition of language as a social tool.
So after realizing that the idea that we don't know the origin of language cannot be defended, we back down to the position that we don't know exactly the mechanism by which language is learned. So language is a virus from outer space because sometimes we pick up phrases unconsciously and because we don't know exactly the mechanism by which we learn it. You just proved my point, it just two trivial statements clothed in fancy language to give the impression that some interesting point is made.

>> No.15056315

>There is no significance to the metaphor, it's just a trivial statement clothed with fancy language.
>You are literally the only person who has a problem with that analogy. Likely because you suffer from autism, and lack the imagination to think in terms of metaphor.
You are so full of shit that you can't reply to the argument without strawmaning it. I understand your stupid metaphor perfectly well, the point is that calling language a virus because sometimes we pick up phrases unconsciously is pretentious verbal masturbation that makes no interesting point.
>and also– what is the origin of language? Because that is a question that very few people claim to know the answer to (myself included).
>Christ on a bike. I'm not denying evolution, I'm saying you're utterly braindead for thinking "evolutionary adaption" is a valid answer to the question of the origin of the language that we speak, not the acquisition of language as a social tool.
So after realizing that the idea that we don't know the origin of language cannot be defended, we back down to the position that we don't know exactly the mechanism by which language is learned. So language is a virus from outer space because sometimes we pick up phrases unconsciously and because we don't know exactly the mechanism by which we learn it. You just proved my point, it just two trivial statements clothed in fancy language to give the impression that some interesting point is made.

>> No.15056318
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>Consider this my last reply

>> No.15056336

Corona is caused by hate speech.

>> No.15056407
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>outer space
Nice deflection. It's from the spaceless 'where', the platonic and spiritual realms.

>> No.15056448


I can't tell who is the bigger faggot.

>> No.15056488
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>> No.15056508

No human understands symbols, nor can they properly express themselves with them. Yet here they are.

>> No.15056553

This is precisely what I mean when I say you have no imagination. Literature isn’t about making “interesting points”, what a shallow and aesthetically stunted attitude towards it. It’s about imaginative exercise in the gaps where science or reality doesn’t have the answers. Yet You literally only care about point scoring and the truth-validity of art, it’s tediously mechanistic and closed-minded. Again, it’s obvious you haven’t read ah-pook is here, and it’s obvious you have no interest in Burroughs as a writer. I cannot imagine dedicating so much time to being cynically reductive about a writer I don’t like, rather than posting in threads about about writers I do like, posing my own examples of literary analysis and incentivising discussion. But you don’t want to do that, you want to cynically shut down conversation about literature, all because “noooo it’s not real life it’s all evolution you are stupid you can’t be creative with the truth!”. Modern society is full of cretins like you, and we are all the more miserable and disenchanted because of it.

>> No.15056602
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>> No.15057453

all of his essays are available for free online, just read them. you don't need to have shit spoonfed to you if you're willing to put a little bit of effort into looking for things, you absolute fucking faggot. I highly doubt you've actually read anything from Ted and you won't read anything from Zerzan either. Pluck out your eyes and cut off your fingers.

>> No.15057504
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>> No.15057520

jez approved.

>> No.15057650
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Language is a parasite.


>> No.15057701

Language will always be "alien" to us and it's bad for reasons he doesn't name

>> No.15058130

the only board where the schizos are hailed

>> No.15058904
File: 62 KB, 1080x749, 21BF4059-E7A1-4389-8A07-763230284B94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ludwig Klages' The Spirit as Enemy of the Soul if you want more info as to why this is bad

>> No.15059202

>the only board where the schizos are hailed
literally >>>/x/

>> No.15059490

Current 93

>> No.15059502

Hell yeah brother !!!!

>> No.15059620

I interviewed him once and I asked him maybe 3 questions and he just rambled for about an hour. Pretty entertaining though honestly.

>> No.15059844

Can we think of idioms as memes? Are buzzwords and cliches effectively just memes?

>> No.15060030

A metaphor doesn't necessarily have to make an interesting point, but even if you see it from a purely aesthetic point of view it has to at least be lively or picturesque, and to point to an interesting analogy. Calling language a virus from outer space because uhmmm sometimes we pick up phrases unconsciously and who knows exactly from where language comes from anyway is neither interesting philosophically nor it has any aesthetic merit in terms of the imagery it evokes. It is not even a good analogy. I don't understand why anyone would want to defend it, it's just pretentious flowery language of the lowest aesthetic caliber.

>> No.15060388

Based and truthpilled, language is where humanity went downhill

>> No.15060393

Based as fuck.

>> No.15060518

Just read one of Burrough’s texts if you actually want a holistic picture that isn’t one line of text, ffs. You are refusing to even acknowledge that there is a wider context to what is being said. In fact, all you have actually done is added an “ummm” at the start of your crude imitation of my post in order to ridicule it, and then said “I don’t think it’s interesting, it isn’t a good analogy”. That is literally the limit of your critique. You aren’t even capable of explaining what is bad about it, you just posture from a position of miserable, unreflective cynicism. I genuinely feel sorry for you.

>> No.15060534

>calling something language a mind virus pretentious flowery language

>> No.15060726

>communicated telepathically
Yeah he was pretty obsessed with telepathy and trying to use images instead of language when trying to think

>> No.15061150

Is that the radio host of that anarchist radio show where Adam Lanza spoke once about some insane chimp and how that chimp's predicament mirrors his own?

>> No.15061760
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Zerzan is such a loser.

>> No.15062401
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>ITT: nameless assholes with a case of the Yacks